Crown of Silence

Chapter 727 Gungnir

Chapter 726 Gungnir

The old musician held down his hair.

The gray hair fluttered in the hot wind.

The sound of steel colliding came from all directions. The huge steel collided with each other under the push of the machine, bursting with a loud roar, and sparks bursting. The inhuman power gathered towards the center.

The black clouds vibrated in the roar, like a forged iron curtain. The sky shook and sprinkled countless dust like ash. The originally pure white tower was painted with a layer of black.

The pungent smell of sulfur filled the wind, making the wind seem to solidify, pushing from below like a wall, making it difficult to stand. Obviously on the top of the tower, in this hot and gloomy world, you can still hear the sound of the tide.

It was like a river surging from all directions, the sound of rapids colliding, and the splashing of water overlapped in one place, and it set off layers of shocking low hums.

They are mixed in the roar of steel, so noisy,? It is reassuring, as if water can moisten the thirsty throat and the hot life can be redeemed.

Only when standing on the edge of the tower and looking down can you feel the real despair.

As far as the eye can see, in all directions, countless rivers are rushing in the excavated riverbeds, but the color of the river is red, surging like blood, emitting the light from purgatory.

That is fire.

The red river of fire is rushing under the dark sky, burning the iron curtain sky red.

The lava brings the power of fire and purgatory, driving countless huge and jaw-dropping machines to operate, driving those sharp-edged machine hubs to cut the air, and glowing with a hissing roar.

"It's just like hell..."

The old musician whispered softly, retracted his gaze, and stopped looking.

There were hurried footsteps on the steel ladder behind him. The panting middle-aged man climbed up the tower, walked behind the old musician, presented the document, and whispered:

"Sir, news from the Western Front."

The old musician lowered his head and flipped through the urgent report from the sea fortress in spring, but he was not angry or ashamed like the elders, but laughed softly.

"After all, he is a young man. No matter how cautious he says, he is always proud in his heart."

He seemed to be able to see Rommel's gloomy face, and just threw the document into the wind. The pale paper was shattered in the wind, fell down with the dust, and disappeared.

The middle-aged officer pretended not to hear anything and just lowered his head: "The elders will ask for your opinion."

"I don't have any opinion. If you doubt someone, don't employ him. If you employ someone, don't doubt him. I believe that your majesty thinks so too." The old musician put his hands in his sleeves, as if helpless: "Some things, no matter how many times you say it, how to order, if you don't experience it yourself and don't suffer a little, it will always be useless.

Our opponent is the Prince of Avalon, that kind of inhuman monster. It's not shameful to suffer a little loss, and there is no need to think of any way to point fingers.

Since you say you want to trust the young people, then leave the victory or defeat to them."

The middle-aged officer was silent for a moment, and whispered a sentence that a certain elder asked him to bring:

"Do you think you will lose?"

The old musician was silent for a moment, and suddenly laughed.

"Even the Senate is afraid? Afraid that the world will abandon them... Sorry, I'm not a wizard, nor am I good at divination. This is not something I can control.

I can only be sure of one thing."

The old musician glanced at him and said calmly: "If fate is not on our side, then the Asgardians don't believe in fate, it's that simple."

The officer was silent for a long time, took three steps back, turned around and left.

The old musician stood quietly between the heaven and earth that seemed like purgatory. I don't know how long it took, silence suddenly came, and countless roars quietly dissipated.

The whole world seemed to have lost its sound, and only the turbid breathing resounded in my ears.

In the shadows, a hunched figure quietly emerged. He raised his head, revealing the wrinkles on his face. His abrupt hooked nose was covered with heavy glasses and dust. His voice was like the friction of iron sheets:

"Sir, Odin's divinity has been successfully moved into the World Tree and is waiting for your orders at any time."

"Then let's start."

The old musician turned around and smiled: "Young people are always impetuous. Sometimes when they make mistakes, the old people should understand and help when they can."

The hunched figure bowed his head deeply and disappeared in the shadows.

Then, the sky and the earth suddenly darkened.

Under the iron curtain sky, the river of fire that gathered from all directions seemed to have become a candle in the wind, and the light flickered. It was as if an invisible monster opened its mouth and swallowed the light and heat from purgatory.

The tower shook violently.

Starting from the bottom of the tower, to the four-way hub, the nine hot seas, and the thirty-six rivers of lava were rapidly losing their light, becoming cold, condensing, and breaking.

The light that burned the iron curtain sky dissipated, and in the darkness, in the deepest part of the tower, a pair of eyes slowly opened.

Then, countless thunder roared.

Lightning gushed out from under the tower base, sweeping upward, like a torrent wherever it passed, washing away the gray-black dust, stripping off the rust and copper spots, restoring the silent tower to its original pure white, and then shining brightly.

That was the alchemy matrix running.

I don’t know how many alchemists gathered, spent their life’s efforts, and consumed how many lapis lazuli veins before they were able to cast such a huge alchemy matrix.

As if reflecting a huge world, the complex alchemical matrix unfolds layer by layer, lights up, runs in the core of the tower, and glows with a brilliance that can ignite everything.

There are no stars, but there are countless complex branches that run like the stars in the sky.

There is no sunlight, but it seems that there is a scorching sun running between the dark sky and earth, tearing all the darkness.

Outflow, creation, formation, and activity, the four major levels light up from silence, but when the complete matrix is ​​formed, the operation does not stop, but evolves towards an inhuman realm.

Until the end, the nine kingdoms are split, but they are connected as one under the surging divinity, forming a body that allows the huge divinity to operate perfectly.

This is the 'World Tree'.

After draining hundreds of volcanoes, it is enough to destroy natural disasters and smash the world with one blow.

"The essence is running."

"The artificial godhead is activated."

"The nine worlds are running in balance, the divinity is condensed, and the Odin projection is completed."

As the voices in his ears continued to ring, the old musician closed his eyes on the top of the tower. In his arms, countless notes shone dimly on a wedge-shaped clay tablet full of cracks.

In the complex melody, the glow of the stars slowly rose from his body, interweaving above the sky, revealing the trace of the scepter.

At the top of the scepter, the sky covered by dark clouds suddenly turbulent, and a void ring slowly opened.

In a flash, the thin and huge lens unfolded, riveted in the sky, and turned into a blurred and perfect circle.

The light from afar was refracted and projected on the lens. Through the naked eye, what was seen was no longer the dark clouds like steel, but the night sky that had been away for a long time.

The old musician opened his eyes, his eyes bursting with divine light, staring at the night sky.

So, in the night sky, the stars shone, the invisible wheel was pushed, and countless stars were running at a rapid speed. The speed was so terrifying that the stars dragged out tracks in the night.

In the end, the tracks of countless stars overlapped in one place, turning into a complex and grand concentric circle.

"Star track locked."

The old musician opened his hands, as if holding the movement of the starry sky, and his hoarse voice echoed between heaven and earth, "The Aether Sea Beacon has completed its operation."

"The Fire Cellar Matrix is ​​activated, and the Dora Movement begins..."

The world shook, and the iron curtain above the sky was turbulent, cracking into tragic cracks.

But behind the cracks, what gushed out was fierce light.

The fierce light was like a knife, crisscrossing between heaven and earth.

The strong wind gathered, guarding the white tower, echoing the low melody, gathering in countless notes, and setting off roars and roars.

The next moment, countless dust on the ground rose into the air, fleeing in fear in all directions.

The cold world burst into a loud roar of steel collision.

In the hands of the old musician, the world's thunder gathered, and the empty lightning condensed into substance at this moment, as crystal-clear as crystal, and turned into a spear-like shape.

But through the spear, it seemed that one could glimpse the movement of the vast starry sky, so real, and the whole world reflected was so empty, ethereal like a bubble.

Just a slight poke, and it will be disillusioned...

This is the fruit of extinction forged by humans, the forbidden power usurped from the hands of gods.


"Dusk is coming, and destruction is here."

The old musician held the spear of thunder and lightning in his hand, raised his arm, and pointed to the solidified star track in the night sky, "With this, I will play a dirge for you."

The next moment, the light of thunder shot up into the sky.

The star track broke.

It was as if the fate represented by the stars was also pierced and torn apart by the spear of lightning. The dark clouds like an iron curtain were ignited, and the flames burned above the sky, spreading in all directions, leaving burn marks in the night sky.

And in the center of the sky, a terrifying crack had already cracked.

In just a moment, Gungnir ignited the sky, and the terrifying lightning gathered into a beam, which destroyed the sea of ​​ether and carved a hole in it.

Forward, forward, forward.

The lightning surged, carving a straight mark in the night sky, thousands of miles in a flash.

It swept across the lava river, the desert flying sand, the sea tide, the storm.

Wherever it passed, the sky and the earth roared, the lava torrent was cut off, the rolling yellow sand melted into glass, the waves collapsed, the wind dissipated, the rain evaporated...

At that moment, in the noisy throne room, Mary, who was sleeping lightly, woke up from her dream and suddenly opened her eyes.

Her eyes penetrated the dome of the palace and stared at the burning sky.

The lightning of destruction fell from the sky!

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