Crown of Silence

Chapter 724 Thinking

Chapter 723 Thinking

There was silence in the steel corridor.

The young musician stood in front of the door holding a dinner plate, looking hesitantly at the closed cabin in front of him.

He has obviously walked on this corridor countless times during his six years of service, and brought dinner to officials who had no time to go to the restaurant countless times.

But this time, he was extremely hesitant.

It was like facing some ferocious beast.

It does not come from external intimidation or verbal oppression, but from an intuition...a sense of crisis and fear for herbivores to avoid their natural enemies.

He swallowed, gathered up his courage, and knocked on the door.

There was silence behind the door, no one responded, but the illusion-like chill became more intense.

He hesitated and knocked on the door again.

This time, he froze.

Across the door in front of him, he could feel a pair of eyes looking over, looking at him coldly, as if every inch of his soul was being dragged out through the steel, material, and body.

"Please come in."

A low voice sounded from behind the door. It was not cold or serious. It made him feel as if he had received an amnesty. He pushed the door open with one hand, but there was an inexplicable coldness coming from behind the dim door.

The hand holding the tray couldn't help but tremble slightly.

He saw countless thin cotton threads flying across the air.

Red, black, white, green...

Dense notes, photos and archive pages were pinned to the wall, occupying every inch of space. The thumbtacks pulled the cotton threads, causing them to come and go, intertwining into a complex and huge network.

The tables, walls, floors, and even beds were piled with dossiers and files.

It's like a spider's nest.

The gray-haired man turned his back to him, squatting among the messy files, staring at the countless cotton threads flying across the air, thinking about something.

Looking for gaps among countless clues.

"Mr. Rommel."

The astonished musician lowered his head, not daring to look again, and just whispered: "Your dinner..."

"Just leave it there, thank you."

Rommel pointed to the door. The musician put down his plate as if he was being forgiven, and gently closed the door. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he turned the corner of the corridor.

In the silent room, Rommel seemed to have turned into a stone statue, silently thinking.

"That's too much."

In the darkness, a sighing voice sounded. A thin middle-aged man walked out of nowhere, carrying a cold dinner, holding a fork in his hand, and ate his dinner unceremoniously, muttering in his mouth. Tag:

"You didn't even look at the dinner that someone kindly brought you... Moreover, after coming to the sea fortress for so many days, you locked yourself in the room and turned over and over, looking at the same man's photos.

Hey, you know what?

In Asgard, if your room is filled with pictures of men, it only means you are gay..."

"Are all the guards in the Golden Palace as verbose as you?"

Rommel asked in confusion: "If you want to go out, go by yourself. You can do whatever you want, Schwarz, as long as you don't disturb me."

"This is not okay."

Schwartz shrugged: "After all, that's where the responsibility lies."

In the Asgardian army, when a musician exists as a commander, he will be equipped with his own bodyguards. Once the war situation enters, they will eat and live together 24 hours a day, and the distance from each other will never exceed ten meters to maximize prevention. Assassinations and accidents occur.

Although it was not necessary for a scepter like Rommel's, the old musician still dispatched a Golden Palace Guard to him before leaving.

After a long period of training and conditioning, these knights selected from the entire Asgardian army became anonymous and became the guards of the Golden Palace after erasing all household registration and information.

In the past hundreds of years, they have been responsible for protecting the safety of emperors or important officials. They are known as the best guards in the world, and at the same time... they are also the best assassins.

In addition to protection tasks, they will also do some dirty work for their owners that cannot be done on the table.

Loyal, diligent, and fearless of death.

It's a pity that there are so many advantages, but they can't cover up one flaw. The guy assigned to Rommel... is a talker.

"But what have you been doing for such a long time?" Schwartz scratched his slightly curly black hair, squatted at the door to finish his meal, and turned to Rommel, asking: "Is it unrequited love?"

"I'm thinking."

Rommel stirred the cold coffee in the cup, but his eyesight did not change at all. From beginning to end, he was staring at the blurry or clear photos on the wall.

Looking at the white-haired young man, he looked at him with dark eyes.

“‘Think’ like Ye Qingxuan.”

Schwartz clicked his tongue and shook his head: "Is it necessary? Why study yourself as a gay when studying an opponent?"

"For an enemy like Ye Qingxuan, no matter how cautious you are, you should be cautious."

Rommel said calmly: "Can you imagine? In one year, a person changes from an apprentice to a scepter, controlling natural disasters, from an exile to the shadow emperor of a country, from an unbeliever to the archbishop of a religious order, and judging The Grand Inquisitor... He is a miracle, Schwartz, a terrifying miracle."

He stared at the photo and looked at Ye Qingxuan.

"Look, this guy's face is always smiling... as if the suffering in this world is like dust to him.

Even if he is wearing human skin, no matter how gentle he is, you can still feel that... he is a monster, an inhuman thing.

Looking into his eyes, you will feel that all your efforts are in vain. Compared with the miracles in his body, everything about you is nothing.

This is unreasonable..."


The metal spoon broke into the coffee cup.

Rommel finally looked away, turned his head silently, and looked at Schwartz: "I have been thinking... why does such a thing exist in this world?"

"how could I know?"

Schwartz shrugged: "Thinking is your job. Do you expect a bodyguard to give you advice?"

Rommel laughed to himself.

He took one last look at the pictures on the wall and lowered his eyes.

"I don't think God would allow such a thing to exist in this world."

He picked up the cold coffee, drank it in one gulp, chewed the broken iron piece of the spoon, and murmured softly:

"Schwartz, I'm going to kill him."


When the alarm sounded, Rommel finally left his room and appeared on the bridge of the sea fortress.

Compared with other warships, the bridge of the fortress is so huge that it is like a city hall. It is divided into several floors. On the bottom floor are the correspondents running back and forth, holding the warrants and approval documents issued by the staff on the second floor. Various places in the fortress, and the third floor is the real command center.

The old commander saw Rommel, waved to him, and explained the situation: "Mr. Rommel, we have entered the northern seas, and I am afraid that we will officially contact the Royal Anglo Fleet soon.

The reason why I invite you here is that I hope you can sit in the center and be able to respond at any time. Please don’t worry about the next step. "

"This is a matter of duty."

Rommel nodded, looked up at the map projected in mid-air, pondered for a moment and then frowned: "Is it the fog created by the Angles? No, it can't be that simple... What's in the fog?"

"The Cup of Virtue."

The commander replied coldly: "They violated international conventions and poisoned the entire North Sea. We have opened the filter barrier. I'm afraid that in the next few days, all our sailors will have to wear protective suits to breathe."

Unlike others who were angry, Rommel was confused:

"Is that just it?"


"No, it's nothing."

Rommel shook his head, but he always felt a little dazed in his heart, always feeling that he had missed something.

Reports kept coming.

After accelerating its advance, this steel city on the sea roared, opened up the ocean, and opened a huge gap in the tide, advancing slowly like a giant stepping forward.

The thick fog also seemed to be cut off by the hurricane.

As the roar spread, the mist filled with poison began to vibrate. With the loud sound of steel friction, dozens of sluices located throughout the fortress opened, and huge warships spread out from them, forming a formation and spreading out in all directions.

The wheel department has been preheated, the main gun has been debugged, and all members of the power department are in place...

All human beings seemed to have turned into blood, running forward and flowing in the fortress, making its empty heart beat and slowly waking up the entire silent fortress.

It comes alive!

But Rommel kept his head lowered, silent, deaf to the sounds outside, just deep in thought, staring at the map on the wall.



Think like Ye Qingxuan.

In a daze, a bolt of lightning penetrated his consciousness. His shoulders shook and he raised his head suddenly.

"Turn on all detections!"

He shouted loudly to the commander, and the hoarse voice broke the solemn silence on the bridge, causing everyone to turn around in surprise: "Open all the detection instruments and organize the inspired musicians to cooperate with Mr. Klein. A grand symphony performance!”

On the top floor of the bridge, the old man standing in the front row turned back, glanced at the commander, and then looked at him.

"Although the inspirational musicians of each department are currently in place, Mr. Rommel, if you mobilize all the staff, would it be a little too early? Even if I am the scepter, I am afraid I cannot bear the burden for too long."

"Trust me, Mr. Klein."

Rommel chewed his nails and stared at the projected map: "He is here! He will definitely be here!"

Klein looked at the captain. After the commander nodded, he sat in his seat and closed his eyes.

The huge steel fortress suddenly roared, and countless buildings rose and fell like piano keys. Amidst the majestic melody of the pipe organ, the scepter evolved from the void and hung high on the dome of the fortress.

elements revealed.

A blurry eye emerged from the shadow of the scepter, slowly opened it, and looked forward. Then, a ray of light broke through the fog, as if making everything transparent.

That is the left eye that symbolizes the god of natural disasters, Odin.

See the reality of all things.

Following that ray of light, one can glimpse the sea surface behind the fog, the waves under the sea surface, and even the dead seabed thousands of meters below, and the dead fish bones in the coral.

The light swept around, and in an instant the one eye had swept around the entire fortress, looking around.

Nothing at all.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Rommel with strange eyes. Only Rommel was unaware. He just stared at the map and bit his nails subconsciously. His teeth gnawed away the dead skin from his index finger, and blood dripped from the cracked skin.

Soon, the light looked hundreds of nautical miles away and locked the direction of the royal fleet.

"At least it's not a failure."

Klein, who held the scepter, relieved Rommel and smiled: "It's a good thing to stay vigilant."

Rommel said nothing, but looked away in disappointment.

Even Klein couldn't sustain such a large-scale detection. After locking the position of the royal fleet, the high-hanging left eye of God withdrew its sight, and before the music dissipated, it made one final detection of the fortress.

On the right side of the fortress, from the corner of the eye, the dense fog that was originally nothingness suddenly trembled, revealing a silhouette that made everyone stunned.

In an instant, Klein's scepter suddenly fell down. Under his gaze, the cover of water vapor was cut open by an invisible sharp blade, revealing the floating warship behind.

At some point, it bypassed the fortress's detection and approached such a terrifying distance!

Simply, so close!

"What the hell!"

The commander rose from his chair, his face ashen.

Amidst the piercing sirens, the pitch-black warship that came from nowhere seemed to realize that its whereabouts had been revealed. It slowly turned its direction and aimed at the center of the fortress. The pitch-black main gun barrel had already lit up. There was a dazzling light.

——Nomad Mountain!

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