Crown of Silence

Chapter 92 Archives

Chapter 93 Archives

Jianlan Underground Palace, in the Great Library.

Most of the time has passed, but Ye Qingxuan still found nothing in front of the bookshelf. In other words, no clues were found!

On the bookshelf, he looked through almost every record and archive related to the Royal Academy of Music. Those heavy files were almost piled high around him.

"Royal Conservatory of Music Teacher File Summary", curriculum arrangements for each department of the Royal Conservatory of Music, school anniversary records over the years, a collection of school announcements, lists of teachers from each department, group photos at annual large-scale celebrations, and interviews with the college from various newspapers , every year there is a large book of salary allowances for teachers...

Including the usage status of classrooms and dormitories as well as a list of all courses over the years...

In one morning and half an afternoon, Ye Qingxuan was all set! department! turn! over! Got it!

Now he has a more comprehensive understanding of the four branches and sixteen departments of the college.

However, it was of no use.

I couldn't find anything I wanted to find, and I accidentally missed everything I shouldn't have found. In order to find some clues, he even pinched his nose and read through the autobiography of dead fat Sidney!

As a result, in the end, he gained nothing but a bag full of the fat man's love affairs when he was young (mostly made up).

Yue Yin, Ye Lanzhou, Ye Qingxuan's father...

It's like it never existed at all.

He disappeared from the records of this world and everyone's memory... without a trace.

If Ye Qingxuan hadn't still remembered him, he would have been completely forgotten, right?


After flipping through the last book, Ye Qingxuan was completely in despair. Lying on the pile of books, falling into a gray state.

There is no sign of an Oriental in any of the school records! Not to mention an Oriental who has served as vice principal...

Is Hermes lying to himself?

But although this guy has a bad personality, he never seems to like lying.

So what's going on? Did someone erase all the records?

“I can’t even keep the list of lecturers on the course schedule!”

Ye Qingxuan punched the ground angrily and raised his middle finger to the sky: "Do you want to end it all and wipe out the sign-in record?"

There was silence, and of course no one responded.

But Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

He suddenly jumped up from the ground, as if he finally realized it: "Yes, the sign-in record... In addition to the students' roll call, there will also be a teacher's signature record in every public class period! Otherwise, there will be no way to count the performance allowance!"

And the best part, this almost waste paper is also part of the lecture notes and will be collected regularly in the big library!

"Sign-in book! Sign-in book!"

Ye Qingxuan muttered like crazy, searching on the bookshelves one by one.

But after a long time, he found nothing - he couldn't find the sign-in book.

Over the past hundreds of years, the Royal Academy of Music has offered at least 100,000 courses. If the sign-in book for each class had to be kept, even ten warehouses would not be enough to hold it.

How could it appear here? Besides, even if it appeared, I couldn't find it in the vast sea of ​​information, right?

He sighed in frustration and couldn't help but want to bang his head on the bookshelf, but when he saw the darkness surging in the distance, his eyes lit up.

I don’t know it, but... they know it!

Now that we know where the college's archives are, those 'little things' that Dominic calls being kept in the library will definitely know everything about this place.

"Hey! Is anyone there?"

Ye Qingxuan looked around and raised his hand: "Does anyone know where the sign-in book for the Royal Conservatory of Music course nineteen years ago is?"


There was darkness and silence, as if a group of indifferent people were looking at him without any response.

"Do me a favor! I know you're listening!"

Ye Qingxuan's expression was still full of enthusiasm: "Don't be like this, how about we discuss it?"

Dark silence.

"Hey, if I can help you with anything, I will definitely help you!"

Ye Qingxuan raised his voice: "Think about it! Friends, I am still the chief student after all... Can you guys discuss it today? People should help each other! There is an old saying in the East, everyone For me, for everyone. How about you show me the way?"

A long time, a long time, and a long time.


Ye Qingxuan heard a thin voice coming from behind, like a little girl.

"Huh?" Ye Qingxuan turned around in surprise, but there was nothing behind him.

As if he had never spoken before, the voice sounded again.

In the darkness, a vague hand made of dust stretched out. It held a round and smooth bone bead on its three fingers and waved it in front of Ye Qingxuan:

"——Marbles, I want them."

Ye Qingxuan was overjoyed: "Okay, okay! I will definitely find a lot of marbles for you after I go out! But the bone ones are a bit hard to find. Can glass ones work? What color do you like? Red? White? Or green?" "

The darkness surged, and tiny sounds sounded, like some kind of communication between beasts. After a long time, Chen Chen's palm raised two fingers:

"A hundred of each."

Ye Qingxuan didn't bother complaining that they didn't know how to count, and nodded quickly: "Okay! It's settled!"

The tiny screams in the darkness sounded again, and finally, the hand of dust slowly raised and pointed at Ye Qingxuan: "You promise?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, raised his palm and high-fived it: "I promise."

There was no sound during the high-five. Of course, the palm where the dust gathered collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

Then, bang!

Ye Qingxuan's floor suddenly cracked and collapsed, leaving a big hole.

Only a startled scream was heard, and the young man who was standing here disappeared without a trace.



After a moment of screaming, Ye Qingxuan fell into darkness.

Soon, with a bang, he fell onto a pile of things, causing a cloud of dust to fill the air, choking him and almost making him unable to breathe.

Light from nowhere illuminated the dark underground.

Ye Qingxuan struggled to get up from the pile of books, looked around in shock, and found that he seemed to have arrived at a garbage dump.

In the huge underground square, there are piles of texts piled up. Those dilapidated records had been left here for many years, and no one cared about them. In the silence, a big hole suddenly appeared in the corner of the wall.

A large pile of messy notebooks were dumped down like garbage and fell to the ground. Invisible power emerged from the dust, and the palms made of dust quickly closed the ground to sort out the fallen notebooks. Before they fell to the ground, they had been neatly arranged and piled into cubes.

As if viewed from a high altitude, these useless waste papers and records were deliberately put together by some force, like building blocks in the hands of an urchin. They piled up to look like castles, towers, walls, bunkers and squares...

And Ye Qingxuan fell into the "pool" in the center of the "castle", splashing up a lot of flying dust and white paper.

Amidst the countless dust flying, a small figure emerged from the dust. He looked down at Ye Qingxuan and threw a thick notebook into his arms.

Then, it disappeared without a trace.

There was a vague and ethereal voice in the air:

"Remember the marbles."

"Thanks! Definitely!"

Ye Qingxuan waved to the darkness, climbed out of the swimming pool impatiently, and opened the thick book as if he had found a treasure.

On his wrist, the small bell vibrated and sounded a reminder.

——Today is coming to an end, and he doesn’t have much time.

He didn't care, so he took the time to flip through the book: "Appreciation of Eastern Music Theory, Appreciation of Eastern Music Theory, Appreciation of Eastern Music Theory..."

Until the end, the clattering pages suddenly stopped, and there was silence.

In silence, Ye Qingxuan quietly stared at the row of blank forms and the lonely name in the upper left corner. His expression changed from sadness to joy.

The flying dust in the sky fell silently, stained his white hair, and fell into the corners of his eyes. Perhaps because he was lost in concentration, tears suddenly flowed out in this vague stinging pain.

They slid down the cheeks and landed on the registration book, gradually moistening the ink stains and making the name of the ink-stroke smudged out.

"found it."

Ye Qingxuan held the roll call book tightly and whispered softly, "Father, I found you."

Five years later, he finally proved that that person did not leave mysteriously, but had once lived in this world and left some faint traces.

Even if it was just that, it was enough to fill him with gratitude and make him burst into tears.


On the register, water stains are still smudged.

In the water stains, the name written in thick ink has been blurred into a ball.

But in the smudge of tears, they seemed to wake up and take on life, growing rapidly on the page, turning into jumping notes one after another.

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head in shock and saw the ink marks gradually appearing on it.

Those were the handwritings written by someone who was full of ink, penmanlike, half drunk and half ridiculed.

[After chatting with the old ghost yesterday, I occasionally gained some insights into Western music theory, so I composed a piece of music. Stay here until fate comes. 】

The line of flying notes was almost covered with the entire paper, dancing like a dragon and snake, and reflected in the young man's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the entire paper emitted a quiet light like the bright moon.

The light flows out of the page like a spring. Countless notes brewed in the light, condensed and formed, and flowed into Ye Qingxuan's seven orifices along with the winding moonlight.

In an instant, a hallucinatory melody sounded from the brain, occupying the heart and soul!


In an instant, high-pitched music sounded.

Ye Qingxuan was pulled into a hazy hallucination and couldn't help but be immersed in the sudden music.

It was the sound of a piano interpreting a score, but the melody was not melodious, nor did it have anything like classical music, but was full of sharp and manic atmosphere!

Like a child playing the piano, full of spontaneity and madness. The sound of the piano carries the sharp aura of broken iron pieces, friction of copper plates, and broken glass.

A large number of tritones appear alternately, bringing the impact of turbulent souls - this extremely unstable interval is hated and abandoned by orthodox musicians because it is loved by evil gods. But now it is quoted a lot in Melody Li, and the connection is seamless!

The melody was like the roar of Shura and the wailing of evil spirits, which made people feel depressed, painful and sad. In the end, the whole world seemed to turn dark in an instant, without any brilliance.

Ye Qingxuan's body twitched and he hugged his head in pain.

Because in the dizziness of the world spinning, it seemed that a brush dipped in thick ink was writing on his brain, with strong force and deep penetration, deeply engraving the notes and melody into his mind.

It also made him remember the name of the score.

——"Black Friday"



Late at night, when the boy had already left, a ghost-like figure emerged from the corner of the library.

They sorted out the messy books left on the ground by Ye Qingxuan when he was looking up the information earlier, and put them back to their original places one by one, carefully and carefully.

As they sorted, the books on the ground returned to the bookshelf one by one.

At the end, when they picked up the "College Teacher File" to sort it out, a resume file that the teenager had ignored floated out of the page and fell to the ground.

On the file sent by the military, there were several lines of dense handwriting. At the top was a portrait of an old man, his expression was dull and confused, and his white hair was a little curly.

[Abraham Wilson]

Forbidden Musician, Resonance Level.

Recipient of the Royal Rose Medal (later stripped), Imperial Honorary Citizen (later stripped). Former Commander of the Dragoon Corps.

Due to major mistakes and crimes committed during the mission, the court has sentenced him to "life imprisonment". He was pardoned by Her Majesty the Queen with the guarantee of Earl Maxwell. He is now allowed to work in the Royal Academy of Music and serve as a teacher in the Department of Music History Research of the Royal Academy of Music.

No marriage record.

Relatives: Adopted son-Charles.


Note: This person is extremely dangerous, repeat, this person is extremely dangerous!

Do not let him touch any swords or crossbows, and he is strictly prohibited from holding any iron objects.

Do not make any offensive or threatening actions to him, so as not to cause him to overreact! Anyone who comes into contact with him should be strictly recorded.

Any attempt to remove his prosthesis should be stopped in time. If this person has any overreaction, he should be immediately locked up in the confinement room. At the same time, at least three musicians should apply an ether seal to him.

Do not let him leave the Royal Academy of Music within a radius of three kilometers. If this person has any tendency to escape from prison, he should be shot on the spot.

Do not ask any questions about his position and mission in the army. And, do not mention any topic about "Gaius" in front of him.

If the school fails to follow this warning and causes any losses, the military will not be responsible.

That's it!

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