Crown of Silence

Chapter 694 The Four Horsemen of Doom

There are benefits to being small.

It is too small to accommodate the entity, so there is no pressure to maintain it, and the control power is even raised to the limit. Even the effect of 'stopping time' can be achieved.

Unlike the ability of "Faust" to forcibly freeze the material world, the old musician chose to speed up the flow of time in this purely spiritual fault by hundreds of thousands of times.

When you look at the material world from here, it really feels like time has stopped.

Through this lens, the veteran musician can freeze his own time at any time. No matter how tense the situation is, he can still have enough time to observe and think. Through tens of millions of observations of this moment, he can come up with the most secure solution.

Of course, the price is to be completely insulated from other branches such as curses, but for an old musician who relies on Asgard, does he still need to do it himself if he wants to kill someone?

Besides, who would expect a revelation musician to kill someone?

Giving up a power that was of little use in the first place, in exchange for a stage to display one's own wisdom, this is simply a strategic level of assistance! In a legion war, having such a staff officer by your side is simply a nightmare for the enemy.

"Since we all want to cooperate, why not exchange information first."

Ye Qingxuan pointed to the knight in white outside the lens: "Why don't you tell me first, what the hell is that thing?"

The old musician was silent for a moment, as if hesitating or trying to organize his words.

Soon, he said: "I'm afraid that Paganini has used the legacy of the Hundred-Eyed One to complete the "Apocrypha of the Abyss." It was a tool used to transform the Great Source by tampering with the holy scriptures and stealing elements. And what we are talking about is The thing he saw was one of the 'Four Horsemen of the Doomsday' born from the Apocrypha.

The Hundred-Eyed Ones designed their prototypes after the 'Three Sages', intending to use them to usher in the prelude to the 'Eternal Darkness'. "

"The Four Horsemen of the Doomsday?"

Ye Qingxuan smelled something bad.

"Because the Three Sages refused to cooperate with the Hundred-Eyed One, the Hundred-Eyed One prepared a substitute."

The old musician sighed, “As far as I know, the four are the White Knight of domination and conquest, the Red Knight of war and death, the Green Knight of plague and pain, and the Black Knight of trade and famine.

The Green Knight has appeared in the western desert area, and just now, our eyes and ears in the Holy City discovered traces of the 'Red Knight'. The Black Knight doesn't know where he is yet, but what we are facing now is the White Knight, the strongest among them. "

Ye Qingxuan frowned: "The One with Hundred Eyes has the ability to create high-level natural disasters?"

This is simply impossible. High-level natural disasters are all beings that flow out from the great source. Unless the Hundred Eyes completely integrate the sacred cauldron and control the great source, it is simply impossible to achieve such a sensational result.

"It's not creation, it's transformation."

The old musician looked at him, "I'm afraid you've seen that scene with your own eyes, right? Before the Hundred-Eyed One fell, he transformed his four incarnations into their prototypes.

This time Abyss probably wants to use Guixu as a furnace to completely smelt the four. "

Ye Qingxuan pondered for a few seconds, then raised his eyes again: "So, after paying so much price, what does Abyss want to get? Exchange four natural disasters for one?

Think about it, this is a loss-making business, right? Is the man with hundreds of eyes really a madman? "


The old musician said nothing.

Ye Qingxuan looked at him, his eyes becoming cold: "As I said before, if we really want to cooperate, we'd better be honest - otherwise, we will break up."

The silence was broken, and the old musician finally made up his mind, sighed, and replied: "This is the secret about the next era... I can only tell you that Guixu determined the next era in the original prophecy of the three sages. A critical turning point.

Whoever masters Guixu will become the protagonist of the next era.

Do you understand now?

If Guixu really falls into the hands of the Abyss, then the golden age of mankind will come to an end. What the Four Horsemen will create next is the 'eternal darkness' that the Hundred-Eyed Man has longed for.

A prosperous age of demons and natural disasters. "

In the frozen time, Ye Qingxuan felt that his headache was getting stronger and stronger.

Obviously, this kind of accelerated time has its own price. Even if it is just consciousness, it is difficult to bear the disconnection between body and spirit. If the ether circulation hadn't been formed, I'm afraid the brain would have overheated and exploded by now.

One of the side effects is that the more you think about it, the more painful it becomes.

No, this side effect has probably been taken into consideration, right? Use it against yourself...

All I can say is that it was well thought out.

Unfortunately, the only thing the old musician missed was Ye Qingxuan's ability to endure pain. The more painful it was, the greater the pressure Ye Qingxuan's eyes put on him.

He is thinking.

"At least there is one thing you haven't told me..."

Ye Qingxuan raised a finger, "The quality of your natural disaster weapon should be no less than that of the Three Pillar Gods - but why are you so afraid of the White Knight?

If it is enough to cope with the current situation, there is no need to consider cooperation at all, right? "

The old musician looked at the second emperor's son.

This secret involves Asgard himself, and he must seek permission from the second emperor's son. The second emperor was silent for a moment, then answered: "'Odin' has its own shortcomings - it cannot be used against the original kings."

This is the trickiest bit.

The existence of the original kings has long been written in the holy scriptures, which is the sacred foundation.

The White Knight devoured the remains of the kings and usurped their power. He is now the incarnation of the kings, so he is naturally not afraid of Odin's divinity that evolved from the Lord of the Golden Palace.

"To Him, we are all inferiors, not enough to resist."

The old musician sighed, "Once Guixu is completely lost, He will be the Lord of Death, the king of everything in the world, shepherding all living beings, dominating all living beings, and destroying all living beings on behalf of the Hundred Eyes."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but sneer and asked back: "So, you can't handle it, and want me to die?"

"This is originally your job, otherwise why would the White Knight take the lead in dealing with you? Because you are the biggest threat to him!" The old musician retorted: "Have you forgotten where you are best at dealing with your own people?"

Where else could it be?

Only the infamous Inquisition!

Compared to purifying demons, burning heretics to death is the main job of the Inquisition.

One of the purposes of the Inquisition since its establishment is to deal with "its own people". Eliminate all heretics who use the name of holiness to deceive the world, and maintain the purity and flawlessness of the Holy Cauldron.

If Paganini had not led most of the Holy City to fall, the Order would not have learned from the pain and made up its mind to release the monster of the Inquisition.

Although he knew the functions of the Inquisition very well, Ye Qingxuan disagreed with this:

"Although they are both heretics, the Scourge and the Black Musicians are completely different. If the Inquisition could handle this kind of thing, it would have long since left the Order and become independent. How could it be swept into the garbage dump by the Holy City after losing its usefulness?"

"That's because your Scourge music has been taken away by the Order."

Facing the secret inside, the old musician who was at the core of Asgard's power obviously knew it well: "A mad dog organization like the Inquisition must be put on a bridle, otherwise everyone will be in danger.

It is impossible for the Order to truly grant you the Scourge music, but only let you act on its behalf. Your Purification Music Theory is just a derivative of the Scourge music. Only when necessary will they grant you temporary authority.

The rest of the time, you are all bare-handed... This is the control method left by the Order on you."

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

He could not deny this point. The inheritance of the Inquisition was missing. Although the Purification Music Theory was mysterious, it obviously lacked further power.

It was like a locked door in the middle of a road. Although there were endless mysteries ahead, it was difficult to enter without a key, and one could only look out and imagine.

Shi Dong had confessed this to him and suggested that he look for a substitute. He had always used the music theory of Silent Moon on it, but unfortunately, the goods were not what they seemed, and he always got half the result with twice the effort.

It was not that he had not thought about making up for it, but unfortunately, there was no one in the world who could make up for the defects of the court - because the person who could open this door had already quit...

The most irresponsible king of musicians in history, the world's leading truant demon, the bastard who left a mess after shirking responsibility and leaving behind endless troubles - King of Yellow!

Hearing this, Ye Qingxuan had already realized the other party's real bargaining chip: "Do you have the music left by King of Yellow?"

"More than music."

In the hands of the old musician, a pure white clay tablet slowly emerged, with layers of wedge-shaped notes wandering on it, interweaving elements like flame projections.

Ye Qingxuan's pupils tightened.

Heart Seal!

A heart seal of inheritance from the Three Kings!

"This is the bargaining chip we use to win over Anglu."

The old musician said: "The natural disaster music that was once granted to the Inquisition by the Yellow King purifies the true element inheritance of music theory."

Without any confirmation, the music theory in Ye Qingxuan's body responded to this element inheritance, allowing him to instantly understand the power sealed in the clay tablet.


This is the power that humans have vowed to exchange from the Holy Cauldron to the Great Source.

It is said to heal all the pain of souls, erase all chaos, and guide everything on the right track. Therefore, it can repair and maintain the music theory system of the Holy Cauldron.

For the various countries, its music is not rare, and its music theory has even laid the theoretical foundation for hundreds of schools. But the truly precious element inheritance is only held by the Yellow King.

The music theory of "Requiem" itself is all-encompassing, and has almost penetrated into every part of the seven systems of musicians.

But unlike the foundation of all fields, the clay tablet sealed in this is the most violent power of the Requiem.

A movement composed of the elements of the ‘Doomsday Judgment’.

——《The Day of God’s Wrath》!

“In exchange for this, I agree to your terms.”

Without any hesitation, Ye Qingxuan raised his palm, unfolded his own chapter of destiny, and made a treaty with the heavenly kingdom on earth with the way of precepts: “I will deal with the White Knight, and correspondingly, Paganini and the rest of the natural disasters must be dealt with by you.”

The gods who emerged from the thunder responded to him.

The second son of the emperor made a vow: “Then, under the witness of Odin’s divinity, Asgard and Anglu officially form an alliance, and the common destiny will return to the ruins!”

It was like a moment, the world stopped.

The next moment, time resumed its flow. The ocean was like a mad beast, rolling up huge waves and hitting down, a large amount of water vapor rose up, and turned into a rainstorm in the clouds, and sprinkled on the earth.

On the dragon's back, Ye Qingxuan raised his eyes, and for some reason his dark pupils were filled with bloodshot.

The bloodshot was filled with chaotic lightning, reflecting Guixu, as if scarlet thunder was covering the ruins.

On the altar, the white knight suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Ye Qingxuan. The white flames in his eyes burned vigorously, and the chilling murderous intent locked Ye Qingxuan on the dragon's back.

Then, he pulled out the non-existent copper arrow from the empty quiver and pulled the iron bow again.

The murderous intent of heaven and earth converged in a line.

This time, Ye Qingxuan finally saw it clearly.

The projection of the ethereal element on the bowstring turned into a death sentence, which was to wipe out everything about Ye Qingxuan. The terrifying music theory gravity formed a jaw-dropping vortex in the sea of ​​ether.

The next moment, the arrow of the element whistled out, setting off a mighty wind and thunder.

Everyone's eyes went black, regardless of whether they existed in Guixu or not, they were crushed by the fear rising in their hearts at that moment, and their will was blank under this arrow.

Facing the arrow of the element, Ye Qingxuan smiled and slowly raised the clay tablet that appeared in his hand. Without any prompt, the secret words that awakened the music of natural disasters came out of his mouth, turning into a declaration to lift the curtain of judgment.


——The will of the gods!

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