Crown of Silence

Chapter 813 Funeral (Part 3)

Chapter 810 Funeral (Part 3)

The moonlight seemed to freeze everything.

There was only the sound of twitching gasps.

Soon, the silence was broken.

The purple-eyed griffin stared at its prey, and a recurve blade slipped from its cuffs and landed in the hand that was once filled with fingerprints of chalk dust.

Hold tight.

The blade clanged and screamed.

It was like the fierce cry of a griffin before hunting.

He stepped forward towards Charles, slowly and firmly, as if he wanted to step into the soil carefully and seriously with every step, leaving no gap.

The same killing, after repeating it thousands of times, was only as skillful as flowing water, without any cumbersome steps, cold and solemn.

That was death.

Death was slowly approaching.

But Charles was still stiff in the same place, staring at him blankly, watching the familiar shadow walking towards him.

His expression was twitching, like crying and laughing.

I don’t know if it should be fear or ecstasy.

It was as if I had returned to my childhood, sitting outside the door every evening, waiting for my only family member to come back from the end of the road.

Sometimes he brought gifts, sometimes nothing.

But just seeing that shadow would make me cheer.

As long as he waved to me from afar, I couldn't help but... shed tears.

"Teacher, are you back?"

The child staggered forward, stretched out his hand, and wanted to hug him.


The sound of steel rubbing against each other burst out.

It was as if time suddenly jumped forward a frame, and the most critical frame was cut off, making things seem scattered and broken.

A blade that had escaped from my hand hovered in the air.

Right in front of Charles.

The sharp blade that was enough to penetrate gold and stone solidified in the air, and was driven by an invisible force. The fragmented notes lit up from the matrix on the blade, but dimmed in front of that eye.

At that moment, in Charles' arms, the silent crystal eye glowed with a miraculous power, erasing the attack that was enough to kill him.

Then, it fell into silence again.

The blade fell to the ground, and the steel and broken ice collided, making a harsh sound.

Then, the smile broke.

Fear and joy mixed in the texture, and in the end, only a void that could hardly be called an expression remained.

A faint mist rose from under the mask of the purple-eyed griffin.

Like a sigh.

"I wanted to be faster, Charles."

The old voice sounded from under the mask, so familiar, like the hand holding the knife, calm and cruel: "At least, it won't make you too painful."

Charles lowered his head and looked at the blade that fell at his feet. There were still strands of thought lines on the blade, and the murderous intent that was pure enough to interfere with matter leaked from the broken thought lines.

A strong smell of blood blew in the wind.

This is the final understanding.

Is that so?

Ah, so that's it.

"Teacher, are you here to kill me too?"

He nodded suddenly, looking at the hideous beast face, trying to see the face behind it clearly.

The first thing he felt was not fear, but an indescribable absurdity, followed by an irrepressible sense of humor, like the best absurd drama.

Those seemingly eternal bubbles were shattered so comically.

He woke up from a warm dream, stared at the cruel world in front of him, and whispered softly: "Even you... don't want me to live?"

The purple-eyed griffin was silent.

No words.

He just raised his hands, as if in the manic sound of steel rubbing, two sharp iron lights condensed from his hands, and mottled iron rust rose from the blade like scales, with a deep murderous intent.

Abraham moved forward.

Pressing forward step by step.

This was the final answer, cutting off all luck and fantasy, and taking away Charles' last strength and courage.

The phantom pain that seemed to be real ravaged his internal organs and destroyed his lungs, making him bend down in embarrassment, almost falling to the ground, and he could no longer hold back his tears and sobs.

"If that's the case... why did you pick me up in the first place?"

Charles watched him walk towards him with a knife, but he didn't want to run away anymore: "Why waste so many years on me? Wouldn't it be better if I just died like that?

No need to rack your brains to raise a dead child, no need to lie to him that there is hope for the future, and no need to let him have expectations of others.

Since my life is not good for this world, then don't let me live in this world..."

He knelt on the ground, begging, choking, crying, and finally, hysterically wailing: "Please tell me, teacher - why did you save me in the first place!!!"

Like a beggar, he begged Abraham for an answer.

Even one sentence, a hypocritical excuse of "I can't help myself", can make him willingly embrace death and end this long torture.

Use liberation.

But from beginning to end, no one answered him, only silence and attack without mercy,

Speak, teacher, please -

Please, don't kill me.

It doesn't matter who comes...

As long as it's not you.

As long as it's not you...

No one responded.

Only the iron light fell, colliding with the invisible barrier, bursting into a sharp sound.

Even when he lost all his will to resist, that eyeball still stubbornly protected his life, the temperature was blazing, like iron was burned red in the state of overload.

The barrier unfolded layer by layer, violently rebounding, trying to block the griffin's claws.

The iron light shattered in an instant, but reappeared in an instant, ignoring the terrifying recoil as if it were nothing, and instead became more condensed.

——Ether qualitative change!

So, the wailing sound of steel burst out again.

The griffin was ferocious.

The deep purple pupils glowed with cold light.

The iron light slashed forward, penetrated through each section, tore through the sixteen layers of barriers, and erupted with overwhelming force. Finally, the iron light tore through Charles' face, breaking the empty eye sockets and leaving a tragic gap.

Blood gushed out.

The once handsome face was torn apart, red flowed, became painful and ferocious, and the wailing was cut off in the severe pain. The remaining single eye was raised, and the look in the eyes could not tell whether it was despair or resentment, but just a blank.

Like an abyss.

The bones multiplied in the severe pain. The sound was like a stone growing, piercing out from the broken flesh and blood, filling the gap in the eye socket. Under the blood, the flesh and blood regenerated, and in the end, only a touch of bright silver was left, like the condensation of iron slurry.

That was the residual iron light entangled in the wound.

That was the tears of iron.

Charles raised his hand, causing the iron light in Abraham's hand to stagnate in mid-air.

The iron light formed by the ether cluster was essentially the countless thoughts formed by "Bolero". After being infused with murderous intent and subjected to nature interference, it formed an invisible blade.

Countless "small destructions" overlapped to form a "huge destruction".

Enough to hurt natural disasters and torture all things.

Originally, only a small scratch was needed, and countless tiny thoughts would impose thousands of times of nature interference, causing the human body to completely evaporate. But now, even if the power of the gods is lost, the immortality comparable to that of the gods still remains in Charles.

Mortals cannot kill Him.

They can only wake Him up from the illusion of being a human being and open His eyes.

In His hand, the crystal-carved eye quietly shattered and dissipated into dust, replaced by the glow in the empty eye socket.

It was like the flame of God.

It was a sad rage.

In the high temperature that was enough to evaporate everything, the burning wind burst out from the void and swept in all directions, melting the ice and snow, evaporating the water, and drying up the earth.

Under the gaze of that eye, the sky and the earth turned into a furnace.

In the fire, the son of God whispered softly.

"Why you, teacher?"

"Do you still like to say such weak words, Charles?"

The griffin raised his head, and the iron wings in his hands seemed to be ignited. The hoarse voice finally sounded: "Isn't your determination clear?"


Charles laughed at himself and stared at the teacher in front of him, his adoptive father, his enemy.

He cut off the last bit of fantasy.

He said, "Teacher, I want to... kill you."

"Very good."

Abraham nodded approvingly: "Come on, Charles!"

"This is your graduation ceremony."


Iron light rushed.

That was a torrent of mercury.

The terrifying power comparable to the silver tide appeared again, not the terrifying tsunami that destroyed the world, but the shrill iron light gathered in his hands.

It was as if the burning light flow was surging under Abraham's skin, igniting him, turning him into a non-human, truly becoming a purple-eyed griffin, and once again becoming the natural disaster musician who destroyed everything.

Even if the enemy in front of him is his child.

Engraved on his chest at this moment is an unprecedentedly huge matrix.

Engraved in the format of the Silver Tide, unified by the interpretation method, the relic implanted by the cult in imitation of the principle of the etheric network was awakened.

Heavy ion radiation generator.

It was a precious relic from before the Dark Ages, a unique killing weapon in the world, built purely for killing and destruction, a monster born to completely destroy the enemy without leaving a single ashes in the world. .

At the moment of activation, the burning iron light in his hands surged, soared into the sky, gathered into a narrow beam, and was sealed in an invisible force field.

Obviously killing is so ugly and despicable, but the light at this moment is so brilliant that it cannot be looked at directly!

It is the ether accelerated to the speed of light, carrying the remaining ion torrent after the matter is crushed to the limit. Not only limited to the shallow material world, it even broke free of its original limitations under the support of the ether, rushing from the higher dimensions and destroying all the music theories here.

This is the only weapon that can threaten the Holy Cauldron. In front of it, whether it is the Three Pillars or the Three Sages, they are all fragile like bubbles.

The first generation of the Red King took the sealed weapons from the arsenal to prevent humans from destroying themselves in the fight, and now it has reappeared in the world.

The weapon that can kill God is held by the person who can kill God.

——In order to completely destroy the descending gods!

Charles closed his eyes.

Behind him, the phantom of Eden reappeared, and countless elements emerged and gathered from the kingdom of heaven. With the opening of the eyes, countless music flashed from the phantom. Whether it was the music secretly inherited by the three kings or the music theory that had been cut off from the inheritance, it seemed to rise from the etheric world with his thoughts at this moment, and then quickly dissipated.

In the end, only one was left.

That was the melody inherited from the Yellow King, a movement that no one except Ye Qingxuan could master, and it came from the core music theory of the Requiem.

"The Day of God's Wrath"!

The crystal sword filled with pure killing intent multiplied from Charles's hand. When he held it in his hand, it was as if the glory of the world gathered here.

But the blade was no longer clear and transparent, but turned into pitch black.

The abyss was hidden in it.

The terrifying power that even the authority of the Yellow King could not match was here.

The terrifying waves formed instantly swept the whole world, and even the far-away Holy City was enough to observe the terrifying flames like the explosion of stars.

The blades collided.

The aftermath tore the sky apart.

The string of gravity was broken, and the earth without gravity collapsed into cracks. Countless sand and stones broke away from the swinging plates, rose into the sky, danced in the wailing melody, burned, and finally turned into a rain of fire and fell to the earth.

It was as if the end of the judgment described in the scriptures had come.

The result... Charles was suppressed.

He was completely suppressed by the person who knew him best.

The weapon of killing gods did not disappoint its unsealers. At the moment of collision, countless cracks appeared on the pitch-black blade of wrath, but it did not fall apart as expected.

It was not the ether that supported its existence, but the pitch-black despair and burning madness.

The iron beam was turbulent, and the frenzied flames wrapped around it burst all the time, turning into high temperatures, burning Charles' face and half of his body.

But in the burning, the tragic body was quickly reborn, and a sacred glow flowed on the jagged bones.

He is unkillable.

Unless all tissues are completely evaporated from the inside out in an instant, otherwise, everything that cannot kill Him will make Him stronger.

At that moment, in the flames, the burning face was raised, and the voice was hoarse:

"——Teacher, you are old."


Abraham retreated violently, a bloodstain appeared on his chest, and the rolled flesh was like a sad and screaming lip, opening from the broken sternum, vomiting hot blood, twitching, and gasping for breath in the scorching air.

It was another sword.

From Charles's open left hand, the crisp sound of prism growth unfolded, and a dark and slender shadow grew from it, slowly expanding, and in a flash, it extended from the length of the dagger to an exaggerated scale.

If the color just now was pitch black, then at this moment no color could remain from the empty outline, like a crack leading to the abyss.

The phenomenon that made all observers shudder finally happened.

Different from the previous movement, at this moment, Charles was able to create matter and distort reality with just his own thoughts.

Just giving resentment and pain was enough to create this artifact that surpassed the gate of heaven.

No, it was more than that.

Just this was not enough to encompass the anger and pain contained in the soul.

This is just a tiny beginning...

Just above the earth, countless crystal clusters extend from tiny cracks, sprouting like sadness, growing like pain, multiplying like the abyss, and expanding like despair...

That is the ocean.

A crazy ocean.

In countless deep rainbow lights, dark crystals cover the earth, distorting the reality of this land, easily reaching the level that the Hundred Eyes dreamed of in the past, and making the abyss descend on the earth.

It's just that it is a purer alien world than the abyss, and the wrath of God is crazier than human malice.

Blood scabs turned into crystal clusters, pain condensed into rainbow light, and despair surged and turned into air.

That scar-like posture is as if the world is traumatized!

The malice and pain from the Great Source pour out like a waterfall.

Just a thought is enough to make everything fall into hell.

At this moment in hell, the iron stream was swaying, and the two slender streams of light tore apart all the crystal clusters that proliferated. After destroying the earth, even hell was destroyed.

Weapons created with human malice cannot bring salvation to all things.

But at least they can bring eternal nothingness.

Before destroying yourself, completely destroy the enemy.

"Old? It's still a long time, Charles!"

Under the broken griffin mask, Abraham's hoarse panting came, accompanied by his palm brushing across his chest, and the sound of steel wedging into bones came. The iron light closed the open flesh and blood, and sewed it in series like a nail, and in the end, it was complete again.

Then, the griffin's burning wings spread out again.

The surging iron stream tore everything apart.

Turned into a meteor.


Cut all the brilliance, destroyed all the power, and buried all the matter.

Return everything to nothingness!

Only in this way of fighting can the value of the purple-eyed griffin be reflected, and only in this situation can the preciousness of Abraham be highlighted.

The executioner who had been selected from countless people with the power of all countries, the monster entangled with countless sins and blood, finally found his own stage.

Even when facing gods, he can press forward step by step!

In the frenzied glow, the griffin's face showed a crazy grin.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Half of his body was covered in blood, and countless wounds were broken, but it was immediately pierced by iron, riveted, and stitched, and the sea of ​​despair was also cut open, torn, and cruelly cut into two.

It made Charles' expression distorted.

Completely crazy!

"——Do you really want to kill me? Teacher!!!"

Amidst the roar, countless crystal trees soared from the earth, thrusting spears of resentment into the sky. Despair grew, spreading crazily, turning into countless dark cracks, closing towards the purple-eyed griffon. go.

proliferation! proliferation! Proliferate again!

But amid the roar, the closed trees were shattered and chopped apart by the rushing iron light!

The iron light is blazing!

Abraham, who was pierced by countless spears, rushed out of it. Half of his body was shattered, one arm was lost, and his broken internal organs were exposed, but his footsteps still did not stop.

Three steps!

On the incomplete griffon mask, the remaining purple eyes burst out with scarlet blood.

Three steps later, kill the gods!

The short distance was spanned.

The iron light was held upside down, raised high, aimed at Ciel's face, and stabbed down!

At that moment, Ciel roared, but his words could not be heard clearly.

At this time, any words are meaningless.

Only endless resentment and anger spurted out from the emaciated body, and the face was twitching and ferocious, as if he had been reduced from a god to a devil.

The resentment and pain in his hands shook violently, and the dark divine power swept over and flowed, and the darkness of the world gathered here, without any hesitation.

Stab forward!

Towards what he once respected, what he longed for, what he cherished, what he thought was important, what he thought made him risk everything...the enemy!

That's it, end everything!

So, hate and iron collided together.

The fierce light engulfed everything.

The aftermath of the destruction spread across thousands of miles in an instant, and the suffocating pressure could be felt even as far away as the Holy City. The City of Steel screamed in the hurricane.

Countless bells rang.

Announce the beginning of the funeral.


The fire that burned the earth was extinguished, and the dust obscured the moonlight.

When all the light dissipated, Ciel stood on the riddled earth, lowering his head stiffly and looking at the man in front of him.

He hugs himself.

Let the sword of pain and anger pierce you, and brutally annihilate yourself from the inside out.

At the last moment, just enough to kill the god, the iron light dissipated.

He stopped.

Facing his own child, he spreads his wings like a dying gryphon.

This is a belated hug.

Embrace your own children and your own mortality.

"It's good to see you, Ciel."

He murmured softly, "It's so good..."

Under the incomplete mask, Charles finally saw that familiar face, so calm, as if he was relieved.


Ciel turned back blankly, feeling confused and...fearful.

The moment he finally understood.

The moment he finally understood.

The moment he finally realized what he had done.

"Sorry to disappoint you, the Holy City... does not have... an amusement park..."

The old man leaned tiredly on the child's arms and whispered as if in sleep: "I'm sorry, there... there is no... place for you to go... I'm sorry, Charles, I'm sorry..."

Just like in the past, he smiled embarrassedly.

Charles, please forgive me.

"What on earth...what on earth is this, teacher!!!"

It was a helpless cry of despair.

Ciel was trembling, obviously like a god, but he couldn't support the insignificant weight of an old man.

Easily overcome by fear, it's hard to breathe.

For so many years, he had been proud of his intelligence and talent. But now, he discovered how...stupid he really was!


Isn't this a simple matter, Ciel?

Just think about it and you'll understand.

Isn't this your only weakness?

Even if you are a god, as long as you hold an old man hostage, you can bow your head like a dog.

Aren't you willing to do anything for him?

Everyone knows how weak and... pitiful you are!

As long as he asks, you are willing to run around for his wishes.

Even if you let him kill you, you will only kneel on the ground, crying and asking him to cut off your head.

It's so easy, Charles, it's so easy.

As long as you grasp this weakness, you can get whatever you want.

As long as this is the long as this is the case...

You will never be free!

"Run away, Ciel!"

The old man hugged his child and used all his strength to whisper hoarsely: "Run away far away, to a place where they can't find..."

"Don't come back again," he said. "Don't trust anyone else!"

Just like that, he pushed him away hard and far away.

Because I have finished saying goodbye.

There are no tears left to shed.

Ciel was pushed away, staggered back, and watched blankly as the old man fell to the ground, cracks appearing on his broken body, and gradually falling apart.

Until his empty mind finally understood what happened.

He wanted to pounce, fell down again, and got up again.

Like a dog, it uses both hands and feet.


Screaming and yelling words that she couldn't even understand, she picked him up from the ground, only to break him even more. She was helpless and cried out desperately, trying to piece him back together, but her fingertips could grasp him. There is only dust.

Until he saw his hands, until he felt he had power.

"Teacher, don't die, I can save you! I have the strength, teacher, I can save anyone... Don't die, don't die!"

Like an abandoned child, he choked and begged, cut his hand, put it to Abraham's lips, and squeezed out blood.

The blood fell into the dry lips.

But the miracle did not happen.

The brokenness continued.

He was going to die, Charles.

This is the cruelest mockery of fate.

God's salvation cannot resist God's destruction. Everything is doomed and it's too late.

In the trance of death, Abraham seemed to feel the warmth of that pair of hands.

So, a warm smile appeared on his wooden face. He wanted to hug him, but he had no strength and could only lean on his chest.

Just listening to his heartbeat, he felt so relieved.

"Charles... Will you have any more terrible dreams?"

"No, teacher."

Someone answered himself, and the voice was so familiar.

"Will a person still be afraid?"

"No, teacher."

Someone trembled and cried, holding back sobs.

"Will you still... cry like a child?"

"No, teacher."

That promise was so firm, but why did water droplets fall on his face? Is he lying again? Is that the child like that? He would lie to himself that it was raining, always like this, making people unable to let go...

But he could finally see the child's appearance clearly.

So handsome, so gentle, so lovable.

"You have grown up, Charles."

Abraham whispered with relief, "That's great..."

This was the last sound before his vocal cords broke.

There are still many things he wants to say, and many things he promised to do, and he still wants to hug the children, and he still wants to live, and he wants to find a world that he can understand, and he wants to attend a wedding, and he wants to hold a child's hand and hand her to another child...

He wants them to be happy.

But now, he feels that he has nothing else to ask for.

Isn't it enough, Abraham?

Is it enough?

Hasn't the once empty heart been filled?

Hasn't the meaning of life that I once longed for been found?

For an executioner like you, dying with your child by your side, isn't it a miraculous redemption?

Ah, that's enough.

It's enough...

Just like when I first saw him many years ago.

Abraham smiled, raised his broken hands, and said goodbye to the crying child.

Crossed his fingers together, closed, separated, and finally overlapped.

Before breaking, tell him...

Charles, I am very happy.

This is the end of Abraham.

Just like that, he disappeared in Charles' arms.

Disappeared in the wind.

Charles lowered his head, looked at his empty hands, tried to hold them tightly, but couldn't catch the last trace he left.

Futile efforts, repeated over and over again.

In the end, nothing could be retained.

His father was dead.

At that moment, he recalled Gaius' words in a trance.

"Charles, death has weight." The cruel voice whispered in his ear: "One day you will understand."

Yes, one day, Charles.

It's now.

He covered his face, wanted to scream, tried to cry, but he tried his best, but he couldn't make a sound.


This was the last desperate cry.

Paying tribute to the collapse of the world, letting the non-existent river of blood drown himself, watching the earth covered with tragic flesh and blood, deformed monsters growing embryos from the soil, and all things rotting in wailing, revealing their ugly nature to him.

This already incurable.

So, it doesn't matter who it is.

Charles knelt on the ground, wailing silently.

It doesn't matter who it is.


Kill me.


At that moment, the cruel god finally listened to his prayer.

The glory that burns the world, descending from the sky!


In the distant holy city, the Holy Resurrection Cathedral.

At the moment of Abraham's death, the old man in red clothes looked away in disappointment.

When the plan that placed all his hopes on failed, he closed his eyes, opened the piano cover in front of him, and pressed the four starting notes with all his strength.

Calling for the arrival of "Destiny".

The magnificent movement slowly unfolded in the performance of ten fingers, but such a magnificent melody did not echo any ether, but turned into pure sound and echoed.

It just awakened the wreckage buried in the deepest part of the earth. In the cold fluorescent light that lit up in the eyes of the Red King, countless characters and fragments of text flashed, and in the end, only a line of fleeting simple characters was left.

[Verification completed]

At that moment, above the sky of thousands of feet, in the sky above the sky, in the night after the night, at the highest point that humans today can hardly reach, among the countless steel fragments floating on the track, a huge thing spread its wings.

The 'god' forged with steel awakened from a long sleep, shook off the armor on his body that was full of holes in the collision, slowly opened up, and spread out his sixteen black 'wings', aiming at the earth from afar.

That was the last creation released by the North American immigrant ship before it was destroyed.

The final blow to any war, after fully charging, is enough to penetrate the stars and destroy the steel satellite of the entire world.


The ultimate weapon of self-destruction for mankind.

Even if it waits for hundreds of years, the remaining energy is less than 5%, which is enough to completely change the continental plates, tyrannically fill the ocean, recreate a new land, and destroy everything... If you are not careful, the consequences will cause mankind to be involved in a new extinction.

It is also enough to completely destroy the gods!

"God, please send me to hell and give me eternal punishment."

The last Red King closed his eyes, prayed softly, and struck the last note.

At that moment, tens of millions of people on the earth were sleeping in their dreams, and no one could hear the silent crying. Tens of millions of people tossed and turned, but it was difficult to detect the despair of one person. Anglo's golden retriever looked into the distance. The war in Asgard was still going on, the lights in Burgundy were always on, and the Great Wall of Zhendan reversed from the inside out, erupting an unprecedented ether torrent that swept the whole world.

Some people fell into a deep sleep in anger and unwillingness, while others got what they wanted and took revenge on their enemies. Some people were waiting for the woman who would save them fifteen years later, and some people were looking forward to the salvation of mankind.

Others knelt on the ground and prayed for death.

With the overload frequency of self-destruction, the ultimate weapon of mankind released the light of death.

So, fate came!

It brought rain of fire, earthquakes, wailing, and death.

The earth was shaking, evaporating everything, and the light spread nothingness and disaster, burning the earth, burning the earth within hundreds of miles, and causing lava to flow.

A terrible depression appeared on the earth.

The sky of the Caucasus was burned red by the flames that rose to the sky. Countless people woke up, knelt on the ground, worshiped this terrible destruction, and prayed for a tiny peace.

Fortunately, the destruction ended quickly, just as it came suddenly.


In the long darkness, he could not see anything.

He could not feel his body, and the pain and sorrow seemed to be far away, in the destruction.

Is this probably death?

Is the punishment for himself about to begin?

A moment of peace rose in his heart, but soon, he vaguely heard a voice.

"... It's still alive, it's terrible."

"Don't be afraid, it's already useless, and there is still a weak recovery ability, but the nerve tissue can no longer regenerate. Even if it comes back to life, it will be a vegetable."

"Do you want to kill it?"

"No, it's still useful." Someone said: "At least, it can be used to destroy another person."

The voice disappeared, and he fell into an endless dream.

Everything is not over yet.

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