Crown of Silence

Chapter 749: Mission accomplished

Chapter 748: Mission accomplished


Ye Qingxuan took three steps back.

Facing the natural restraint of the Day of God's Wrath, Wagner was not restricted as Ye Qingxuan had imagined. Instead, his running power became more violent.

It was like the power of the world collapsing...

Feeling the power coming from the sword blade, Ye Qingxuan suddenly had a strong doubt in his heart.

Is this old man really dying of illness as the legend says? Rather than being weak, this state is more exaggerated than his heyday, right?

It was a sense of oppression that was completely different from other saints.

It did not come from strength, but from will.

The hostility gathered like iron, not giving him any chance to breathe.

Every collision of the sword blades made Ye Qingxuan feel the shake of his will - the same arrogance, but different from the gloom brought to him by Handel, but like a star running on an orbit, something more determined was supporting him and shocking Ye Qingxuan...

Even if Ye Qingxuan was sure of victory no matter how he looked at it.

"Go all out and don't give him any chance to take advantage of you!"

Inside, a voice told me: "If you relax a little, you will be torn apart by his power and burned to ashes!"

Could it be that I have misjudged, are all saints such fierce guys?

"Hey, old man, don't be so fierce all the time." Blocking the flame-shaped sword, Ye Qingxuan stared at Wagner and asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid of cerebral hemorrhage?"

"Don't worry, I'm still strong for now."

Wagner laughed hoarsely, and the iron stream of the God of War rushed, pressing step by step: "Such a fight is not even a warm-up, 'young man'!"

Without caring about the sharp blade of the Sword of the New Testament, the flame-shaped heavy sword was raised and chopped towards Ye Qingxuan's face. A few meters away, the oppressive feeling brewing in the sword blade almost made Ye Qingxuan's hair stand on end.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but wonder in his heart, was he suppressing him, or was he suppressing himself?

No, something is wrong...

Comparing to strength, Ye Qingxuan has the Sword of the New Testament in his hand, and the projection of the Land of Nothingness supports him. He is the incarnation of the Aether Net, and his strength has completely entered the realm of the upper natural disaster. He also has the music of the natural enemy "Day of God's Wrath" in his hand, not to mention that he has an explosive power far beyond that of ordinary natural disasters.

And Wagner did not choose a war of attrition when facing a natural enemy like himself, but forced a head-on confrontation?

Why does he think he can win?

Every death of a martial god is equivalent to a trauma to his scepter, which can only accelerate his demise. In other words... it is just a heroic way to seek death.

What on earth does he want to do...


Ye Qingxuan looked at him, his eyes turned cold: "What on earth do the Asgardians want to do?"

Wagner smiled.

"How should I know?"

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan realized that Wagner had never thought about competing with him!

He just wanted to trip him up!

Even if it is only temporary...

"Your Majesty, please destroy the World Tree as soon as possible! Delay will cause changes!"

Accompanied by Ye Qingxuan's voice, the incarnation of the natural disaster roared forward, no longer caring about its own defense, the power of the natural disaster roared, urging countless sea monsters to help it resist Gungnir's bombardment, and attacking desperately.

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan sighed softly and turned to his enemy.

"In this case, then next, I am afraid I can't take into account the dignity of the musician and the honor of the duel."

"It should be so, fighting should be unscrupulous!"

Wagner reorganized his posture and skillfully posed the attack posture of the Knights Templar, with a burning face full of determination: "Please do whatever you want, Your Excellency."

Ye Qingxuan sighed, closed his eyes, and raised the sword of the New Testament.

The mighty melody sounded from the blade, and the projection of the Land of Nothingness descended again. In the original darkness of the universe, endless starlight emerged, running in the ether net with Ye Qingxuan's will.

——《New World》!

At this moment, in the etheric world, the Land of Nothingness shines brightly.

It seems that the fog covering the future has been lifted, and all the elements connected by the etheric network and the Land of Nothingness, and all the musicians who resonate with the Land of Nothingness have listened to the melody from the distant future.

The outline of the crystal cube has emerged from the Land of Nothingness, and countless modules are spinning rapidly, affecting all the harmonies related to it all over the world.

The first connection, the second connection, and the third connection.

The interpretation method is transmitted.

The etheric network is turned on.

The harmonies are preheated and the alchemical matrix is ​​running.

The connection of the ladder is completed.

The next moment, all the war musicians feel that the core music theory in their bodies is running on its own, the heart sound is turbulent, and the ether is woven into a movement, passing through layers of alchemical matrices, and following the ladder. In an instant, the glow of countless stars is running in the invisible network and gathering between the forty-one giant harmonies of the crystal cube.

Above the sky, it seems that the morning star is lit.

The 'Guide' hanging high in the sky was activated, overlooking the earth from the high sky, guiding the future path, and directing all power to where Ye Qingxuan was.

Without Hephaestus, it was the sword in his hand that took the pressure of the world on behalf of Ye Qingxuan.

In a flash, the sword of the New Testament was burned red by the terrifying ether torrent, and then the red turned into iron blue, and after several changes, it entered the pure white realm.

160,000 music chapters gathered here.

Matter seemed to be dissolved in the torrent of ether, and the New Testament remaining in Ye Qingxuan's hands turned into light.

Just holding the hilt of the sword, I felt as if I was dissolving into that majestic power.

"This is "From a New World"? It is indeed a magnificent chapter leading to the future." Wagner sincerely praised: "In terms of structure, I am not as good as you."

"I'm sorry, Master Wagner...this unfair victory is really not what I wanted."

Ye Qingxuan's face was expressionless.

Facing the enemy, he raised the hilt of his sword, held high the light transformed by the New Testament, and chopped it down!

Wagner raised his head and stared at the stream of destructive light falling from the sky.

The endless pressure is like an iron dome collapsing and falling, and there is no need to even attack. The gravity emitted by the 160,000 movements is enough to destroy all the movements in front of it.

At that moment, he held the flame-shaped epee in his hand and looked up at the brilliant stream of light in the sky.

"Everything has life and death, and that's how it should be."

Wagner murmured softly, and in his hand, on the hilt of the burning sword, the true name outlined by the elements silently emerged - Lewantin.

The Sword of Dusk and Destruction—Lewanting!

Elegies are played from the blade, mourning the end of the last winter and the last dusk, singing about the fire of destruction burning from hell, from earth, from heaven, from everywhere on earth.

Burn the nine worlds, penetrate the core of the world, tear the sky and the earth apart, and bury all invisible things in the fire.

The gods and the world end here.

At that moment, blood-like flames engulfed him, burning him, transforming all power into the purest destruction, and then soared into the sky.

Destruction and destruction collide in one place.

Flames and flames fight each other.

Light and light eat each other.

It was as if countless pieces of steel collided together, the roar resounded throughout Asgard, and the roaring sound in the flames echoed in everyone's ears.

The sky cracked, the hurricane stirred and spread, and the huge eye of the storm slowly took shape, and the next moment it was torn apart by an even more terrifying force.

In an instant, it was all over.

The light dimmed and faded, the flame died.

The earth turned into scorched earth, and countless dust and frost fell like snow, mixing together.

Ye Qingxuan stared at the chaos with a complicated expression.

He did not want to kill Wagner if necessary, even if he was his enemy. He even felt that it was an honor to have such an enemy.

But soon, his eyes changed from helpless to shocked.

Because among the dust and frost, a staggering figure slowly walked towards him.

That's Wagner.

He is still alive...

Propping up his body with the broken sword blade, Wagner staggered. The flame on his body was like a candle in the wind, but it burned stubbornly and refused to be extinguished.

He looked at Ye Qingxuan, slowly raised his barely intact right arm, and pointed the broken blade at the enemy.

"Come again!"

On the broken face, his pupils were still bright, without any power to reflect them, but still like the scorching sun.

"I'm not dead yet, young man."

He declared to his enemies: "You haven't won yet!"

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time and sighed softly.

"I lost."

He didn't want to fight Wagner anymore.

"Are you kidding? Don't let me think that you are playing games with a sleazy old man. Ye Qingxuan, this is a war. How can there be a war that ends without killing people?

If you still have any respect for me, then raise your sword. "

Wagner looked at Ye Qingxuan with cold eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "Everything has life and death, and this battle must also have an end. This is the right thing to do!"

Ye Qingxuan didn't speak, just looked at him with compassion in his eyes.

A sigh sounded.

"That's enough, Mr. Wagner, that's enough."

On the pure white tower, the old musician lowered his head, not daring to look at the saint's back, and just begged in a low voice: "Thank you for everything you have done for Asgard, you don't need to sacrifice more."

In the silence, there was only the sound of pieces peeling off the mutilated body.


Wagner paused for a long time, as if he was suddenly enlightened.

Lewantin fell to the ground, taking his broken right arm with him.

After he stopped, he couldn't even maintain the integrity of his body. His broken face slowly turned around and looked at Ye Qingxuan: "Sorry, it seems that this old man won this battle by cheating."

"As it should be."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and replied just like Wagner just now: "Fighting should be fought by any means necessary."

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's answer, Wagner chuckled softly, seemingly relieved.

"Then I can... fulfill my mission..."

He closed his eyes.

Under the shattered iron dome, under the dim sunlight, Wagner's body fell apart, turned into ashes, and dissipated in the wind.

Only the dim magic gold fell on the ground and was filled with cracks.

Ye Qingxuan leaned over and picked up the broken ring. Looking at the last remaining legacy of Wagner, he couldn't help but sigh.

Yes, Wagner won.

Relying on his own strength, he won the most critical last three minutes for Asgard, bringing a turning point in this war. Even if the price is his own death...

There is no need to use despicable means to delay, nor to use insidious calculations to win.

He won with dignity.

I lost.

Then, he heard the roar from the deepest part of the earth.

On the pure white tower, countless alchemical matrices shone, and the huge alchemical matrix crowned as the world tree was slowly rising from the deepest part of the soil, as if the huge giant tree came alive and pulled out its roots from the earth.

There were also terrifying fruits hidden under the earth.

With the turmoil of heaven and earth, the white tower collapsed.

Countless silver-white alchemical matrices peeled off from the white tower, pulled out the roots from the deepest part of the earth, and pulled out the fruits that were finally brewed.

A huge monster emerged from the depths of the ground.

In the dazzling light and forbidden barrier, the steel giant who was sleeping like an embryo slowly opened his eyes, and the alchemical matrix of the world tree passed through the barrier and attached to its body, as if the blood finally began to flow.

In the chest, the divinity surging like thunder jumped up, pulling the vast ether flow through the blood.

It was a super-giant armor known as the land giant, a war weapon with the strongest power in the world.


But now, I am afraid that he can no longer be called Hercules. After being suspended upside down on the World Tree for seven days, he was granted divinity and mystery, and now he has become Odin.

Natural Disaster Odin!

Since the second son of the emperor, the only one who could resonate with Odin and bear the divinity, died in Guixu, Odin's huge power was ordered to be split by the original first son of the emperor, that is, the current emperor, and many giant war weapons were cast with his power.

The original land giant was also saved by this, and transformed from ordinary iron to become a container of this huge power.

——Give the steel a soul.

For a long time, it has been extracting geothermal heat from hundreds of volcanoes in Asgard with the matrix of the world tree, and transformed under the white tower. Now, it has finally completed the last step.

Just like Ye Qingxuan cast Katina, with the matrix of the world tree and the land giant, Asgard finally controlled this inhuman power in a human way.

At this moment, under the blessing of the World Tree, the mortal Hercules transformed into the divine armor Odin.

The steel giant, over a hundred meters tall, with a crown of thunder on his head, slowly descended from the sky like a god and landed on the ground. The terrifying glow of Gungnir emerged from Odin's palm.

The dedication and sacrifice of countless musicians in Asgard for hundreds of years, the creation forged with forbidden technology, and the 'Divine Calamity Odin' irrigated with divinity awakened.

That was the throne that Arthur had dreamed of.

——The ruler of heaven and earth, the eternal emperor of the world and hell!

At the same time, the glow representing the saints rose from the depths of the earth.

I'm afraid that during this period of time, they were the ones who helped Hercules integrate divinity and complete the final step.

But what surprised Ye Qingxuan was that he didn't recognize any of the four saints. None of them had ever appeared in the records of various countries, and they were not in the list of existing saints at all...

New saints?

In the sea of ​​ether, the elements outlined their real names.

Verdi, Mahler, Puccini, Telemann...

Simply unheard of!

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