Crown of Silence

Chapter 612: The Way to Liberation

Chapter 613: The Way to Liberation

Now, Ye Qingxuan finally understood what Mary meant.

It was not Leviathan who was resurrected.

It could never be...

Ye Qingxuan interpreted the alchemical matrix, read the remaining information in it, and dug out the dark fragments buried in the long past, and pieced them together bit by bit into the prototype closest to the truth.

No one knows why Arthur failed to become a god.

But now it seems that the art of becoming a god may not have failed, but it is better to was suspended because of an accident.

All the smoothly running alchemical matrices show this.

Everything is going perfectly as Hermes had imagined, everything is ready, except for the last crucial step.

——Turn Arthur into a natural disaster.

Leviathan's consciousness has been erased, and all of Leviathan's power has been separated, except for giving Arthur the endless power.

But everything stopped awkwardly at this step.

One step away, it's like a gap between heaven and earth.

Although no one knows what happened, the final result is what everyone saw.

The failed Arthur was sealed in the palace of the Shadow of Avalon, and the power of Leviathan lost its master and could only become a periodic phenomenon, constantly trying to gather towards the core, trying to complete the last step that could never be continued.

This is the cause of everything.

Since then, hundreds of years of pain and torture have all started because of this.

As long as Arthur exists for one day, the power of Leviathan will never dissipate, and will continue to return again and again.

The most ridiculous thing is that for hundreds of years, what prevented Arthur from taking the last step was... his descendants, descendants who inherited dragon blood and curses.

On the one hand, successive royal families have continuously strengthened the seal of the Shadow of Avalon.

On the other hand, they used royal members with rich dragon blood as bait to extract the power of Leviathan, and then destroyed the victims together, indefinitely delaying the completion of the art of ascension...

This is a paradox.

Those without dragon blood cannot control the national defense line of Anglu and stop the return of Leviathan's power. But those with dragon blood can never resist the orders from Leviathan... that is, Arthur.

The blood from Leviathan brings them power, but also brings the curse of birth.

Just like Ye Qingxuan in the past, even if he only faces a few drops of Leviathan's blood, he has no power to resist. If it were not for the blood of the heavenly man who is not afraid of the iron of decay, Ye Qingxuan would not be able to get rid of the threat of the curse.

And once the blood is strong enough to awaken the dragon's power, the beastly nature dormant in the dragon blood will gradually penetrate the host's consciousness, break the mental stability, and produce a deformed personality, just like Mary, falling into madness.

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a moment, and suddenly raised his head and looked at the bottle in Shi Dong's hand, his eyes became more and more indifferent.

"——Is there anything else you haven't said?"

The figure in the bottle trembled, and hurriedly explained: "I've said it all! I've told you everything I know."

Ye Qingxuan sighed and waved.

Shi Dong smiled, raised his hand, and shook the bottle quickly.

He really liked to play like this.

He would never miss a chance.

Shaking it like this every day, cultivating his body and mind, he felt that he could live another hundred years...

The fire was surging like water, bringing torture and pain beyond the limit. After gathering the wisdom of the Inquisition for hundreds of years, it was imposed on the dark lord without reservation.

Hoarse curses, painful roars, weak groans, and in the end, there was no sound.

As if dead.

Shi Dong stopped.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the bottle indifferently: "Now, do you have anything else to add? For example, why did you go to great lengths to control Mary and take great pains to bring her into the palace of the Shadow of Avalon?"

The figure in the bottle twitched in pain, and after a long time, he made a sound with difficulty.

"The body... Arthur needs a new body..."

The little man in the bottle dared not hide anything anymore and said everything he knew: "Arthur can no longer hold on. His body is about to die and is connected to the seal... If he wants to be free, he must replace a new body..."

There was a long silence. Ye Qingxuan sat on the ground, tilted his head, lit the cigarette at the corner of his mouth, and looked indifferent.

"It's a pity, you should have said it earlier."

Shi Dong understood, walked to the side, and shook the bottle frantically.

In the silence, Ye Qingxuan smoked quietly with a gloomy face.

He finally understood why Maxwell rebelled.

He must kill Elizabeth.


Elizabeth's dragon blood is too thick.

She should have died in torture fifteen years ago, but Hermes continued his life and the curse-dragon blood will grow stronger over time. If Ye Qingxuan guessed correctly, Elizabeth's blood purity has even exceeded the limit.

In order to smoothly transfer the kingdom to Mary, she turned herself into a monster.

But at the same time, she also became Arthur's backup body...

After Maxwell's brutal attack, Elizabeth was killed by the Dragon Slayer, and the dragon blood in her body began to deteriorate and could no longer be used. Then, Arthur only had one choice...


In order to control Arthur, the Dark Lord took action in advance, intending to control Mary and force Arthur to surrender.

Otherwise, once Arthur is successfully resurrected and masters the power of Leviathan, the scepter of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the power of the King of Hell, there will be no chance to control him.

It's a pity that the agencies are exhausted.

He has been abandoned.

In other words, Arthur never trusted him from the beginning.


Ye Qingxuan raised his head and stared at the dark dome above his head.

Now, is it still too late?


In the darkness, Lancelot lit a fire.

The flames jumped, illuminating his face and the haggard man leaning on the throne ten steps away. And, on the throne...the king had lost his breath.

As if aware of it, the haggard and decadent man raised his eyes and looked over.

Lancelot frowned, just lowered his head, sent the flame into the wind lantern, tightened the wind lantern, and placed it on the ground. A soft light shone from it, illuminating the ruined throne room.

He raised his head and looked at the old man through the barrier formed by the Sword in the Stone: "Maxwell, long time no see."

Maxwell sneered in a low voice and shook his head, "Sure enough, it's you."


Lancelot nodded slightly, not feeling ashamed or embarrassed when he admitted.

As indifferent as ever.

He just looked at Maxwell and the silent ancient sword that he casually threw on the steps. After a long time, he sighed softly, "For all these years, I still don't understand why the Sword in the Stone chose you."

"What don't you understand?"

Maxwell responded indifferently: "You should have gotten the sword in the stone, but you always have the embers of original sin in your heart."


Lancelot was amused by Maxwell, "I thought, compared to you, I thought I was a perfect moral person."

"Stop humiliating morals, Lancelot."

Maxwell looked at him coldly: "If I guessed correctly: you chose your family over your sister's happiness and family, didn't you? White Crow...

You secretly betrayed Ye Lanzhou to the cult, and your father had to face a cruel choice between his family and his daughter. After being forced to expel his biological daughter, he was overwhelmed and chose to commit suicide.

From beginning to end, the only one who succeeds is you. "

"Father is too weak. He has forgotten the fate of the Lancelot family." Lancelot remained indifferent: "Ye Lanzhou's existence will destroy everything - and no matter what, the family must be preserved."

Maxwell couldn't help but sneer, "Then I want to congratulate you, you got what you wanted. You have already got your family, why do you need to ask for more?"

"All the family heads in the past generations have died in the service of the royal family, and I am no exception."

"Yes, it's just that the emperor you are loyal to is different from others..."

"From the beginning, this has been the fate of the Lancelot family, and it is also the curse entwined in our bloodline... It is not only this country and the royal family that are cursed, Maxwell, but also us..."

Lancelot asked coldly: "But what kind of mistakes have we made? Nothing! We have dedicated everything to Angelou, but we have fallen to the point where we have to cut off our inheritance.

We are born to force ourselves into the cage. All the family heads in the past generations are just prisoners in this armor. They struggle hard and sacrifice everything, even their children... When Christine was born, everyone They are all singing and dancing, but do you know how much pain I feel?

She has always felt guilty that she is not a man and cannot inherit Lancelot's armor, but why do I want her to inherit this tragic fate?

Tell me, Maxwell, what's wrong with seeking relief! "

"Does it include trampling on the glory of your ancestors? Does it include selling everything, including surrendering to natural disasters?"

Lancelot finally smiled and sneered:

“Isn’t this country originally created by natural disasters?”

Maxwell was silent, lowered his head, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "It's my fault, why do I have to talk to you about these meaningless things? After so many years of intrigue, my mind has become so muddled that I can't even remember my true identity.

That logic of yours may be used to satisfy yourself, Lancelot, but it is complete bullshit to me.

If someone hadn't reminded me, I would have almost forgotten...

——Mistakes are mistakes, even if it is for the so-called overall situation, mistakes must be liquidated, otherwise "correctness" will have no meaning of existence.

The time of lingering is so long that we have forgotten why everything turned out like this in the first place. "

He paused, with a hint of cold murderous intent in his eyes: "I should have figured this out long ago, Lancelot, but it's a pity that it was too late to make up my mind."

"Yes, you chose to kill the king after all."

Lancelot looked at him: "I still underestimated you after all... Just the clues made you alert in advance. I once thought that I would never be able to defeat you - whether it is your sense of smell or determination, it is too terrifying .

That's scary, Maxwell. "

Maxwell shrugged:

"Sorry, I was born this way."

Lancelot lowered his head and sighed, "If it weren't for you, His Majesty would have been resurrected long ago. There is no need to waste such a long time."

In the silence, Maxwell was stunned. After a long time, he raised his head and narrowed his eyes.

"Lancelot, what did you...say?"

"Did you forget something?"

Lancelot glanced at him, turned back, waved towards the outside of the palace, and called softly: "Please come in, Your Highness."

At Lancelot's call, the thin boy walked in from the door, struggling to hold an iron box that was too big for him, and looked around timidly.

The moment he appeared, Maxwell's expression changed.

Great prince!

That was the eldest prince who was forgotten by everyone, the mentally retarded man who was born deformed and unable to grow up...

Lancelot stretched out his hand, stroked the eldest prince's hair, and looked up at Maxwell, "I know that you poisoned him in advance to rule out the possibility of him becoming a carrier. Unfortunately... he is the blood of King Arthur after all."

"Uncle Lancelot, where is my sister?"

The eldest prince huddled behind Lancelot in horror, looking at the haggard Maxwell timidly, and finally, he looked at the throne: "What's wrong with mother? Why doesn't she speak?"

"Don't be afraid, His Majesty is asleep."

Lancelot comforted him softly, raised his hand and pointed at Maxwell: "It was the guy with the beard who harmed Your Majesty."


Maxwell roared: "It's not too late to turn back! Do you know what you are doing!"

Lancelot ignored him, just lowered his head and whispered in the ear of the eldest prince: "Your Highness, do you want to protect your mother?"

The eldest prince glanced at Maxwell in fear, and was frightened by his angry look. He nodded with all his courage:


Then Lancelot smiled.

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