Crown of Chaos

Chapter 69, Swordsinger Aponia

PS: I’m late, here’s a 5,000-word chapter.

The moonlight shone brightly, and the song spread from the female elf's throat, spreading throughout the battlefield.

Her voice is not loud, but everyone can hear her singing clearly.

This song is difficult to describe in words. Even a human like Aaron who understands the elven language has difficulty understanding what she is singing. The song is made up of some fragmentary elven nouns with unknown meanings. These nouns are separated It was barely understandable, but when it was sung, all Aaron heard was words of unclear meaning.

However, music is a common language for all mortals. As the songs spread across the battlefield, everyone felt wave after wave of emotional fluctuations, an extremely complex emotion mixed with sadness, longing, wildness, restlessness, memories, and jealousy.

Finally, these feelings all dissolve into one primitive impulse.

Living in hell, looking up to heaven, the most precious thing in this world is what we once had, but now we have lost it.

She sings, she longs, she mourns, she rages.

Hearing these songs, Aaron had a complicated look on his face.

So, you also have regrets? Do you desire it too?

He thought of his relatives in his previous life, of his more than ten years of hard study, of the happy, sad, sweet, and regretful things he had done, and of his unfinished achievements and the promises he made with his friends. There are also colleagues and superiors who are at odds with each other and test each other's hypocrisy all day long.

Is this the Swordsinger?

The Swordsinger is a legendary advanced profession that masters an arcane inheritance that combines swordsmanship with dance.

This lineage was originally started by elves, but was later adopted by non-elven practitioners, who adhered to the elven traditions while expanding on them.

In combat, swordsingers use a complex and elegant array of martial arts to deflect attacks and channel magic into deadly strikes and treacherous defenses. Many who have witnessed a Swordsinger in battle will remember the magnificent dance accompanying the Singing Sword as one of the most wonderful experiences in life.

However, only Aaron, who has the power of Slaanesh, can understand the complex emotions contained in the female elf's singing.

With long lifespans, high cultural heritage, and changeable emotions, elves are still too difficult to understand for short-lived humans like humans.

The caravan guards present and even Samir, who was releasing the cloud of daggers in the distance, just stood there blankly. They could not understand the meaning of the sword singer's singing, and could only feel the primitive, mixed fear and admiration. impulse.

Because they will never forget what they saw.

Chaos and blood follow each other like a shadow, the sword chanter walks in otherworldly dance steps, spells and swords form a movement, intertwined with breathtaking beauty and terrifying death, as the figure of the sword chanter passes by in the blink of an eye. In the sky, the sword blade whines, the wind hums and weeps, and the sword chanter's sword song begins.

One sword after another, like a whirlwind of death, killing the troll in the dark night.

There were bursts of singing, and the sword blade pierced the back of the troll's head while spinning.

The light and shadow dazzled, and the long knife accurately cut the troll's throat.

A stream of blood spurted out.

With the addition of the female elf, the team of caravan guards immediately took an absolute advantage.

As Aaron hit the last troll with another Tzeentchian blue flame, the warriors led by the caravan leader used battle axes, spears, and swords to cut off the troll's head, and randomly added twenty or thirty attacks. After determining that the troll had no chance of resurrection, the battle finally came to an end.

The swordsinger put away her weapon. She stared at the dead tribesmen silently, chanting the ancient language. As the battle ended, the light of the swordsong gradually faded from her body.

Only then did everyone notice that there were many animal tattoos on her skin under the light. However, as the light of the sword song dissipated, the tattoos on her body also dissipated, hiding under the delicate and smooth skin and disappearing without a trace. .

The delicate skin of the female elf is not the ultimate white, but a bright white with a hint of gold. It is very eye-catching even in the dark night, but she is more like a star in the night, specially designed to set off the dazzling light of the sun. .

The Swordsinger Elf was silent for a while. She suddenly felt a gaze behind her, and her eyes suddenly revealed a biting fury. When she turned around, she saw that it was the good-looking human from before.

Aaron looked at the female elf with a complex expression. At the moment when the light of the sword song disappeared, he could feel that there was a very weak power in the female elf that resonated with his own power. The two powers were very similar, but they had different characteristics. Subtle differences.

The power that resonates with him comes from the divine power exerted by the Silver Virgin Suellen to reshape his body, but I don't know what the power of the female elf is.

Aaron also felt vaguely that something was wrong.

The appearance of the female elf was too coincidental.

She is very strong, very strong, definitely has master-level strength, and she is also a rare swordsinger profession. If she is here, it may be difficult for the sun elves to defeat a large group of trolls, but it should not be a big problem to escape intact, but the sun elves They had obviously been fighting for a long time, but she did not appear. However, when Aaron and others arrived and the battle gained momentum, she appeared just in time.

Aaron recalled the words of the sun elf captain, "Be careful, El-Tay-Quesser", so he looked at the female elf with doubts.

"It is not an elegant act to look at a lady like this." The swordsinger elf turned his head and looked straight at Aaron with a pair of pure emerald eyes under his long fiery red hair: ""Mr. , I will forgive your offense first, because now we have more important things to do.

"I'm glad that you can lend a helping hand, Ms. Elf." Aaron cleared his throat slightly and tentatively said: "Without your help, we wouldn't be able to win this victory so easily. We are late. I'm sorry."

"You can win this victory without my help, but I need your help very much." The swordsinger shook his head sadly: "I was late, and you were the unexpected reinforcements."

"On behalf of Al-Tai-Quesser and all my compatriots who died in the battle, I would like to express my gratitude to you." The female elf bowed to Aaron, her beauty was hot and moving, and her temperament was as quiet as the valley: "I will take you Call your comrades over, you have lost some men, I will see if I can give you appropriate compensation."

Aaron nodded.

One of the Longthorn family caravan guards who participated in the battle was killed and six were injured. Two of them were seriously injured, basically equivalent to declaring their retirement. The other four were slightly injured and could return to their posts after a month or two of rest.

Among them, the most troublesome are those who are seriously injured. The dead can easily be dealt with by paying a large pension to compensate their families. Those with minor injuries can also be easily dealt with. The Dragon Thorn family will pay for the medical expenses, and they can return to work after recuperation.

Seriously injured people are always in embarrassment. They can neither receive a large pension nor return to work. They will become disabled for the rest of their lives. It is impossible for ordinary people to pay for high-level magic. The minimum is 2,000 gold coins, and around 3,000. The market price makes it difficult for even Aaron to shell out such a large amount of money in one go.

Aaron summoned everyone, and the caravan guards all looked at the sudden appearance of the female elf beauty with admiration and awe.

Without it, in the previous battle, she danced with the trolls, dodging every attack perfectly, and her heroic figure walking in the blood was so impressive.

People always admire the strong.

But everyone soon felt a little jealous.

Because this female elf almost only talked to Aaron, even when arranging things, her eyes were firmly locked on Aaron, and she didn't even look at anyone else.

"That's why I don't like elves, hehehe~" Samir, the magician, shrugged helplessly and said to the caravan leader: "That's what elves are like, they only like beautiful, beautiful and elegant things."

"I will be scolded when I go back," the caravan leader said with a wry smile.

"I once went to the High Forest. The wood elves there are extremely arrogant. They don't welcome guests... unless your appearance pleases them. We Harpers formed a team at that time, but only me and another halfling were captured. They were allowed to enter the gathering place of elves, but the rest were blocked outside." Samir watched Aaron negotiate with the female elves in proficient elven language, chattering endlessly.

"Two brothers were seriously injured, and their lower bodies are considered useless. Hey, I usually advise them to save more and spend less time in the tavern." The caravan leader nodded.

"So the elves are a group of appearance associations. They almost only look at faces. If you are really attractive, many offenses can be forgiven. If you are too ugly, the elves are always ready to take advantage of you at the slightest offense." They will not listen to you no matter how reasonable your words are, even if they cause you to be bloodied on the spot when you do something or do the smallest amount of damage to tradition.”

"You are right, but according to the practice of this industry, if you encounter monster robbers on the way to protect the caravan, the spoils obtained in the battle belong to the caravan guard." The caravan leader continued: "I can't be in vain. loss."

"Magic is always overflowing in the world of elves..."

The conversation between the two continued until Aaron ended his negotiation with the female elf.

"How about it, man?" Samir complained. "Actually, I can speak Elvish, but she ignores me."

"Because she said there is something unpleasant about you." Aaron smiled: "So she doesn't want to talk to you."

"Obviously, she only wants to talk to you, you charismatic handsome man." Samir's eyes flashed, unwilling to continue talking about this issue: "Okay, what's the gain?"

"Call all your people." Aaron said to the caravan leader: "She hopes to hire us to complete the last journey. As a thank you and reward, most of the goods can be used as gifts and commissions for this support. ."

After the tense battle, the caravan guards showed a rare smile.

They have actually secretly counted the Sun Elves' goods, and their value is more than 1,500 gold lion coins. If what Aaron said is true, then they can get at least 800 gold lion coins, which is already more than 1,500 gold lion coins for many people. Hire costs for this trip.

The three people hurriedly calculated their share.

Aaron received goods worth 300 gold lion coins, and Samir received goods worth 300 gold lion coins. They were spellcasters, so they naturally got the most.

The remaining caravan guards divided the goods with 900 gold lion coins. Among them, the deceased in the war received a pension of 150 gold lion coins, and the two seriously injured received 100 gold lion coins. The caravan leader received an extra share, and the rest The guards were equally divided, and no special care was given to the slightly injured.

The principle of relatively fair distribution is the most important thing for team maintenance, which is more important than the friendship of fighting side by side.

In exchange for sharing a large amount of cargo, the caravan reached an agreement with the female elf through Aaron, assisting her in burying the sun elves who died in the battle, and escorting her and a vital cargo to Susar for delivery.

In the dark night, the songs rose again, the sun elves were buried, and the female elves gave them the last elegy of salvation.

"It is said that the souls of elves who have not received a proper burial ceremony will be refused entry to Avandor." Aaron stood next to the female elf. He was the only one in the entire caravan that the female elf allowed to approach.

"You know our customs very well, Your Excellency Human." The female elf shook her head sadly: "It is the wish of all elves to return to Avandor."

"I am a Cormyr after all." Aaron could feel that with her movements, the souls of the dead sun elves stopped stirring and gradually dissipated: "Can you tell me, madam? When you are attacked, Why weren't you there?"

The female elf raised her eyebrows, as if she was displeased with Aaron's offense. However, when she saw Aaron's handsome appearance that transcended mortals and his sky-blue eyes as pure and distant as the sky, she felt that it was nothing. After hesitating, she frowned and said, "There is a traitor among us."


"Well, traitor." The female elf sighed sadly: "We were deceived by the traitor. She was originally our guide. She let us station here, and then she told me that she had something important to come to me and tricked me out. , I went to the depths of the jungle to wait for her. After waiting for a long time, I found that she had not come, and then I realized that something was wrong. By the time I came back, it was already too late. Fortunately, you took action, otherwise things would have been even more troublesome."

"More troublesome?" Aaron was still a little confused. He looked at the buried sun elves: "I think, madam, this is just my personal opinion, but I think life is more important. Are these goods worth a few sun elves?" The elf’s life?”

"...You don't understand, human being." The female elf flipped her fiery red hair around her ears. She lifted up a beautiful leg and stepped on a tree stump: "This is our business."

This was a polite rejection, which made Aaron even more confused.

There is always something weird about this female elf.

But the other party was very strong, not an enemy of him, and didn't seem to have any hostility toward him.

After thinking about it, Aaron tried again: "By the way, there is one of your gentlemen, who looks like the leader. He first told me that there is something in your goods... But he then gave up and just followed I emphasized that if I land on Evermeet Island, your compatriots will definitely kill me and throw my body into the forest... What is going on?"

"Oh? Ormost told you that?" The swordsinger's eyes moved. From the willow eyebrows covered by the hair to the slender and delicate nose, from the smooth and round forehead to the sharp and angular chin, every feature on his face was reflected. Every arc was filled with elegance and beauty, and she finally let out a faint smile: "It seems that you are really charming, human, can I know your name?"

"Aaron Salian, the novice of Sousal, Viscount Cormyr."

"Pfft~Susar's little rookie?" His emerald-like eyes glanced around Aaron, his lips slightly opened, and a smile flowed out: "What a special nickname, I will remember your name and nickname. Living."

"My name is Apponia, Apponia Sullivan." The female elf smiled sweetly: "Since Ormost is willing to tell you so much, then let me tell you a little more, okay?"

Aaron felt a little weird being called a rookie by a beautiful elf sister whose age he didn't know.

But once you accept this setting, you feel surprisingly comfortable?

The swordsinger took Aaron to the goods of the elf caravan. Among the many goods, a large box with three locks, a magic trap and a sealing circle on it was so eye-catching.

Aponya took out three keys and opened the lock one by one. He cleverly avoided the triggering of the magic trap and opened the box: "Come here, little rookie."

Inside the box are rows of black gems. The gems seem to be alive, and there is a strange airflow flowing inside.

"What is this?" Aaron was very curious.

The power of Slaanesh roars, roars.

Swallow it, swallow them, all of them! quick! ! !

Slaanesh, shut up! Aaron suppressed the will of Slaanesh's power, and he became even more curious.

What could make the powers of Slaanesh so thirsty?

"This is the soul gem, which contains the heroic souls of our clan. Due to some reasons, they are temporarily unable to return to Avandor, so they temporarily store their souls in the gem to avoid entering the kingdom of the king of the dead." The female elf said calmly. There was a moment of confusion in his clear eyes: "This is the most precious thing. It cannot be bought with money. These things must not fall into the hands of the enemy."

"Omost's intention is that you can send these gems back to Yongju Island. However, Yongju Island is a place that does not welcome any non-elven races. It is very unwelcome, so he gave up on this mission before he died. It’s too difficult for you, little rookie~” Aponya’s melodious voice is intoxicating. The fire-haired elf under the moonlight is so beautiful, especially the slender body line and the knee-length pair. The long and toned legs are decorated with high-heeled boots.

"So that's it."

Every question of Aaron's was answered and every clue had an answer. He thought about it carefully and found that there was no problem with the whole logic and story, and he could feel that Aponya was really interested in him and this group of caravans. There was no animosity, so any suspicion deep inside was dissipated.

After burying the sun elves, packing up the goods, and dividing the harvest, the group returned to the location of the caravan.

Miss Pastor had been waiting for a long time. When Aaron finally came back, she immediately wanted to come up to see if he was injured.

Her sea-blue eyes narrowed slightly, and she saw Aponya following Aaron.

Who is this beautiful female elf? Why do you go out and bring back an elf beauty?

Many questions popped into Miss Pastor's mind.

Half-elf? Aponya's eyes flashed slightly, was he still a priest?

Will it affect your next plans?

In doubtful mood, the elf beauty and the pastor lady looked at each other.

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