Crown of Silence

Chapter 95 New Legend

Chapter 96 New Legend

As if seeing a mortal enemy that would not stop fighting, the gray-white cat instantly exploded its hair, let out a sharp cry, and rushed towards the mouse.

The mouse began to run away. Fleeing wildly in the not-so-spacious piano room.

The big gray cat attacks the mouse crazily. Not to be outdone, the yellow mouse kept throwing broken things to the back.

Cats and mice sometimes chase each other, sometimes they fight each other, and sometimes they beat each other. But I don't know why, they themselves were not harmed at all. On the contrary, wherever it passes, everything that is fragile suffers disaster from the fish pond.

The water glass was broken, the wooden board was scratched, the wallpaper was covered with footprints, the carpet was covered with scratches, the picture frame hanging on the wall crashed to the ground, and even one of the legs of the piano was broken in their desperate fight. .

A cat and a mouse pass by like a strong wind, destroying everything in their path, turning the overture into a complete farce.

As the performance ends, Tom and Jerry slowly disappear.

The interior was completely devastated.

Xia Er's expression was calm, and Ye Qingxuan had completely fallen into a sluggish state. Abraham looked helpless, shook his head and left, as if he couldn't bear to see it anymore.

"Did you see that?"

Ciel took his hands off the keys: "No matter what music I play to summon the faction, it will look like this. The Emperor's Waltz, the Fourth Fantasy Impromptu... there is no exception."

But it’s good to get used to it. After getting used to it, the cat and mouse still feel quite friendly. I gave them nicknames "Tom" and "Jerry". How about it? Cute, right? "

Ye Qingxuan touched his forehead to make sure he was not hallucinating. He felt a little ridiculous: "Why not try the music score of the Changing Faction?"

Ciel shrugged: "The instrument will blow up."

"Where's the mind image faction?"

"I would get into a drunken state and then run around naked...haven't you seen it before?"

"Okay." Ye Qingxuan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: "Illusion faction music score?"

"Everyone who hears it will have hallucinations and see a strong man wearing a black windbreaker, dark skin, and sunglasses standing in front of him, with his hands spread out, and there are a red pill and a green pill respectively..."

"...Apocalypse Faction?"

"Those who hear it will sense scenes from the past and discover that humans are transformed from monkeys."


Ye Qingxuan couldn't bear to ask anymore. He was filled with blood and tears, and told the painful history that no one believed him.

Looking at his expression, Charles knew that he understood his misery. He hugged his shoulders helplessly and his eyes turned red:

"Over the years, I have suffered no matter what I have learned or practiced. No matter what instrument is in my hands, it will explode quickly... But despite this, senior brother, I still passed the tenth level of the Holy City's musical instrument assessment. Junior Brother, you You have to work hard too.”

Ye Qingxuan was startled when he heard this. The tenth-level musical instrument assessment in the Holy City is not a hell-level examination known for its high difficulty and precise control of ether?

"What level ten did you take?"


Charles looked up to the sky and sighed, his eyes filled with blood and tears: "The triangle is level 10, and this is the only one that cannot be blown up."

"...Brother, I don't know why I want to cry so much."

Ye Qingxuan suddenly had the urge to hug and cry with Charles.

To be fair, if he encountered such a strange situation, he would probably collapse. I didn't expect Ciel's reason to be so strong and his desire to survive to be so tenacious.

Over the years, he has gone from a brilliant and unsmiling genius to an old bitch and a disgrace to the academy, but he is still able to live tirelessly and happily.

"Ahem, just forget about crying."

Charles patted his shoulder: "It's almost done here anyway. Let's go to bed tonight. According to my inference, you probably won't be able to practice that etude in a short time."

Ye Qingxuan sighed, understanding what he meant.

Unlike individual notes, when notes are grouped together in measures, the connections and changes between them become particularly close.

The relationship between notes makes up ‘intervals’, intervals make up measures, and two and four measures make up ‘sections’.

It can be said that with each level of improvement, the precision operation of ether required doubles.

For Ye Qingxuan, this was a painful process like sailing on a raging sea, a galloping wild horse. He was completely dragged along by the reaction of the ether and lost his own rhythm.

Even if you follow the teacher's interpretation to find the best combination, it will take a long time of practice and hard work.

After so many days, Ye Qingxuan barely mastered the use of the first section, and he often made mistakes.

Not to mention being as light as Ciel, he can play any piece of music as smoothly as flowing water. Just to ensure 100% success and formal practice, it will take three or four months of practice.

Until now, he was particularly envious of Xia Er and Bai Xi's talents.

Although Bai Xi is not as perverted as Ciel and doesn't like studying, the occasional class is as relaxing as an outing. Sometimes I doze off during class, but I can learn by reading the book before get out of class.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan felt depressed: "Forget it, at worst, I will make a fortune one day, buy a lot of rune stones, and increase my proficiency."

In response to this, Charles just chuckled, "Junior brother, you are born well, and I didn't expect you to be beautiful."

"Tch, maybe one day I'll be walking on the road and a lot of rune stones will fall at my feet!"

"Tsk! This chance is smaller than the possibility of me waking up lying on King Arthur's treasure..."

"Forget it, I won't tell you anymore."

Ye Qingxuan rolled his eyes and prepared to go to bed. When he was about to go out, he turned around and said, "By the way, senior brother, do you know where there is a marble seller in the city?"

"Buying marbles? What for?"

"The thank you gift I promised to give to others."

"Oh, then I'll take you there tomorrow afternoon. I happen to have run out of wine."

Charles yawned and sighed in a low voice, "The quality of my sleep has been getting worse and worse recently. I keep having nightmares. Could it be that some senior sister stabbed my penis again?"




In the afternoon of the next day, Ye Qingxuan carefully brought the map of Avalon and told Bai Xi that if he disappeared, he must bring Lao Fei to retrieve him from the sewer somewhere. Then, after repeatedly making up his mind, he finally Went out with Ciel!

"Senior brother, are you trustworthy?" Ye Qingxuan took a step forward and looked around, fearing that Charles would lead him astray to someplace again.

"Don't worry, I've been walking this road for five or six years. I can find it even if I close my eyes!" Charles walked in front with full confidence, but Ye Qingxuan did not dare to take it lightly.

After seeing this guy's ability to get lost, he really couldn't rest assured!

Have you ever seen someone take a junior to the cafeteria to eat, and then inexplicably turn into the detention room of the Avalon Police Department far away? !

Ye Qingxuan burst into tears just by explaining to the police that he got lost and got here. In the end, it was Bai Xi who took him back with the certificate issued by the college.

But that guy Charles came out of the college's public female dormitory smelling like makeup. He was almost discovered, and then he was thrown to the entrance of the college, hung up and beaten!

"It doesn't matter. If you get lost, you still have Lao Fei." He patted Ye Qingxuan's shoulder and suddenly seemed to remember something: "By the way, have you seen Lao Fei in the past two days?"

"No, it might have gone running around again. What's wrong?"

"...Nothing." Ciel's expression suddenly became extremely complicated: "Did you know that after the recent disappearance of the Ghost Mother, new members have been added to the top ten legends of Avalon?"

Ye Qingxuan suddenly had a bad premonition: "No way?"

"Yes, the new legend is an elusive dog."

Ciel looked sad: "Children in Avalon now know not to walk alone, otherwise a vicious dog will always jump out of nowhere, frighten them until they can't take care of themselves, and rob them by the way. All valuable things...

Two days ago, when the delegation from Yunlou City left, at the grand banquet held by the royal family, while the Minister of State was speaking, a big dog suddenly jumped out with a chicken leg in its mouth, and then bit it in front of everyone. On the eldest prince's lap, the eldest prince was so frightened that he wet his pants.

And 'pretend to be cool and run away', before anyone could react, it ran away in a flash. It is said that the contemptuous look in his eyes before leaving caused serious psychological trauma to many people, and even now the eldest prince is still hiding in the sheepfold and refuses to come out..."

"This is a conspiracy! A despicable conspiracy to destroy the diplomatic relations between the two countries!" Charles imitated the angry tone of the Minister of State and shook his head helplessly: "Now the whole Avalon is in turmoil, and everyone is catching dogs. You'd better let me Be more careful and don't commit crimes against the wind..."

Looking at Charles' complicated eyes full of compassion and pathos, Ye Qingxuan's expression twitched and he no longer knew what to say.

During the conversation, they had already walked out of the school gate. But for some reason, as soon as they went out, they saw a disturbance in the crowd on the road.

Immediately afterwards, several homing pigeons flapped their wings and flew into the sky, flying out of sight.

I vaguely saw someone turn around and run away, not knowing what they were doing.

"What's going on?" Ye Qingxuan looked at their backs in confusion.

"Who knows." Charles shrugged: "Maybe it's just for fun?"

"The people in Avalon are so laid-back."

"Yeah, it's really leisurely."



Ten minutes later, downtown, tavern.

Amidst the sounds of singing and dancing, smoke and mist swirled around.

Tianzhu dancers decorated with gold rings and silver beads danced to the music of single harp and clay pots and drums, singing and reciting the poems of the gods, swaying gracefully.

In the audience, a bearded man smoking a hookah was lying on the couch, squinting his eyes to enjoy the secret medicine in the hookah, and humming along with the music.

Amidst the sounds of singing and dancing, a rickety man wearing a turban carefully opened the door and came in. He bent down and climbed up the steps, lying in front of the couch with a respectful expression:

"Shah Rukh sahib, Shah Rukh sahib..."

"Huh?" Shah Rukh opened his narrowed eyes. Seeing his appearance, he sat up straight and put down his hookah: "Is there any news?"

"That Oriental kid has appeared." The rickety man whispered: "They went out and came to the lower city. They seem to be looking for something."

"You read that right?"

"That's right!" The subordinate nodded decisively.

"Very good." Shah Rukh stroked the ivory dagger at his waist, "What's the news about the others?"

"According to your instructions, the carrier pigeons were stopped by Master Pusupo's Sanskrit chant. The hidden stakes were all resolved."

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in the eyes of the rickety man: "No one escaped. Before they discovered that their hidden stake was missing, only we knew the whereabouts of that kid."

He paused and made a cutting gesture: "Should we take this opportunity to kill that kid..."

"Don't worry, this is the blessing of the auspicious heaven, and the advantage is on our side. We have spent so much effort, how can it be enough to only get one kid?"

Shah Rukh licked his lips, as if hungry: "Let our people be ready! After setting up the ambush, use that kid to lure them over one by one...

This time, let’s play something big! "



It will go on sale at 12 o'clock in the morning tonight. Please remember to help us place an initial order. Later, there will be a post-launch acceptance speech full of bad words from the author~

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