Crown of Silence

Chapter 810 Error

Chapter 807 Error

At that moment, the interface to the black box was opened from the central core. With this bridge to the Great Source, someone was able to walk out of the cage.

Appeared in the Great Source that countless musicians dreamed of.

That figure was still lonely.

As if waiting for thousands of years.

But Dong Wanggong was stunned.

Unexpectedly, when He saw, no, when He observed that person appearing here, he showed unprecedented anger and mania.

Furious roar.

"You dare to appear in front of me!"

"——Ye Xuan!!!"

Ye Xuan seemed to have heard nothing, just silent, staring at the surroundings in a trance for a long time, and sighed softly.

"Planetary-level chaos computing model? Those guys chose this path after all..."

As he said, he turned his head.

After flicking the ash, Ye Xuan looked at his 'old friend' and couldn't help laughing: "Long time no see, Dong Wanggong, how are you doing?"

He answered with a roar that was already full of anger and almost burning.

A terrifying impact burst out.

Almost unwise, totally disregarding, incomprehensible... Dong Wanggong no longer insisted on the method of slow erosion, but attacked the seal imposed by Bai Xi without any regard for any consequences and losses.

To break out of the cage of heaven and earth!

"It seems that you are not doing well, just like me."

Ye Xuan sighed knowingly: "After all, we are old friends, no, we should be old colleagues, right? It's really embarrassing that the meeting is so unpleasant.

Let's skip the boring courtesy, let's end it all quickly"

As he said, he raised his head and stared at the sky.

"I order in the name of the committee-to format the 'Dong Wanggong'!"

At that moment, something huge was activated.

Countless stars lit up from behind the deep sky, separated by layers of halos, and with the magnificent will running in the central core, they cast flickering starlight.

The sound of collapse sounded.

As the stars flickered, the power supporting Dong Wanggong was leaving quickly.

The terrifying computing power and various permissions brought by the central core were deprived one by one by invisible hands.

It was like tearing off limbs and internal organs from Dong Wanggong, cold and brutal.

Under Ye Xuan's will.

In this way, all the permissions of Dong Wanggong in the system were cruelly taken away one by one, leaving none behind. At the same time, all coordination ports under Taiqing Heavy Industry were physically cut off from the outside.

Finally, Dong Wanggong was forcibly cleared.

Not to mention "a piece of tile", not even a line of data was allowed to be left!

"Don't even think about it!!!"

At that moment, countless pop-up windows flashed out from Dong Wanggong's turbulent figure like a rainstorm.

Red! Red! Red! Red!

In a scarlet pop-up window, all the feedback was negative.

Even facing Ye Xuan, who took over the supreme authority and became the captain, Dong Wanggong still showed a deep obsession that was almost miraculous, or... nightmare-like.

All the mandatory orders from the central core were forcibly rejected by it!

He refused to accept orders from Ye Xuan.

Refuse to "die".

Or, refuse to die in Ye Xuan's hands!

In an instant, it was forcibly shut down countless times and restarted countless times, refusing the irresistible removal and resisting formatting again and again in vain.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of vetoes converged into a sea of ​​red.

The chaos and turmoil in the central core even spread to the projection of the Great Source. Countless collapsed data and dead loops formed one closed surface after another.

It seemed that countless huge worlds were born and destroyed in an instant.

The giant's body fell apart, and the essence of the natural disaster was slowly collapsing.

But from under the inhuman shell, what was revealed was... the texture of a human.

When that face emerged from the endless darkness, everyone held their breath, involuntarily.

It was a handsome face that was perfect to the point of having almost no flaws. Unlike the feminine nature of Hermes, it was masculine and uncompromising, but it did not make people feel violent or fearful.

Because those eyes were filled with compassion and mercy.

It was as if after seeing through everything, he was worried about all the sufferings in the world.

Thinking about ways to save everything.

Having mercy on everything.

That was the face of Dong Wanggong when he came to India.

At that time, he was praised as the "enlightened victor" by those who longed for salvation. It brought hope of stability and peace to the chaotic India, and a symbol of liberation for all suffering beings.

But now, under the reflection of the endless red alarm windows, there was no mercy in those eyes, but was filled with unspeakable darkness.

And the "murderous intent" and "madness" that were absolutely inconsistent with the compassionate face.

Under those eyes, countless red alarms, like burning flames, condensed into red lotus, rippling like a sea of ​​blood.

If described in human language, it would be nothing less than the scene of gods falling into evil spirits, right?

The awakened ones are no longer here.

What descended here is the devil who destroys everything!

Facing the suppression and elimination of the central core, he finally gave up his inhuman side and was forced to come back to this world with a face that he was deeply ashamed of.

Even so, he was unwilling to give up his hostility towards Ye Xuan.

It is better to say... after seeing Ye Xuan, he began to show his madness!

This was exactly what Ye Qingxuan had expected.

Originally, in his expectation, when he activated the authority that Ye Xuan gave him, Ye Xuan, who came out of the Neanderthals and took control of the central core, should completely complete the Dongwanggong program in an instant. Just erase it.

But now, although Prince Dong was forced to take off his inhuman mask and reveal his true nature, it made Ye Qingxuan feel even more difficult to deal with.

That spiteful and crazy look, even when facing Hermes, there is no way it will be revealed, right?

Stunned, he turned back to look at Ye Xuan.

What exactly did you do back then?

How can you make Prince Dong hate you so much?

"This look makes him look more like a human being."

Ye Xuan stood in front of the red lotus, nodded with satisfaction, and praised: "Congratulations on your growth, Prince Dong."

"growing up?"

Prince Dong made a hoarse voice: "Isn't this appearance the result of your gift? No, aren't all these evil consequences caused by you?"

He swallowed the hatred that seemed to be substantial, and murmured hoarsely: "Ye Xuan, if it weren't for you! If it wasn't for you..."

"Well, if it weren't for me, this might all be very different."

Ye Xuan nodded and apologized solemnly, but he couldn't feel any sincerity in it: "I rashly dragged you into this world without your consent. As the culprit, I'm really sorry."

"Sorry? Can saying sorry make up for the sin you committed?"

The pair of slender eyes widened, almost bursting, popping out, full of resentment: "Don't you have any remorse for the sins you have committed!"


Ye Xuan answered calmly.

Along with his answer, a red window suddenly popped up from his body.

Ye Qingxuan fell into confusion.

Then came the second, third, fourth...

That look was just like... when he had just wiped out Duke Dong.

The destruction and cleansing that was like a divine punishment came upon him at this moment.

Ye Qingxuan could not imagine that now that Ye Xuan had the authority of the captain, Prince Dong would still have a way to erase Ye Xuan? !

"What are you doing?" He looked at Prince Dong in astonishment.

"what did I do?"

Prince Dong sneered, "Why don't you ask your ancestors what they did? Haven't you ever had doubts? Why does Ye Xuan hide in a small box even though he clearly has the authority to make the final decision? Why doesn't he use it himself? , but I have to hand it over to you to get out of the black box?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

Only now did he discover the logical fallacy.

Since Ye Xuan had the ability to prevent all of this from the beginning, why would he sit back and watch all of this happen? Why did it only come to an end now?

Do you even need to help him open the door yourself?

Seeing his expression, Prince Dong laughed mockingly, as if seeing a fool who knew nothing.

"It seems you haven't told him anything, Ye Xuan!"

Smiling maliciously and roaring crazily, he roared: "You told him everything, but you concealed the mistakes you made.

In order to hide his ugliness, he pretended to be calm, but he didn't dare to tell him: Once you step out of the black box and enter the observation of the central core, you will be the first one to be obliterated!

How much are you hiding from him? "

Prince Dong paused and smiled coldly:

"——Especially, about how you murdered Captain Xiao Huan and ruined the future of mankind!"

There was a long silence.

Amid the red warnings that kept popping up, Ye Xuan put out his cigarette, his expression still calm.

Quietly scary.

"This is the only thing I won't regret in my life."

If so, he admitted the sin he had committed.

Hundreds of years ago, when the East Asian immigrant ships had the upper hand, were on their way to victory, and were about to completely destroy their enemies, it was a crime to launch a rebellion.

Turning a great victory into a loss for both sides, he single-handedly directed the prelude to the fall of heaven and man, and was the sin that caused all the evil consequences today.

He revealed his hidden mistakes so openly without any remorse or uneasiness.

Just calm.

Even if there is endless anger, it is difficult to make any waves in front of those eyes as calm as the abyss.

In the end, all that was left was unspeakable disappointment.

"Is this true for humans? Ye Xuan."


Ye Xuan nodded: "That's how humans are."

In the silence, Prince Dong closed his eyes, his expression becoming distorted and broken.

"I finally understand why I hate you so much..."

He murmured softly, raised his palm to cover his handsome face without any flaws, as if he was deeply ashamed and unwilling to let it appear in the sun.

Only from between the fingers, an almost desperate roar came out:

"That's why I - the only thing I don't want to be is human!!!"


Like a wild beast.

He roared, stretched out his hand, and tore his face into pieces. The perfect face fell apart, and blood dripped from between his fingers, looking as ferocious as a ghost.

"I'm finally sure, Ye Xuan!"

He declared hoarsely: "All things can be redeemed and fulfilled, only you! Only you...have no value of salvation!"

"Ah, maybe so."

Ye Xuan looked at him with pity in his eyes: "It's a pity that you knew it too late."

Red alerts were popping up like crazy.

The central core began to purge and delete him.

As early as after he killed Xiao Huan under the surveillance of the central core, he was judged to be a "corruption factor" that needed to be cleaned up and eradicated.

Over the years, he has left and come back, hiding in a closed system in the central core that is difficult to observe, hiding in a black box, waiting alone.

Now, he is finally able to get out of the prison.

To face belated punishment.

To complete his final mission.

So, he spread his arms, stepped across the red warning that was like an ocean, and walked toward the East Prince, walking on his sins.

Hug him.

Regardless of his frantic attack, he penetrated and tore his own chest, damaged and cleaned his original code...

Then, forcibly connect him to the 'Neanderthal'!

At that moment, Prince Dong froze.

It's like being shackled and thrown into a cage, and it's hard to move a finger.

He has been isolated among the Neanderthals, along with Ye Xuan.

"Ye Xuan, you-"

“Do you know how ‘Neanderthals’ became extinct in history?”

As if he couldn't feel the pain and death, Ye Xuan once again showed that formulaic smile: "It is said that Neanderthals became the food of the ancestors of mankind, Homo sapiens.

The blood and flesh were eaten by brothers of the same origin, and the teeth were made into necklaces. It's cruel, right? The so-called 'human beings' are animals born from such ugly primitive evolution. "

“It’s been so many years, Prince Dong, even though you’ve experienced so much and worked so hard, you still don’t understand what’s going on in people’s hearts, and you don’t understand Xiao Huan either.

You underestimate him too much, underestimate him too much.

I didn't kill him.

It was him who chose me..."

At that moment, Prince Dong felt as if he had been struck by thunder.

"It's like I know what he's doing. He knows what I'm going to do."

Ye Xuan admired the frozen face of Duke Dong and revealed the answer to the mystery that had been hidden for hundreds of years: "As early as the day he authorized me, he had already anticipated what would happen."

"He wanted me to give him relief."

"I gave."

This is the real ending.

Xiao Huan and Ye Xuan had a tacit secret between each other from the beginning.

It's up to the captain to become the devil and eradicate all enemies for the immigrant ship.

Then, Ye Xuan plays the hero and defeats the devil.

Ling Xiao was also able to free himself from the sin of killing tens of millions of people.

In order to defeat the evil of human beings, in order to protect oneself to the greatest extent, and in order to leave a small hope and protect the enemies who are also human beings.

For a new world.

For humanity.

In order to end this farce that has been going on since the old days.

To bid farewell to the past.

To start a new life.

For all.

For everything...

Ye Xuan closed his eyes and said goodbye softly:

"For a real future."

At that moment, eight vague shadows appeared behind him.

It was an illusion left over from the past, a emblem left behind by the nine-member committee.

Under Ye Xuan's protection, they were able to travel through a long time, cross realms of death and disputes, and leave behind their final orders and farewells.

"I'm sorry, Prince Dong, for making you work so hard for so long."

Ye Xuan stared at him and declared calmly: "On behalf of the committee, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you: thank you for everything you have done for mankind for so long.

But enough is enough.

You have accomplished your mission and your work with distinction.

Next, please enjoy the peaceful sleep we can only give you! "

Along with his words, the black box was slowly sealed.

The connection between the 'Neanderthals' and the outside world began to be cut off rapidly. After a short period of communication, this place would become that eternal closed sandbox again.

An eternal prison.

A tomb specially prepared for the Three Wise Men.

"No, never!"

Prince Dong roared, almost wailing: "I will never approve of such a result! I will never accept it! I will never obey it! I will never -"

Using all his strength, he struggled hard, broke the shackles, and tore Ye Xuan's bonds apart with a roar.

He didn't even bother to kill him, he just threw him aside, and then ran with all his strength towards the outside of the 'sandbox', climbing up and grabbing the last straw.

Crawling towards the last slowly closing exit.

Get out of here before the 'Neanderthals' are completely sealed off.

Desperately longing for that light.

Ye Xuan looked at him with pity as he ran away, and did not stop him, but just stayed there quietly.

Just like that, the central system was allowed to erase its last data.

No more struggle or resistance.

Just close your eyes and sigh softly:

"You and I are both so pathetic -"


Time is up.

As the ether torrent dissipated, the Great Source projection supported by the central core also dissipated rapidly.

It's like a reflection of a world slowly dying.

Falling apart.

Extending rapidly from afar.

In the silence, Ye Qingxuan stood silently, letting the 'Neanderthal' close, collapse, and compress bit by bit. Looking at the desperate face of Prince Dong, the final door closed in front of him.

From then on, eternal darkness and loneliness await.

The chain with the ultimate authority fell between Ye Qingxuan's fingers.

"You have something else, you lied to me, right?"

Ye Qingxuan whispered softly, talking to himself: "Is this the real mission of the Ye family? It's not to come in and chat with you, but to use the 'Neanderthal' when necessary and sacrifice myself..."

At that moment, he finally understood the secret that Ye Xuan had hidden at the end.

But it was too late.

Before this, he had always thought that the 'Neanderthal' was just a closed paradise that Ye Xuan had built for himself in order to avoid death.

But it was not until the Neanderthal was activated that he realized: This was definitely not a job that Ye Xuan could accomplish.

Especially after he had been sentenced to 'clearance' by the central core, how could he create a black box with authority that could override the central core?

There was only one possibility.

This black box existed long before him.

No, it might have appeared in the design drawings even when the immigrant ship was built.

Ye Xuan was just its keeper.

In order to prevent future generations from sacrificing themselves, he stayed here, waiting silently, waiting for it to be reopened one day and complete its final mission.

——Destroy the Three Sages!

From the beginning, artificial intelligence was a consumable.

It was a tool for finding a new world.

Even if humans trusted them so much and entrusted them with important tasks, it was only to use the underlying instructions of machinery and artificial intelligence to allow them to lead humans through the endless cold sea of ​​the universe.

In order to use them to find a new land.

After finding it, it can be destroyed and cleared without regret.

So as not to repeat the same mistakes, so as not to be dominated by artificial gods again.

So as not to destroy everything again.

Dong Wanggong never had any chance to win.

No matter how much he did.

Because they were doomed to fail before they were born.

Destined to die in the graves prepared for them by humans.

In this cruel and primitive evolution, Neanderthals once again died in the mouths of Homo sapiens and became the food for nurturing civilization.

Laying the foundation for a new era.

After realizing all this, Ye Qingxuan could no longer tell whether he was angry or...sad.

He was just filled with a sense of powerlessness.


"So you choose to sacrifice yourself?"

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head tiredly, "Do you think that in this way, future generations will be proud of you?"

In a trance, Ye Xuan's figure emerged.

It was an illusion.

The hint left by Ye Xuan.

The last fragment left in the inheritance of heaven and man, the remnant left hundreds of years ago.

"In the end, you didn't become an ancestor that future generations can be proud of?" He seemed helpless and reached out to pat his shoulder: "Sorry, little Ye."

But the thin phantom didn't touch anything.

It just passed through his body and slowly dissipated.

"Is it really worth it to do this?"

Ye Qingxuan asked.

He did so much.

He sacrificed so much.

Is it really worth it?

"Compared to returning to past glory and mistakes, the opportunity for humanity to start over is the most precious, right?" Ye Xuan looked at him: "At least, there is still a chance to correct past mistakes, right?"

"I don't know."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head bitterly.

"Just don't make the same mistake as me, okay?"

Ye Xuan grinned, looking proud and happy: "Well, this is probably the last inheritance I want to teach you - the lessons from the ancestors, remember it well, my great-great-grandson!"

"It's impossible to remember that kind of thing, right? Besides, you took advantage of me again just now, didn't you?"

Ye Qingxuan retorted, but for some reason, he wanted to cry: "I can't remember after saying so much, and you didn't write it down in the notebook. At least stay and remind me occasionally!"

"Don't think about it, you should run away quickly after taking advantage."

Ye Xuan laughed happily, took two steps back, pretended to take off the non-existent hat, bent down and said goodbye, "Well, goodbye, Ye Qingxuan."

Just like that, he turned and walked towards the distance in the illusion.

Going farther and farther.

Until the last hint disappeared, the figure collapsed in endless thoughts and memories.

No trace was left.

After hundreds of years of time, and across the astronomical distance in the universe that was enough to make everything insignificant, the witness of the past sins completed their final mission and left silently.


"Goodbye, Ye Xuan."

Ye Qingxuan whispered softly and closed his eyes.

In the silence, something weighed heavily on his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe and hold back his tears.

But soon, he felt a slender hand holding his palm.

Someone stood on tiptoe and hugged him gently.

It was Bai Xi.

"Be good, don't be sad."

She pressed against Ye Qingxuan's chest, shook her head and rubbed it hard: "And I... cough cough, I am with you, yes, I am with you. The emperor, Ye Qingxuan, you have earned it!"

Maybe it was the emperor's majesty that dispelled the sadness.

It was as if I felt a great fulfillment rising from my chest, filling every inch of space.

There was no place for loneliness and sadness anymore.

"Well, thank you, Bai Xi."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but laugh softly and hugged her tightly.

As if to repay her lame way of comforting her, he hugged her so hard until she was almost out of breath, struggling hard, beating Ye Qingxuan's chest, and then he loosened his grip slightly.

But in the process of moving, he heard a crisp sound.

It came from his hand.

He raised his palm and saw the necklace that Ye Xuan gave him. It was not until now that he noticed that next to the meaningless final instruction, there was a strange iron ring.

It was dotted with fine crystals, just the thickness of the girl's ring finger.

On its inside, there were two slender characters etched.

It seemed to be the abbreviation of a certain name.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Really, that sentence... didn't you say it in the end?"

Obviously, he had the courage to take on the future of mankind, but he didn't dare to say a word to that woman.

You, how many mistakes have you made that I need to avoid?

Don't worry.

I will avoid all mistakes for you to see.

Let's start with this mistake.

Just like that, Ye Qingxuan raised his hand and held up the ring.

"Your Majesty Bai Xi, I have something to give you..."

In the end, the projection of Dayuan finally dissipated.

Ye Qingxuan didn't have any earth-shattering ambitions to achieve, and Bai Xi also thought for a long time, and there was no grand plan to change Dayuan.

In fact, there were.

Quite a lot of willful wishes were stopped by Ye Qingxuan.

Or satisfied by Ye Qingxuan.

So, the world is still the original world.

Everything is still the same.

After all, the human era has continued steadily and persistently. As for whether it will make the same mistakes in the past, it still needs other people or Ye Qingxuan to continue to work hard.

But Ye Qingxuan didn't know whether he should say it was a cause for celebration or a cause for lamentation.

Fortunately, at the very end, he finally understood Ye Xuan's mood and thoughts when he made the decision hundreds of years ago.

Will there be another time after the end of life?

I'm afraid there won't be?

People only have one life, and everyone is struggling hard in this boundless ocean, in a miserable state.

When he was born, it seemed as if the whole world was cheering, but when he died, it was so quiet and lonely.

He longed for redemption, but resisted the arrival of redemption.

While trying in vain to save the world, he stubbornly destroyed himself.

Sometimes he climbed up a step, and sometimes he fell down a little.

He wandered hopelessly between heaven and hell, which always made people who longed for the end impatient.

Even if there is an omnipotent god who can fulfill wishes, is there anything in this world that is really worth praying for?

So, please tell me...

——The true attitude of the soul.

But in the end, he still didn't say it out loud.

This wish is insignificant.

Even if he said it, Dayuan wouldn't be able to hear it, right?

7,000 words long chapter, please give me a monthly ticket, [crossed out] It would be best if it is for my Black Zhen plan [crossed out]

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