Crown of Silence

Chapter 686 Bridge

"Withdraw ten nautical miles?"

Selvin lost his voice, "What a joke? Abandon Guixu completely? What about His Highness and Ms. Mabel?"

The Revelation Musician held the ether ball, and after confirming again, his expression became more complicated:

"Sir, this is the prince's order."

Amid the roar, the ether fluctuations that came one after another became more and more terrifying. There was no time to hesitate. Selvin gritted his teeth and waved his hand: "Execute immediately!

The highest level push, everyone be prepared for impact prevention!"

The crisp sound continued to ring, and everyone on the bridge used buckles to connect their belts to the chairs welded to the floor.

After a few seconds, the navigator took a deep breath and pushed the valve to the top in one breath.


The terrifying light and flame emerged from the dragon's might above the fleet, the ocean rolled and boiled, and above the huge fleet, the light gathered to form a huge ring.

In the ring, the sea water flew up almost weightlessly, and a large amount of water vapor evaporated, turning into mist, gushing around.

The next moment, a huge force burst out from the dragon's might.

The sharp sound of steel twisting came one after another, and the piercing sound stung everyone's eardrums. The sudden thrust made everyone's eyes go black. If there were no locks, they would probably be thrown out of their seats.

In just a few seconds, the fleet accelerated to an incredible degree.

It seemed that invisible ropes were dragging hundreds of ships backwards. The large ships were shaking violently, and small warships with weak armor had cracked into tiny gaps.

The way of emergency retreat during wartime was so rough. The ability of the large-scale forbidden movement originally used to avoid the enemy had reached the maximum speed after just a few seconds, and even accelerated further.

But it was still incomparable to the sweeping impact.

At the moment the fleet accelerated, the blood-colored rainbow light rose from the bottom of the sea, dyeing everything between the sea and the sky red. Then, above Guixu, the crazy expanding ether torrent suddenly burst and swept in all directions.

The first to bear the brunt of the disaster was the Asgardians' sea fortress.

When the natural disaster was about to be born, the most terrifying of the phenomena that burst out was this pure ether torrent. The Great Source in the ether world dropped a new projection, setting off a mighty impact, and the violent ether sea vented the aftermath to the material world.

There was no music theory, no melody, only a terrifying roar, and the impact that followed.

The pure ether torrent caused only pure destruction.

Facing this sweeping silver aftermath, layers of shields suddenly appeared on the fortress. The shields and the torrent rubbed against each other, just like the wailing city walls under the tsunami, constantly cracking out terrifying gaps.

Countless buildings rose and fell, like piano keys pressed down, playing a melody, and thousands of roads were like thousands of strings, responding to the same rhythm, and stubbornly resisting the sweeping aftermath.

And in the center of the city, the second prince sat on a huge iron seat, his body inserted into cables, and his only remaining right eye closed, as if he was meditating with his eyes closed.

But there were thunderclouds hovering in the empty left eye.

The fierce light burst out, and the majesty could not be looked at directly.

The divinity of Odin, the man-made natural disaster, was running in that body, and it also controlled the fortress on the sea, unifying the power of hundreds of giant ether furnaces.

The shadow of the giant of light emerged from the fortress, stretched out his hand, and resisted the impact of the ether torrent.

But others were not so lucky.

The fleets of various countries that did not have time to retreat all wailed under the crush of the torrent, and the hulls were quickly broken. Then, the overloaded ether furnaces were detonated, and they were shattered in the explosion before they were torn apart by the torrent.

Then, the musicians lurking in the deep sea were "dissolved" by the ether in the first moment, and no bones were left.

In the roar of the shaking of the earth and the sky, the sound of the broken warships seemed to be accompanied by crisp bells, resonating with this cruel war melody.

The impact of the torrent pushed the entire Royal Fleet outward for dozens of nautical miles. As soon as the violent shock ended, Selvin climbed up from his chair and stared at the destruction-shrouded Guixu outside the porthole, his face pale.

The periphery was so terrifying, so what happened in the core?

Can anyone else... survive?

"It's over."

He collapsed on the chair powerlessly, his heart was cold, and he couldn't help wanting to cry: "Your Highness... Your Highness... died in Guixu!"


An angry voice sounded from the communication from Nomadic Mountain, the voice was so hoarse and so familiar, "I'm still alive, Selvin, you are howling!"

Selvin looked up dully, and in an instant his empty chest was filled with ecstasy. After reacting, he wanted to dance wildly on the bridge.

Amid the harsh noise, the hoarse and vague voice roared:

"If you don't want me to die... open the test machine... the resonance valve... immediately! Do you hear me!"

Subconsciously, Selvin took out the key that Master Newton had given him before he left, and inserted the heavy key into the keyhole on the bridge command seat.


Just one inch, but almost all the strength was used.

It was like a sleeping monster was awakened.

The Sovereign shook violently.

Countless machine joints rotated rapidly, and the hull and deck of the bow flipped over, revealing the huge harmonium and the surprisingly complex alchemical matrix underneath.

The test machine, which was completed by the Royal Research Institute after six days and nights of rush work, slowly started up. In the low roar, the harmonium vibrated wildly and emitted a terrifying high heat.

The alchemical matrix was running, and the outflow layer, formation layer, creation layer, and activity layer were connected, and the main axis was connected.

The performance began.

The Ether Network Test Machine Terminal 001 was started.

The next moment, notes collided, intervals were combined, music theory evolved, and the movement was formed.

Until the end, the music theory called "ladder to heaven" flowed out from it and cast its own coordinates to the chaotic sea of ​​ether.

The next moment, in the Guixu covered by layers of turbulence, the same music theory was awakened.

In a flash, the resonance separated by countless noises and obstacles began.

A moment of silence.

The next moment, the staff of destiny fell.

In the deep voice, the frenzied sea of ​​ether was shaken with the self as the starting point. Under the pressure of the chapter of fate, a crack was opened in the torrent that blocked the inside and outside.

Then, lightning broke through the air.

As if finding the trace of the lighthouse in the eternal darkness, a sharp lightning suddenly rushed out in the turbulence, straight forward.

Starting from Guixu, it spanned the boiling ocean and the turbulent ether, and penetrated all obstacles.

The invisible music theory intertwined into a bridge, riveting the two together.

Ladder to Heaven!

This is a bridge.

A passage from the chaotic Guixu to the outside world.

It was as if the ocean and ether were opened to both sides. Under the huge gap, an illusory bridge extended forward and connected to the Sovereign.

Wherever the ladder passed, all chaos was forcibly suppressed, the impact was eliminated, the ether fell asleep, and the turbulent sea surface returned to calm. On the calm sea, a slowly rising blue moon was reflected.

The world was quiet.


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