Crown of Silence

Chapter 816 Trial (Part 3)

Chapter 813 Trial (III)

At that moment, Albert looked back in astonishment.

On the rain-covered street, he listened sluggishly to the loud noise coming from afar. The sky was torn apart, and the hot wind stirred the rain, splashing on him.

His face was pale.

He saw the white waterfall break free from gravity and rise towards the sky.

It was an ocean evaporating in a temperature comparable to that of the scorching sun. The heavy and hot boiling water vapor rode in the burning wind, stacked on top of each other, like a tower, extending layer by layer towards the sky.

In the end, it broke from the middle and collapsed towards the holy city.

The water vapor dissipated in the hurricane and rainstorm.

And then, a little orange light emerged on the towering city wall. The dark color first turned orange, and then turned to red.

The red spread in the rainstorm, the iron walls were burned red, and the hot molten steel burst out in the rainstorm.

The red iron stream flowed down from the wall and ran on the earth, like tears under the ravage.

In the end, there was a thunderous tearing roar.

The iron wall, which was dozens of feet thick, was penetrated. Under the bombardment of endless music, all the barriers and obstacles were torn apart like thin paper.

The red iron wall fell apart and collapsed to the earth.

The terrifying heat flow gushed out from the gap, like a sharp blade, piercing into the heart of the holy city.

Along the Prophet Avenue, the torrent moved forward, spread over the Holy Square, and rushed on the street, cruelly evaporating everything involved, leaving behind the spreading flames.

The sound of collapse was endless.

In the terrifying hurricane, the fanatical temperature spread, almost singed Albert's hair.

In the distance, the Zhongcheng Zhu Sacrifice Area was set on fire, wailing in the fire.

A shrill tangent line extended straight forward, followed by the red-hot iron oars, fighting with the rainstorm, quickly evaporating water vapor, drying and condensing, and emitting a pungent stench.

The melted lapis lazuli dotted the hot black surface, like the lines of ore, crookedly showing a twisted smile to the sky.

Then it was crushed by a foot.

Ye Qingxuan crossed the gap, stood on the ground of the Holy City, and looked up at the city in the fire.

Wailing came from afar.

As he admired this grand destruction, he took off his gloves and threw them on the ground. His heavy coat fluttered in the burning wind, rustling.

"Isn't this good?"

He bathed in the warm wind and squinted his eyes: "At least it's warmer."

Behind him, a huge shadow slowly rose, and the Nomadic Mountain towered above the sky, casting a hideous outline on the burning city.

The endless bombardment continued.

On the sea surface along the coast, the royal fleet formed by Long Wei still spewed poisonous fire into the sky. Stars rose one after another, crossed the city wall after a long arc, and fell into the city, setting off a roar.

After the fierce battle, the bloodless armored knights fell from the sky and gathered behind him.

In the end, a wheelchair stood beside him, and the man in the wheelchair looked up at him:



Ye Qingxuan nodded calmly and stared at the tower in the distance: "Aren't there so many enemies that haven't been defeated?"

"What about ordinary residents?"

"If it doesn't matter, they can go wherever they want."

"What about those who resist?"

"Don't ask such stupid questions."

Watson smiled, knocked on the armrest of the wheelchair and narrowed his eyes: "Then, what about those who surrendered?"

Ye Qingxuan didn't say anything, just glanced at him.

This is the answer.

Watson waved his hand with satisfaction and issued the final order:


Then, the fleet in the distance blew the horn.

In the sky, steel creations fell like a rainstorm, smashed on the ground, wedged into the steel, and stood in the flames.

A forest of stakes stood above the holy city.

Hundreds of years later, the cruel light returned with the Inquisition, covering the city and burning everything... to ashes! -

In the Central Resurrection Cathedral, the soul-destroying Albert pushed open the door and stumbled in.

Staring at the back, panting tiredly.

In the silent hall, there was only an old man praying with his head bowed.

"Is it worth it, Holy See?"

Albert's voice was hoarse.

The Red King lowered his eyes, his expression was still calm: "What's the pity of taking a monster away with something that is destined to lose its value?"

The fall of the Order was doomed at the moment of defeat, and it could not be changed. No one would allow the huge organization that once dominated the entire world to be resurrected again.

What awaits the cult is only cruel division, merciless liquidation and unreserved suppression, until all its remaining value is squeezed out, and it is swept into the dust of history, becoming a thin page in the history book.

There is nothing wrong with this.

At least for the last Red King, there is nothing wrong with it.

There is life and death, and the destruction of the cult was doomed on the day the cult was founded, it is nothing more than sooner or later.

Even gods cannot live forever, let alone the obsession left over from thousands of years ago?

The old era is destined to pass.

If you can complete the final mission with this dying body, then it can be considered a worthy death after all.

If we can no longer protect the world, then at least we must eliminate the hidden dangers in the future.

——For the great future of mankind.

So, the cult that believed in God killed the God who came to this world.

Then, with their remaining value, they laid the final trap.

As Hermes predicted, the old gods will die.

The three pillars, the three wise men, the four living creatures, the eight phenomena...

All the natural disasters have dissipated.

——And when the "God's Natural Disaster·Xial" was destroyed, only the "Human Natural Disaster·Ye Qingxuan" remained.

This is the deepest fear facing all countries now.

If he chooses to ascend the throne of God, who can stop him?

When the value of all things is decided by Ye Qingxuan's words, if this excessive power gets out of control, how dark will the future of mankind be?

Is it that after everyone has gone to great lengths to destroy a god, it is to welcome a new god to dominate everything?

Then, there is only one result left.

Destroy him.

Just like destroying Charles.

This is the tacit judgment of all countries.

It is no big deal for the Holy City to be buried with it. If we can complete our mission, it is no pity to drag this corrupt and bloated church to pieces.

As long as we can destroy all the monsters in the world.

As long as we usher in a new era.

Amid the burning and wailing, the bells of the Central Cathedral rang.

The trial of the Son of God is about to begin, and the last person to be judged is about to enter.

"Let's go, Albert."

The Red King stood up and turned to walk towards the venue: "This is the last battle."

But Albert still stood there.


I don't know if it's because of fear or... anger!

"This is not a battle at all, Holy See!"

He gritted his teeth, used all his strength, and made a hoarse voice: "This is just a despicable murder."

The Red King stopped and looked back, his eyes calm and calm.

"Isn't a real battle always like this? There is no grandeur or glory, or even tragedy, it's just pure fighting.

Because we have to do the right thing, and do it again and again.

Even if we become fragmented and buried in the wilderness in the future..."

"The right thing?"

Albert laughed weakly, "Is that what you want? Well, I quit. At least I can choose not to be right anymore."

The Red King retracted his gaze and did not try to stop him, but turned and left.

He walked towards a dead end on his own.

Only Albert, who was desperate, stood there, looking at his back, and roared with all his might: "Until he died! Wagner believed that you could save the world again! How could you let him down!"

"No, I won't."

This was the final answer.

The Red King pushed open the door and walked into the hall of judgment.

The door closed.


The sound of fighting echoed in the burning city.

The iron stream formed by the armored knights rushed on the ground, dispersed, and rushed in all directions. Wherever they passed, they destroyed all buildings, killed all rebels, set all surrenderers on fire, and crushed everything they saw into pieces.

Wearing blood-red robes, the witch hammers held up the same holy emblem, carrying fire and judgment, and gave destruction and judgment to all heretics.

Purge all sins.

Purify all filth.

Destroy all heretics.

Even if the enemy is a cult, it is worth it.

And the last team of witch hammers gathered around Ye Qingxuanshen, following the purification musicians who were given master-level authority, and went straight to the central sanctuary.

Break through all defenses and resistance.

Step forward in blood and fire.

Until finally, they arrived at the sacred square of destiny.

The stone engraved with the movement of destiny had been broken and collapsed in the fire, turning into meaningless debris and ruins.

At the end of the square, the Templars guarding the Pope's Palace drew their swords.

Amid the roar of the whale, reinforcements finally arrived from outside the Holy City.

Like falling stars, the knights made of lapis lazuli fell in front of Ye Qingxuan, drew their power halberds, and aimed at his face.

Seventy-one Gospel armors hung high in the air, with blazing halos on their heads, holding heavy guns and giant shields, forming a faint array.

"Quick battle, don't waste time."

Ye Qingxuan waved his hand wearily, looking at the towering palace in the Pope's Palace: "I still have a trial to attend, don't let me be late."

So, the Witch Hammers drew their swords, stepped forward, and launched an attack on the Templars.

The two sharpest swords forged by the Holy City finally collided with each other, sparks and roars burst out-the war finally reached its climax.

The colors of blood-red and sapphire blended together and collided with each other, creating a roar of metal and iron, spreading pure power and destruction.

And in the chaos, in the center of the Templars, the knight wearing a crown finally drew his sword.

Cut forward!

Like a dragon's roar.

In the roar that cut the air, the blade blessed with the Day of God's Wrath was cut off, and the armor and the knight in it were cut into two pieces neatly.

The terrifying power erupted instantly, forming a hurricane, whistling forward, lifting Ye Qingxuan's hair.

It stung his eyes.

The crown knight stepped forward, stepping on the blood.

It was just an ordinary armor, but in his hands it exerted a power that surpassed the Gospel Armor. No matter what enemy was in front of him, he was cut into two pieces with a sword.

Until the end, he broke through the defense of the Witch Hammer, faced the fire and thunder wielded by the purification musicians, and stood in front of Ye Qingxuan.

Tens of meters away, Ye Qingxuan could see the remaining cracks on his helmet.

The armor that had been worn for many years still retained its former merits and glory. Now covered with blood, it was as ferocious as a demon, choosing people to devour.

Ye Qingxuan looked at him for a long time, and made a hoarse voice:

"Father, long time no see."

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