Crown of Silence

Chapter 585 For the New World (Part 2)

Chapter 586 For the New World (Part 2)

In just a moment, a heavy rain fell.

It was not water drops, but eagle-bodied demons that turned into charcoal in the lightning.

In the vacuum, all the blood of those demons had already flowed out of their broken bodies. After dehydration, they shrank and shrank, and burned into a ball in the lightning. In an instant, the entire battlefield was covered with carbonaceous objects.

It was the fall of countless demons.

It was just a prelude, just a prologue...

The iron curtain cloud collapsed, and the huge shadow also swayed in front of the figure that slowly rose on the battlefield.

The night was torn apart.

Because the scorching sun came.

The frenzied and terrifying ether fluctuations completely suppressed all the noise.

Char was like being shrouded in the fierce light, sitting on the throne of God, full of majesty, and could not be looked directly at...even the so-called king of the sky!

The half-human, half-eagle old woman let out a sharp cry, spread her wings, and the whole sky was dyed black again.

The sky is its wings.

Under the shadow of the wings, there is death.

After losing most of her offspring in an instant, the mother of the natural disaster Eagle Wing fell into a rage. Sensing the familiar and disgusting breath in the "1812 Grand Overture", she no longer hesitated and pounced on Charles.

Unfortunately, this time, she was no longer facing a saint.

"Symphony No. 6 - Pathetique"!

So, the sad melody swept and covered the entire sky.

The coldness hidden in the deepest part of the heart was like flowing water, gently and lightly strolling, embracing everything in its arms, telling whispers about the world, about dreams and about pain.

Soon, the sadness was surpassed, and everything was no longer important.

Great happiness came.

In that embrace.

But between heaven and earth, what sounded was a scream of extreme pain, like crying.

Black rain fell from the sky like a waterfall.

Those were countless withered feathers.

The wings that merged with the sky shattered along with the sky.

In that happy embrace, they were cruelly, mercilessly and without hesitation ‘decomposed’ and returned to nothingness.

That was the ‘dissociation’ that was above everything.

In the vast area covered by the music, where the sun-like scepter shone, the terrifying ether fluctuations revealed their cold essence as the music theory was transformed.

That was the essence forged by merging the two systems with great power across the huge gap between the forbidden and change schools. And the power contained in it at this moment even surpassed the realm of saints and surpassed natural disasters!

The night left and the light came.

But under the sunshine, all matter, all ether and all visible and invisible existences were disintegrating and falling apart, and could no longer remain intact.

Even natural disasters.

Even the Eagle Wing Mother.

The cold and cruel miracle came here.

In the sorrow, all disasters came to an end.

Give all sorrows a rest.

Give all despairs redemption.

Death saves everything.

In the painful screams of the past, the wings of darkness fight with the scorching sun, and the world is in turmoil.

The earth is torn apart, a huge crack is broken, and a canyon is born.

The wasteland is turbulent, falls, rises, and turns into hills.

The sky is broken, exposing the darkness of the universe behind it, and the stars are swaying, breaking in the struggle of that huge power.

The hurricane swept between heaven and earth, and the whistling sound and the melody of the movement blended together, like a sad song played by God when destroying the world.


Gaius stood on the city wall, raised his head with difficulty, held his hair, and looked up at the glory that was fighting against the darkness.

The guards rushed forward without hesitation, blocking the huge rocks and the fierce wind like a knife for him, and shouted hoarsely: "Lord Gaius, it's dangerous here! Please leave quickly..."

But in the tug of war, Gaius did not move, like a nail, standing in place, just staring at the scorching sun fanatically, even if the light burned his eyes.

Until the end, the last wailing sounded, and the darkness was torn apart.

The ten thousand feet of light fell on the earth again.

The scorching sun was brilliant.

In the terrifying light, Charles's half body was torn apart, and the burning blood fell from the wound, but it was still majestic. In his hands, it was a natural disaster that had been completely disfigured.

After losing his wings, the king of the sky could no longer fly.

The half body of the eagle-winged mother had been disintegrated, leaving only a broken face and the last shriveled body. Charles grabbed her throat and held her in his hand. She struggled hard, but could not get rid of the palm that seemed to be the incarnation of punishment.

Charles stared at its face, but his pupils were empty, and his empty sight seemed to penetrate its body and fall on the earth.

Blood fell from the torn corners of his eyes, like tears.

"Mr. Gaius, does heaven not exist?" He whispered softly, as if asking a question.

Gaius was silent for a long time, then nodded.


"Then, are you all unhappy?"

"That's right." Gaius lowered his eyes.

"Is this changeable?"


He answered softly, firmly.

So, Charles smiled.

"That's great."

The hand of punishment slowly closed, crushing the bones, causing the Eagle Wing Mother to scream hoarsely and struggle like crazy.

As if she understood her own fate, the old woman's ugly face twisted into a ball, and she screamed crazily, speaking vague human language in a hoarse and difficult manner.

"I will come back again," it said. "You cannot kill me."


Ciel shook his head, "I can."

In his palm, the flame ignited, like a living thing, piercing into her face, filling her body, taking control of her consciousness, extending into the distance, spreading far away.

In just an instant, the huge source sleeping in the desert and ruins was already awakened by those golden eyes.

At that moment, an immense coldness emerged from the Eagle Wing Mother's consciousness. It was an emotion she had never felt since she was born. It was something that humans named 'fear'.

Ether, music theory, consciousness, life...even everything was plundered and taken away!

The distorted face of the Eagle Wing Mother was stiff, unable to move, and even the power of her neighing was taken away. The last remaining body was quickly petrified and broken.

Until finally, between the closed palms, it turned into flying sand.

There is no trace of its existence anymore.

There is no more so-called future.

But in the sky, Ciel roared in pain.

The scorching sun is turbulent.

In that terrifying glow, he bent down and roared. On his back, a tragic scar suddenly appeared. The ether gathered and turned into slender bones that proliferated and grew, stretching painfully in the cold air.

Fierce light covered it, like flesh and skin, until finally, the flames were ignited and turned into crimson feathers.

Those are wings!

A solitary wing grew out from Ciel's back, and with just a wave, it seemed to cover the entire sky!

On the city wall, the surviving soldiers looked up at the terrifying light and collapsed on the ground. They raised their hands to block their eyes, not daring to look directly at the terrifying majesty.

After witnessing all the processes, the believers whose sanity was completely defeated wailed.

"Then what it?"

"This is God."

Gaius looked up to the sky, spread his arms, and laughed wildly:

"——This is our human god!"


When the cry of war is replaced by the loud noise of turmoil.

When the shrill screams suddenly stopped.

Everything returns to silence.

There was faint cheering in the distance.

Hidden deep in the basement beneath the palace, the girls have already left, and the singing and dancing are no longer.

Only the king, exhausted from the joy, lay on the sofa, tasting the last of the wine and feeling drunk.

The door was pushed open.

Someone sat across from him.

The king raised his eyes sleepily and looked at him:


"Well, we won."

So, he smiled, "From now on, it will be a new era, right? Gaius."


Gaius nodded.

The king looked at him with curiosity: "What kind of country will you build?"

"Yeah, what kind of country?"

Gaius took off his hat, revealing his mottled white hair and confused eyes: "I haven't thought about it yet. Your Majesty, do you have any suggestions?"

"ask me?"

The king laughed: "How did I know?

No country has ever appeared out of thin air without roots. If it wants to create a new world, it can only use the old corpses to nurture it. Hear the cheers, Gaius, do you hear them?

Your country is there. "

Gaius was silent for a long time, then shook his head: "Your Majesty, those are the people you sacrificed yourself and gave up everything to save."


Upon hearing this word, the king's smile became weirder, as if full of mockery: "Gaius, they are all monsters...don't you understand?

When I was a child, my father told me that the duty of a king is to lead the people - and it was only before he died that he told me to fear them, imprison them, and make them fear you...

Only in this way is he a king and a living king.

You need to let them see your power, your brilliance, and your majesty, and grant them peace, food, and work like a god. Only then will they tame, forget their minions, and obey your rule...

If one day you are unable to do all this, you are tired, injured, and fall down...your people will feel the pain in the cold wind, they will be dissatisfied, they will unite together, and they will riot. It will turn into a huge monster, hold high the banner of the king's injustice, and devour you.

You know this very well, right? "

Gaius said nothing.

"Why did I give up everything to save them? I just chose to die before that."

The king drank the wine, and the liquor leaked from the corner of his mouth and sprinkled on his chest. It was like a fire burning, making his throat hoarse and his eyes crazy: "I have seen that day, the end for people like us - —The nobles will be liquidated, the estates will be set on fire, and the old Caucasus will be buried in the fire of the revolution you brought... Vibrant, great! "

"Then what?"

Gaius asked.


The drunken Majesty the King chuckled, "The means of production were redistributed, classes were re-established, and after a long time, a new country, no, a new monster was born... Just as you wished, isn't it? "

"Isn't that too much to say? Your Majesty."

Gaius seemed to have heard a joke and was amused by this drunken nonsense.

But the king didn't smile. Instead, he stretched out his hand, grabbed his collar, and pulled him in front of him, staring at him with eyes red with alcohol.

"Compared to what you have done to this world, what I said is so gentle and disgusting, isn't it?"

He whispered hoarsely, "You used your so-called freedom and democracy to overthrow the rule from ancient times, and you want to lead them forward with a glorious future and through the dark canyon... But the dark canyon is too long, and they can't wait long. !

They only give in to desire, they don’t even know how to protect themselves..."

"If no one has warned you, let me tell you - Gaius, you are playing with fire!"

"so what?"

Gaius's smile disappeared and became as cold as iron.

But the king laughed, held his belly in his hands, and said with joy: "Look at what you look like, Gaius!

You are already crazy, but you still think you are sane...

You are fascinated by the so-called future, but you cannot see clearly the price of leading to the future! Haven't everything you've encountered so far taught you enough lessons?

Your revolution is the most terrifying thing in the world! You have released it from its cage, and you want to untie it from the shackles of religion and let it spread its poison in this world!

You promised them things they didn't deserve, let them run their own country, and gave them false hope that seemed to be just around the corner... Maybe you were right to do so, but this is a sick world and it shouldn't be The right things remain!

One day, your revolution will lose control, and your army and your country will become a deformity under your sick ideals.

——Whether it can swallow this world or not, one day it will destroy itself due to endless demands! "

The king laughed wildly.

That crazy laughter was so harsh, like the cold mockery of the world in his body.

Filled with joy, he raised his head and drank the last of the wine.

Then, the final darkness rose from before his eyes, embracing him, welcoming him, and accompanying him to death.

At the last moment, he spit out the foul-smelling black blood, looked at Gaius, smiled happily, and said goodbye softly:

"Gaius, I will see the day, in hell..."

Everything returned to silence.

Gaius sat on the chair, looking at his ugly face that was ferocious due to the poison, as if waiting for something.

But a long time passed.

His Majesty said no more words.

he died.


The basement door was closed.

"Seal it."

Gaius said to the craftsman: "After all, he is the king, so let his palace be his coffin."

The craftsman bowed his head and promised.

He put on his hat and climbed the steps back to the vast courtyard above ground.

On the bench, Wolf Flute, who was smoking, raised his eyes: "What did our King say in the end? You don't seem very happy."

"It's just drunken nonsense."

Gaius replied coolly, "Where is your work? Is it done?"

On the bench, Wolf Flute whistled and spread his hands: "Don't worry, those old priests have gone crazy after witnessing Ciel's power.

Soon, Brother Sophia, who is in charge of the Caucasus Order, will fall at your feet and endorse the miracle that has happened today. And he re-advocated the orthodoxy that was abandoned by the Holy City Religion, and also shouted that divinity and humanity are not opposites, but communion or something...

I don't quite understand what the magicians are saying. Anyway, they promised to break away from the Holy City and unite with the monks in the Near East to form a new sect.

Soon, a denomination that suits your wishes will serve you and shepherd believers.

However, out of respect for the rulers, they want to ask you what would be a better name for the new church. "

Gaius thought for a moment and quickly answered:

"Since they advocate orthodoxy, let's call them Orthodox."

"Do your will."

Wolf Flute saluted exaggeratedly, took off the cigarette from the corner of his mouth, and stamped it out. When he was about to turn around and leave, he paused for a moment, turned around and asked:

"Ah, by the way, I have another question. About Ciel."


Gaius looked over and saw Wolf Flute's playful expression.

He looked at Gaius and asked curiously: "You personally held him up on the altar. If one day, he wants to come down from the altar, what are you going to do?"

Gaius said nothing.

Wolf Flute was answered.

Turned and left.

And in the sky, endless wind and snow fell again, sweeping across the wastelands and cities, swallowing up everything, covering the country's old corpses.

Under the frozen soil, some seeds are sprouting.

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