Crown of Silence

Chapter 578 Avalon, I'm back

Chapter 579 Avalon, I’m back

In the pitch-black darkness, sharp sounds came one after another.

It was the loud sound of the tentacles of the Ten Thousand-Handed Priest rubbing against steel.

Under the pull and restraint of the tentacles, the Nomadic Mountain was almost lifted from the sea, and the machinery hanging on the deck was flattened in an instant.

At the front, Shi Dong stood quietly, letting his thick tentacles set off a hurricane, passing by, and just raising his head, staring at the monster so close at hand.

Look at that weird eye.

He couldn't help but smile.

Instinctively, a senseless uneasiness arose in the giant squid's heart. Just looking at the old man's face, he felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

More than two hundred years ago.

From the beginning to now...

Ever since Shi Dong first held the sword, countless monsters had seen the cold smile on the corner of the old man's mouth before they died.

To this day, that smile has been stained with blood to the point of being ferocious, exuding the coldness and fear coming from the graves and bones.

Even if it has decayed to the point of returning to dust, even if it has become so old that it cannot stand without crutches.

The iron-like enthusiasm contained in that smile has not diminished at all. It seems to be with the soul, turning into flames and passing on the demon's corpse...

"I'm here."

At that moment, Shi Dong stood with his sword in hand and whispered softly towards it.

Immediately afterwards, a loud noise erupted that was ten thousand times louder than before.

On the huge hull of Nomadic Mountain, countless fixed bolts hidden under the armor detonated and untied in an instant, and the scaly armor fell off the hull like fallen leaves.

The steel shell that had lost its support shriveled under the stranglehold of the tentacles, but the essence hidden under the disguise was revealed to the world for the first time as the crack spread.

Like a monster breaking free from its cage.


Under the snake-bone ship's head, it was as if the blazing light in his eyes turned red in an instant.

The iron shell shattered.

Under the iron shell, there is the warm and putrid breath of the giant beast.

It was a huge mouth full of sharp teeth and exposed gums that was slowly opening! As if he was grinning, he gave a passionate kiss to the prey that came to him, and then... he suddenly closed it!

Darkness boils.

The black mist that entered the ink was like a dying leper, convulsing, expanding, contracting, roaring, crying...

A series of earth-shattering loud noises sounded first.

Immediately afterwards, there was a painful scream.

By the end, all that was left was the creepy sound of chewing.

Click... click... click...

When the fog slowly dissipated, only the Nomadic Mountain, stained dark green by blood, was still floating on the sea. The inconspicuous remains of minced meat slowly sank into the sea.

As for the 'Ten Thousand Hands Priest' who had been galloping in the deep sea for hundreds of years, he has now disappeared without a trace.

"Elder Stone, you..."

Carol staggered up to the deck, full of worry, but when she saw the still upright figure standing in a pool of blood, she unconsciously lowered her voice:

"Are you okay?"

"Me? I'm so good."

Shi Dong turned around, with a smile on his decaying face. There was indescribable satisfaction in that smile, "I didn't expect that there would be such a delicious appetizer just after arriving in Avalon..."

"Carol, I'm starting to like this era."


"What's going on here?"

When the battle situation became clear, everyone fell into a brief silence, as if doubting their own eyes. But immediately afterwards, there was boiling ecstasy and cheers.

"The Priest of Ten Thousand Hands was defeated!!!"

The demon's blood was ignited in the purifying movement, and the nomadic mountain bathed in flames cut through the waves. It moved forward slowly in the mighty movement, turning over the soil like an iron plow, and the invisible force was constantly hiding in the sea water. The demon hooked out and tore apart.

As a result, the turbid sea water was dyed an inky dark red.

Thick blood floated on the sea surface, like grease, supporting the firelight, causing the blazing flames to spread in the water, illuminating the dark world.

Cheers and praises came from afar, echoing on the sea like thunder, almost drowning out the neighing and loud noises.

"Everyone, let's fight, our counterattack has just begun..."

Ye Qingxuan's voice sounded from every bridge: "We will not retreat from this battle! Completely drive the demons out of this sea area, and comfort the heroes who died in the war and the sacrifices of the past!"

He paused and declared decisively:

"——Take this country, Avalon, back into our hands!"

What responded to him were the fanatical shouts of countless people.

"Counterattack! Counterattack!"

The roaring and shouting sounds echoed throughout the battlefield.

Under the illumination of the holy symbol, loud noises and roars resounded again.

The mighty and huge war begins again after a short break!

After a hundred years, the light of the torture rack lit up again in this long and invisible night.

After a brief silence, the figure of the Knights of the Round Table rose from Avalon and plunged into the fierce battlefield.

As the Nomadic Mountain advanced, the huge demons hidden in the deep sea were pulled out one by one, cut into pieces, and after pulling out the materials that could be used, they were mercilessly thrown into the purifying flames.

Until finally, the ocean was almost covered in flames.

Using the corpses of demons as firewood, the flames danced in the hymns, outlining the scene of judgment and purgatory in the human world.

The fighting lasted all night.


It was a short night, but it seemed like forever.

When the last deep-sea monster was smashed by the prayer bombardment and the black river of demons was burned out by the flames, the war finally came to a brief end.

Everyone stood there blankly, staring at the sea covered with blood and embers, as if they had woken up from a nightmare and didn't know where they were.

"Is it over?"

"Where are the demons?"

"We... won?"


"Long live! Long live Anglo!!!"

The ecstasy of surviving the disaster and the glory of winning the battle blended in their hearts, turning into an impulse of ecstasy and tears. Whether on the deck, the sky, or the bridge, everyone cheered and hugged each other, tears streaming down their faces, screaming and roaring.

Amid the noise, at the command seat, Ye Qingxuan took off his hat, put it on the table, stretched his waist tiredly, and felt that his whole body finally relaxed.

Gazing at the city with lights on again outside the porthole, I couldn't help but smile.

"Let's go back to the port."

He whispered softly: "Let's go home."

Avalon, I'm back.


After passing through the narrow waterway, the port's scratched gate slowly opened, the hinge rotated, and a sharp friction sound was made.

In the surging sea water, the scarred Royal Navy finally entered the port, but what was seen was the dazzling lights, the crowds were surging, and the enthusiastic cheers. No matter how the guards outside the port tried to stop them, they still couldn't extinguish the enthusiasm and ecstasy.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

The cheers were like a tsunami.

No longer need to worry about being abandoned in the sudden evacuation, being separated from your family, leaving your homeland, and embarking on a long dark journey.

This sudden victory gave a shot of strength to this city that was almost suffocating after days of torture, and also made those who suffered full of expectations for the future again.

It was the sudden arrival of the dark warship that brought this hope.

A hundred years ago, during the era of great development, the purification musicians who opened up the land from the dark world returned again, holding high the banner of fire, and came to this city at the most dangerous and dark moment, throwing the demons into the flames, and illuminating the dark and suffocating world again.

At the front of the crowd, the nobles who hurried over from various agencies and even the evacuation fleet were not necessarily in a relaxed mood.

The upper-class people who had known the evacuation plan half a day in advance of the civilians had made countless secret transactions in a short period of time in order to prioritize the evacuation and compete for the last remaining resources. Some people even lost their fortunes for this.

The authorities let it go, and the exhausted Lancelot had no energy to care about them anymore, and even let them set up the team of the exile government.

As a result, the evacuation plan was stillborn, and the exile government had disappeared.

Some people were a step slower, beating their chests and stamping their feet, or even falling into despair, but now they are relieved, smiling, and celebrating their fate. Those who were quick have already boarded the ship early...

Now the ship is here, but it has no meaning.

Although the fate of this city is also uncertain, who can guarantee that there will be a chance to evacuate?

This time in the sudden retreat, the nobles and senior officials even occupied two-thirds of the fleet, and the remaining one-third of the tickets still did not fall into the hands of the common people, but were marked with sky-high prices and were scrambled for.

The lower-class people are now extremely disappointed with them.

The consultants did not need to investigate anymore, and sighed to assure their employers that their credibility and image had fallen to the lowest point, and they were completely trapped in the "Tacitus Trap". No matter what they did, they would be regarded as doing bad things.

If they were to evacuate again next time, they would face an angry riot before retreating. By then... it would be hard to say who would get the seat on the ship.

Therefore, many people felt bitter about this sudden savior, and there was no gratitude at all, and even a hint of well-concealed resentment.

And as everyone had complicated expressions and whispered conversations, the crowd surged, and two black carriages, led by the great knight and escorted by the garrison, drove into the port.

One of them came from Westminster Abbey with the emblem of the order. The door opened, and the old Archbishop Mephisto, who had been blind for many years, walked out with the help of the servants.

The other one was more low-key, without any emblem.

A pale middle-aged man walked out of the car.

He was wearing a black dress, which looked very formal, but sharp-eyed people could see the wrinkles on the corners of his clothes, and he had not changed for many days.

The dress was thickened and decorated with thick fur, which was very warm, but his face was still not rosy. Instead, he covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed heartbreakingly.

In the early years, he was severely injured by an assassin in order to protect the queen. Until now, his lung disease has been incurable.

"Marquis Lancelot..."

The low discussion in the crowd was choked, and everyone looked at the figure standing in front and couldn't help but stop talking.

At this moment, Lancelot, the only remaining backbone of Avalon, the actual leader of the Kingdom of Anglo, and the leader of the Privy Council, appeared here alone, without even an attendant.

He just nodded to Archbishop Mephisto, and then stopped talking, casting his eyes on the dark warship that slowly entered the port.

Not a word.

I was really sorry for my back pain yesterday. It's the beginning of the month again, I will try my best to update, and remember to vote for me.

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