Crown of Silence

Chapter 790 Before the descent

Chapter 787 Before descending

First, personal cleaning, then disinfection measures, and finally wearing thin underwear full of grooves, following the AI's reminders, covering the body with equipment that looks like heavy armor.

Finally, Ye Xuan sat on the chair and waited quietly.

Until the second woman, also wrapped in a spacesuit and made fat, walked into the cabin, hugging her helmet, and greeted him, "DR. Ye, long time no see."

After experiencing the cost of genetic modulation, he gained fine vision, ultra-precise spatial perception and amazing resolution. The price was that his skin became excessively white and his pupils turned green.

Looks like a European.

Ye Qingxuan, who was watching, had this thought inexplicably in his heart.

"Hey, eldest grandson, are you still busy in the basement?"

The eldest grandson sat next to him. She was obviously a woman, but she had the wildness and unruliness of a man: "Engineers are not good at this. They always have machines to repair. Sometimes I really envy Lao Bai and the others. There is no geology in space." It is said that there is always time to rest.

And you? Or is it the same set of human studies? "

"That's just a project, there's real work."

Ye Xuan sighed helplessly, "I think for the sake of my patients, I have to start studying programming and circuits recently." At this point, he glanced at Peter, who was standing silently in the corner, without any breath, and with an excessively weak sense of presence.

Peter said nothing.

Just silence.

The eldest grandson seemed to understand something and looked at him with sympathy: "That's really hard work. Hermes always has some weird ideas. Yesterday, he pestered me and told me jokes for half an hour..."

"Is it funny?"

"This is the key to my depression." Changsun sighed in distress.

Ye Xuan took out a box from the pocket of his spacesuit and handed it over: "This is your medicine. Don't spread it... It is against the rules for me to prescribe this medicine to you."


The eldest grandson whistled and hugged his shoulders gratefully, "I haven't been able to sleep lately, how about we go have a drink when we have time? That bad guy Liu Dongli quietly planted rice at my place, and we made wine..."


Ye Xuan smiled bitterly.

Ye Qingxuan felt that his mind was a little agitated, as if he was charming, as if he was recalling his past ambiguity with the woman in front of him.

The eldest grandson curled his lips, "You have prescribed medicine to many people in private recently, right? Which little girl did you hook up with?"

"Come on, I never sleep with my patients."

Ye Xuan shook his head, "You are not the only one who is depressed. The closer you get to the earth, the more examples of space mania and depression become.

At the beginning, it was claimed that it was not the earth that abandoned us, but us that abandoned the earth... But now artificial gravity is not as good as the earth after all. "

"Aren't there many people soaking in virtual reality?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Even in the game, the frequency of malicious attacks has increased to dangerous levels."

"Everyone can't wait." Changsun said, "At this time, don't we need psychological supervision more and more? It's up to you."

"What can I do? Build a Geneva sanitation server and lock them in it?"

Ye Xuan rolled his eyes, "What everyone longs for is the real blue sky and earth. But the earth and blue sky are right in front of us, but they can't go down because of the bullshit colonial convention. The political turmoil at the top has affected the normal operation of the fleet."

The eldest grandson glanced at him and said, "Aren't you a member of the crew committee? You actually have quite a lot of power, right? You just watch?"

"I was chosen to fill the vacancy on the crew committee, wasn't it because I am harmless?" Ye Xuan shook his head: "If I express my position, it will only make the situation more complicated.

Captain Xiao was making adjustments with other colonial ships. Although the results were unclear, it at least led to this joint landing inspection. "

Changsun sneered and shook his head: "Before we even touch the earth, human beings are starting to fight over the land again."

Heavy footsteps sounded, and someone came in again.

Ye Xuan's expression became more helpless and he lowered his voice: "Here we come, the PK maniac in the server recently..."

Before he finished speaking, a rough voice sounded.

"I heard someone say bad things about me again, Xuanxuan, is it you?"

A bald man walked in, not wearing a cumbersome space suit like theirs, but wearing a heavy black exoskeleton suit, with mechanical interfaces exposed on the back of his head and ears.

Ye Xuan rolled his eyes, unable to bear this girlish nickname.

"Are you even here?"

The eldest grandson stood up subconsciously and was stunned: "We are all in the same fleet after all. Has the relationship deteriorated to this?"

"I don't know what it means. Anyway, I only guarantee the safety of you people."

Yuan Eryi patted the label of his chief military attache: "You are responsible for technical support, Xuanxuan is a temporary diplomat, and there is a robot. Not to mention descending for exploration, it is enough to even push a level 80 BOSS. Xuanxuan, you are Isn’t that nanny account available recently? Everyone is waiting for you to start a group.”

Ye Xuan rolled his eyes again and didn't want to speak.

After several modulations and modifications, this guy had nano-hormones and modified organs implanted all over his body. Half of it was human, and the other half was more like a machine. It just so happens that he has the same shortcomings as humans and machines.

The mania, antisocial tendencies and murderous impulses brought from the modified genes turned him into a natural soldier, proficient in various weapon operations, vehicle driving and a series of skills needed for murder, arson, destruction and explosion... The price is a lack of empathy and a lack of understanding of the atmosphere. He offends people at every turn and doesn't care about offending people.

It is normal to have a bad relationship with such a person.

If he was not afraid that this guy would kill himself, he would have cut off Yuan Eryi's psychological counseling long ago.

But even so, people like Yuan Eryi are indispensable to the fleet.

Or, it is precisely because of this that the fleet chose him.

He actually appeared in the joint exploration mission this time, which shows that the relationship with other colony ships has become bad to a certain extent.

When the subsequent few people arrived, there was no more verboseness. Only Yuan Eryi sat in the driver's seat and told a few dirty jokes that were not funny at all.

Then, the ship was thrown into the vast space. Through the porthole, you can see that they are gradually moving away from the brilliant lights of the colony ship and throwing themselves into the arms of another steel monster.

Everyone's expression became tense.

This was the seventh official meeting of the four immigrant ships after a long drift in space. After the last unpleasant meeting, they reestablished a bridge of communication.

When it comes to the exploration of the new home, everyone is inevitably nervous.

Only Peter, sitting in the corner, silently flipping through the ancient book. It can be downloaded instantly through the database, but he chose to use this human method to read slowly and carefully, word by word, with a clear and low voice.

"There are seven things that God hates in his heart: proud eyes, lying tongues, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots evil, feet that run fast to do evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and those who spread discord among brothers..."

Ye Xuan closed his eyes.

So, Ye Qingxuan's eyes were dark.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Qingxuan first felt a shaking feeling, and then the hull shook wildly, and finally, a huge turbulence broke out, making people black in front of their eyes.

The seat belt made people breathless. The huge centrifugal force almost wanted to throw people out of the cabin.

"This broken ship doesn't even drift, bad review!"

Yuan Eryi cursed unhappily, not taking the alarm seriously. Not only the people in the cabin, but also the people on the opposite immigrant ship were probably scared by him and were about to sound the alarm, right?

"We have arrived at the neighbor's house. Please pack your luggage and get off the bus in an orderly manner."

He untied his seat belt and looked at the pale, dizzy and nauseous passengers behind him with a happy expression. Seeing the unchanged bionic man Peter, he tutted unhappily.

Sure enough, whether it was hundreds of years ago or hundreds of years later, people with the surname Yuan are equally annoying.

Soon, the airtight cabin opened.

After three years, a group of people with weak legs finally set foot on this land 146,000 kilometers away from them to visit their "close" neighbors.

Someone was waiting for them outside the airtight cabin.

The bearded man walked up and stretched out his hand.

"DR. Ye, long time no see."

Ye Xuan nodded and smiled reluctantly: "Long time no see, Steven, you look good over there."

Hydrologist Steven shrugged, "Just as bad."

"At least you look good."

Ye Xuan turned back and glared at Yuan Eryi, patted Steven on the shoulder: "Don't be here, your committee didn't arrange a meeting room for us, did it?"

Steven glanced at him: "We don't have a committee here."

"So, your rebellion two years ago... ahem, I mean the rebellion was successful?" Ye Xuan glanced around and lowered his voice: "Brother, who is in charge of your area now?"


Steven's tone became distant, as if hinting at something, and walked in front, motioning them to follow.

When they walked into the meeting room, people from other immigrant ships were already waiting there.

It was like brothers who had been separated for a long time reunited, but the atmosphere was suddenly not joyful.

It was just a cold silence.

When they left, or were expelled from the Earth, there were more than a hundred fleets.

Abandoning their dry and cold homes, they flew towards the distant "infinite world".

Or, they were driven away by their barren hometowns and walked alone into the dark desert.

They scattered seeds aimlessly into the universe. Rather than the great pioneering era mentioned in GG, it is better to say that they, humans who only waste resources, were sent to the distant darkness. This is a long exile and asceticism.

Washed away some memories, erased the coordinates of their hometown, and even after the third year of departure, they could no longer receive news from their hometown.

The last words were a farewell from the cold AI.


So, the abandoned baby drifted in the dark ocean of stars.

Looking back now, many things on Earth have become blurred and it is difficult to remember the details, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that they have been abandoned by the Earth and forgotten each other.

So they embarked on a road that cannot be turned back.

Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, East Asia, West Asia, South America, North America, Australia, North Africa, South Africa... Colonial ships from all places and all races headed in all directions without a destination.

At first, they could still communicate with each other, but later, the responses came less and less, until finally, they were completely cut off. Some were destroyed before their eyes, some were sunk in the meteorite belt, and some... were destroyed in wars with each other.

In the end, there were only four colonial ships left in this direction.

When everyone thought they would spend the rest of their lives in cold steel and resigned themselves to their fate, new hope came before their eyes.

In this dark nebula that is considered to be desert and void, there is actually hidden the dreamed of land and blue sky.

The temperature is suitable, the gravity is suitable, the temperature is suitable, and even the air composition is the same as that of the Earth. It orbits a healthy and long-lived star, and has a satellite that is the same as the Earth.

So... when the hungry victims find this life-saving straw... no, it should be said to be the hope of salvation, how should this straw be distributed?

The long meeting began.

Even in the early stages of joint exploration and development, before they even landed on the surface of the planet, there were already many hidden plans and schemings.

The brothers who should have worked together to make progress together are now like waiting for the division of the family property after the death of their father, looking at each other with eyes full of indifference and wariness.

The argument over who should be the first to step out of the cabin lasted for three hours.

Obviously the landing module is ready, all personnel are present, and the equipment is in good condition, but it is difficult to cross the coveted threshold.

Ye Xuan smoked a cigarette and looked at the people arguing with cold eyes. Driven by occupational diseases, he profiled them one after another, analyzing which part of the brain's hormones and which level of personality they were now controlled by.

When he wrote the sixth prescription for mania in his notebook, he couldn't help but put down his pen and sighed softly: "Have I made a mistake in expecting such a group of things to have souls?"

"Huh?" Steven, who was also watching the show next to him, looked back.


Ye Xuan closed his notebook and gave a reassuring smile: "It's almost time. When will you have dinner here?"

It's time to eat.

Except for a few people, the rest of the people refused the food and drinks provided by the organizers.

Most of the people present have been prepared and embedded. Although the diet does not need to be specially prepared, they also refuse to expose this part of the information - even defecation will go back to their own boats.

If you want to ask anything, this part of the transformation technology is also unique to each immigrant ship. Even when it is time to work together, they are not willing to reveal the slightest bit.

Not to mention the risk of being manipulated by something in your diet, and sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what’s simmering in the cream of mushroom soup in front of you.

"I really envy you."

Ye Xuan held his own thermos cup and sipped the liquid that didn't taste good. He couldn't help but look at Peter: "Just charge it... But it shouldn't matter if you don't charge it here, right?"

"No need to worry, I can maintain the minimum activity of five hundred standard cycles even if the power is cut off."

"That's why I envy you for being able to live for such a long time." Ye Xuan shook his head: "If humans lived a little longer, they probably wouldn't be so disgusting, right?"

Peter said nothing.

In the silence, there was only the sound of Ye Xuan sipping the soup.

It wasn't until a long time later that Peter closed the book and said in a calm voice: "DR. Ye. I have something to ask you."

Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows, seemingly confused:


"I'm confused about the book you recommended."

Peter looked down at the ancient book in his hand: "No, I should say, it's hard to understand."

"It's normal. It's an antique from thousands of years ago. If it can still be used today, there will be big problems." Ye Xuan asked, "Where did you see it?"

"The prophet led mankind across the ocean to the promised land." Peter replied: "Under the rainbow, mankind made a covenant with the gods."

"Hmm, very romantic, right?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Early humans were really full of beautiful fantasies."

"This is what I can't understand, the agreement between humans and gods..."

He looked at Ye Xuan, as if staring at Ye Qingxuan hidden behind him, and recited the above dogma word by word:

"—You shall not worship idols."

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