Chapter 663

After days of speculation and observation, the masters exchanged their views and reached a unanimous conclusion. The natural disaster that was taken away hundreds of years ago is about to be born completely.

It will reappear in a month or a week.

And it will be at least a divine evil level.

Due to the special location of Guixu and the influence of the Holy Cauldron, the natural disaster born will most likely not be a phenomenon-level thing that is unconscious and insensible.

And under the interference of the original kings, there will be no human-shaped natural disasters with consciousness like the three sages, nor will they be four living creatures with physical existence.

Instead, it is more inclined to the nature of the three pillars.

But under the guidance that the Holy City has preset for hundreds of years, once it is successfully born, it will most likely become a divine artifact like the "Holy Cauldron" that can directly interfere with the Great Source.

It is also bred by Guixu, and it will have a thousand threads of connection with the Holy Cauldron.

For other musicians, this is a golden opportunity for them to gain power and blessings.

But Ye Qingxuan had a stronger and stronger premonition in his heart.

——This might be the most suitable place for him to achieve the Scepter.

Perhaps there is a mysterious power like fate in the world. When he thought carefully, he found that he was inextricably linked with Guixu.

Ye Lanzhou was thrown here and imprisoned in the eternal silence of Guixu for more than ten years. The Silent Moon that he resonated with also had a faint echo with Guixu. The music theory of the Dragon Sleeping Boundary was directly derived from the phenomenon formed when Guixu extracted the power of the Great Source.

Because of this, even if he was knocked down to the Distortion Level and the Chapter of Fate was no longer there, he could still sense the deepest changes of Guixu so deeply, no matter how subtle they were.

Therefore, he believed more and more in the vague premonition in his heart.

The only way to achieve the Scepter is here!

When the natural disasters bred in Guixu are completely born, the created elements will rise from the material world, pass through the sea of ​​ether, form an ether tide that sweeps the world, and finally rise into the ether world, establishing a crucial position.

More importantly, new changes will also occur in Dayuan at that time.

If Ye Qingxuan can truly combine his own chapter of destiny with the music theory of Guixu and take advantage of this ride, it will be no problem to achieve the scepter. He can even take advantage of the chaos to "mix in" the new natural disaster music theory as the Holy City has been doing.

Compared to when the cardinals of the church will find that the new listed company actually has Ye Qingxuan's shares when they liquidate the property, their expressions will definitely be very interesting, right?

Then, Ye Qingxuan's problem comes.

Achieve the scepter.

First of all, you need to become a master.

To become a master, you must have the chapter of destiny.

In the environment of Guixu, it is no longer possible to rely on external forces. If you want to have the Chapter of Destiny, you must recreate it yourself and unify the trinity of music theory in your own way.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to doing this.

The advantage is that there is no creation without destruction. When Ye Qingxuan's Chapter of Destiny is re-created, the original accumulated powerful foundation will probably be even more terrifying. At that time, it is almost certain that he will immediately achieve the scepter.

The disadvantages are more obvious...

Ye Qingxuan is not good at composing music.

To be precise, he can't do it at all. No matter how he learns, he can't understand the key points.

All his talents are on "integration" and "application". He is not good at "creation" at all... Moreover, for such a long time, habits and consciousness have been deeply rooted and it is difficult to adjust. Unless he starts learning again like an apprentice...

According to estimates, even if he is fast, it will take half a year.

In half a year, the daylily will be cold!

After changing twenty teachers, Ye Qingxuan had to admit that he had entered a dilemma and it was useless for anyone to teach him.

"I've suffered from the loss of culture!"

Ye Qingxuan sighed to the sky, fiddling with the broken stone plate in his hand, and couldn't help wanting to hit someone.


Ten minutes later, all the masters who had closed their eyes to rest were awakened.

After so many days, everyone's psychological endurance has improved a lot, and they are no longer surprised by Ye Qingxuan bathing in the light.

In the corner of the hall, Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes and bowed his head, holding the broken stone plate in both hands.

Under his sleeves, the black matrix of the natural disaster resonance extended like a living thing, connected to the stone plate, and the two combined into one.

Immediately afterwards, turbulent music theory fluctuations burst out between Ye Qingxuan and the stone plate.

Countless music theories that formed substance extended from the body, distorted the material world, turned into flames, and burned fiercely.

The faint melody seemed to come from the broken stone plate, but if you listen carefully, you can't catch its trace at all. It's like wandering in a distant place, unwilling to approach.

In the fire of music theory where Ye Qingxuan was, illusions kept appearing in the changing colors. The material world, which was deeply eroded by music theory, was constantly distorted under his will.

If you look closely, even Ye Qingxuan in the flames became erratic. It seemed to melt into the torrent of ether, revealing his true appearance.

In the masters' perception, Ye Qingxuan had disappeared without a trace, replaced by all kinds of terrifying intentions.

Like a bright moon rising from the sea, shining all over the world.

Like a magnificent temple, majestic and sharp, brilliant hymns were played.

Like a dark abyss, it engulfed everything and swallowed it up.

Sometimes it transforms into pale blue moonlight, freezing everything.

Sometimes it is like countless mercury gathering, raging and surging, like the four seas bursting their banks, flooding the land, and flattening everything violently.

And sometimes it is like the incarnation of destruction, with thousands of arms, holding a vase, an iron pestle, and wind and thunder, and raining down furious thunder on the material world.

Sometimes it even senses countless overlapping alchemical matrices, and countless subtle structures beyond the limits of human imagination guard the philosopher's stone, forming a thin figure, with a teasing smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Music theory resonance again?"

Oden looked at Ye Qingxuan bitterly, envious.

At first he would be jealous, but now he doesn't even have the strength to be jealous.

Comparing people is really annoying.

When I was his age, I was still memorizing large volumes of information. How could I imagine that I would become a master one day? As a result, Ye Qingxuan was already standing in front of the scepter.

The chapter of the bright moon, the music theory of the sacred cauldron and the abyss, the Silent Moon born from the overlap of the two, the depth of the silver tide passed down to him by Abraham, the tyranny and terror of the hundred-armed giant... even the alchemy of Hermes is in it.

Not to mention the music theory of the ladder and Lao Fei's dragon power projection.

Even at the end, the outline of Guixu was faintly emerging...

Those masters always felt that Ye Qingxuan learned a lot, but they never thought that he learned so much.

It's just messy, but every road here is enough to make him achieve the scepter, even surpassing the ordinary scepter, even the saints can compete.

But this is what makes them most depressed.

They know the situation Ye Qingxuan is facing at the moment.

Such a terrifying resonance of music theory is a phenomenon that only occurs when a musician is promoted.

In this state, even staying for one more second will have great benefits!

But who can be promoted for four or five days at a time, and can pause for a while when eating, and then continue to be promoted after eating?

This is Ye Qingxuan's ability, they can't envy it.

No one here can guide the power that exceeds his limit by hundreds of times, and walk on the tightrope with ease. Even if the stone plate is in hand, no one can resonate with the natural disaster of Guixu.

The huge benefit was taken by Ye Qingxuan alone.

It's not that he is stingy and unwilling to share the meat, but he has no mouth to eat.

There is nothing more depressing in the world than this.

Now Ye Qingxuan is sorting out his music theory system. Among so many exquisite and complex music theories, it can be said that all roads lead to a bright future, but Ye Qingxuan just wanders in front of the door, stepping on seven or eight boats, but never really choosing one to go in.

A complete gangster and shameless.

Ye Qingxuan is not in a hurry, but the masters are almost anxious.

Until a few hours later, the chaos of music theory resonance gradually dissipated, and the "promotion" came to an abrupt end.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes.

His expression was not happy, but rather depressed.

Looking down at the stone plate in his hand, his expression became complicated.

This is why he was sure that he could catch this ride - only one-third of the natural disaster core.

Although this piece of natural disaster core did not belong to him, it would be fine to borrow it for reference temporarily.

The owner was still watching, and he dared not take it for himself.

He could conclude that there were deeper instructions in the old nun's consciousness, the core orders preset by the Holy City, such as fighting for the natural disaster core and keeping it intact.

This instruction must have a higher priority than everything else, otherwise he would not be indifferent to the killing of Raymond who was close at hand during the fight for the core.

But now that I think about it, Raymond's death is full of doubts. Who would deliberately kill Raymond but not even a finger at Schubert, who had lost his initiative beside him?

This is unreasonable.

If killing Schubert could make him achieve the scepter immediately, Ye Qingxuan would definitely... well, he would definitely hesitate again and again, and in the end he would not be able to do it.

Killing an old nun to achieve himself.

Ye Qingxuan would despise himself just thinking about it.

In the past few days, he has been commanding Schubert with the Holy Scripture, which has been inconvenient, but she can effectively implement the basic simple countermeasures.

The only problem is that she will never let this piece of natural disaster core out of her sight.

Even now, she stood silently in the shadows in the corner, staring at Ye Qingxuan blankly.

The focus of her sight fell on the core.

It has been several days, and there has been no slackness.

But even Ye Qingxuan has given up on himself and is about to give up.

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