Crown of Silence

Chapter 550 The Eternal Song of Sorrow

Chapter 551 Eternal Sorrow

Ninety-nine percent of the potions that Ye Qingxuan took out to treat them were saline solutions that existed as diluents, and the remaining one percent was his blood.

Blood rich in the Philosopher's Stone and the purifying principle is the best antidote.

The moment it enters their bodies, the power in the blood will multiply on its own, completely killing all non-human parasites and replenishing the consumed energy and blood.

People in good condition may be fine after a good night's sleep, but people with slightly poor physical fitness may vomit and have diarrhea, and those who are even worse may suffer from a serious illness due to the reconstruction of the immune system.

And those who have been deeply eroded are beyond medical help.

Ye Qingxuan is powerless to do anything about this.

The purifying potion will end their endless nightmares and pain, and briefly awaken them from madness.

They will spend a short period of dying with a clear will.

Then, face death.

"It's cruel, isn't it?"

Ye Qingxuan asked.

"It's redemption."

Naven at the door answered.

At his fingertips, a blurred organist badge was spinning lightly:

"Proper etiquette, a proper appearance and free will are the essence of human nature - Mr. Maxwell told us this a long time ago.

I like this sentence.

The same is true for organists.

For people like us who are not in the limelight, the only thing that can comfort us in our lifetime is this badge. It is our only glory and comfort, which cannot be defiled or fall into the mud."

He paused and said softly:

"--A dignified death is better than an ugly life."


That afternoon, at the top of the cave monastery, the deceased welcomed his simple funeral.

Ye Qingxuan held the holy book and presided over the funeral for them. All the special agents were present to bid farewell to the six dead "organists".

The funeral was simple, without even flowers.

In the drizzle, the deceased lay in a coffin made of pieces and nails. The rain fell on their pale faces, and everything became wet and sad.

"Odette, Sylvester, Warren..."

Ye Qingxuan stared at the faces of the dead and whispered softly: "It's a pity that you didn't see the beginning and end of this war, and didn't have passionate poems to praise and heroic deaths that will be recorded in history books forever.

Today, you will bid farewell to the sufferings of the world and enjoy eternal peace in the kingdom of death.

Although your death did not allow more people to live, your mission and duty are immortal and will be passed down for a long time in the world."

He closed his eyes and lit the flames. The flames rose from the oil, fierce and violent, evaporating the rain, engulfing the faces of the dead, and embracing everything in his arms with compassion.

The sad white smoke curled up, as if the souls of the dead rose to the sky.

"May your souls be immortal."

Ye Qingxuan whispered softly.

All the organists bowed their heads to their deceased companions and chanted in unison. The hoarse and low voices echoed in the narrow and dark world.

"The sad song will last forever!"


After the silent silence ended, Ye Qingxuan turned around and looked at the crowd behind him in the light of the fire, staring at the faces of each of them.

For most people, this was the first time they met Ye Qingxuan. When they looked at his face, they would be confused by his youth and worried about whether he could complete this mission that was too big for anyone.

Ye Qingxuan moved forward.

He refused the umbrella that Naven held over and let the rain fall on him.

Ye Qingxuan stood in front of the crowd and let those eyes look at him.

"I think you all know me. I am Ye Qingxuan. After Maxwell disappeared, I became the acting head of the Fifth Department. It was also my order that sent you here.

It can be said that the torture and pain you have suffered in the past few days, in the final analysis, all stem from this."

Amid the suspicious eyes, Ye Qingxuan's expression remained calm: "I know what you are thinking. I don't look like a qualified commander and leader, nor do I look like Maxwell, who can convince you.

Your suspicion and worries are not without reason, and it is understandable that you are dissatisfied.

Unfortunately, all this cannot be changed.

Neither I nor you have any other choice.

And even more unfortunately, after a short respite, there are new hardships waiting."

Speaking of this, Ye Qingxuan smiled happily: "Maybe you want That's not what I heard. Perhaps you came here for a more noble purpose.

Unfortunately, I never like those high-sounding excuses.

So, let's change the reason. "

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the lightless sky and the dark ocean:

"Gentlemen, the situation ahead is unclear. It is very likely that there is a dead end and there is no chance of survival.

And what I want to lead you to is a war, a war to take back your country from the hands of the fog!

Our enemy is this ocean that swallowed up Anglu. Compared with it, we are so small that we are not even dust, let alone have a chance of winning!

Next, we will enter this fog, return to Anglu, and take back our land and country from this damn world.

But before that, there are some things I want to tell you..."

Facing all the astonished eyes, he raised the rough and ancient ring in his hand. The emblem engraved by the sword in the stone was awakened and glowed with blazing light.

The light is like a sword.

"I swear by the sword in the stone, what I promise you here will definitely be fulfilled!"

Ye Qingxuan declared solemnly, his hoarse voice like thunder, echoing in everyone's ears:

"I will ensure that every one of you will participate in this war."

"I will ensure that the sacrifice of every deceased person will not lose its meaning, and that everyone who follows me will die with dignity!"

"If we win, I will ensure that every person who dies will be remembered by this country, and every person who survives will become a hero. Whether alive or dead, you will be permanently recorded in the annals of Angelou.

If we fail, I will be buried with you in this lightless ocean, and gather with the heroic spirits in the kingdom of death! "

In the dead silence, Ye Qingxuan met their eyes and murmured softly:

"——May our tragedy last forever."

He was answered by the organ players' breast caress.

"Follow your orders, sir."

The organ players who had gathered from all over the world lowered their reserved heads to the young people in front of them. They half-knelt in the rain and offered their loyalty.

No more hesitation.

"very good."

Ye Qingxuan nodded slowly and smiled happily:

"Everyone, please enjoy this long journey to death with me."


Ten minutes later, on the deck of the Iron Wheel.

The wheel correction was completed, the engine was warmed up, all personnel were in place, and the final supplies were moved from the monastery into the cabin.

Ye Qingxuan stood at the bow of the boat, staring at everything quietly.

"That was a hell of a speech just now. To be honest, it was lame."

Igor stood beside him, chewing on a thick cigarette, and puffed out thick smoke from his nose.

"Is it bad?" Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but smile bitterly, "It seems I'm still not very good at this."

"Don't worry, although it is bad, it is better than effective."

Igor couldn't help but glance at Ye Qingxuan again. His eyes were strange, as if he was looking at something extremely dangerous: "Mr. Ye, has anyone ever told you that you are very good at dealing with lunatics?"

"Are you complimenting me?"

"So be it."

Igor shrugged.

Soon, the last person climbed onto the boat along the steps.

Silence returned to the cave monastery, like a peaceful tomb.

All materials have been moved and the inspection of the hull has been completed.

But Ye Qingxuan looked at the ship, but he always felt that something was missing. Until finally, he patted his head and remembered his previous order.

"My captain, where is our new ship's bow?" He said to Igor: "I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

"Everything is as you command, my lord."

Igor grinned and said, "I promise, this is a unique masterpiece."

He waved his hand, and several eager sailors were ordered to leave. Soon, the newly made bow statue was carried out from the cabin. It was covered with a thick dust-proof cloth, making it difficult to see its lineup.

With the help of winches and pulleys, the new bow statue was quickly installed on the bow. Through the dust-proof cloth, the bow of the ship seemed to be struggling hard like a living thing. That posture made people feel happy.

As the rope binding the dust-proof cloth was torn apart, in the strong wind, the dust-proof cloth was rolled up and flew into the sky, allowing the things covered underneath to finally see the light of day, gasping for air.

After seeing Ye Qingxuan, his eyes turned red and he tried his best to scream hoarsely:

"Ye Qingxuan, you must die a happy death!!!"

On the bow of the ship, Xavier, who was bound to the cross by layers of chains, struggled hard, desperately trying to break free of the shackles. But his limbs have been replaced by alchemy and merged into iron.

On his body was welded a sharp iron plate that looked like a turtle shell, and someone dipped a brush in paint and wrote scrawled words on it.

——I am a defeatist.

Together with the steel components that were fused into one, he replaced the bronze lady in the original position and became the new bow image. He was about to face the wind and waves and bear the brunt of sailing into this dark sea.

"How's the effect?"

Igor patted his masterpiece, looked at Ye Qingxuan, and saw him nodding in admiration: "It's like a work of art, my captain."

"Hahaha, I knew it."

Igor laughed heartily: "I was born to be an artist!"

"Ye Qingxuan! I curse you! You will definitely receive retribution! You will definitely!"

Xavier on the bow shouted hoarsely.

He looked at the raging dark ocean in front of him, and after he realized his fate, his expression twisted in fear, and he screamed with all his strength:

"Kill me! Don't act like a bitch! You pervert! Madman! Psycho! I curse you! Curse you!!!"

"It's nice to see you looking so full of energy..."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Xavier calmly: "Enjoy our journey happily, Mr. Xavier. I promised that you will witness all this from the best position."

Amidst the screams and curses, Ye Qingxuan turned around with a smile and looked at Igor: "Let's set off, my captain, I can't wait."

Igor nodded, threw the burnt cigarette under his feet and crushed it, and waved to the bridge:

"Everyone, get ready, turn due north!

Target Anglu!

Target Alderney Island!

--Weigh anchor, set sail!"

So, the whistle sounded, and the steel wheel burst into a high-pitched and sharp cry, tearing the eternal silence in the darkness, like the angry roar of a giant beast.


The iron anchor slowly rose from the deep sea, and the iron wheel shook violently, causing the sea tide to turbulent.

Under the push of the engine, it slapped the sea water and tore the waves.

Singing, chirping, and shouting.

They sailed to the deepest part of the lightless sea.

Darkness swallowed everything.

This chapter really stuck me...A new volume, a new way of writing, is being carefully tried, and it is indeed full of difficulties...I have something to do tomorrow, so I will take a day off, please forgive me ORZ

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