Crown of Silence

Chapter 720 Value

Chapter 719 Value

It's just dawn.

Avalon is a bustling area in Midtown, an apartment area. Pedestrians who get up to go to work in the morning wash up and go around. The bakery is already open, with awnings, tables and chairs set up, and a sign offering half-price set coffee.

A carriage quietly stopped at the door of the sixth-floor apartment. Several men in black uniforms were going up and down the stairs, carrying boxes of luggage and putting them into hanging buckets.

Their movements are neat, but there are no logos on their uniforms, and they don't look as tall as they have been through training. They are thin and carry heavy luggage effortlessly. If someone looks over, they will look over and look at them as if they feel the sight. He looked at the people around him with indifferent eyes.

In the carriage, a man named Richard opened the curtains and looked at a window on the fifth floor.

"Have our guests finished packing?"

The assistant outside the carriage shook his head: "There is still one last thing left to do. That Excellency refused our help. It seems that he is quite resentful."

"the same."

Richard said calmly: "I have studied hard for five years, but when I was about to graduate, I was told that I had to prepare my luggage and send gifts out of the country within two days. No matter who I was, I would be unhappy. And no one can do anything about this kind of thing. Who can you blame?”

The assistant didn't speak, just sighed and looked down at the time on his pocket watch.

"Stop looking and wait."

Richard leaned back on the seat of the carriage: "Always leave some time to say goodbye to others."


On the fifth floor, the room was empty.

Although it is one of the best apartments in Midtown Avalon, the interior is still simple and there are no large pieces of furniture. Even after the luggage was emptied, only a few chairs and a bed were left.

There is also a huge easel.

The unfinished paintings on the shelf were still covered with wet cloths, and there were many completed portraits in the corners. Unfortunately, the royal hounds were a little rough when moving them, and many of the paintings had fallen to the ground and were covered in dust.

And their former creators no longer care about them.

"Saylor, don't you bring these?"

The person who spoke was the girl who lived next door. She was studying in Avalon like him. She had been his classmate for four years and she came over to help with the move.

"Forget it, I can't take it away, just keep it here."

The thin young man took one last look at his hard work and looked away: "If I have a chance, I will come back to clean them up."

Sailor picked up the last suitcase, stood up, looked at the girl next to him, and smiled reluctantly.

"Got to go?"

"Yeah." Sailor nodded, wanting to say something, but said nothing.

"Unfortunately, you still have one year left to finish reading."

The girl smiled complicatedly, reached out and hugged him gently, "I won't give it to you."


Seiler nodded, glanced at her one last time, and walked towards the door. But after reaching the door, he turned back, opened the suitcase, took out a wrapped painting from it, and handed it to her: "This is for you. you."

It was a portrait, exactly like her.

"I always wanted to give it to you."

Seiler smiled sadly, "If you don't give it, you won't have a chance."

After saying that, he picked up the box and left, as if running away.

The girl was left standing in the room blankly, looking at everything empty.

It wasn't until the carriage started moving that Seiler heard the shouting behind him. He got his head out of the window of the carriage and saw the girl shouting something to her from the window on the fifth floor.

But Seiler couldn't hear clearly.

The carriage did not stop, and under the whip of the coachman, it went further and further away, until it turned onto Queen's Road and it was no longer clear where she was. She was overwhelmed by the city.

Sailor returned to the carriage in despair, slumped on the chair, his eyes were a little red.

"Feel sorry."

Richard handed him a handkerchief, "I know this decision is cruel to you, but I hope you can understand that it will be good for everyone if you return to Asgard."

Seiler didn't speak or look up at him.

"If you really miss her, come back here after the war." Richard took back the ignored handkerchief and said lightly: "Compared to parting, waiting is always better, isn't it?"

After the silence, Seiler raised his head, took a deep breath, and shook his head.

"No, I probably won't come back."

"That's a shame."

Richard said calmly: "If the war ends, I welcome people like you to come to Avalon, whether it is to travel or study.

Avalon is a good place. I grew up here. It can sometimes be awkward and make it difficult for outsiders to like it. But in the end, I believe outsiders will find their own place here. "

Seiler shook his head with a complicated expression.

He didn't look like an Asgardian. He wasn't burly or rough. He had a delicate face and was completely different from his father and brothers.

Weak and silent.

It looked like he couldn't even kill a mouse.

During his years in Avalon, no one knew that he was the son of the leader of the Fire River Clan, and he never told anyone about his hometown.

"After returning to Asgard, will you go to the battlefield?" Richard asked.

"Only my father's successors are qualified to go to the battlefield. It's not my turn. I was given up long before I left Asgard."

Seiler said coldly: "In Asgard, the glorious death never favors a weak person like me."

"There's nothing wrong with surviving."

Richard shook his head: "Regardless of victory or defeat, war is always cruel. I also hope that it will not come, but now it seems that this can only be a luxury hope."

Seiler said nothing.

He closed his eyes.

It didn't take long for the carriage to slow down and it was almost reaching the port.

You can vaguely see that the port is busy. Compared with the orderliness in the past, it is now accelerating very fast. Ships are constantly entering and leaving the port.

For those who are well-informed, the rumors of war are approaching, and many people who have nothing to do with it are unwilling to stay here any longer.

And right in sight, a huge passenger ship left its post with the sound of whistle.

It also bears the logo of the Asgard Shipping Company.

"It seems that your family has given up on you. The Asgard embassy didn't even know you were there when they evacuated their compatriots."

Richard sighed and patted Seiler on the shoulder: "Sorry, I have to send you back. Please believe that this is the best solution - we have notified Asgar..."


Before he could finish his words, a roar erupted.

From the carriage window.

The next moment, countless pieces of iron burst out from the broken cargo box, and the screams tore apart people's eardrums. The pieces of iron rubbed in mid-air until they turned red, tearing the air, shattering the carriage of the carriage, and penetrating the middle layer. The steel plate flew into the car.

Those iron pieces were unable to penetrate from the other end, and were bounced back in front of the steel plate. Amid violent vibrations, they continued to bounce around in the carriage.

Then, the fire engulfed everything.

After a brief period of sluggishness, countless people screamed and fled around.

"God's punishment! Did you see it? This is God's punishment!"

Behind the cargo box, a pale musician laughed maniacally, played music, and attacked everything around him crazily: "Go to hell! You cowards! Traitors! Go to hell! Asgard must fight for They paid for everything they did to me! Hahahahaha..."

Five minutes later, the crazy musician was shot dead on the spot, and a royal musician's identity certificate was found from his body.

In the guard's pale face, the burning carriage shattered into pieces, and Richard, who was almost charred, climbed out with difficulty, clutching the young man stained red with blood in his hands.

"Come here!"

He shouted hoarsely: "Come here! Doctor! Where is the doctor!"

A hoarse cough sounded, and next to him, the partially mutilated young man opened his eyes with difficulty.

"Don't waste your time."

His broken face showed a complicated expression: "I'm hopeless."

Richard was stunned and looked down at him blankly. In an instant, he suddenly realized:

"Did you already know this?"

"I told you already...the glorious death never favors the weak."

Sailer's charred face struggled to bring up a smile, full of self-deprecation: "The weak... can only die in humiliation to create... value for the strong..."

Seiler coughed violently, blood foam rising from his throat, blocking his breathing.

As if he had clearly understood that death was coming, he no longer struggled, but propped up his body with his broken elbow, turned back with difficulty, and stared at the city behind him.

It's like being able to see that small window.

Someone is waiting for you there.

Feel sorry.

He closed his eyes and lost his breath.


Twenty minutes later, Ye Qingxuan was awakened by a frantic knock on the door. He climbed up from his desk and saw Richard sitting in a wheelchair with bandages.

"I failed."

Richard's expression was bitter: "The fourth heir of the Fire River Clan in Asgard was assassinated just now at the port."

"Who is the murderer?"

"A royal musician."

Richard replied hoarsely: "This was a premeditated assassination. He already knew he would die. Boss, we are in trouble."

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath, closed his eyes, opened them again, and exhaled the angry breath in his heart.

"I see."

He patted Richard on the shoulder: "It's not your fault. You're lucky to be back. Let Doctor Psalm take a look first."

Five minutes later, the shrill ring of the Privy Council's emergency communications rang from the desk.

"Help me pick up His Royal Highness, immediately!"

"Say it, I'm here."

Behind the desk, Ye Qingxuan was smoking a cigarette, his face as dark as water.

"Two minutes ago, the Asgardians claimed that the only heir of the Fire River Clan was despicably murdered in our country, and Asgard officially declared war on Angel!"

"I see."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his eyes and put out his cigarette: "Your Majesty, please convene an emergency meeting in front of the imperial court, summon all members of the Privy Council, notify everyone, and be prepared..."

He put on his coat and buttoned the last button:

"—The war is coming."

Outside the window, the early morning sun rose from the sea, illuminating the slowly spreading clouds in the distance.

The whole world is silent.

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