Crown of Silence

Chapter 638: My dear, the whole family is disappointed in you

Chapter 639: My son, the whole family is disappointed in you

"Why did it get to you?!"

Seeing the gorgeous and elegant invitation, Ye Qingxuan suddenly had a headache.

"Who told you to disappear for a month, and you didn't even say hello to the palace when you returned to Avalon? Where else can you send the invitation to if not the Inquisition?"

Shi Dong looked at him helplessly: "Besides, your situation would be considered treason if it happened anywhere else. She just sent an invitation to dance with you at the ball...Are you worried that she will turn against you, throw the cup, and ten saints will jump out and escort you to the Holy City?"

"This is not the same thing at all!"

"Then what do you want? You took the kickbacks, but you don't do anything?"

Shi Dong was the most anxious. The Inquisition was now enjoying the sponsorship of Anglo, and the support of the royal family had brought so many benefits. If Ye Qingxuan quit, the good days of the Inquisition would be over!

Ye Qingxuan was furious: "When did I take kickbacks!"

"Haha, is that so?"

Shi Dong laughed strangely: "Your Highness, 'Prince of Avalon', you are really a noble man who forgets things easily."

Ye Qingxuan immediately said: "The situation was critical at that time, I didn't think much! How could I know that there was a problem with this title!"

"You have already accepted it, what else do you want?"

Shi Dong asked back: "Besides, aren't you quite happy to be this prince? You said no, but when the benefits came, you didn't show any mercy."

Ye Qingxuan was now brewing a mouthful of blood and sprayed this old bastard in the face.

But even if he sprayed him in a bathtub, it would not help.

For so many days, Ye Qingxuan was busy inside and outside, almost running all over Anglia, but he just didn't go back to Anglia. After returning to Anglia, he inspected various places, non-stop, and his schedule was packed, but he never went back to the palace to report on his duties... The reason is ultimately here.

Poor him, he almost memorized half of the Royal Library of Avalon, but he didn't care about state affairs at all.

How could he know that the title of 'Prince of Avalon' was held by the husband of the Queen in all dynasties?

No wonder Mary looked so determined when she gave him the power.

Now Ye Qingxuan realized that with this title, he was entrusted with more than just the rights of the Vice-Lord of Anglu...

What else can he do?

He can only run away, pretend to be an ostrich, bury his head in the sand, and pretend that he knows nothing.

But the problem is that it is very unkind to do so, it can be said to be unkind to the extreme. If it spreads, I am afraid that Ye Qingxuan himself will be a typical new generation of scumbag.

Now the Queen has finally sent an invitation after waiting for a month.

Although it is just a ball, it is undoubtedly for him to express his attitude.

"Why are you hesitating... You are not at a disadvantage!" Shi Dong looked at him with a squint: "Do you think the Queen is ugly?"

Ye Qingxuan's expression was bitter: "Not ugly."

Not only not ugly, it can be said to be stunning, and what is even more rare is that her temperament is dignified and noble. Even when she was controlled by the curse and covered in blood, she was still charming and beautiful, making people dare not look directly at her.

Shi Dong asked again: "Is there a problem with her character?"

"No, there is no problem."

More than no problem?

When she was originally a princess, Mary was famous in Avalon for her upright character, and like her mother, she was willing to sacrifice herself for Anglu.

After solving the dragon blood curse, there was no problem at all, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Shi Dong asked again: "Is it because she is not good enough to you?"

"No, she is very good to me."

Ye Qingxuan was ashamed.

More than very good? She was so good that it was unacceptable. Not only was she willing to share the rights of the earthly kingdom and Anglu with him, but she also never refused Ye Qingxuan's request. As long as Ye Qingxuan nodded, she would even give Anglu to him.

After hearing this, Shi Dong took a deep breath and then roared in his ear:

"Then why are you still hesitating!"

"I, I...I..." Ye Qingxuan was forced into a corner and slapped his thigh: "I am a clergyman! I am an archbishop! I can't get married!"


Shi Dong spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm with a look of disdain: "Do you remember that you are a clergyman now? Unfortunately, all the chief judges of all dynasties have married families! One of them is a stud who has found dozens of lovers and has children all over the world..."

Ye Qingxuan was silent and didn't speak.

After a long time, he waved his hand: "Anyway, just say I have something to do and help me refuse...I need to calm down."

After that, without waiting for Shi Dong to say anything else, he walked away quickly, just like running away.

But when he pushed open the door, he saw a golden hound squatting on the ground outside the door.

The hound looked at him with a sidelong look, his eyes were disdainful, and his mouth was cracked, showing his full mouth of fangs.

——Cub, the whole family is very disappointed in you!

Ye Qingxuan's legs suddenly went weak, and he almost sat on the ground with a shiver.

"I'll go!"

Without waiting for Lao Fei to say anything, Ye Qingxuan ran back to Shi Dong at the same speed as when he left, snatched the invitation, and solemnly ordered:

"Help me prepare the best dress!"

So, in a harmonious and beautiful atmosphere, the matter was resolved.

Lao Fei nodded with satisfaction and disappeared.


The next evening, seven o'clock.

There was a lot of traffic in front of the square of the palace.

In the faint sound of music behind the palace gate, the servants walked quickly, fast but elegant, preparing for the upcoming dinner in an orderly manner.

The well-dressed nobles and their female companions walked slowly and handed their invitations to the messengers. However, they were not in a hurry to enter. Instead, they gathered in front of the palace gate, chatting and laughing with acquaintances.

This is the first ball held by the Queen since she ascended the throne, and it is still an excellent opportunity for upstarts from all over the world to make their mark. At present, a large number of important positions in various departments are still vacant. Maybe during this dance, several fat positions can be filled.

Among the crowd, several young people were chatting and showing hospitality to a smiling middle-aged man.

Viscount Belfast, who was recently promoted by the Queen to the role of Royal Treasurer, is a popular figure in this circle.

The Belfast family has served the royal family for generations and is in charge of the royal family's private treasury purse. They are truly important figures.

Moreover, this person also holds shares in the East Tianzhu Trading Company, and plays a leading role for the new nobles who have made their fortune in the East Tianzhu colony.

His attitude is sometimes that of the Queen. If you can get some inside information from him, many things can be done with less effort.

In terms of character, this elder is also known as a loyal and reliable elder in the dirty aristocratic circle and is trustworthy.

Many people have asked him for his investment advice, hoping to get some advice. It's just that on this occasion, the Viscount of Belfast is unlikely to break any violent news. He will just talk about some private information that has been circulated in the circle to deal with it.

"Now, the industries in the East Tianzhu colony are saturated and are not suitable for investment. However, tea is a way to go. In the past two years, the insect infestation has been somewhat serious, the quality of some tea gardens has declined, and capital turnover has been difficult.

If you buy the bottom at this time, after a few years, the returns may be very good. "

After finishing speaking, Belfast was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "The shipbuilding industry that Mr. Bligh just mentioned is certainly profitable, but it also requires huge funds to operate. If you are interested, you can pay attention to the domestic manufacturing industry... …”

Following the Queen's instructions, he leaked a little bit: "Especially in weaving and industry, there will be major and good news in a few months."

In the past, Belfast's tone was generally vague, and he tried to use words like maybe, maybe, etc., but it was rare to see him make such a decisive decision on a matter.

As a weather vane for investment and financial management, everyone around him was immediately shocked and asked for any inside information. Some people politely invited him to taste this year's new wine after the dinner, hoping that he could reveal a little bit about it. But Belfast has turned away from the topic, which is disappointing.

And in the middle of the conversation, Belfast stopped abruptly in the middle of his words. He raised his head stiffly and looked towards the end of the square. When he saw the dark carriage slowly and steadily, he ignored the politeness. After saying sorry, he hurried over without even taking care of his female companion.

Everyone looked at each other, and those with a little bit of vision had already reacted. After being stunned, they hurriedly chased after him.

In the entire Avalon, there were originally only two people who liked to use this black carriage without the emblem.

One is Maxwell, the former Lord Privy Seal, and the other is Lancelot, the former leader of the Knights of the Round Table and the head of the second department.

And now both of those people are gone.

There is only one person left who can freely travel in and out of Avalon in this low-key black carriage.

Maxwell's heir, the new Lord of the Seal, the Grand Inquisitor, the savior of the country, and Angel's deputy--Ye Qingxuan!

I don’t know how many people have sent name cards and invitations to visit this gentleman, but so far they have not received any response. No one even knows where this gentleman lives.

Even his colleagues in the Privy Council had not met him several times. They came and went in a hurry every time, giving no chance to make friends with anyone.

Now this is the first time he has appeared in public, who would let him go so easily?

Before the carriage stopped, a large number of people were waiting in front of the door. More people who came after hearing the news surrounded the place, with three floors inside and three outside, making it almost airtight.

The carriage door opened.

A young man in a jet black dress walked out of it. He was not wearing any medals, and his long silver hair was tied behind his head. He was so concise that it was almost inhumane.

Although there was no expression on his face, there seemed to be a solemn look on his face, which made the atmosphere in the crowd feel a little depressing.

However, the legendary Lord Privy Seal, who was known for his indifference, did not make the atmosphere too stiff. Instead, he took the initiative to smile and nodded to everyone.

Then, he turned around, stretched out his hand, and helped a charming female companion down from the carriage.


Today, she tied her long hair back and wore an aqua blue evening dress. She didn't wear any jewelry, and she still had the dignified air of a scholar.

Even if it was just that, his figure and face overshadowed the women present.

Everyone present had already heard about the romantic news about the professor and the Chancellor of the Royal Seal that had been quietly circulated when they were at the Royal Academy of Music. They were not too surprised to see the two of them appearing together.

After a brief greeting and pleasantries, Ye Qingxuan made an appointment with Viscount Belfast for dinner the day after tomorrow, then excused himself and took Laura directly to the venue.

"I'm sorry to trouble you today."

Ye Qingxuan whispered to Laura.


Lola kept smiling gracefully, with her back to the crowd, her smile became brighter, and a corner of her canine teeth was exposed, "Next time, don't use me as a shield!"

"Just this once, don't worry."

"After entering, you should be quick to get out of here, I can't help but want to hit you."

"I can do it, I can do it..."

Ye Qingxuan sighed and walked into the banquet hall.

The night was so long for the first time.

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