Crown of Silence

Chapter 733 Why is it so strong?

Chapter 732 Why are you strong?

"...Is this guy crazy?"

Even Ye Qingxuan did not expect such a sudden development.

Handel ignored the wounds caused by the hard fight just now, and did not even repair the cracks on the scepter. He gave up on sorting out the confusing music theory, and instead put all his money into it, breaking pots and smashing them, and started gambling with his life.

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Staring at the huge light beam above the sea fortress, Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt a toothache.

Of course he knew what it was. In fact, there were very few people in the whole world who didn't know what it was.

That is the core power of the inheritance of the holy name, the 'inhuman power' possessed in the core music theory of every saint - the essence from the sacred cauldron complies with the call of the holy scriptures and bestows human beings with the power of gods .

Breaking all barriers, going beyond all specifications, without making any sense, without any logic... Just like Schubert's "Prometheus" that redeems everything, Haydn can open up material fault lines in the etheric realm, just like creation The "Genesis" of the world...

This is Handel's complete posture, forcibly merging the Messiah's staff with his own scepter, transcending the limitations of the physical body, and forcibly transforming his etheric incarnation, the 'Holy Spirit', into the 'Savior'.

Eliminate all suffering in the world and eliminate all types of evil spirits.

End all heresy.

Because the age of man is coming.

For example, the alchemist uses fire, the bleacher uses alkali...

If this authority is implemented in the material world, it will be the ultimate annihilation of all inhuman species, whether it is natural disasters, monsters, strange things, artifacts, or rational spirits...

Although there is only one chance, it is enough to repel any natural disaster and open up a pure land for human beings to survive.

It's just that Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that each Handel only had one chance in his life, and the other party actually used it on him... How much hatred did this guy have against himself!

What a grievance!

Even if you don't treat serious injuries, you have to force yourself into a savior state even if you spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair with a breathing tube inserted. Regardless of whether there are any hidden dangers in this unstable savior state, what is this guy trying to do?

Does he think that the power against natural disasters will have any effect on him?


Ye Qingxuan was stunned. He raised his head and looked at the crown of light above his head. He lowered his head and looked at his chest, which was connected to the Ethernet of Avalon.

It seems...that I am indeed experiencing a natural disaster now.

And he’s a fucking ‘Double Natural Disaster’ musician who is blessed by both the Golden Dragon and the Ethernet!

And at this shit moment, under the full suppression of Gangnir of Asgard, both the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and the Ethernet have to protect Avalon and cannot give him any more help.

In other words, although I only have two names, which sounds powerful, but in fact... I am very weak.

Kong has twice the output capacity of natural disasters, but the ether reserves in the black box are already stretched thin.

At the same time, the double killing intent and double restraint in response to the double natural disasters made Ye Qingxuan instantly count down his hair. He didn't even have time to take a breath of air-conditioning and jumped up from the chair:

"Retreat! Retreat! The Asgardians are going to fight!"

Before he finished speaking, the blue sea frozen by the light suddenly erupted with a roar like an earthquake, and the solidified sea surface trembled because of the majestic power spreading in it.

That was the roar triggered by countless ether cannons at the same time.

Under the full push of the saints, the entire maritime fortress, hundreds of super-large ether cannons, and countless small alchemical weapons were activated at the same time.

Like countless stars rising from the sea fortress, shaking the sky, drawing a sad arc, and falling towards the royal fleet.

In an instant, Longwei's armor was like tissue paper in a heavy rain, becoming riddled with holes in the roaring roars. The warship whined, its armor shattered, and it struggled to avoid it.

As the controller, Ye Qingxuan, who incarnated the entire fleet, felt the pain of tearing apart. He almost exhausted the power in the black box through the ladder, and quickly repaired the fleet, but it was difficult to keep up with the speed of destruction.

Even the projection of the golden dragon was like a candle in the wind, swaying rapidly, and the music theory of the golden chapter of victory fell apart under the attack of the power of the Messiah.

If it weren't for the nearly infinite carrying capacity of the Staff of Destiny, the royal fleet would have fallen apart in the first round of bombardment. -

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan was not the only one who was trapped in a trap. Even the commander in the maritime fortress was completely stunned.

"Your Excellency Rommel, what on earth are you doing!"

He broke into the central control room and looked at the savior who was bathed in the blazing divine light. "Why did you suddenly mobilize all the ether reserves in the sea fortress? If they are all squandered now, how can we attack Avalon?"

"Avalon? Don't you understand yet?"

Rommel looked at him coldly, with an indifferent expression: "His threat to the world is far greater than Angelou! Even higher than Gaius and the so-called 'Son of God'!

As long as Ye Qingxuan can be destroyed here, neither Avalon nor Angelo will be afraid! I have been waiting since the beginning of the war. If I want to completely destroy him, this is the only chance! "

The commander was stunned, suddenly realized, and fell into a rage: "You madmen of the Holy City! What do you think of Asgard! A tool? Or cannon fodder! Your Majesty has given you such a deep trust in vain!

Make him stop immediately, immediately! "

The last sentence was an order to the scepter musician next to him, but the scepter musician fell into silence for a long time and let out a sigh.

"Feel sorry……"

He reached out and pointed, and silently, the commander turned into a handful of dissipated ashes.

All his power comes from the elements of the Codex, and if the Order abandons it, he will have nothing.

After witnessing all this, Klein felt only a sense of sadness and looked at Rommel coldly:

"It's my turn next?"

"Mr. Klein, please don't embarrass me."

Rommel looked at him: "You are a precious scepter musician, and your life is of great value. Why make unnecessary sacrifices here?"

Klein didn't speak, just smiled miserably, turned around and walked to the corner of the central control room, did it, closed his eyes, and said no more.

He gave up.

"Then, please cooperate with me next."

Rommel looked at the other silent scepter.

The musician sighed helplessly, opened his scepter, and allowed Rommel to take over.

Then, the four-sided flaming sword bathed in divine light rose from the sea fortress, with the rod of Messiah as the core. The flaming sword, which represented destruction and protection, rotated, setting off a tornado that reached the sky and the earth. Countless rays of light converged towards the sword of gods, and finally, it fell with a bang.

The blazing light whipped the material world, tearing the sea and the sky apart. Wherever the sword passed, the barrier between the material world and the etheric world was cut, leaving black cracks.

Ye Qingxuan looked gloomy and held the scepter tightly.

Must...have to fight hard.

The mighty hymn sounded out of thin air, and the solemn melody circulated between heaven and earth. In an instant, after the ether reserve of the entire black box was completely drained, countless electric lights burst out of thin air, and the harsh sound of electric current breaking through the air gathered in one place, but turned into The chilling melody of "The Day of God's Wrath".

Countless electric lights gathered together and turned into blurry figures. They raised the Scythe of God's Wrath and slashed it towards the sky!

At that moment, the solidified sea surface completely fell apart.

With a roar, countless seawater collapsed and shattered like iron stone, and countless dust-like water vapor rose up to the surroundings. The terrifying collision burst out endless light and heat.

And amidst the earth-shattering collision, no one noticed that a tiny speck of dust fell on the side of Nomadic Mountain's ship.

The knight, shrouded in gray power armor, took a deep breath and unscrewed the empty hilt of the sword in his hand.

As a result, the vibrating ether spurted out from the hilt of the sword. They were bound in the invisible field and went back and forth thousands of times in an instant, forming an invisible blade.

"Assassinate the Grand Inquisitor... Rommel, thank you for thinking of it."

The knight murmured softly, recalling Rommel's appearance before the war started.

"Schwartz, I have gone astray."

The former saint looked at him, "My arrogance led to this shortcoming. I ignored the difference between Ye Qingxuan and other people in the past. Too much thinking made me fall into the cage of his consciousness, always one step behind him, and difficult to surpass." His fate... But you are different, so I will give you the only chance.

Next, I will be like him: use myself as a bargaining chip to make a huge gamble and bring him closer to this gamble.

The key to victory is not in the gambling game, but in your hands... When he is dealing with me with all his strength, do what you do best.

——Kill him at all costs! "

"Does that mean you want me to ignore your intention to betray Asgard, abandon your responsibilities, and go to die on the Nomadic Mountain?"

"Will you refuse?"

Rommel spread his hands and looked at him: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, so please choose:

He was going back to Asgard, to be a guard of the Golden Palace who would never see the light of day, and to die in humiliation in the darkness where no one cared about him. Or should I give up my life now to kill Ye Qingxuan and be remembered in the history books? "

Rommel looked at him, as if he had seen through the unwillingness in his heart for a long time, and he could see clearly the anger concealed by his long words.

"You are such a devil, Rommel."

Schwartz stopped remembering and murmured softly: "I hope God redeems my soul from hell."

At that moment, he closed his eyes and put his palms on his chest. Through the heavy armor, it seemed to be pressing on the ancient holy symbol.

So, in an instant, the sacred creation that had been passed down for hundreds of years in the sacristy room was awakened, turned into a stream of light, and swallowed up his figure.

His body suddenly disappeared.

In the next moment, Ye Qingxuan suddenly appeared on the bridge without any warning or reason, and thrust out the Ether Sword in his hand towards Ye Qingxuan, who had left his body and had no ability to resist.

It was like blood, fire and soul resting on it. In the blink of an eye, when the alarm sounded, the sword blade penetrated the thick steel chair, tore Ye Qingxuan's back heart, and cut a big hole in his chest. The sword blade spurted out from his chest.

The blood evaporates and dries up.

The blade dissipated.

"Your Highness! You..."

Beside Ye Qingxuan, the Knight of the Round Table who was guarding him fell into a rage. He was so stimulated by everything in front of him that he rushed forward desperately. He didn't even have time to draw his sword. He activated the highest drive of the armor desperately, even if his muscles were torn. , and bumped towards Schwartz.

But there was no real feeling of hitting anything, it was like a cloud of dust was scattered.

Schwartz's steel armor turned into iron sand and fell in confusion. The flesh under the armor seemed to be thrown into a crematorium and turned into dust.

Only a dim holy symbol fell to the ground, without any light.

he died.

He was dead the moment he appeared.

Completely contrary to reality, the holy symbol that teleported him to the bridge was the product of wind tunnel experiments hundreds of years ago, a failure of short-range biological teleportation.

Breaking the human body into millions of particles and then reassembling it at the other end... Such a beautiful idea has never been realized. It can only turn humans into corpses.

At that moment, Schwartz was dead.

All that remains is the pain that has been lurking in the darkness for decades, the sorrow that no one knows, and the unwillingness to wear the shackles.

The obsession seemed to have power, almost contrary to reason, driving his corpse, his remains, and stabbed out this miraculous sword at the moment of reorganization and death.

In an instant, the situation was reversed.

The crown of light falls apart.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and vomited blood. Then, the Nomadic Mountain wailed, the sound of twisted steel burst out, and countless blood flowed out from under the broken armor and dripped on the sea.

Amidst the continuous sirens, countless equipment were destroyed in an instant. Only the heart of the core ether pool was weakly fluctuating, maintaining the integrity of the Nomadic Mountain.

In the aftermath of the flaming sword, nearly half of the first-generation royal fleet was instantly destroyed.

In severe pain, Ye Qingxuan reached out, took out the medicine from his pocket, and injected it into his neck. The medicine's effect quickly evaporated, making his chaotic consciousness clear again.

The pain became increasingly clear and maddening.

"Heart again?"

He lowered his head and looked at the big hole in his chest. When he saw the fragments of his heart, he didn't feel panic. Instead, he felt numb and helpless.

"You are really in trouble."

He shook his head bitterly, pulled out the broken heart from the crack, and sighed helplessly.

Not only his heart, he felt that the music theory in his body had become a mess. Even the scepter that was originally clear and clear was now difficult to sense, as if it was lost in the fog of the future.

This is the ultimate hit!

I don’t know how long I’ve been preparing for this, but it’s a dead end that’s tailor-made for myself.

If he hadn't been blessed by double natural disasters and sacrificed the crown of the golden seal of victory, barely protecting the integrity of himself and the fleet, otherwise the entire fleet would have been wiped out with him.

"Your Highness! Your Majesty... Death is irredeemable!"

The guard looked blankly at the gap in front of Ye Qingxuan's eyes, his face flushed with humiliation, he knelt on the ground, begged Ye Qingxuan, took out his long sword, and prepared to commit suicide.

"It's okay, I'm very tough."

Ye Qingxuan stretched out his hand, supported his shoulders and the erratic staff of destiny, stood up, coughed violently, and spat out Xue Xue: "This level can only be considered a serious injury at best, and it is just disabled at most.

Keep your head up, it’s not your fault. "

The knight looked at him blankly and saw him waving to him.

"Let's go."

Ye Qingxuan pushed open the broken hatch and stepped onto the stairs leading to the deck: "Follow me to meet the 'confidant' who has worked hard and wants to take my life at all costs."

It was as if he had already anticipated Ye Qingxuan's reaction and arrangement. At the most critical moment, that guy guessed correctly - he arranged for the dead man to stab him with a sword that would determine the outcome.

I was used to seeing big winds and waves, but I was thrown into such a miserable state by a person whose name I had never heard of.

Ye Qingxuan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

What a shame.


On the burning and cracked deck, Ye Qingxuan stood next to the cracked ship's side. He raised his head and stared at the glorious light in the sea fortress, his expression becoming complicated and helpless.

"What exactly are you planning?"

he asked softly.

As if hearing his question, the figure of the savior appeared on the sea fortress.

Rommel, who was in the flames, looked coldly at the big hole in Ye Qingxuan's chest, and looked at his miserable appearance without mercy: "According to the decree of His Holiness, God's punishment is imposed on those who deviate from the path of God.

——This is the only justice and justice in the world! "

Ye Qingxuan was amused, "This is the first time I heard someone speak to me with justice and justice."

"Do you still think you are the Hand of God?"

Rommel sneered indifferently: "Both the Inquisition and you have been abandoned by God long ago.

Failure to recognize your own destiny, disobeying God's arrangements, and misusing God's blessings are the ways to your death!

Now, what tricks do you have to defy your destiny? Use your non-existent scepter? Or those powers obtained from heretical natural disasters? "

Ye Qingxuan listened silently to the verdict from the silent organ. His expression when he looked at Rommel became strange. After a long time, he sighed helplessly.

It seemed like he had recognized his fate, and it also seemed like... he had compassion for his enemies.

"do you know?"

As if chatting, he slowly raised his hand and pointed at his head: "Although I am known as the most talented musician in hundreds of years, the hand of God who revived the Inquisition.

But in fact, I am not even a formal musician, and I have not even graduated from the Royal College of Music. He has never entered the church, received baptism, or become a believer in a god.

Therefore, my strength has never come from music theory, nor from the blessing of gods. I have never created any music, let alone rely on the so-called scepter.

Because this is never what I want. "

"Friend, you have been wrong about everything from beginning to end."

He looked at Rommel and said earnestly: "My strength comes from my will, my determination, and the future I want to create.

I know I am strong, but this is not because I got the power of the Ether Net, but because..."

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the hollow in his chest, the slowly rotating crystal cube that appeared in the heart area at some point:

"——I am the Ether Net!"

Do you think I will abuse you again? Just kidding... I am the author of a cool article! A cool article!

Also, although I have to take a day off to go to the hospital tomorrow, I think this chapter is too awesome, so I decided to come out and ask for a monthly ticket.

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