Crown of Silence

Chapter 674 What are you looking at?

Chapter 675 What are you looking at?


The second roar.

The Staff of Destiny emerged from Ye Qingxuan's hand and struck the ground, causing the stone fragments outside his body to whine.

The whine echoed in this illusory world, causing countless music theories to tremble.

To be honest, he was already tired of this.

What a bullshit trial, what a hell of a test... If he cooperated at the beginning because he still had a little respect for the previous kings, he was completely impatient now.

Isn't it just to complete a chapter of destiny?

The chapter of destiny is written, the music theory is compiled, the structure is formed, and it is confirmed that the operation is smooth, isn't that enough?

You have to interfere, bad people do good things!

And why do you bring so many people here?

Are you holding a seminar?

Are you reviewing papers?

Not only did they hold a meeting, but they also treated Ye Qingxuan's fate chapter like their own eggs. They gave it to him when they said they would, and didn't give it to him when they said they wouldn't. Why?

A bunch of dead ghosts whose bodies have long been unknown left one or two obsessions. They relied on the spirituality of Guixu to revive their bodies and pointed fingers at others according to their own wishes.

It's okay to take advantage of your seniority and scold a few words. Everyone should give each other face and go through the motions. You show your seniority and I say a few words of admiration. This matter is over, isn't it?

You have to give face without shame!

You have said so much, and you still want to contribute to this world. What kind of contribution is that!

There are so many people in the world, why do you want me to contribute?

Did I dig the Pope's grave?

Let alone contribution, if Ye Qingxuan had time, he could write an account and collect debts from the Holy City to Zhendan! Counting the West and the East, how many families dare to say that they don't owe the Ye family and Ye Qingxuan? Who doesn't know that he is a moral role model of the Holy City? A model worker of the world?

As a result, a few old guys turned him into a scumbag after a few words.

It's a big joke.

If ordinary musicians encounter this situation, they will be restrained, but this set of tricks will not work against a bastard like Ye Qingxuan.

This is a reckless guy who dares to get involved in the collision between the Holy Cauldron and the Abyss. From the West to the East, across the Seven Seas, and the leading troublemaker in many countries, does he have even a little respect for these traditions in his heart?

It was thrown away with the paper ball when washing his nose.

So, this guy who threw the starry sky behind his head and put morality under his feet, without any hesitation, turned his face!

Anyway, this is the projection of Guixu through the ether in his consciousness.

At worst, we can break up!

——I don't want the chapter of fate!

Probably the first time in his life that someone pointed at his nose and scolded him, and the tone was so threatening and arrogant that the kings were stunned for a moment and did not react.

Then, Ye Qingxuan smashed the railing in front of him with a stick, stepped out from behind the judgment seat, and made a disrespectful gesture towards the blue fire in the eyes in the sky.

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Qingxuan rolled his eyes arrogantly: "Are you ready to go to the stake?"

This was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"Arrogant man!"

The first one to be furious was the King of the Sun. Behind him, the incomplete sun wheel emerged, and the majesty burst out from the solemn and cold voice: "Kneel down! Receive death!"


There were seven wings of light spreading from his back.

The original kings received the blessing of the sacred cauldron. Although they were human beings, they had already produced a projection in the etheric world. They could be said to be half-god and half-human, almost a natural disaster.

They each obtained different powers from the Holy Cauldron, and the element obtained by the King of the Sun was the ‘Archangel of the Sun’, which manifested divine power.

At this moment, the light wings flashed, causing countless cracks in the entire illusion, and the Wand of Destiny roared, and Ye Qingxuan’s body was instantly shrouded in terrifying flames.

It was like being thrown into the sun.

The sun descended, under the command of the king.

It is said that when the eternal night fell that year, he used his own power to illuminate the world, and wherever the light reached, white roses and broom flowers bloomed, and the land of Burgundy was filled with fragrance.

It was obviously not the first time for Ye Qingxuan to enjoy the gift of the scorching sun alone, but he did not expect that even the projection of the dead left in the ether - something that was not even a personality - would bring him such a huge pressure.

Thoughts are evaporating.

Memories are boiling.

The body made of consciousness was ignited, and the chapter of destiny that had just been formed turned into firewood, melting everything of Ye Qingxuan into the flames from the inside out, turning it into ashes of nothingness.

It is said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, but even if the King of the Sun is skinny, he is definitely not a camel, but a dragon. Even if only his skeleton is left, it is enough to penetrate countless gold and iron and tear apart all flesh and blood.

In the silence of that moment, there was no screaming or exclamation.

In the flames, the pair of indifferent eyes raised, the wand of destiny was raised high, and smashed down!

With crazy determination and arrogance that completely ignored everything.


If there is a mountain in front, smash the mountain; if there is a tree in front, smash the tree; if there is an enemy in front, smash his dog head, if there is the sun in front... then smash the sun from the sky!

Boom! ——

In the ruined hall, on the dry grass cushion, Ye Qingxuan's sitting body suddenly trembled, and the light of the scorching sun burst out from his thin body, blood seeped out from his pores, and the moon-white light in his blood rose like a flame.

Music theory turmoil!

All the masters' faces changed.

——The worst situation has happened!

Generally speaking, as long as the Chapter of Destiny is barely made up, such an extreme situation will never happen-the broken music theory will backfire, consuming life and body in an almost incompatible way-only when you are stupid enough to take the risk of integrating the music theory that is completely contrary to your own path, or rashly achieve the Chapter of Destiny without any preparation, this situation is likely to occur.

In other situations, even if there is a problem, it is just a failure to advance, at most a little life-threatening, at most one person will die, and at most some innocent people will be dragged as burial objects, but this situation is different!

This kind of turmoil, if you don't pay attention... it will be contagious!

Most people would run as far as they can when they encounter this situation, but the masters present couldn't help but look bitter... According to the discipline contract they signed with Ye Qingxuan, they must not watch him die without saving him, otherwise, as a guarantee of the contract, their fate chapter or scepter will collapse by itself, and they will lose all their power, and they will never be loved by Ether again in their lives.

For a musician, this situation is definitely more painful than death.

What's more, there is a gloomy "little girl" behind.

Mabel, the Nirvana, seemed to be unaware of the twists and turns in everyone's hearts, just fiddling with the Nirvana fire between her five fingers, that kind of deadly thing... At this time, if anyone dared to pretend not to see it, or continued to hesitate, Mabel would definitely be the first to burn that person into a small pill and give it to Prince Avalon as a tonic!

Sorry, the update is late, I just got back to the hotel.

This update tonight was written by staying up late the day before yesterday. I was really busy these two days. I was too naive to underestimate the difficulty of the honeymoon trip.

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