Crown of Silence

Chapter 372 The Fire Will Go Out

Chapter 373 The Fire Will Go Out

In the dim room, only the dim family fire was burning.

The flame that was said to house the souls of the ancestors was now shaky, leaving only a faint light like a candle in the wind.

In front of the flame, the sleeping Caligula opened his eyes and sighed softly.

Beside him, in the cage, the pigeon felt uneasy and flapped its wings in fear. Elder Caligula held it in his hand, cut open its belly with a knife, and pulled out its tiny intestines.

He hummed the ancient ballad softly, facing the firelight, interpreting the obscure revelation in it, and after a long time, slowly threw it into the fire.

"——The fire will go out."

He chanted the revelation from heaven, raised his head, stared into the distance, and his eyes were mournful: it was as if he could see the Holy Spirit dissipating in the flames in the distant temple.

"Your Majesty, may your departed soul gallop in the starry sky, just as you gallop on this earth... Unfortunately, there is no home fire for you to rest..."

He lowered his eyes and whispered softly, and sticky blood flowed out of his nostrils and dripped on the back of his hand. On the back of his hand, gray spread, carrying the smell of plague and decay.

On his ankles, the scales slowly increased in value, as if a demon was about to wake up.

The virus that was originally hidden in the body of Romulus finally woke up and began to attack.

He blacked out for a moment, stumbled, and almost fell.

"Has this day finally come?"

He struggled to climb up against the wall, muttering to himself: "Forget it, the era of Romulus should have ended long ago. The remaining embers of the old era should be swept into the garbage dump obediently."

Behind him, the door was carefully pushed open, revealing a childish face.

Elsa woke up from the nightmare. She hugged the doll and looked at Caligula:

"Dad, I'm scared."

Caligula smiled hard, hugged her and touched her long hair.

"Don't be afraid, Elsa, don't be afraid."

He wiped the blood from his nose and asked softly: "Do you remember mom?"


Elsa lowered her head sadly: "I just dreamed of mom. She told me not to be afraid, but I was still afraid, and then mom left. Will dad leave too?"


Caligula hugged her and hid his tears: "Mom won't leave you either. She likes strong children the most."

Behind him, the fire burned dimly.

It seemed like there was wind blowing.

The fire will go out.

So, there was a mourning song.

In the flames.


In the long silent night, the mourning song echoed in Auschwitz.

"Come, let me tell you about the future destiny, what kind of glory the descendants of the gods will win, what kind of people your descendants will be..."

It was a hymn from long ago, recording the glory created by the saints on the earth, and the ballad sung by the poets of Romulus. But the ballad was indescribably sad and desolate.

In the echo of the song, the Romulans woke up from their slumber, saw the gray spots spreading on their bodies, and sticky blood flowed from their mouths and noses.

The fires in the houses were extinguished, one after another, as if the souls of the ancestors who lived in them were dying, but the dead souls were singing, singing the glory and magnificence of the old times, the cities and miracles that the Romulans had created on the earth.

Until the end, all the flames were extinguished in the darkness.

It was as if the souls of the ancestors were burned out in the fire.

The sky and the earth were immersed in darkness.

Then, the earth trembled.

A terrifying roar came from deep underground, and the entire huge Auschwitz trembled. The huge rocks rubbed against each other and made a shattering roar.

In the deafening roar, countless cracks quickly expanded from the walls and buildings, and violent turbulence came one after another.

The musicians opened their eyes in fear from their sleep and sensed the drastic changes in the earth.

There was also a roar from the sky.

"What's going on?"

They subconsciously looked up and looked at the sky: "Master Koch?"

In the reflection of those pupils, the dark clouds were burning.

Screams rang out.

Behind the clouds, the flames rolled, and the thin old man turned into dry bones, falling apart in the air. Countless dust fell from the air, bringing murderous intent from the sky.

Darkness came with disaster.


As early as five minutes ago, the moon was shining above the clouds.

In the sky, Master Koch opened his pupils and frowned.

On the earth, the whole town suddenly started to see etheric fluctuations. Like an invisible storm sweeping across, the fires that had been burning for thousands of years went out.

On the earth, it was pitch black.

And at the moment when the fire went out, he suddenly looked up and saw something strange.

There was darkness coming from the starry sky, extinguishing the light of the stars.

The dark that seemed like a living thing suddenly came and enveloped the entire Auschwitz. In an instant, it actually formed an extremely huge shadow.

In the darkness, you can't see your hand in front of you.

Master Koch frowned, and the tip of his pen sketched in the air. The music appeared on the parchment scroll in his hand, and a soft starlight rose from the parchment scroll, like a small sun.

The "insight glow" of the revelation school illuminates all truths.

Wherever the light passes, the darkness dims and shrinks, exposing the dark music theory flowing within. In an instant, under the glow of insight, hundreds of shrill bloody lights appeared throughout Auschwitz.

In an instant, Koch turned pale and took a breath of air.

Every bit of blood represents the existence of a black musician...

Most of the bloody light was hidden in the peripheral hotels, and also lurked around the market - that was the area where the caravans that entered Auschwitz during the day were stationed. But where could any caravan be so evil?

At this moment, this place has clearly become a devil's cave where evil spirits gather!

It's just that Koch can't understand that since the trial began, he has been staying here and monitoring the entire trial process. How come there are so many people who have concealed their star-seeing eyes and sneaked in secretly here!

"Don't blame yourself."

Behind him, a soft and easy-going voice said: "They are all 'believers' blessed by the 'Dark Lords' and protected by the abyss. You can't tell, but it's normal."

That voice was polite and full of grace, but it made Koch fall into the ice cave instantly and turned pale.

From the beginning to the end, even though he was illuminated by the light of insight, he was not aware of anything behind him. But as that voice sounded, a hole suddenly appeared.

In the midst of the light, a dark void suddenly appeared. The void formed a vague human shape, staring at him and emitting human words.

But the void seems to lead to the abyss, faintly revealing some inhuman essence, which makes people tremble and go crazy.

"I didn't expect that the 'Book of Akasha' school still has a successor. The contemporary 'recorder' is you, right?

The hollow 'stared' at the parchment in Koch's hand and nodded clearly: "What a pity."


Master Koch's voice was hoarse and he stared at the visitor, "The Fallen Saint Paganini's Clothes of Original Sin... No wonder I can't see it! Are you a 'Praise of Destruction? Are you Crowley Ergo?"

"As expected of the recorder of the Book of Akasha, he even knows this."

Crowley chuckled and revealed his true face from the original sin clothes. His pale face looked like that of a young man, but his withered hands were already full of wrinkles.

Hundreds of years ago, the sixth generation Paganini crossed the taboo because of his excessive pursuit of the true essence of music theory, joined the camp of natural disasters, and became one of the Dark Lords.

Paganini's holy name fell directly and was no longer passed down.

At the same time as he fell, almost all the musicians who inherited his music theory also fell into evil ways.

The Praise of Death they formed is one of the top three existences among the sixteen fallen orchestras in the world that have been awarded by the Hundred-Eyed Ones, and they directly accept the guidance of the Dark Lords.

These degenerate musicians are traveling all over the world, even living in the dark world. The occasional appearance is almost synonymous with disaster, and wherever they go, it is a mess.

But no one thought that these guys would be so bold and dare to appear here?

Seeing the cautious look on Master Koch's face, Crowley smiled: "You want to delay time to deliver the news to the people below? It's useless. We have come a long way, so we must be prepared. At the very least, everyone's There is always information. Someone is waiting for you below, so don’t worry.”

Koch's expression suddenly darkened.

"Is there anything else in Auschwitz that deserves such a large-scale tribute of destruction? Or are you really planning to declare war on the holy city?"

"I didn't expect you to worry about us. It's so comforting."

Crowley smiled slightly, his face like a young man full of innocence and joy, and he just pointed to the ground below: "Look at the flowers..."

In the darkness, the earth was in turmoil, and Auschwitz was drowned in mourning.

There are no flowers there.

But Crowley was fascinated by it.

"The seeds that have been planted a hundred years ago will finally sprout today,"

He stretched out his hand and touched the city tenderly: "It was supposed to last for hundreds more years, but unfortunately, His Majesty was seriously injured, and the long-term plan can only be put aside. After tonight, except for the 'Merman' and the 'Half In addition to dragons and black moon spirits, our Lord’s religious race will have another one... with the blood of Romulus people, it will definitely be able to give birth to many demon children, right? "

"wishful thinking!"

Master Koch reprimanded angrily, and a dazzling light suddenly lit up in the old body.

It was like a huge star emerging from his body, trying to burn him to death and burst out of his body!


In the card, it's super painful...monthly ticket...monthly ticket...

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