Crown of Silence

Chapter 818 Observation

Chapter 815 Observation

The destruction of the Holy City, fifteen days later.

In the communication filled with noise interference, a distant voice sounded.

"This is B1, applying for observation outside the warehouse."

"The agency agrees to leave the warehouse, pay attention to the pollution index, be careful of the outer erosion-the tidal movement has been observed to slow down, and there will be a period of calm in about three minutes. You have thirty minutes to conduct physical observation. B2 is in the cabin, ready to provide assistance and rescue at any time."

"B1 received."

"B2 received."

In the narrow cabin of the iron shell, Adams, the musician numbered B2, raised his hand and pulled the trigger of the outer air pressure chamber, turned around, climbed up from the chair, and assisted his colleagues behind him to put on heavy protective clothing.

First, the inner armor made of lapis lazuli was woven, then covered with a thick layer of ether fluid, and then the outer iron shell was inserted into the groove, and finally, the helmet that looked like a goldfish eye bubble was put on Edwin's head.

It looked like a few onions piled together, with arms and legs growing out, bloated and funny.

Completely enclosed, isolating the inside and outside, the heavy equipment that can withstand the high temperature of hell and hundreds of degrees below zero, and even survive in the vacuum of the universe, is now covering the body of the silent musician.

"How is it moving?"

"I can barely move, but if I want to escape, I'm afraid I can't move my legs, I can only roll." Edwin sighed: "Also, can't you really smoke in here? Can't the masters above be merciful?"

"This outfit shouldn't mind you secretly eating meat, but where do you plan to throw the ashes and cigarette butts?"

"You asked a good question."

Edwin shrugged, finally buckled his belt, turned around with difficulty in the narrow cabin, and climbed into the pressure balance chamber. It was like an onion monster getting into a coffin, in silence, no one spoke.

This is the closest place to the outside.

What has the outside world become now?

Is it flowing with the fire of destruction, or covering the poisonous fog of death?

In the absolute dark zone, no matter what happens, it is not strange, and in the absolute hatred, no matter what is brewing, it is not worth being surprised.

Now, as a musician who has signed a contract with the Silent Agency, he can only jump into the kingdom of death and go through fire and water at the command.

For humanity... probably.

In the crisp sound of the second hand ticking, Edwin closed his eyes and took a deep breath until the countdown came to an abrupt end.

"B1, Edwin Buzz Aldrin, prepare to leave the warehouse, please authorize the control tower."

"Authorize to leave the warehouse."

The revelation musician on the other end of the communication chanted a short scripture, "Friend, I wish you a safe journey."

"Come on, if you really love me, at least let me smoke one more cigarette before I die."

Edwin shook his head, wearing a huge helmet, and turned the wheel-shaped handle under his feet with great effort. In the harsh sound of metal friction, the last hub that blocked the outside world and the cabin quietly opened.

He took two deep breaths, but did not dare to push open the door.

"Adam, say something, give me some courage."

Adam rolled his eyes: "Fuck you, can you get out quickly? I'm a little scared too."

"Haha, okay."

Edwin laughed awkwardly, closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, pushed open the door, and then rolled out of the tilted pressure chamber.

Falling to the ground with a plop.

Through the heavy isolation suit, a dull sound could be heard, dust rose from the ground and fell on the mask, which seemed to contain metal debris, like stars when it took off.

"B1 has been released from the warehouse."

Edwin got up from the ground, mustered up the courage to look up, and fell into a long silence.

"B1, are you still there? Talk back, repeat, talk back."

Until Adams urged him again and again, Edwin took a deep breath, shook his head vigorously, and shook off the trance in his mind: "What time is it now? Late at night?"

"No, it's noon." Adams heard his reply and breathed a sigh of relief: "What's the situation outside? My ether ball here observes all messy light spots, and nothing can be seen clearly."

"I... don't know what I saw. This is fucking... wrong... you know? It's not right..."

Edwin stammered in response: "Where are we? What the hell did the silent agency send us to? ? Shit! What on earth is this...what on earth is this!!! "

"Calm down! B1, calm down!"

After a long period of chaos, Edwin fell silent, and just sat down on the ground helplessly, "Where did you hide the cigarettes? Seriously, I want to smoke a cigarette..."

"Don't take off the hood! It's completely above the black zone outside. Even if you just breathe, the ether will blow up your lungs!" Adams raised his voice: "What the hell did you see?"

"I don't know, friend, I don't know."

Edwin raised his head and knocked hard on his hood, as if he was repairing an old machine and reawakening his brain that had been in a state of stagnation.

After a long time, Adams heard his sad voice.

" no longer a human world."


In the seemingly eternal silence, Edwin raised his head and stared at the dark sky.

The eternal blue sky was torn apart, like tearing off a piece of waste paper, revealing the infinite original darkness of the universe.

There was no blue sky, no white clouds, only darkness.

Countless stars shine indifferently in the sky, and right in the center, the distant and huge sun spews out fierce light, but it does not bring any warmth, nor can it dispel even a little bit of darkness.

After losing the atmosphere, the whole world has become an uninhabitable magic land.

In the desolate world, there is only gray-white dust, and the dead leaves of plants and trees are mixed in it. A slight pinch will break it, and then set off a chain reaction, collapsing in all directions, and no breath of living things can be seen.

There is only the cold earth and the dark sky.

And... the light stream running through the sky and the earth.

Like a pillar laying the foundation for a new world.

The light that penetrates the sky and the earth rises from afar, extends to the sky, and sprinkles the glory of blessing.

After the barrier between the material world and the etheric world was completely destroyed, the torrent leaked from the etheric sea has completely submerged this world, occupied all the air, and brought unpredictable changes.

There is no sound here, because any sound, the moment it is made, has been swallowed up by the thick and sticky ether that occupies the entire world.

Only light.

The light is like a pillar, standing on the ground.

In all directions, countless thorn-like light bands extend from the dry earth, crawling on the earth, wrapping the earth, and wriggling like living things.

In the end, they entangled with each other and gathered into dozens of thick beams, entangled on the light column in the center.

It was as if they were going to prop up the throne of God.

All the values ​​in the world were used up, the glory of God was held high, and this cold and cruel heaven was created.

It is so magnificent that even the absolute dark zone cannot hide its traces.

In the observation of the outside world, every dozens of minutes, a tide of destruction and purification will be set off, splashing a hot sea of ​​light in all directions.

Like a heartbeat.

With each beat, the realm of death spreads a little. In just half a month, it has expanded dozens of times, and it is getting faster and faster... I am afraid that it will not be long before the whole world will be covered by it.

"Command tower, this is B1."

Edwin reported in a trembling voice: "I have entered the Caucasus and arrived at the periphery of 'Eden'. This place is... completely hopeless."

"Calm down, B1, according to the mission process, collect information on the periphery of Eden. Remember, do not make any provocative moves against 'Eden', and do not approach. You just need to observe from the periphery."

"I know it even if you don't say it."

Edwin shook his head numbly, crawling on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the land in the distance. There was a thick thorn of light not far from him, or even close at hand.

Compared with the thorn, he and the huge landing chamber behind him, which was like a house, were like dust falling next to the thorn, insignificant.

He did not dare to approach.

With this thing, it was obvious where all the living people in the Caucasus had gone.

However, when he looked up and looked into the distance again, there was a moment of trance.

In the still world, something moved in the distance.

Just when he thought it was an illusion, the tiny dust seemed to move forward a little bit...

"Wait! There is something there!"

Edwin stared at the barren plain in the distance, watching the shadow moving slowly on the ground.

In this world where the ether has lost control, the observation movement has been scrapped, and only mechanical engineering seems to have not betrayed humans in time.

But when the telescope inside magnified the shadow, Edwin couldn't help screaming: "There are still living people! My God, there are still people alive! Control tower, we found survivors!"

Regardless of the command tower waiting for orders, Edwin violated the rules, jumped off the cliff, and strode towards the plain, rolling and crawling, stumbling.

It was not until a long time later that the long distance was finally crossed and he saw the withered old man.

It was as if he had lost his soul.

He was crawling on the ground in a daze, his hands and feet had been worn by sharp edges, his hair was mottled, and he was so skinny that he looked like he was about to die. But he was still alive, and his body was so healthy that he seemed to have been given eternal life.

Death was taken away.

"Wrong, wrong... wrong... totally wrong... what is wrong? Tell me, what is wrong... what is wrong..."

He was mumbling something in a disordered manner, as if he had witnessed a nightmare appearing in reality, talking to himself frantically, as if there were no one around, and Edwin who was close at hand could not be seen.

"B1, this is B2, don't approach that thing, don't approach... anything that can survive in such a ghost place is no longer a human being!" Adams' voice sounded in the communication, noisy and harsh: "Get away quickly! Leave him!"

"This... this is..."

Edwin stared at the crazy man in front of him in a daze, looking at his face, looking for traces in the record, for a long time, he could no longer hold back the fear that surged in his heart.

"Control tower, this is B1, I have confirmed the identity of the survivor."

"He is... Gaius..."

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