Crown of Silence

Chapter 744 Years of Turmoil

Chapter 743 Years of Turmoil

When the New Testament appeared in the Ether Realm, the projection of the Holy City burst into a fiery light, and the huge musical gravity acted on the elements of the Land of Nothingness from a long distance.

Countless Holy Spirits opened their eyes from their slumber and stared at the enemy.

It was like the stars fighting in the sky, trying to push the other off the throne and fall into the abyss of the world.

Under the power of the human world gathered in the Holy City for hundreds of years, the projection of the Land of Nothingness swayed in an instant, and was about to be covered by the mist that separated time.

But soon, the light from Eden lit up.

The stars moved, and the glow of Eden turned into a torrent, blocking the front of the Holy City, helping Ye Qingxuan relieve most of the pressure.

Then, faint lights lit up from all directions.

The long-awaited Anglo School finally made up their minds to push the etheric secrets and elements of their own schools towards the direction of the Land of Nothingness.

With the New Testament as the axis, the projection of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth overlapped with the Land of Nothingness first, and then the huge etheric network extended from the material world and connected to the Land of Nothingness. Countless fine networks, like blood vessels, brought endless power with the beating of the heart of the Land of Nothingness.

The light of Katina emerged at the same time as the power of Leviathan, riveted right below the Land of Nothingness, and turned into a solid earth that lifted up the sky.

As many musicians watched, the Grand Master was silent for a long time and sighed softly.

As the emerald ring on her thumb flashed, the secrets and elements from the Illusion Islands emerged from the depths of the dark etheric world and headed towards the Land of Nothingness.

Not only that, at the same time, the core illusion forged by the Illusion Islands for hundreds of years also emerged - the illusion that has brewed a touch of the essence of natural disasters has turned into a mirage-like phenomenon, subverting illusion and reality. It is a power that can be said to be no different from the real thing.

At this moment, with the mobilization of the Grand Master, the Voodoo Crypt, the Illusion Swamp, the Realm of Ten Thousand Flows... the assets of the illusion schools of dozens of islands all emerged from the depths of the etheric world, following the call of the New Testament and converging in the direction of the Nothingness.

In a flash, countless illusions guarded the surroundings of the Nothingness, forming a moat-like existence.

After doing all this, even the Grand Master sat down on the chair with a complicated expression.

She was not sure whether what she did was right or wrong.

Although doing so allowed them to obtain Ye Qingxuan's unique illusion - the elements of the suffocating abyss, Ye Qingxuan also obtained their power.

The core illusion is different from the others. It is the real skeleton of the school. It is because of this existence that the illusionists of the archipelago can be superior to other illusions. This time, she really bet the family property of the Illusion Islands on Ye Qingxuan. Once Ye Qingxuan fails, the Illusion Islands may also fall completely.

At this moment, the chaos in the depths of the etheric world continues to emerge.

In the high-level dimensions that are usually dead and desolate, it is like a gathering of scepters at this moment. One by one, the elements emerge and transform into the projection of the scepter musicians.

Some stand in the distance and watch, while others move closer to the Holy City. Some schools, after a moment of silence, fall in the direction of Wuheyouxiang.

It's time to stand in line.

Although compared with those giant schools that are large enough to divide the land with the Holy City, most of these schools are once prominent and now decadent losers, but there are also many who are suppressed and wanted by the Holy City because of their taboo research.

Under the observation of the cardinals, those diehards on the wanted list of the Silent Agency actually turned to the direction of Wuheyou Township one by one.

Although the number is not large, it accounts for at least a quarter...

This made the cardinals look ugly. Unknowingly, a quarter of the people stood on the opposite side of the Holy City... No, the number of people who really opposed the Holy City is definitely far greater than the number they saw now. Some of them did not have the courage to stand up, some were waiting for a more appropriate time, and some had already turned to the Caucasus.

The rest were the black musicians who could no longer stir up any waves after losing the abyss. These homeless brothers in distress can only huddle together in the dark world for warmth, watching the struggle in the human world from afar, and they are too late to be happy.

Who has the courage to get involved in this orthodox dispute?

First, Gaius, the traitor, laid the foundation of the Orthodox Church with the so-called son of a false god, and then Ye Qingxuan, the conspirator, followed closely to establish the Protestant Church...

The sight of many scepters standing in line in the Ether Realm at this moment makes it clear that the stable rule of the Holy City in the past is no longer there. If the changes were still brewing before, then now the earth-shaking waves are about to set off...

Thinking about this, what arises is a strong sense of crisis and uneasiness, and it is difficult to tell which one of the rolling waves is the real trend.

Before the arrival of the new era, the real year of turmoil has begun!

Even Ye Qingxuan did not expect that there were so many people supporting him secretly. At this moment, he felt the huge power in the Land of Nothingness, and even he was stunned.

After just a few minutes, everything was completely different.

The Land of Nothingness has already established a firm foothold in the etheric world. Countless ladders are interwoven into an etheric network, connecting in all directions and forming an unbreakable structure. For the time being, it will no longer be possible for the Holy City to push Ye Qingxuan out by relying on the gravity of music theory.

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes.

"The next thing to solve is the problem at hand..."

At that moment, he raised his head and stared at the thundercloud-filled sky. He raised the sword of the New Testament in his hand and said, "Then... set up the foundation of the earth and create the dome of the sky!"

As it says in the new scripture!

At that moment, light burst out from under his feet and swept in all directions. The torrent swept across tens of thousands of miles in an instant, followed the national azimuth front, and covered all the land and oceans of Angru.

The next moment, the pillar of light soared into the sky, holding up the overwhelming sky. That was...


A field of unprecedented scale—holy!

Between heaven and earth, majestic melody runs, and the sound of spiritual chanting emerges from the void. Wherever the light covers, the ether flows like water.

In the blink of an eye, Angelou, who was observed by many Concord instruments, had changed beyond recognition.

The ether map covered in black, red, yellow and white color blocks suddenly rippled at this moment, as if the colors representing the ether density were also turbulent as the light swept across.

The next moment, the ether began to flow.

From high to low, from the earth to the sky...

The red and yellow zones that originally permeated the ocean and territory began to turmoil, slowly expanding to the surrounding areas, but the colors gradually became diluted.

In the end, even the black area melted away like ice.

Only pure white remains.

Relying on the ultra-wide-area interference of Haydn in the Ethernet, the Sword of the New Testament instantly mobilized the entire Angelo's etheric fluid, balancing the density, eliminating the black areas, diluting the red areas, and making the yellow areas disappear. There is no existence, and wherever you pass, everything is peaceful and stable, pure white.

All the ether currents rushed into the sky and merged into the holy realm that was constantly turbulent under the whip of thunder.

The music theory gravity of the New Testament distorts the rules of matter and covers reality, making the etheric network mobilize the ether extremely smoothly, completing this unprecedented and huge movement.

At this moment, the Holy Realm enveloped Angel's sky.

I don’t know how many musicians were amazed.

"The Yellow King?!"

It's like the long-lost Yellow King Mozart reappears, subduing the ether with his Requiem, eliminating all scars and sufferings, and bringing peace and tranquility to the world.

With the support of the Land of Nothingness, the entire Angelo sky turned into an iron wall, blocking out all thunder.

Even if the thunder can pierce through the Holy Ya, it will be separated layer by layer by the power of the Sword of the New Testament, just like being thrown into a millstone. In the end, under the consumption of music theory of the etheric network, the music theory and ether will fade away and become With the pure thunder and lightning phenomenon, even if there is some damage, it is no longer as difficult as before to burn down an entire city with one strike.

This move is tantamount to replacing Angel with his own body, facing the constant bombardment of Gangnir.

In an instant, Ye Qingxuan felt the burning heat coming from the hilt of the sword.

The thunder made the sword of the New Testament red-hot.

If it is trapped in a corner, sooner or later it will be completely exhausted by the World Tree supported by the entire power of Asgard. Even if the Sword of the New Testament is an elemental artifact flowing from the Great Source, it will be difficult to withstand an attack of such scale and density.

Every minute and every second, there is a force that is enough to burn several cities dry and bombards the territory of Shengya.

Even if it is transferred layer by layer and shared through the Ethernet, the Heaven on Earth and the Homeland Defense Front, it is not a long-term solution.

Fortunately, with Ye Qingxuan's support... Mary could have her hands free.

At that moment, Mary on the throne opened her eyes, held Katina's sword hilt with both hands, and looked at Asgard with her golden eyes.

Looking in the direction of the World Tree.

Thousands of miles away, the old musician could still feel the chilling inhuman murderous intent.

It was the cruelty and coldness conveyed by the dark essence of Leviathan under the control of Katina. The evil dragon in the shackles was already hungry and thirsty.

Immediately afterwards, the seven seas boiled.

Countless undercurrents surged from the deep sea. Under Katina's mobilization, they pushed the huge ocean to move, the ocean currents surged, and the sea demons roared.

And Avalon is shaking!

With Mary's movement, the size of the kingdom of heaven on earth suddenly shrunk by more than three times, and in the end, only the shadow remained. At the cost of this, the power of the natural disaster Leviathan was completely awakened!

With the movement of this power, the once-dead Leviathan once again regained a trace of vitality. Endless dragon power spurted out from Avalon, transforming into the huge shadow of the golden dragon.

Above the boiling seven seas, countless miserable white mist rises. The white mist is so thick that it is breathtaking, dancing, and driven by ocean currents and sea winds, it rolls up toward the earth.

Viewed from a high altitude, it looks like a white velvet blanket advancing from the sea, gradually covering the mountains and rivers on land. It seems slow, but in fact, under such a huge scale, the speed is incredibly fast.

In an instant, the thick fog, accompanied by the hurricane, pushed forward and covered thousands of miles. It only takes half an hour to cross the vast land and set foot on the territory of Asgard.

At the same time, endless amounts of water vapor rose from the ocean. In addition to the thick fog, thick cumulonimbus clouds formed in the sky. Amidst the thunder, endless heavy rain poured down, as if to follow the heavy rain. Fog covers the whole world.

Ocean, fog, clouds, heavy rain...

Under the full force of Leviathan, the inhuman power formed a terrifying cycle, and an undoubted natural disaster descended on the world.

After hundreds of years of silence, the former four living creatures Leviathan revealed a completely different but equally terrifying power from the hundred-armed giant.

Unlike the hasty counterattack under the rage last time, under the control of the Sword of Katina, Mary has perfectly controlled the power of Leviathan through the national defense matrix.

At this moment, Asgard has to face the four living creatures who have returned in their prime with the full support of Angru, even the natural disaster that still ranks the highest among many natural disasters - Leviathan!

Under the power of Katina and the New Testament, Angru not only thoroughly excavated most of the war potential, but also his own strength has undergone a terrifying qualitative change.

The only pity is that in Ye Qingxuan's plan, he originally planned to cast not two, but three.

In addition to the King's Sword of Judgement, Katina, which represents justice and mercy and can control natural disasters with human will, and the Sword of Judgement, New Testament, which represents Protestantism, there is also a Sword of Judgement of Worldly Affairs made of the Ether Net and other precious materials.

One controls natural disasters, one implements God's will, and one confers the title of musician. The three complement each other and can form a perfect cycle.

Even after the plan, if there is enough spare time, there is also the "Sword of Regime" made of the heavenly kingdom on earth to replace the vacancy of the Sword in the Stone, and the Dragon Power Movement equipped with the Knights of the Round Table - "Sword of Generosity".

If Ye Qingxuan is given enough time to complete these five swords, no one can stop Ye Qingxuan's will.

Unfortunately, the plan is just a plan after all. If you want to complete it completely, unless you completely empty the wealth of the countries, if you can really do it, Anglo would have already pushed everything.

And now, even if there are only two, Anglo can give it a try!

"The time for counterattack has come!"

Ye Qingxuan's voice rang out in the Privy Council: "Order Brown Fortress, all personnel are ready, open the Dragon Power Armor equipment, when the white fog rises, it will be the prelude to Anglu's counterattack!"

Accompanied by Ye Qingxuan's order, war alarms sounded everywhere in Avalon, and a large amount of information in the Ether Network was transmitted in all directions, and Stein's secret rooms from zero to nineteen were included in the decryption sequence.

Birmingham, Ludun...In the heavy industrial area of ​​Anglu, the war warehouse that was originally guarded by heavy troops opened with a roar. One after another, heavy steel chariots ran out of it, crossed the pontoon bridge, and drove onto the warships heading to the front line.

In the connection of the Ether Network, in the secret musician training institutions throughout Anglu, those mass-produced musicians who were selected from the army because of their musician talents, after a month of training, were fully armed, wearing their own terminals, and headed towards the direction of the alarm.

Less than three days after the correction, the fleet full of royal musicians had already left the port again.

At the same time, one harmony after another was launched from churches in various places, erected and pointed to the sky, turning into a network of natural disasters, transmitting endless power.

Through the Sword of the New Testament, Ye Qingxuan listened to the breathing of the war beast.

Staring at the direction of the enemy, he whispered softly:

"Then... let's use this battle to confirm where the future lies!"

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