Crown of Silence

Chapter 55 The Principle of Getting Ahead

"Hey! Haven't I cleaned my boots yet?!"

In the room, the impatient voice shouted: "Butler! Butler! Is that lazy bastard slacking off? I've said it before, this kind of hooligans who look like beggars are just like cheap donkeys, they won't learn unless they are whipped. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎"

"Master, please don't worry, we won't be able to dock until later."

"I don't care about these things, you get ready, I must wear the best dress when the time comes!" The irritable child burped: "Butler, get me another box of snacks, I want the kind with lemon and honey. The food on this broken ship is simply inedible, fish every day."


The butler walked out the door, closed the door gently, and then his face changed, impatiently He kicked the boy next to him and looked at him coldly:

"Hurry up, kid, you've delayed the young master's good thing, I want you to pay!"

"Yes, yes. Sir, please rest assured, it will be washed immediately, immediately!"

Vito squeezed out a flattering smile and quickly wiped his leather shoes with his hands: "Look, it's almost done."

"Be gentle! That's the best calfskin!" The butler kicked him again: "If these boots are rubbed, you won't be able to work hard for a lifetime!"

"Yes, yes!"

After scolding him twice, the butler left with a cold face.

Vito smiled flatteringly and watched him walk away. The smile on his face gradually cooled down. He stroked the bruises on his face that had not yet disappeared, and his eyes were cold.

He has been on this ship to the Kingdom of Burgundy for ten days. Originally, he and the group of bankrupt merchants and unemployed people were crowded in the warehouse below, ready to use all their assets to go to the new colony on the border of the Kingdom of Burgundy to pan for gold and gamble with their lives.

But a few days ago, he used his fist to snatch an opportunity from the kid in the lower cabin to serve as a temporary servant to a young nobleman in the first-class cabin. Although the little fat boy had a bad temper and the housekeeper was very vicious, at least he didn't have to eat, drink, defecate and urinate in the lower cabin which was like a pigsty. He also had two more cups of fresh water every day, and it was better to eat the leftovers of the nobleman than to drink the swill.

And... this might not be an opportunity.

"Hey, little bastard, is the chance of success you mentioned a lifelong slavery to that fat pig?" In the small bottle in his pocket, Master Buyu was a little irritated: "Are you still a man? Yesterday you were willing to be ridden by that fat pig!" "So what?" Vito asked back: "What do I need to do? Kill him? On this ship with no way to escape? And then hanged on the mast? For so many days, all the ideas you gave me are rotten and can't be implemented. Old ghost, you are no longer the big man that everyone is afraid of. You are now a slave, just like me, but I am on this ship and you are in the bottle." "What are you thinking of?" Master Buyu asked. "Look how exaggerated you are. I just want to get some salary."

Vito glanced at the hatch and whispered softly: "...It's just that my salary is more expensive. The noble lord has too much money to spend, so I think I can afford it."

Hearing Vito's resentment, Buyu Shi couldn't help sighing: "This is the way of the world. You have worked hard all your life, but you are not as good as a bastard born by those nobles after drinking. It's a pity that you don't have the talent to be a musician, otherwise with your personality, you will definitely be better than me.


"A normal person will be better than you."

Vito sneered coldly: "Is this your vision? Being a musician means being superior? Being a musician can be equal to the nobles? That's just because the nobles need to keep a biting dog... You are the kind of idiot who doesn't know his last name after being flirted with by a bitch."

Buyu Shi was rarely silent, and didn't jump up and down to curse, because Vito really hit his soft spot.

Before becoming a black musician, he had been played like a clown by a noble lady, but he realized it too late. In order to become a musician and please that woman, he even sacrificed to the evil god.

One wrong step, then all the wrong steps. He has fallen to this level now, but that woman has transformed herself and married into a wealthy family and become a noble lady.

"It's always right to be cruel. What are you going to do?"

His voice became vicious as he was reminded of the past.

"We'll be at the port soon." Vito moved his fingers and missed his work at the dock: "I've seen it. The butler carries tens of thousands of francs of bills and a lot of jewelry... Let's do a big deal."

"You want to kill that kid and the butler?" Buyu Shi became excited.

"Stupid, can the result of losing some money be the same as the result of a person dying? If you kill him, it will be a big deal." Vito cursed him in a low voice: "Don't forget that there is a whole family behind him. Do you want me to be hunted to the ends of the earth?"

"I think it's the same." Master Buyu sneered: "You just don't dare to kill again?"

"..." Rarely, Vito was silent.

For the first time, Master Buyu got the upper hand in the quarrel, snorted and laughed, and didn't provoke him any more.

"Vito! Vito! Where did you die again? Come in!"

In the room, the impatient duck voice sounded again: "I want to ride a horse!"

"Okay, Master, come right away."

Vito responded with a smile, pushed open the door, walked into the room, and then received a slap in the face.

In a luxurious room that was completely different from those in lower-class cabins, the child who looked a little fat didn't say a word, but slapped him twice in the face: "How do you do things? Why are you so slow? You all followed him. You told me not to be lazy!”

"I'm sorry, young master, it's all my clumsiness that has upset you."

Vito accompanied the smiling face, quietly looked around the room where they were alone, and suggested softly: "You have been on the ship for ten days and haven't gone out. It's very depressing to stay here. Why don't you go out for a walk and take a walk. On the deck I heard that there are many noble ladies who might be able to make a good match."

"Really?" His eyes lit up when he heard the noble lady, but he quickly threw the cup in his hand against the wall in frustration: "No, I won't go out."

"Huh? Why?" Vito was stunned, worried about missing the best opportunity to make a move.

"Why are you asking so many questions! If you don't go out, you won't go out! Do you want me to reward you for your hard work to please me?" The young master rolled his eyes and glared at him: "You bastards, you don't have any good intentions when approaching us! Let me tell you, I know what you are thinking! Don't expect me to give you anything.

"Look what you said, young master." Vito smiled apologetically, and when he heard the sound of the door opening behind him, he sighed in his heart: It seems that this opportunity is going to be missed.

"Master, I just went to take a look ahead. We will be arriving at the port soon!"

The butler smiled and said: "The Marquis has received the news of your return and has prepared a banquet for you to welcome you back to the family. You must be careful not to lose your noble demeanor."

So fast?

Vito's heart tightened, and he noticed a few copper wires being thrown at his feet. The butler waved his hand: "This is your wages for the past few days. You can go back."

Vito didn't bend down to pick up the money. He just touched the knife hidden in his sleeve and couldn't help but sigh softly: Does it seem like he still needs to use this?

He looked at the housekeeper and the fat man, and before he decided to put that one down first, he felt a crazy shock.

In the sudden roar, the entire steel ship shook crazily. Like hitting a rock, the huge shock knocked the passengers off the deck and rolled on the ground.

No, this level of shock is not a rock... Just as Vito was thinking, he heard a scream outside the door: "Someone come quickly! Put out the fire!"

"Oops, the boiler room exploded!"

"There's a big hole in the side, seal the cabin quickly!"

During the roll, Vito fell under the bed. Hearing these words, his face suddenly turned pale: The boiler room is at the top of the lower cabin. If it exploded, the lower cabin would be in danger. If the cabin is sealed, it means that the group of people in the lower cabin have been completely abandoned! There is no place to even escape...

But before he could get up in time, the butler's expression changed. As if he suddenly understood something, he pushed the obese man towards the cabinet: "Master, hide it first. I'll go out and check the situation..."

But before he could finish speaking, the walls of the room shattered.

Behind the twisted and torn alloy hatch, a black shadow flew into the room without moving, and pulled out a rapier out of thin air. The rapier cut through the air and screamed sharply.

That sword was as fast as lightning, piercing towards the fat man's heart!

The butler's expression changed, and he pounced on the young master, blocking the blade with his heart. Under his clothes, a complex pattern lit up out of thin air. The light of the pattern condensed the air into substance and turned into a shield.

The sword blade suddenly hit the solid air, as if it was pierced into a wall, unable to make any progress.

The black shadow drew out the sword blade, and stabbed the sword towards the shield in front of him like a rainstorm. The tip of the sword pierced the shield with spreading ripples. The butler's complexion turned visibly white, but the shield remained indestructible.

"What's going on?" Under the bed, Vito was stunned.

"Huh, it's just a simple alchemy, imprinting runes on the equipment. But ordinary people have to pay a price if they want to use it. The effect of the 'iron wall' consumes blood."

The rainmaker saw it clearly and sneered: "This is an assassination, boy. Obviously some people don't want to see that little fat man return to the Kingdom of Burgundy. If my guess is correct, the assassin will also spend a lot of money next." La……"

Before he finished speaking, the shadow assassin's movements suddenly stopped, and the vague stabbing sword in his hand finally revealed his form. That sword simply didn't look good. The blade was thin and narrow, and there were three lines of dense and small characters engraved on it, making people worried that it would break if it hit something.

But the assassin suddenly held his hand on the sword, and the movement spared no effort, as if he wanted to cut the entire palm of his hand. Blood red spread from his hand and quickly covered the entire sword body.

On the sword, those fine characters suddenly lit up for a low level, and the sword screamed, making a metallic roaring sound. The kind of high and low sounds that sting people's eardrums. Even the air around the assassin rippled irregularly.

"Ha, what the assassin has in his hands is a high-end product, with 'wrought iron', 'dragon strike' and 'ayahuasca' attached to it." Rainmaker suddenly raised his voice: "Cover your ears!"

Vito subconsciously did as he was told, and before he could ask why, he felt like he was being thrown into the breakwater! The endless sea tide rolled over his body, causing pain on his skin and almost breaking it. But that wasn't a tide, it was a huge wave formed by screaming in the air. Vito's mind went blank, and he only saw the assassin simply thrust the blade towards the shield.

Destroy everything!

The shield shattered in an instant, and the fragments smashed into the wall, creating large irregular holes.

The butler's soft armor turned into dust in an instant, and his heart was shattered into a puddle of mud. Finally, the sword penetrated him and nailed the frightened little fat man on the floor.

His heart was broken, the huge shock burst all the capillaries in his body, and the little fat man died in an instant.

After the assassin confirmed that he was dead, he broke through the wall again, fell into the sea, and walked away on the waves!

In the chaos on the ship, no one noticed what was happening here.

Vito was alone in the room.

Vito got up sluggishly and quickly realized what had happened.

He rushed to the butler on the ground, opened his pocket, and stuffed all the jewelry and money orders that had not turned into dust into his own pocket.

Then, he found two rings set with large gems on the dead pig. But at the end, he found a letter kept close to the body.

He hesitated for a moment, then quickly unfolded it and read ten lines at a glance. Thanks to the priest's high-pressure education, he was able to understand a little bit of French:

"Dear Don Juan, when you were just born, fate arranged for you to cruelly take me away from you. How are you living in Angora?... Recently, I often have some minor health problems, and I miss you more and more. ...After seventeen years of separation, you must have grown up, right? ...The person who brought this letter is my personal butler. He will bring you back to reunite with me, but be careful not to show your face on the road. I am worried that some people will. You are in trouble because of me...I am waiting to be reunited with you..."

After reading the letter, Vito fell into a long silence, as if he was petrified, motionless.

"Hey! Little bastard, what's wrong with you? Don't be frightened!"

In his arms, Rainmaker whispered: "There must be a hidden compartment in the bedside cabinet. Nobles like this. Move quickly. If you wait for others to find out, you won't be able to do anything." Opportunity!”

Before he finished speaking, he was stunned:

"Hey, what are you doing!"

He saw Vito quickly take out the jewelry from his pocket, then stuff it back into the butler's body, and throw whatever couldn't be stuffed into the broken sea. Every time one was thrown, the rainmaker screamed and shouted loudly:

"Are you crazy?! Don't you want to be successful? That is the capital for your future rise!"

"No, that's not it."

Vito shook his head and stared at the young master under the butler's body. His eyes rolled with white eyes and he refused to close his eyes. But for the first time, Vito thought he was very cute. Looking at him, he couldn't help but laugh:

"——This is it."

"What do you mean?"

Vito looked at the dead boy's figure, which was similar to his own, and asked, "Old ghost, do you think the name 'Don Juan' is actually quite nice?"

The rainmaker finally understood. He froze and screamed:

"You must be crazy to think ahead!"

"Haha, you really know how to joke. Is there any way in the world that you can get ahead without going crazy?"

He quickly took off Don Juan's clothes, put his own ragged clothes on him, then vigorously picked up the little fat man's body and threw it into the sea.

Soon, the pouring seawater rolled his body into the hole, and the leaked fuel in the boiler room burned it beyond recognition. Vito, on the other hand, had already changed into his original set of luxurious clothes and stuffed the bottle where the rainmaker lived into his pocket.

Finally, www.nsh. com He looked down at the hole in his chest and heart, and finally realized that he was still missing something.

Someone's voice was heard in the distance. Someone noticed the source of the loud noise and came to investigate.

"Nowadays, it seems that opportunities to get ahead are everywhere."

Vito took out the knife he had prepared, and after touching the position of his heart, he put it on his chest and took a deep breath of cold air: "It's a pity, I have to spend some money."

Bah! The end of the knife was inserted into the knife.

Vito quickly pulled the knife out, threw it into the sea, and fell to the ground. The blood flowed out so fast that it almost hit the ceiling, leaving him in a daze. Was he betting a little too big this time?

Using his last strength, he crawled to the butler's side and covered himself with his body. In the pool of blood that gradually spread, he felt that life was passing quickly, and his will quickly became faint.

Just before he fainted, the door was slammed open.

"Oh my god, what's going on here!" the crew member exclaimed, rushing into the room with chaotic steps, destroying the last clue.

Someone checked the body, opened the door of the dead housekeeper, and saw the dying young man below. He reached out and felt the young man's pulse, and shouted loudly:

"Come quickly! There are still people alive! Ship's doctor! Ship's doctor!!!"

Hearing that voice, saved Vito, no, Master Don Juan smiled sweetly.

He closed his eyes in relief.

Dad, here I come.

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