Crown of Silence

Chapter 700 Miracle

"The Holy See?"

The ethereal old man, who was like a soul, sat next to the broken flower bed, looking at her, with a self-deprecating smile on his blurred face: "I am not meeting you as the Pope.

Sixteen years ago, I met you when you came to the Holy City. I never thought I would have the chance to see you again. "

"This is God's gift to me." The old nun replied in a low voice.

The phantom of the Red King shook his head and sighed: "God has never favored you, and He will not take credit. Sister, this is the favor of the Grand Judge to you."


The old nun looked up at the firelight in the distance, nodded slowly, turned back, and stared at the old man beside her, with expectant eyes: "How are those children who are under your care?"

"As I promised you, I'm keeping an eye on them."

The Red King was silent for a moment, as if reminiscing, and then said: "Sixteen years have passed, and a lot has happened. Hamilton left the orphanage two years after you left. Following your teachings to him, he obtained a life with his upright character. financial support from a businessman.

Now he is married to a businessman's daughter, and his business is mediocre, not good.

Windsor and Tammy got married and had three children. They often quarreled. After Tammy died of cholera, Windsor took her three children and remarried a blacksmith. The blacksmith was not good to the children, but he taught them all his skills. Gave them...

Egger followed Winston to become a thief. They were hanged six years ago for stealing the nobles' things... Mace took a few companions, changed their names, and went to the border to do some smuggling business and earn enough. After getting the money, go back to your hometown..."

For a long time, the Red King recounted the fate and experiences of those children, and told the nun in front of him everything he saw.

The old nun listened silently, closed her eyes, and recalled the children's faces, smiles, and the warmth of their hands. In this cold return to the ruins, she seemed to be no longer alone. She was still with them even though they were far away.

"...Teresa, as you hoped, your children have all walked out of their own lives in their own way."

The Red King looked at him and said softly: "Some of their lives are happy, some are unfortunate, some are relieved in the end, and some hold grudges. But they always have the purest gratitude and love for you.

Their lives started because of you, and your life is not meaningless. "

"That's right."

The old nun lowered her head, took a deep breath, stretched out her hand in embarrassment, covered her face, and wiped her lost expression, but couldn't help but choked: "It's's really great..."

"Thank you, Holy See."

She raised her face and looked at the Pope in front of her, her dull and old eyes filled with tears and joy.

"Teresa, I feel guilty for you."

The Red King shook his head, stretched out his hand, stroked her withered long hair, and asked softly: "Are you still willing to fulfill our original agreement? Are you still willing to sacrifice for this ruthless world, even if it has never been gentle to you."

"It's my pleasure."

The old nun responded softly and nodded to the phantom in front of her, "Goodbye, Holy See."

"Goodbye, Teresa."

The Red King lowered his eyes and said goodbye softly:

"I hope you and I can meet again in the Kingdom of Heaven."

Then, a divine glow rose from the sky.

In the burning flames, the old nun closed her eyes with a smile, and a cold melody sounded from the aging body, echoing between heaven and earth.

Just listen.

Everything in the world is silent.

All things are in awe.

Only this melody of mercy flows between heaven and earth.

In that glow, Teresa seemed to merge into the light, and the light burst out from her body, spreading to all the darkness with gentleness and mercy, as if embracing, embracing everything in her arms.

Trio in E flat major.

The core music theory and movement engraved in Schubert's scepter, after giving up persistence, seem to embrace everything, sublimating in the lonely and cold melody.

Praise all things in the world and embrace all things created by God.

Without me.

No one can resist the almost redemptive embrace. The melody is like drizzle, quietly accompanying everyone, like a shadow, but they cannot resist or reject the compassionate love in this melody.

In just an instant, the gentle melody has wrapped around everyone's body and penetrated into every corner of Guixu.

In the burning pain, the old nun raised her head and looked at the sky, as if staring at the stars.

His eyes fell on the other side of the stars.

You can glimpse the past and future time from a distance.

She truly transformed into all things.

The next moment, the cold melody quietly sank into silence and entered the end, followed by the thrilling sound of the piano. The stars trembled, and as her open arms rose and fell like piano keys, she shed the final salvation.

This was Schubert's last performance.

Sacrifice yourself, embrace the flames, and bring light and salvation to the world.

The votive chapter, which no generation of Schubert had used since its creation, was now completed in the hands of an old nun who was not even a musician.

She used her soul to imbue the movement with spirituality, making the chapter of sacrifice complete and revived. She transformed herself into the music theory and played the final elegy with it.


At that moment, Ye Qingxuan finally realized it and his face was ashen.


"Make her stop! Damn it, make her stop right now!"

Until this moment, the withered head finally lost its composure, "It's actually true? It's actually true! How could they realize such a ghost thing! What on earth... did the cult!!!"

Even when facing the punishment of the Day of Wrath of God, he had never felt such fear and anger.

"The Day of Wrath" will only destroy natural disasters and heresies, but "Prometheus" brings complete redemption and change. Even natural disasters can be completely transformed.

Once the movement is completed, the entire Guixu will be completely transformed into a branch of the Sacred Cauldron, becoming the Heavenly Fire that will bring a new era to mankind.

And everything the Abyss does will become a stepping stone for the Sacred Cauldron, and this battle that stakes the fate of the Abyss in the future will become a complete joke!

But who can master such a miracle? Who can be so compassionate as to bring salvation from natural disasters?

After dozens of generations, the holy name of Schubert was passed down, until the inheritance was cut off, and the scepter was sealed in the body of a consumable product, lingering on.

In these hundreds of years, no one has been able to truly master this power, or even awaken it.

No one can truly understand the path of compassion, no one can even touch its edges.

But now, this kind of fairy tale like the tooth fairy is completed in the hands of a consumable product? An old woman who looks like a puppet can actually show mercy to monsters and natural disasters?

This is a huge irony!

"Ring the bell! Prepare the carrier! Completely awaken the Black Knight!"

The mutilated head quickly made a decision, its withered face full of ferocity: "Kill everything! Destroy everything! The future of the Abyss must not be destroyed because of this!"

Give up everything here, and convert the existing ruins into the resources to complete the Black Knight. The Black Knight will sweep everything and destroy everything.

The hundreds of years of savings and long-term preparations in the abyss will be completely wiped out, but at least it can still preserve its vitality and prevent it from completely losing momentum and falling apart.

This is a sacrifice after all, and the mutilated head must be held responsible for it afterwards. I am afraid that it will no longer be possible for the Abyss Sages to gather the scattered abyss into one place as usual.

This is the last resort and has to be done.

But soon, everyone else was engulfed in chaos.

There was nothing in the open iron box.

"How is it possible? Where is it? Where is it! It must be here..." The big-headed dwarf stretched out his hand blankly, exploring the empty box over and over again, and finally let out a desperate cry:

"The element of the Black gone! It's gone!"

He turned over the iron box and shook it vigorously, but nothing fell out. It was originally empty and empty.

There was only a farewell note stuck to the bottom of the iron box.

The handwriting was sloppy, and at the end, he drew an ugly smiling face.

The mutilated head looked at the piece of paper blankly and roared:



"What are you doing?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the sacred light in front of him and suddenly had a splitting headache. A sharp pain burst out from his skull, as if a knife and awl were piercing through his brain, with a sharp and profound dull pain.

He looked at the burning nun in the light, stretched out his hand, angrily smashed the light in front of him, and roared: "Answer me, what are you doing?"

The nun was silent in the flames.

Ye Qingxuan opened his mouth to call her name, but fell silent.

what is her name?

It turns out that he still doesn't know her name.

It's not his fault, it's no one's fault.

Who cares about an old woman's name?

She is not precious, not beautiful, and has no use value except for her association with Schubert. You have already promised her a great favor and saved her life, who can ask for more?

"I have given you freedom."

Ye Qingxuan looked at her and said in a hoarse voice: "You can live without dying for anyone, but why did you choose this path of death?

Answer me, for what? "

He couldn't suppress his anger, and the voice spoke at the end, like a roar, hoarse, with veins popping out on his livid face, as ferocious as a demon.

"——For the so-called God? For that clay idol and empty shell?!"

In the sacrificial fire, the old nun lowered her head.

Her expression was still so humble, like a frightened child who was caught after making a mistake. Even though the flames were emerging from her body, burning her inch by inch.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I've let you down again."

She smiled in embarrassment and avoided Ye Qingxuan's eyes: "I just feel that someone has to do something.

Since someone needs to be sacrificed, why not let me, a useless person, do it... At least, it's for this world, right? "

When she said the last words, she no longer avoided Ye Qingxuan's eyes, but just smiled, which made Ye Qingxuan feel stinging.

Endless flames of light spurted out from her body like a torrent. The torrent was like a pillar of light that opened up the world, and then sprinkled the rain of compassion, so that all things could be saved from thirst.

Ye Qingxuan seemed to hear those crazy shouts coming from afar.

There were ecstatic prayers, enthusiastic praises, and wild cheers.

Praying to the gods for mercy.

Praise this true miracle.

Cheers to this great sacrifice.

"Holy! Holy! Holy!"

In the fleet of the Order, the bishop's face turned red with excitement, staring at the light of Prometheus with fanatical eyes: "Father, please make it happen, and bring down a miracle!"

"Look, look, isn't this the will of God? Isn't this the light of salvation?!"

"What a pure devotion, what a praiseworthy sacrifice!"

He roared enthusiastically, and praised himself completely: "Our piety has finally reached the ears of the heavens, and the gods have praised us!

Everyone, praise! Worship!

The kingdom of God is coming! The sacred salvation is coming!"

It was as if the gods really appeared in the sky, and just sprinkled a few strands of salvation, which made the world happy and countless people worshiped enthusiastically. But from beginning to end, no one had ever thought about what the so-called salvation was exchanged for.

No, compared with the precious miracle, such a small price actually highlights the generosity of the gods.

All you need is sacrifice, all you need is praise, all you need is faith...

"Is this the world you want to save!"

"Look carefully! It's not worth it, it's not worth your sacrifice, why don't you understand!"

Ye Qingxuan was furious and roared: "If God really loves this world, then this world should be good, and there should be a place for you! You, must live!"

He stretched out his hand, and the wand of fate pressed down suddenly, firmly blocking Schubert's operation, even if the flame burned himself. It was like a mantis waiting for death blocking the rolling wheel of miracles.

In silence, the old nun was silent.

She looked at Ye Qingxuan for a long time, and smiled with relief.

"My Lord - God, maybe you don't love us?"

She stretched out her hand and gently pushed away the life-saving straw handed over by Ye Qingxuan, rejecting the last hope.

In the flames, her eyes were full of compassion, and she smiled at Ye Qingxuan:

"But at least, we can choose to cherish each other."

The headache became more severe, Ye Qingxuan reached out to press his dull forehead, gritted his teeth, and reached out to hold her.

But she was engulfed by the flames and disappeared.

The flames shot up into the sky, and the magnificent melody resounded throughout the world.

As if responding to this miracle, Guixu cheered, and the last stone plate fragment slowly rose, attracting the cores scattered in all directions, and in an instant, they gathered into one.

The sea of ​​ether boiled instantly, and the terrifying waves like the explosion of stars rose one after another. The etheric world and the material world suddenly overlapped, and in the distant source, a line of illusion-like light quietly shone down.

It seemed like there was a baby crying, and it seemed like there was nothing.

But everyone felt that some invisible behemoth was born from the source and descended on this world.

A natural disaster was born.

A miracle finally came.

The old nun died in the end, and I like this character very much. God does not love us, we can only love one another.

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