Crown of Silence

Chapter 596: Go and Come Back Soon

Chapter 597 Go and Come Back

When the round table armor rushed into the battlefield, the power hidden in the armor was released on the battlefield with the clanging of swords.

The first thing that fell from the sky was the vortex formed by the twisted air.

As the power armor lifted up with both hands, the vortex slowly took shape in the sky. The incomparable pressure radiated from it like light.

The friction of the air actually made a low roar like sand and gravel. They were pulled and collapsed inward, forming a bleak hurricane.

The music theory of the forbidden faction was brewing in it, like a seed slowly growing, and turned into a "towering tree" in an instant.

Finally, the vague vortex fell from the sky.


The earth shook.

Countless sand and debris rushed into the sky, but the ground suddenly sank, as if it was trampled down by the invisible giant's feet, and everything turned into mud.

That was chaotic gravity.

Gravitational turbulence erupted from it, tearing the two stone puppets apart almost instantly, turning them into dust. The next moment, they struggled to close the gap, and then sensed the howling of the storm.

If it was just a breeze just now, then now it is an absolute catastrophic tornado.

As the thin armor moved forward, the hurricane swept, forming a huge white wing behind him. Just a slight flap destroyed the cracked buildings and blew away the stone sculptures and steel that had been separated from the ground.

As he clenched his hands, a pale spear gathered with the strong wind and took shape in his hands - it was the turbulent air pressure.

It was like the terrifying pressure of the deep sea and the absolute nothingness of the vacuum merged with each other, turning into an indestructible blade, and in an instant, it followed the ripples of the gravity turbulence and broke into the array of eleven masters.

Like lightning.

In just a moment, the terrifying air pressure pushed him into the core.

Ignoring the stone puppets' siege that was enough to tear him apart, the wind pressure spear was raised high and stabbed into the earth with all his might. The storm was like water, pouring into the blue bricks.

The next moment, a terrifying explosion broke out from under the nine earths.

The terrifying pressure didn't even have time to blow the bricks away, and it had already forced through the cracks on the bricks and gushed out from the gaps. The incredibly fast wind was like a knife and axe under the pressure!

In a flash, countless knives and axes chopped and razed everything to the ground. Then, the terrifying pressure difference "lately" broke out from under the ground, blowing everything completely into the sky.

Then, the fierce counterattack of the eleven masters came late, completely tearing apart the iron knight who broke into the core.

In the last moment, a figure could be vaguely seen popping out from it, escaping from the storm with the armored core, but there was no doubt that he had been seriously injured.

But he had completed his mission.

The gravity turbulence destroyed the defense created by the stone puppets, and the vacuum explosion tore their ground, and with the explosion, completely separated them.

It was like a heavy siege weapon was activated, smashing the enemy's defensive barrier, and then the cavalry galloped and charged, interspersed into the enemy's array, cut the formation, and separated them.

From then on, each fought for himself.

This is not the "big picture" of the musicians fighting, nor is it the "skill" of winning a reversal. This is the kingly military strategy and the combat method of the armored corps!

At that moment, the remaining several Knights of the Round Table obeyed the order and rushed towards the selected enemy.

The eleven stone puppets were separated, and in just a moment, they were surrounded by the Knights of the Round Table who rushed up - the situation of the war has quietly transitioned from a siege to an encounter.

Under Lancelot's order, the armored knights who were waiting outside had already discarded their cumbersome longbows and pulled out six giant swords from their equipment boxes. They assembled them in the sharp sound of steel friction.

The round table knights' desperate vacuum explosion not only tore the musicians' positions, but also gave the remaining mass-produced armors room to play.

Now, it's time for them to appear.

Hundreds of ether furnaces were overloaded at the same time, and the power more than three times higher than the normal mode brought more than three times the terrifying power, and at the same time, it also caused terrible resonance.

Music theory has its own gravity.

The alchemical matrix, as a product of the solidification of music theory, is the same.

When each ether furnace moves at full power, it forms its own noise and gravity in the sea of ​​ether. But when this noise and gravity are superimposed hundreds of times at the same time, it will exceed the limit that ordinary musicians can tolerate, causing devastating interference.

It may even drain all the ether in an area, causing other musicians to have no ether available.

It is precisely because of this that, in a large-scale battle, unless it is a legion-level piece of music, the ability of ordinary musicians is often only one tenth of what they can display. Because of their small number, they can often only serve as scouts or backup assistants.

And now, when hundreds of power armors are activated at the same time, the noise they bring covers the entire battlefield in an instant. Almost all environments are disrupted, and even the area unfolded by the Scepter of Hell is turbulent.

The clear red hell in the sky was shaking, and it was constantly trembling slightly, as if the illusion was disturbed and it was difficult to operate smoothly.

What made the dark lord even more furious was that in the back, the prepared longbow knights kept receiving special alchemical arrows from the servants and fired them into the battlefield continuously.

Those metals broke apart in mid-air, rapidly split and decayed, and turned into a large amount of gray dust before they landed on the ground, which was completely harmless.

However, the splitting of that metal is based on the absorption of ether, just like a water-absorbing material falling into water, rapidly expanding and completely draining all the water.

Not only that, once the metal is fissioned and enriched with ether, the stability of the structure will plummet, making it difficult to preserve, and it will be extremely sensitive to sound stimulation.

Even without the need for music, as long as there is a slight sharp noise, it will be stimulated and produce high temperature.

Armored knights are protected by armor and are not afraid of high temperature erosion, and the ether turbulence generated will only bring pressure to the ether furnace, and will not harm them themselves.

But once it reaches a certain level, for musicians, the environment will become a quagmire, and they will be stuck in the mud and have difficulty moving.

This special metal that is completely banned by the Holy City and strictly prohibited from use and research is called "molten lead". For a long time, countries have only been able to keep a small number of samples in private, and dare not develop and use it for military purposes.

When the Holy City lost its control, the countries that were freed from the shackles immediately put its research back on the agenda - even Anglu was no exception.

In a short period of time, the sea of ​​ether corresponding to this area became unprecedentedly thin and could not be replenished.

The larger the monster, the more it depends on the external environment. Especially when the Lord of Darkness was unprecedentedly weak, he did not even have the power to open up the sea of ​​ether and directly draw energy from the ether world.

After the Knights of the Round Table took away the ether in the Shadow of Avalon, the Scepter of Hell could not continue.

Especially when four Knights of the Round Table took the lead and attacked him desperately at the same time...

A large number of armored knights used the human sea tactics to separate the others, clamp them in the distance, concentrate the high-level forces, and instantly suppress the faceless leader.

All of them were almost melted in the ether world. With the preparatory measures and the help of others, most of them were pulled back and reshaped into their original forms.

Since then, the Grand Master has lost his face and previous information, and has become a half-strange existence.

And his own music has become extremely strange, and it is difficult to understand with common sense.

Even with the desperate attacks of four round table armors, he was able to maintain his defensive position, and even counterattacked several times, and took back the initiative, but was suppressed again by the continuous and desperate attacks of the Knights of the Round Table.

The war has entered a white-hot stage.

In the distance, Lancelot sighed softly.

He turned around and looked at the squire who had grown old with him, and said:

"Put on armor for me."

Unlike the others, he was not frightened and hurriedly dissuaded. The squire just nodded woodenly and put the iron box on his back on the ground.

Reaching out, he reached into the hub of the iron box and pulled out the copper ring with all his strength.

Amid the sharp sound of steel friction, the hub hidden deep inside was activated, countless gears rotated, springs stretched, and the iron box inherited from hundreds of years ago slowly opened, exhaling a biting cold breath.

In the terrifying low temperature, the steel armor sleeping inside slowly rose, and after decades of absence from this world, it showed its majestic posture.

Lancelot stepped forward, facing countless unfolding steel, and walked towards the armor.

The armor was like a living thing, the steel stretched and contracted, covering him inch by inch, and finally, the silver visor covered the pale blue pupils. He finally became Lancelot again.

The God of Steel, the Unparalleled Knight - the real Lancelot!

No choking and wheezing sounds were heard.

The armored knight moved forward, towards the core of the battlefield, the besieged Grand Commander and the Lord of Darkness. Reaching out, he pulled out the silent long sword at his waist. The long sword was like a mirror, reflecting the dark city, the blood and fire of the battlefield.

The old attendant half-knelt on the ground and bid him farewell with piety:

"My lord, I wish you a successful start."

Facing the fierce wind of iron fire, Lancelot slowly raised his long sword, put it to his forehead, looked at the mirror-like reflection of the sword spine, and saluted with the sword.

The mirror-like sword spine reflected the steel face, and on the other side, it reflected his enemy... the scepter from hell.

"Be patient..."

Lancelot's voice was hoarse, and he said:

"--I'll be back soon."

A flash.

In that brief moment, it seemed that there was a flash of light. There was an illusion of light descending on the battlefield, and in that stagnant time, it lightly and gracefully swept over everything, soaring in the sky.

With a thrilling beauty.

But the next moment, it dissipated.

Lost interest in this battlefield, not knowing where to go.

Because everything is over.

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