Crown of Silence

Chapter 709 Natural Disaster: Ether Net

When the distant scepter merged into Guixu, Guixu fell into a strange silence.

The chaotic ether waves suddenly dissipated, as if they had never appeared. Only the endless ether torrent irrigated inward, as if an invisible behemoth opened its eyes in the embryo and swallowed it.

When the blueprint of the Land of Nothingness merged into Guixu, it seemed that a soul was born in the empty body and was endowed with the original spirituality.

Then, the nature interfered.

The nature interference that humans could not estimate occurred in the depths of Guixu, just like the stars were born from the original darkness of the universe. Every minute, every second, every snap of a finger, every moment, there were tens of millions of explosions and extinguishes.


All the devastation on Guixu gradually healed, but it could not stop the collapse of the temple, and the soil and rocks were also rapidly fading from their original colors.

The dragon's might swept from the heaven on earth, covering the entire Guixu and turning it into a huge furnace.

Countless complex alchemical matrices covered it, constantly changing their properties. This was an alchemy that included the entire Guixu, a huge miracle that countless alchemists could hardly imagine.

Guixu was changing.

In Ye Qingxuan's hands.

Every minute and every second, endless ether gathered, enough to burn Guixu to ashes in an instant. It silently sank into the deepest part of the earth, turned into flames, and tempered this huge island, pushing this island flowing out of the source to a new peak.

In a flash, the entire Guixu was covered in lightning and flames, and rapidly transformed in the massive interference of properties.

It was roaring, running, collapsing in the flames of rebirth, and converging in the lightning of destruction.

Flames and lightning were like water, washing away the color of soil and stone, giving them a crystal-like texture. Countless huge modules were born from thunder and fire.

Until the end, the entire Guixu had turned into a crystal clear crystal, and under the crystal, thousands of streams of light surged, intertwined with each other, and converged into one.

It was an alchemical matrix that overlapped thousands of layers. The matrix was so complicated that it was beyond human imagination. It was like the blood of Guixu. With the beat of the movement, it conveyed the torrent of ether.

Countless musical theories were born and died in it, connected, and turned into a sensational and huge movement. It seemed that countless people in the void sang, roared, and roared in unison. The solemn and magnificent melody burst out from the core and resounded between heaven and earth.

Just praising, countless turbulences were set off in the sea of ​​ether.

Just running, the seabed collapsed, the sea water boiled, and countless electric lights surged.

And in the protection of endless power, the reborn Guixu broke free from the shackles of gravity, easily distorted the laws of the material world, and wrote new laws.

Amidst the chorus of countless chants, it slowly rose from the sea, shook off the dirt and dust on its body, and revealed a brand new look.

The darkness was dispelled.

Because the glow illuminated everyone's eyes.

As if it was carved according to the will of God, it was a creation as exquisite as a miracle, a perfect crystal cube!

Under the guidance of music theory, countless crystal modules with precision below millimeters formed this huge and suffocating outline, and each edge was tens of thousands of meters long.

It was as if an invisible palm was pushing its operation. In the entanglement of electric light, countless modules were slowly rotating along the axis without the slightest stagnation, but as they operated, countless music theories collided, and a soul-stirring thunder burst out.

The stream of light flew out from it, extending in all directions, and finally disappeared into the void, deep into the deepest part of the ether sea, echoing the resonance of all things.

As countless modules rotated, the music theory in them also changed rapidly, showing different appearances, but soon, the alchemical matrix combined in the main axis showed its own appearance.

Is this a... concert?

A super-giant concert that has never been seen before and will definitely never be seen again!

Even if all the giant concerts of the cult branches around the world were gathered together, they would not be comparable to the crystal cube that was born at this moment.

It seemed to be directly connected to the sea of ​​ether, transmitting huge ether waves to all directions. After the combination of the ladder and the ultra-wide-range interference from Haydn, its range was expanded to more than a hundred times the original.

Even on the high seas, the huge sensing range still extended to the territories of Anglu, Burgundy, and Asgard, and even faintly extended to the endless desert in the north.

And in the core of the crystal cube, the scepter named "Nowhere" slowly rotated, promoting the final change.

At that moment, the deep sea surface was illuminated by the light, and the magnificent scene of the heaven on earth emerged from the reflection, and countless people cheered and sang. In the reflection, the throne room appeared, and the queen raised her eyes. From a distance, her sight seemed to pass through the reflection and fell on Ye Qingxuan.

Then, the dragon's mighty torrent from Avalon swept in.

It was the resonance of music theory from the heaven on earth.

The brilliant light stream rose from the sea, refracted through the crystal cube, and the dragon's roar of the nine heavens appeared. The ladder expanded and flew to all directions under the guidance of countless modules.


In Anglo, Avalon, the sleeping Christine woke up from her dream, but found that the light of dragon's might was lit in front of her.

The invisible thing created by the will in the ether covered her body, shrouded her in it, and turned into an invisible armor. Then, complex alchemical circuits were formed from it, spirituality was given, and music theory was connected to the spinal cord. , integrating her with the mighty dragon armor.

Christine was stunned.

"This is……"

She murmured softly and looked behind her in surprise, only to see a stream of light extending from the void and connecting to her body.

The feeling of the armor was so unfamiliar, yet so familiar, as if it was destined.



But in the deepest part of the Royal Academy, there were constant roars erupting from the underground testing site.

Fierce light continued to emerge from the old fingers, turning into real flames and ice, flying forward following the will of the master, and all the iron blocks used for testing were completely destroyed.

Loud noises continued to erupt, shaking the dust from the ceiling, and falling on the old man's ecstatic face.

The researchers who were awakened by the loud noise put on their coats and rushed into the test site, only to see Newton flying in the sky, controlling fire and destruction.


Overnight, Newton became an official musician?

Everyone looked up at that figure and fell into a daze. Only Newton screamed unscrupulously, harnessing this miraculous power to continuously release music.

"What the this?"

"Children, this is a change!" Newton laughed hoarsely, overlooking their stunned faces: "Change will eventually come!"

Beyond Anglia, the same changes are taking place around the world.

As long as they are within the sensing range of the Crystal Cube, all the royal musicians can feel that under the blessing of that light, their own music theory is rising crazily, reaching the peak in an instant.

Even an apprentice has entered the realm of a formal musician in an instant.

The vision lasted for just a few minutes and then disappeared as the light departed. But in their perception, a scorching sun had appeared, shining on them from a distance.

It's as if with a single thought, endless power is at your fingertips.

The same news spread throughout the countries in an instant. In just a few minutes, countless people were awakened from their sweet dreams. They were sweating while looking at the briefing in front of them. They just wanted to open the window and have a good smoke.

They all more or less understand...

Maybe at this moment, the world has changed.

Under Ye Qingxuan's hoarse declaration.

"Accomplished by this..."

"——Natural Disaster·Ethernet!"

Under the control of the blueprint given by the Great Source, the King of Ether, which only existed in the conception, finally reached perfection. Even though this is still a starting point and a prototype compared to the huge scale expected in the future.

After integrating the golden chapter of victory and the music theory of heaven on earth, it has been able to give all users the full movement of a royal musician.

After completing the results of the 'Virtual Alchemy Matrix Projection', it even broke through the limitations of materials and labor, and could create Round Table armor with dragon power at any time, and expand the Knights of the Round Table almost unlimitedly.

From now on, the Royal Musicians and the Knights of the Round Table will enter the era of mass production!

Even more than that, as long as Ye Qingxuan integrates the core music theories of dozens of schools he has collected into the ethernet, it will not be difficult to mass-produce other musicians.

Even if it is limited by the sensing range of the Ethernet, as long as there are relay stations to extend it, theoretically, the coverage of the Ethernet is almost unlimited!

No matter how far the distance is, the ladder can provide the most stable transmission.

The thousand-year dream of the Ye family has been destroyed in Ye Qingxuan's hands, and Ye Qingxuan has no intention of reviving the Ye family's inheritance.

Just let the old things stay in the old days. In the future, there is no need to be closed and slowly perfected from generation to generation. As long as it can be connected to the Ethernet, the whole world will inherit Ye's music theory.

The whole world will be the inheritors of Ye's family.

At this moment, the Ethernet has just been officially born. It has not yet had a profound impact, but it has already made everyone present seem to feel the stormy waves in the future.

Not just because it creates musicians.

No matter how many musicians there are, no one will worry. There are about 100,000 musicians in the world now, but even if there are another 100,000, 200,000, or 300,000 musicians, the whole world will not be able to digest it.

But the damage it brings doesn't come from here at all.

Rather, it is a complete destruction and subversion of the musician’s inheritance!

An apprentice starts at the age of eight, goes through decades, and with the careful cultivation of the teacher and the help of luck, and consumes an unknown amount of materials, can he become an official musician before the age of twenty-five.

The Royal Conservatory of Music enrolls 600 people every year. After six years of training, these 600 people will have 30 formal musicians when they graduate.

And now... all this only takes a moment.

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