Crown of Silence

Chapter 682: Making Trouble

The situation was reversed.

Just now, Ye Qingxuan was playing with Paganini's theory of music. But now, he has become a small black snake in the electric cage.

There is no way to the sky, no door to the earth.

In this ever-changing Guixu, he was trapped in the cage that Paganini had set for him in an instant.

But Ye Qingxuan faced the black tide in front of him, and the tiny electric light did not hesitate at all, but accelerated his retreat, as if the cavalry was forcibly interweaving in the infantry formation, trying to force its way out of Paganini's cage.

This is the stupidest choice.

Rashly going deep into the enemy's arrangement and betting on your own speed will only lead to a deep quagmire.

Especially in this kind of trap that affects the whole body, and the enemy is Paganini, any caution will not be in vain-even the White Iron Thorn Knights of Burgundy dare not confront the Blood Wall Phalanx of the Frost Iron Clan of Asgard head-on.

The most reliable method is to defend on the spot, occupy a place in the core of Guixu, as if building a city to hold on, lure the other side into a war of attrition, and use music theory to play a game, and gradually equalize your disadvantage.

A reckless breakout will only waste effort and make the loss of composure worse.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan's reaction made Paganini, who had already prepared for the game, feel disappointed: it is right to gather strength to break through a point, but Ye Qingxuan felt that he had no virtue or ability to get out of the trap set by a dark minister?

It is true that the ether metamorphosis is very powerful, but how can he be promoted and how can he compare with the old fallen saint who has been immersed in the field of scepters for hundreds of years?

The face transformed by the vague mist showed a trace of disappointment and mockery, and the palm of nothingness stirred the music theory, laying down layers of music, covering the electric light in it.

Let me teach you what the battle between musicians is...

But the next moment, the blurred face froze.

At the moment of collision, Ye Qingxuan in the lightning raised his hand, and the lightning shook his body like a dragon, and scattered the music theory sealed in the chapter of fate.

It was a handful of dust.

It was like a branch that was burned into charcoal and then crushed into extremely fine ashes.

But once those fine ashes were shaken out of the lightning, they were thrown into the endless black tide. In a short moment, they expanded tens of millions of times.

From tiny gray dots that were almost imperceptible, they became huge stars that stirred up a frenzy in the core of Guixu. The black tide was shaking violently, and it was turbulent under the fall of thousands of stars.

The ash-like stars seemed alive, just like insects that were about to die of hunger and thirst after a long hibernation. Once they came into contact with rain and dew, they devoured and extracted madly to strengthen themselves. Even the Transmutation Music Theory turned into its warm pool. In the blink of an eye, it was torn into pieces by it, and then replaced.

Unexpectedly, the Transmutation Music Theory was actually extracted and swallowed by it, becoming its nourishment - even if it was only for a short moment, this moment was enough to form a terrifying change.

Countless rhizome-like vines broke out of the ground from those ash stars, and the vines entangled with each other, and unexpectedly twisted into a root ball like a daffodil. Thousands of vicious vitality emerged from it and turned into pink buds.

They bloomed so quickly, the sea of ​​flowers rose and fell, countless music theories intertwined, beautiful and frightening, and what flowed out of it... was the essence of the abyss!

——Corrupted black branches!

Until this moment, the wail of the blockade breaking came late.

A sudden move reversed the situation, but it was not uncommon for Ye Qingxuan.

In a flash, Paganini was defeated by the black branches of the poison that were forced to be induced, and his empty door was wide open, exposing his own weaknesses. But the lightning transformed by Ye Qingxuan did not take advantage of the situation to attack.

He had no intention of fighting at all. Instead, he took advantage of the gap and threw himself into the turbulence of the core of Guixu without any hesitation and withdrew.

When the lightning rushed out of the broken stone plate and Ye Qingxuan's consciousness returned to his body, he felt the earth-shaking roar erupting from the deepest part of Guixu.

The earth was shaking, like a felt being shaken. The roars of countless buildings collapsed overlapped, and those buildings that were vaguely transformed into the Holy City now showed cracks.

The stars were dim, as if most of them were wiped out in an instant.

But the terrifying ether torrent rushed up from the deepest part of the sky, and the sky and the earth changed color.

Everyone was stunned, looking at him, wondering how he could make such a big mess again.

Originally, everyone didn't believe in Ye Qingxuan's ability to stir up trouble. They thought that although this chief judge liked to stir up trouble, he was not as terrible as the legend said.

It's not a human-shaped natural disaster. How could he blow up wherever he went?

Now, after seeing this scene with their own eyes, everyone's heart suddenly turned cold and they no longer doubted the rumors.

It turned out to be true!

This guy went to Anglu, and Anglu's national foundation was in turmoil. This guy went to Auschwitz, and Auschwitz has now become a big pit. This guy went to the Holy City again, and the Holy City has not been repaired yet...

Now this guy comes to Guixu, how can you still have confidence in the firmness of Guixu?

"What did you do?" Mabel looked at him in astonishment.

"Nothing, just poked the black branches of corruption into Guixu..."

The voice of sucking in cold air sounded again.

Everyone's face was as pale as a ghost.

There is such a fucking operation?

Didn't you go to investigate the situation? How did you make such a big mess again?

Ye Qingxuan jumped up from the ground, waving his hands anxiously without explaining: "Go, go, we can't stay here. This is a conspiracy, a huge conspiracy!"

How can this not be a conspiracy!

Almost half of the masters in the world have fallen into Paganini's pot!

If he really gets it done, let alone completing the goal that the Hundred Eyes have not completed, making the abyss and the material world emerge. Ye Qingxuan alone can't handle it, and don't even think about leaving.

Too vicious.

Just thinking about Paganini's plan and what will happen from now on, Ye Qingxuan decided to get out of this mess as soon as possible. If he doesn't get out, he will die.

Just now, he forced the black branches of corruption to stir Paganini in Guixu hatefully. While he was cleaning up the mess he left behind, he could probably delay a little more time.

But time has passed, and he can't leave even if he wants to.

Before Paganini fell, he once dragged the musicians of half of the Holy City into the Abyss under the Pope's nose. Now he is using the same trick again, but this time the scale is a hundred times larger than before.

If he guessed correctly, the strange appearance of Guixu this time must have been pushed by Paganini. No, he alone is not enough to set up such a huge situation. It seems that after the death of the Hundred Eyes, the remnants of the entire Abyss have fallen into his hands.

Many demons, lower-level natural disasters, dark nobles, abyss sages... and even several clones left by the Hundred Eyes before their fall. At this moment, the Hundred Eyes have fallen and the throne is vacant. If Paganini can go one step further and completely reorganize the Abyss, then he himself is enough to replace the dead ghost Ludovico and become the original Dark Pope.

OK, go home smoothly, and start from tomorrow, the update will return to normal... In other words, not as dedicated as during the honeymoon period (lying down

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