Crown of Silence

Chapter 126 Stealth

Chapter 127 Stealth

This is why the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant has been treasured by the Ye family for a thousand years.

This instrument is a well-deserved rare and famous instrument in terms of specifications and shape, and a treasure that is one of a kind. Even if there is only one string left now, its sensitivity to ether is still the same.

Although Ye Qingxuan has no experience in using other instruments, he believes that nothing can compare to the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant in terms of fine operation.

You know, the reputation of the Ye family as "almost a magic path" in the study of ether is not blown out.

As the sound of the piano reverberated, the ether ball slowly lit up.

In the hands of the young man, it emitted a scorching temperature, almost as if it was about to burn.

In the sphere, the silver dust rose and fell, and it turbulently.

Using himself as a bridge, Ye Qingxuan turned the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant into a signal amplifier, amplifying the detection accuracy of the ether ball by hundreds of times.

A huge amount of information poured into it in an instant, almost burning it completely.

But the Jiuxiao Ring Pendant cleverly controlled the critical point of collapse, maintaining it at the node of overclocking and complete collapse, cruelly squeezing out every bit of performance and pushing its effect to the highest peak.

In the room, a brilliant light suddenly lit up.

In Ye Qingxuan's hand, the ether ball slowly lifted up, suspended in the air, and slowly rotated.

The silver dust in it was violently turbulent, and various vague images kept flashing with Ye Qingxuan's thoughts.

A crack slowly emerged from it.

The young man sighed.

After all, it was the most basic configuration, and various functions could only be said to be barely enough.

If it was the legendary world's largest ether ball-the Temple of the Holy City, it could even observe the ether tides bursting out in every corner of the world.

According to legend, every moment, countless scholars gathered in the Holy City Hall, paying attention to the ether movement in every corner of the continent.

Whenever a musician broke through the barrier of knowledge and resonated with the world, the ether waves he set off would create a rising star in the Temple of the Holy City.

The data of every musician is recorded in the nine-layer star field. All the powerful people in the world are under observation in the Holy City.

Anyone who has seen such a magnificent phenomenon will feel from the bottom of their hearts what it means to have "divine eyes like lightning", which is a perspective that only gods can have.

Compared with the Holy City Hall, the most basic ether ball in Ye Qingxuan's hand is not even dust, but even so, it is enough to show the structure of the entire Ganlu City.

Gradually, the cracks in the ether ball in his hand became more and more, until finally, with a crisp sound, it broke into a ball of gradually dispersing dust.

A luxury item that was as much as Ye Qingxuan's original half-year salary was burned at once.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

If he didn't get the money back from the Indians with interest, he would lose a lot on this trip!

He took out a pen from his sleeve and leaned over to write on the white paper.

In his sloppy sketch, the structure of Ganlu City gradually emerged.

This largest brothel in the downtown area has hundreds of rooms and countless corridors, not to mention dozens of small courtyards for distinguished guests, as well as secret doors, secret passages, basements and other essential things for doing shady business.

But now, most of the structures are shown on paper with the boy's sketches.

"Oh, cousin, you have a good skill, where did you learn it?" Bai Xi was eating snacks on the table leisurely beside him.

"My father taught me in a place called Hawaii."

"... Your father knows a lot." Bai Xi regretted: "What else did he teach you?"

"Too many, too many to count."

Ye Qingxuan shrugged.

Under the girl's resentful glare, he finally sighed helplessly: "Okay, this is a skill I learned when I was self-studying mechanical engineering. Anyway, the basics of architectural drawings and mechanical drawings are similar... I just learned it."


Ye Qingxuan put away the pen in his hand, looked down at the map covering the table, and nodded with satisfaction: "Almost all the general structures are here, and there are still many details remembered, but there is no time to draw them."

Bai Xi's eyes lit up: "Where is the treasure house?"

Ye Qingxuan pointed to the three blank spaces on the map: "There are currently three places where the sound of Jiuxiao Huanpei can't penetrate. There should be other things interfering, or there is a barrier covering it.

The treasures looted by the Tianzhu people should be hidden in them."

"Should we explore them all?"

"No, at least we can rule out one... ...the most dangerous one. "

Ye Qingxuan pointed to the center of the blank: "Among the three blanks, one is in the middle of Ganlu City, one is in the secluded courtyard at the back, and one is underground.

I suspect that the one in the backyard should be where the musician Pu Su Po is. He is a musician of the Indian ascetic sect and does not like music and sex. Besides, he is so old that he probably dare not get close to women. So the place with the least possibility of treasure is here. "

"What if he just puts those things in his room?"


Ye Qingxuan shook his head: "The essence of the resonance ceremony is to let the will of the Holy Spirit temporarily enter the body through the ceremony, and break the barrier of knowledge and perception in one go.

Therefore, what he requires is absolute purity, and it must be established in an absolutely quiet place, isolating the inside and the outside. Before summoning the Holy Spirit, there must be no interference.

During this process, the musician himself needs to fast and bathe, and remove all external objects and distracting thoughts. Pu Su Po is probably meditating and practicing hard now, and she doesn't even have a loincloth on her body.

For the sake of our eyes and safety, let's rule this out first. "

Ye Qingxuan stretched out his hand and filled the blank space in the backyard on the paper, pointing to the blank space in the center of Ganlu City: "This is the closest to us, let's start from here."


Bai Xi nodded and looked at the window: "We go from climbing over the wall to the roof?"

"No, the roof." Ye Qingxuan shook his head: "Although the roof is the fastest, it is also the most guarded. If I have a nest, I will first put animal traps all over the roof, and then have people monitor it 24 hours a day... I'm afraid we will be discovered by the secret agents in less than five minutes if we go on the roof."

"Then where to go?"

"Go through the main gate."

Ye Qingxuan waved his cane and grinned: "I have a way to make them turn a blind eye to us. "

Thinking of the music of Black Friday, Bai Xi suddenly understood.

But before she went out, she was stopped by Ye Qingxuan.

"Do you remember what we agreed to before we came here?" He said seriously: "No matter how reckless we are, we are not allowed to cause trouble. We will take the things and leave, and we will never touch anything outside the plan."

"I know, you have said it several times!" Bai Xi curled her lips..

"You promise?"

"I promise."

The girl swore to the sky, her expression unhappy: "You don't believe me?"

"I believe you more than anyone else."

Ye Qingxuan laughed and pinched her face: "My music score needs to be operated with full strength to block other people's senses. If something unexpected happens, I am afraid I won't even have the ability to resist, do you understand?"

He paused and said softly: "So, my life is in your hands. "


Bai Xi was startled.

She looked up at him, then lowered her head, just stood on tiptoe and patted Ye Qingxuan's head: "Well, I will protect you."

"That's great."

Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly and pushed open the door.

Soon, he heard someone coming in the corridor.


In the corridor, the steward Salman wandered around with some worry, hesitating whether to knock on the door... What if the two brothers were having fun and were disturbed by him? It's rare that they are generous guests.

But the situation of those two people always made him feel that something was wrong... He has worked here for so many years and has seen countless perverts, but this is the first time he has seen such a pervert.

I always feel that something is wrong.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and walked towards the door.

For some reason, he stepped into the corridor. When he was about to leave, he suddenly lost his concentration, his eyes blurred, and he could vaguely hear a wailing melody, like a river.

The oil lamp on the wall jumped at the right time, and the light flickered. He shook his head, and the faint melody could no longer be heard.

He stood outside the door, put his ear to the door, and eavesdropped on the movement behind the door.

Behind him, a vague figure frowned and clenched his cane - Black Friday. Second bar. Auditory interference.

Salman's expression suddenly changed, and he heard heavy breathing and whipping sounds behind the door.

"These two little ghosts are quite playful."

He muttered and knocked on the door gently: "Guests? Guests?"

"What for? Don't bother us!" A disgusted voice came from behind the door.

"Don't dare, don't dare. "

Salman curled his lips, and his suspicions disappeared: It seems that there are all kinds of perverts these days.

He turned and left, but he didn't see that there were two vague shadows following him step by step, and under his leadership, they walked towards the atrium.

In another corridor, Salman saw a dark-skinned, strong young man walking up the steps, and hurriedly smiled flatteringly and approached him:

"Master Vasina, long time no see. You look more and more brave."

The young man, who was covered with gold jewelry, was in a hurry and had no time to pay attention to him. He just asked: "Where is my brother?"

"Master Shila Yiduo has been waiting for you in the room in the atrium for a long time."

"Well, go and tell the people below not to disturb my brother and me. We have important things to talk about. "

Posina walked straight past Salman and headed for the atrium.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Qingxuan followed Posina. Soon, he found that Posina was going to the atrium they had originally planned to go to.

But after he got close, he didn't dare to rely on the effect of 'Notes. Blur'.

There was a very serious ether interference in front, which should be a precaution against the assassination of the musician. The notes will go out of control there. Only the knot with a more stable structure can maintain the effect.

Ye Qingxuan signaled Bai Xi to be alert, and then awakened the Jiuxiao Ring Pei, He began to play the melody of "Black Friday".

Soon, the black river in his mind began to surge again, spreading around with a gloomy and desperate melody.

Section 1. Visual interference.

After making sure that everyone nearby was affected by the melody, he hurriedly chased after him.

It seemed that the Indians had really invested a lot in Pushupo's breakthrough, and even the barrier defending the entire Ganlu City was not presided over by anyone. All the various searches and defense measures that Ye Qingxuan had anticipated along the way were ineffective.

They had passed several stunned guards and arrived at the heavily guarded gate.

However, before he could unlock the door, he heard a faint voice coming from behind the door.

The strange and shrill voice was full of surprise:

"The professor is being hunted? Are you sure?"

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