Crown of Silence

Chapter 669 Prayer

Chapter 670 Prayer

Even if the Holy Cauldron and the Hundred-Eyed One collide, the Silent Moon can balance the power of both sides again and make them return to nothingness, not to mention the competition between Schubert and the Corrupted Black Branch?

After being used to betting everything and making a big bet to change the overall situation, Ye Qingxuan felt for the first time that the Distortion Level was so powerless.

The moonlight lasted only for a moment and then went out.

But the timing was perfect.

It's like two carriages running at high speed. After stopping at the moment before the collision, the remaining hurricane is not a concern. And when the hurricane comes, the "coachman" of the carriage will also pay the price for his speeding.

What's more, there is Ye Qingxuan who is interfering...

If both parties are living things, Ye Qingxuan will definitely not dare to play like this, but the situation is different now. No matter how complicated the music theory is, it will always lose its flexibility if no one operates it.

What's more, Ye Qingxuan also has the powerful weapon of Silent Moon's Balance Music Theory...

The moment he withdrew his hand, the chain reaction that was forcibly terminated brought a terrible backlash. Violent turbulence spread from the elements of both sides.

In just a moment, violent recoil burst out from every branch of the music theory.

The rod of fate pressed down, as if holding an iron rod and hitting hard, and every branch of the music theory wailed and trembled, almost falling apart.

The black tree of corruption was instantly bounced out of its body and fell to the ground. The flowers on the black branches that seemed to condense the original darkness of the universe withered and fell one by one.

The dead branches fell to the ground, bursting with the echo of steel.

In the echo, its shape could no longer be maintained, and it collapsed quietly, turning into a handful of fine powder, and its power was greatly reduced.

Ye Qingxuan didn't care about the pain, and then he heard the deep echo from the old nun's body.

That was the wail of the driver being crushed under the wheels as the reins broke.

In an instant, the black lines formed by the countless alchemical matrices on the body of the old nun quietly collapsed, and blood seeped out from the pores.

The shackles set by the cult completely fell apart in this collision.

After losing the shackles, Schubert's scepter seemed to have lost the power it relied on to maintain itself. The light quickly disappeared, and the last ray of light instinctively swept away the abyss residue in the nun's body and healed the body full of holes.

Then, it slowly and powerlessly sank into the fire of consciousness and disappeared.

In a trance, Ye Qingxuan sensed that the subtle fire of consciousness was gradually rekindled. Under the continuation of the ladder, he seemed to see countless phantoms flashing in front of him.

Churches, scriptures, children, nuns, children, icons, prayers, children... Countless intricate memories flashed before his eyes, and in an instant they returned to the fire of consciousness.

In a short moment, Ye Qingxuan seemed to have seen the old nun's life, but the speed of the flashing light was so fast that he didn't have time to see anything clearly.

After a long silence, Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and looked at the old nun who was still unconscious, and couldn't help sighing softly.

This time he lost a lot.

He carefully collected the debris of the rotten plant, put it in a small paper bag, and sealed it layer by layer to make sure that no residue was missed.

Even if it has been crushed, it is still an excellent curse medium. Only one grain is needed to turn a painless curse into a nightmare that tortures a lifetime.

Those cursers who are immersed in the negative field of the chant and revelation faction will definitely like it to the point of madness. What's more, the remaining power is more than that.

Even if it is recycled, it has great value.

But compared with what is gained, these losses... are simply blood losses!

A single branch of the poisonous plant could kill the Pope, and the risk of his life and the price he paid, in exchange for an old nun who had lost all her power, and temporarily lost Schubert's protection, no longer had a talisman to save her life in Guixu.

Under his own insidious frame-up, Schubert's scepter had been severely damaged. Even if he could extract it from the old nun's consciousness later, it would take a lot of effort, not to mention the various risks and unpredictable changes in the middle.

Who knows what will happen next...

It's like using most of his wealth to make a risky investment. There may be a tenfold return in the future, but there is also a tenfold chance that he will lose everything.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but laugh at himself.

"I must be crazy..."

Beside him, Oden sighed, patted his shoulder, and thousands of words became one sentence: "You are a good person."

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time.

He really didn't know if he was not a good person.

At best, he can only be considered a hypocrite... But there is nothing wrong with being a hypocrite, at least he can feel at ease.

"I'll go to sleep first, and call me when she wakes up."

He shook his head and felt a splitting headache.

It was midnight, and the night was still a long time.

I hope the dream will not be too long.


In the darkness, Ye Qingxuan heard the sound of heavy rain and the crying of children.

In the sound of sobbing, it seemed that water was dripping from the wall and falling into the pool.

The cold wind blew in from the corner of the wall, like a mocking chuckle.

"Mammy, I'm cold."

It was like a child sobbing softly.

"Children, pray."

In the darkness, someone hugged them, stroked their wet hair, and whispered hoarsely: "The pain will eventually pass. As long as we pray, one day, God will show mercy and save us from despair."

The faint prayer sound lingered in his ears.

But the sound of breathing became weaker and weaker, and was about to stop.

In the long silence, someone asked softly:

"Mammy, does God... really love us?"

No one responded.

Some water drops fell to the ground and merged into the water, but the temperature was completely different from other water drops.


Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and saw the cracked ceiling.

The fire in the corner was burning vigorously, but for some reason, the chill in the dream was brought to reality, making him unable to fall asleep again.

After a long time, a crisp sound rang out.

Outside the door, Mabel knocked on the bare door frame: "Something went wrong."

Ye Qingxuan got up from the ground:

"I'll come right away."


In the corner of the hall, on a simple stone bed, the old nun was breathing rapidly, sweat dripping from her forehead, as if she was terminally ill.

"What's going on?" Ye Qingxuan squeezed in wearing a robe.

The master of the Chant faction checked her body and replied calmly: "It's normal, her consciousness is being reorganized... Just like a person trying to climb out of a quagmire, it will take some time and effort."

"What if you can't climb out?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"If she can't crawl out, just keep sleeping like this."

The master shook his head and looked at the scars on her hands: "I don't think she will be happy when she wakes up."

"It's better to live a miserable life than to die."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head: "Give her whatever medicine you have. In this ghost place of Guixu, it's more troublesome to take care of a vegetative person than an ordinary person."

The master of the chanting faction looked to the side, and the one-legged man next to him shook his head: "There is no medicine for consciousness, she can only rely on herself."

The master from the mind-physiognomy school made an assertion, which gave Ye Qingxuan a headache: "Can you help?"

"It's difficult."

The one-legged man hesitated: "Her consciousness is too weak. If I intervene, she will be infected by my music theory... I can reshape a blank personality, but you will get nothing."

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