Crown of Silence

Chapter 560 Gift

Chapter 561 Gift

Just like the god of war riding an eight-legged thunder horse, the steel ship gallops in the air, stepping on thunder and lightning and hurricanes, moving forward! forward!

Breaking through the strong wind and cutting through the water mist. The thunder struck the hull of the ship, coating it with a layer of shining electric light. It destroyed the oncoming hurricane, separated the suffocating fog, and pierced into the tornado like a sharp blade!

The ship's hull shook wildly, trembling in the storm.

Countless steel plates detached from the hull and scattered like scales.

The dragon-backed ballista that was charged to the maximum emitted high temperature, evaporating the falling rain. The terrifying temperature was transmitted along the layers of machinery, burning the handle until it was red, like hot iron.

Igor held it tightly and endured the pain, but there was a happy smile on his face.

"Wait... wait..."

He gritted his teeth and muttered to himself, staring ahead: "It's not yet time... It's going to be soon, it's going to be close... Don't be anxious!"


The last hurricane was penetrated by the hull. Under the guidance of the blue moon, it flew across the sky and penetrated into the core of the tornado.

The furious head of Nomadic Mountain is already in front of you!

"Hello, bitch."

Igor smiled.


At that moment, the fiery flash from the bow of the ship ignited the dark night.

A terrifying torrent was released from the Dragon Spine Ballista. The high pressure generated by the five times overload pushed the steel arrows to fly out from the bow of the ship, and the screaming sound tore everyone's eardrums.

The crossbow arrow that was modified and disguised as a whale hunting crossbow also had a heavy black iron rope on it. It set off a pale air wave in the air, penetrated the poisonous wave emitted by the Nomadic Mountain with great force, and penetrated into its In the mouth, the sharp teeth were broken, the flesh and blood of the roof of the mouth were torn, penetrated through the hard skull, and penetrated deeply into its brain lobes.

The extremely viscous poisonous juice spread, and with the high temperature of the crossbow arrow, a pot of poisonous soup was boiled in the closed skull.

A sharp scream suddenly sounded.

The huge body of the Nomadic Mountain twitched, and the terrifying ether fluctuations stopped abruptly.

The hurricane dissipated, the tornado collapsed, and countless seawater fell from the sky.

With the loud noise of destruction, it fell into the sea together with the iron ship. In the huge shock, the entire hull almost completely fell apart. The three change musicians vomited blood at the same time, and the reinforcement matrix barely remained intact.

The hull was completely devastated and dilapidated to the extreme, barely maintaining its integrity.

"My ship!"

Before Igor had time to be happy, he let out a scream and almost cried.

Soon, the painful roar and screams attracted everyone's attention.

Under the terrifying poison of 'temperance', the Nomadic Mountain twitched painfully, its body convulsed, constantly diving into the sea, floating upward, dragging the iron cable of the ballista, pulling the steel ship to rush forward.

"Isn't this enough to kill you?"

Igor was stunned.

"It's just a heavy hit."

Ye Qingxuan, who was soaked in sea water, landed on the boat and stared at the giant snake swimming painfully on the sea in the distance: "That is the blood of the natural disaster. Maybe one will grow out if the head is chopped off."

At this moment, Nomadic Mountain has fallen into madness.

The upper palate was penetrated, and the lobe of the brain was severely damaged. Such a horrific injury was not even a fatal injury to it. The terrifying vitality from the natural disaster even repaired the wound in an instant.

But the 'temperance' poison poured into the crossbow arrows caused it great pain.

The poison that is enough to completely desolate and destroy hundreds of thousands of acres of land is now boiling in its skull, eroding its bones section by section along the spine, and causing the blood to deteriorate.

The severe pain completely defeated its will, and it ran madly on the sea, following its instinct and moving forward along the ocean current.

The iron rope on the crossbow pulled the hull of the ship, and it moved forward crazily on the sea, not knowing where it was going.

"Reinforce the chains."

Ye Qingxuan told the Son of Phoenix: "This is a good meeting gift, don't let it get away from you."

Meeting gift?

The Son of Phoenix smiled bitterly: Who else do you expect to give this to?

Although he was confused, he still followed Ye Qingxuan's order to strengthen the chains. Compared with strengthening the entire ship, strengthening one chain was naturally easier and simpler.

Immediately afterwards, under the erosion of Jiuxiao Huanpei, the entire chain became an extension of the strings, and the ladder structure rose.

Now, a straight passage has opened in front of Ye Qingxuan, leading directly to the brain of the crazy sea monster.

There is no better opportunity for a psychic musician.

Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly, reached out and pressed on the iron lock.

Immediately afterwards, the music theory from the remnants of the Hundred Eyes was poured along the chain into the body of Nomadic Mountain without any reservation!

With 'temperance' opening the way and creating a venom hotbed for its growth, the music theory that gathered the dark essence of the entire etheric world grew wildly like weeds, spreading along the spine to the limbs in an instant.

There is nothing more vicious than this.

What kind of natural disaster can compare with the three pillar gods who occupy the pinnacle of the Great Source?

The poison of the Hundred-Eyed One spreads all over the body, frantically extracting its blood and flesh, strengthening itself, and a steady stream of power is transmitted along the iron rope, feeding back to Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan didn't dare to keep any of this power from the natural disaster, and threw it all into the Cloth of Original Sin to nurture this artifact that had lost its spirituality.

Under the parasitism of the Hundred-Eyed Le Li, the Nomadic Mountain had become a walking corpse, moving madly in severe pain, consuming the last of its vitality, pulling the steel ship that was on the verge of being scrapped along the ocean current, and no one knew where it would rush to.

After an unknown amount of time, it finally stopped moving.

All the vitality was gone, and the huge body floated on the sea, without any breath.

But on the dead and lightless sea, there was finally light.

That was the burning flame.

Those strands of fire jumped on the reefs, like dim stars, illuminating everyone's stunned faces.

In the light of the fire, a shocking dark red flowed on the dark sea. It was rich blood, and the blood covered the ocean, floating and spreading like grease.

There was a pungent smell in the air, the smell of blood and decay.

In the burning flames, the face of the ‘reef’ was illuminated, revealing its true appearance - it was not a stone at all, but layers of bones.

I don’t know how many bones were piled here, turned into firewood, and ignited by the flames, releasing green flames.

The flames danced in the blood, illuminating the island in the distance and the huge and gloomy stone fortress on the cliff.

At the top of the fortress, a hot column of fire burned vigorously. I don’t know how many bones were invested to exchange for such a terrifying light.


The searchlight fell on the bones, illuminating the hideous details hidden in the blood. Looking at the sharp claws and scales, the sailors suffocated:

"Mr. Ye, these are all demons!"

"Yes, I know."

Ye Qingxuan nodded. Without using his eyes, he could feel the strong demon breath in the blood just by relying on ether perception.

The corpses piled up into reefs near the coast were all the corpses of demons, and it was like jumping into a meat grinder. There was no intact large piece, and they were all torn into pieces.

The corpses were thrown into the sea at random and used as firewood for the fire.

On the deck, Igor smoked half a cigarette to calm his nerves, and whispered: "Where is this place...?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled, "Let everyone rest for a while, we are here."

He said, "This is our destination.


Alderney, a deserted island that deviates from the main route.

There is no output, no minerals, no farmland, it is so desolate that no one lives there, and it is so remote that no one cares about it.

Few people know that this is the fief of Maxwell, the Anglo-Anglian Minister of the Seal and the head of the Fifth Department, and even fewer people know that a month ago, a group of outsiders were secretly settled here.

They left their homes and came here on black ships, built stone houses, laid foundations, piled up earth hills, built fortresses, settled down here, and waited for one day to return to their homeland.

The ashes of the Inquisition, the last seeds of the Holy City Faith Department...

The last judges.


Although Ye Qingxuan said that this was Alderney, Igor didn't know what to do for a moment, and looked at him blankly, "Do you want to turn on the port signal light?"

"Don't panic, just wait."

Ye Qingxuan was wearing a blanket brought by the organists, sitting on the deck, enjoying the hot black tea, and sighed comfortably:

"The landlord is already at the door, it's impossible for the tenant not to even come out to say hello?"

After saying that, he sat on the deck so openly, letting the barrier above the fortress in the distance stare at him. At the top of the fortress, in the rotating four-sided fire column, a faint pupil stared at Ye Qingxuan for a long time, closed his eyes, and dissipated.

Soon, the gate under the cliff burst open.

Someone came up with a wooden boat and hung a lantern on the mast of the boat to guide the way.

"Follow me into the port."

After the middle-aged priest finished speaking, he turned the wooden boat around and headed back to the port gate under the cliff. Igor glanced at Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan waved.

"Follow, but remember not to take the wrong route, otherwise the things buried under the water will be very troublesome..."

He looked at the water on both sides of the wooden boat with deep meaning. On the wooden boat, the middle-aged priest looked back at him in astonishment, said nothing, and silently led the way in front.

Along the way, Ye Qingxuan looked at the defense and buildings on Alderney Island, and said in amazement: "It really deserves to be the Ministry of Faith, always ready for the Eastern Expedition.

In just one month, has this place become a war fortress?"

The iron wheel entered the port, and the gate behind it closed with a bang.

In the secret harbor inside the cliff, someone walked down the iron stairs and saluted Ye Qingxuan: "Please follow me, Bishop Carol is waiting for you."


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