Crown of Chaos

Chapter 5, Charming

The Silver Virgin, also known as the Silver Moon Lady, is one of the two oldest gods in the history of the country. When the god AO created the sky of the country and created the crystal wall system to block the "phlogiston" in outer space (combustible material) Afterwards, Lady Silvery Moon and her sisters were born from the original nothingness.

Therefore, the Silver Virgin and the Lady of the Night are the two oldest gods under the god AO. They once shared all the priesthoods. The Silver Virgin represents the first ray of light in the universe, and the Lady of the Night represents the original of darkness.

Later, as the kingdom gradually took shape, the third god, the Earth Mother, was born. The Earth Mother prayed to the two original goddesses for warmth in the extremely cold void. Only the Silver Virgin responded to her, and she came to the fire elemental plane to retrieve it. Eternal fire and used it to ignite a celestial body, that is, the sun, so that the earth can have light and heat and life.

However, this move angered Lady Night. Unlike her sister, who liked light, what she wanted was eternal darkness and absolute silence. The environment she originally enjoyed was destroyed by her sister's move.

The younger sister began to attack the elder sister, and this was the origin of the eternal war that continues to this day.

As the last Salian who has worshiped the Silver Virgin for generations, Aaron knows this story by heart. When a story is retold every week from his childhood to adulthood, there is no reason why he can't remember it.

It’s just that the version he listened to didn’t include the God of Gods AO.

The huge turmoil in the past two years made the mortals in the country realize that there are gods above gods!

Although Aaron now knows little about the Forgotten Kingdom, he has read about the battle between the two divine sisters 1,919 times in online articles. There is really no reason not to know about the Saint Catastrophe.

From the beginning of this fight for hegemony, the Silver Virgin was at a disadvantage, because darkness is eternal and light is short-lived. The younger sister can always use her own power to extinguish her sister's glory. The result of the battle between the two sides was that the Silver Virgin made a desperate move and released most of her origins. He severely injured his sister, thereby temporarily winning a staged victory in this war. This was how the Magic Network and the first-generation Magic Goddess were born.

However, this act of damaging 2000 to oneself and 1000 to the enemy caused the Silver Virgin to lose most of her power. However, Lady of the Night retained most of her divine power. Her divine power gradually declined. For a period of time, she even had only weak divine power. Forced to seek refuge as a god from the fire-haired lady.

Aaron still remembered that his parents had quarreled over this matter. His father went to attend a big party at the Fire-haired Lady's church and was high for a day and a night. When he came back, he couldn't even straighten his legs and was in a daze. His mother had a big fight with him over this. , in the end, my father managed to get through with the excuse that "The Silver Virgin is the goddess of the fire-haired lady".

This statement caused a great shock to the young Aaron.

After the great disaster, Our Lady of Silver appeared in the world many times during the disaster, fought side by side with mortals for the stability and peace of the country, and left many glorious deeds. Mortals felt her contribution and started anew in many places. Believing in her, her divine power was restored to medium divine power, and she peacefully broke up with the fire-haired lady and became independent again.

After going through these things in his mind, Aaron focused his gaze on the beauty under the moon, standing in the middle of the two holy white trees, in a silver garden, shrouded in moonlight.

Her figure looked blurry. In Aaron's eyes, she was a girl with a slim figure, delicate facial features, fair skin like jade, wearing a long tulle skirt, and long straight snow-white hair. Her bangs set off her perfect face and a pair of heart-stirring blue eyes. Sometimes she is a young girl with black hair and black eyes, wearing only a transparent gauze gown like moonlight. She is saying "Brother, what are you doing?" Huh?" He looked at Aaron with a curious expression.

She seemed to realize that this form was not good, and the beauty under the moon finally began to take shape. What appeared in front of Aaron was a mature lady who was about 27 or 28 years old in human age, with long moonlight white hair. It hangs naturally from the back of the head, and the other part of the hair in front of the forehead is let down, leaving it on the left side of the woman's smooth and white face.

She didn't wear any makeup, her long silver-white eyelashes flickered and looked extremely soft, her crystal clear eyes were full of motherhood, her small lips and nose, and pink lips were tender. She was standing in the garden at this time. Among them, under the moonlight treetops, it looks like a tranquil landscape painting.

The light blue velvet gauze dress is held up high by a miraculous fullness. A white pearl necklace is tied around the slender neck, and then there is a pair of slender legs wrapped in a light blue clear sky romantic fragrance dress. It reflects the scorching brilliance in the moonlight.

The two beautiful legs are now folded together, and the bare feet are stepping on the ground of the garden. The small toes are shining like white jade, and the round ankles are slightly raised, and there is an indescribable quiet beauty. .

She is the Silver Virgin, a deity that the Salian family of Aaron has worshiped for seven hundred years since the time of their ancestor Liudolf, one of the oldest deities in the country.

This is the image of Lady Silver Moon.

Now that you have seen Su Lun, why don't you worship him? When Aaron was led into the garden, the viscount who was asking for help immediately knelt down and lowered his head: "My lord!"

"Your soul is very strong, Salian, my child. Not every soul can look directly at the gods." Ms. Silver Moon's voice was full of motherhood, and her words were like a clear spring nourishing Aaron's tiredness and decline. The soul is like the moonlight guidance that a traveler sees when he is lost in the dark forest. Her words made Aaron involuntarily relax, and his tense state was greatly relieved: "I already know about your parents. I'm sorry. There was nothing I could do for Manuel and Elizabeth."

"You don't have to, and you shouldn't, bear the slightest responsibility for your father and mother's affairs. My lord, they lived on the king's salary and sacrificed their lives for the country. I'm proud of them." Aaron shook his head slightly, trying to control his expression. Let yourself be like a strong but slightly sad devout believer.

However, the Silver Virgin was able to remember his parents among countless believers and could even name them, which made Aaron feel a little at ease.

This matter cannot be blamed on the Silver Madonna from any angle. When her parents died in the war, the Silver Madonna was opening a store in Waterdeep City.

Yes, before the Year of Turmoil, He, who was of chaotic nature, suddenly had a whim and gave up most of his divine power to walk in the world as a saint. He opened a small bar and hotel in Waterdeep City, living his own small life and experiencing Mortal life.

As a result, her sister Lady Night took this opportunity to disguise herself as the "real Silver Virgin" and appeared in front of Su Lun. The goddess who was cut off from the Kingdom of God in the turbulent years, and whose strength and memory were affected, saw "himself" Appeared in front of him, he was mentally disturbed and collapsed on the spot. He was caught and imprisoned by his sister, and was almost brainwashed into becoming the "Night Lady's Chosen". Fortunately, a group of adventurers (legends) rescued him. The sister who regained her strength defeated her sister and threw him away. On top of the spire of Waterdeep.

This incident was also widely circulated and was considered to be another major victory for Lady Silvery Moon over Lady Night. Waterdeep City has also become the holy place of her church. Every year, believers hold grand ceremonies under the leadership of the high-ranking High Priest of Moonlight. Celebration ceremony, and perform a live-action stage play of how Lady Silvermoon defeated the Lady of Night with a mace in her hand and whipped the corpse repeatedly.

Aaron didn't speak anymore. He knelt in silence, waiting for the god's decision.

The goddess seemed to be thinking about something. After more than ten seconds, she noticed that Aaron was still kneeling, and a softness flashed in his beautiful eyes: "Get up, I know everything about you, that magician He is a servant of Cyric, and he was ordered by Cyric to capture the sons of Bane and Baal, so as to completely eliminate the influence of the three gods of death."

It is indeed Cyric! Aaron's eyes narrowed, he got up from the ground and nodded: "Yes, my lord, the magician named Mefam once said to me: 'Son of Baal, I want to dedicate you to the supreme dark sun.' .”

"But you are not the son of Baal." The goddess pursed her lips and chuckled. Aaron's appearance was reflected in her translucent eyes: "Both Baal and Ban had foreseen that they might fall, so they had sent their avatars to the world many times. He left behind a large number of descendants.”

"Although I'm not sure who you are, you are definitely not the Son of God Baal. I also watched your father and mother grow up. You are both my children."

"Yes, my Lord sees everything." Aaron said this, but his heart skipped a beat.

Did the goddess discover something?

"I can't do justice to you now, Salian." Speaking of Cyric, the goddess's slender eyebrows frowned slightly: "Cyric has recovered the Stone of Destiny. He has been approved by AO. His current power Like the sun at noon, he not only gathered all the powers of the three gods of death, but also obtained the priesthood of betrayal, lies, and murder. He had just killed the phantom goddess Leila and obtained the priesthood of illusion and deceit from her. .”

"Cyric's current power is even more powerful than the ancient God of Death in his heyday."

"Let the gods return to gods, and the mortals to mortals. My lord, this is the enmity between me and Mepham. I will settle this account with him. What I pray for, what I urgently need, is to eliminate me. The negative energy in the body, my lord, this is the humble request of your servant." Aaron said eagerly: "I am willing to pay any price for this, no matter what it is."

"Please believe in my sincerity, my lord, I can sign the contract, and I can pay everything for it."

"I can promise to build you the most magnificent temple in history in the center of the kingdom in the future."

"I can fight for you and let the followers of the Lady of the Night understand who is the master of heaven..."

Aaron became more and more anxious as he spoke, and his promises spewed out of his mouth like a barrage of cannons.

This is the most critical moment and his only chance. He cannot miss this opportunity!

He could already feel that as his emotions subsided, the energy that supported him was gradually being depleted. The power of the god was shutting down. He relied on killing people for the first time, witnessing his companions being killed for the first time, and living and dying for the first time. The edge of stimulation activated Slaanesh powers are shutting down!

The moment it closes, it also means he will die.

He knew how powerful those four gods were, he knew his own potential, he knew he could do it, he could promise, and he could pay almost any price for it.

He wants to live!

Even the seven-ring magic can't solve his problem, so the only chance is the power of the gods. This is his only hope. He understands the principle of equivalent substitution. Since you ask for something, you must get something in return.

If it really doesn't work, just pretend to convert first and then repent later.

At this time, the Viscount was a drowning man, no longer willing to pay any price in despair.

He is going to die! ! !

"That's enough." Ms. Yinyue's voice was slightly louder. Aaron raised his head in surprise and saw that her delicate eyebrows were tightly knitted together. There was a little redness under Bai Zhe's snowy neck, and the two were crossed. The beautiful moon-white legs were tightly stretched together, and the white and delicate insteps were exceptionally smooth under a layer of transparent moonlight. The five exposed green-white jade toes were crystal clear and full. They slightly stomped towards the ground: "Come here!"

The goddess seems angry?

Aaron, who was anxious in his heart, did not dare to neglect. He lowered his head and followed the goddess's bare feet through the garden under the moonlight. Aaron was so nervous that he had no time to pay attention to the beautiful scenery around him.

Ms. Yinyue seemed to have a faint milky scent on her body, and she didn't speak during the whole journey.

One person and one god came to a small pond. Ms. Silver Moon stretched out her hands in the air. The moonlight turned into moonfire under her guidance. The milky white viscous fluid flowed along her hands and flowed into the pond: "Go down."

Aaron immediately stepped into the pond, and the warm pond water gradually covered his whole body, spreading in along with the moonfire.

He soon fell asleep.

"The last question." The soft and soft voice of the goddess came to Aaron's ears: "The one who left these negative energies in your body is, as you said, left by the old ruler of the warlock. Of?"


Aaron shuddered violently, a chill rising from his body to the top of his head. His brain was spinning crazily looking for reasons: "I..."

"Okay, you don't have to answer this question." Ms. Yinyue's voice was still calm: "I believe you have the answer in your heart."

"I just want to let you know that all the gifts given by fate have their prices secretly marked."

For a long time, Aaron responded to the goddess with a self-deprecating laugh.

"This is not a gift, my lord."

"It's a curse...I had no choice."

"Curse and power always go hand in hand." The goddess answered him: "Just like light and darkness, it depends on how you use it."

The power of the gods is powerful. As more and more moonfire pours into the pond, Aaron's body gradually changes.

His young skin began to wrinkle and age, with patches of yellow spots appearing until it became completely necrotic.

From young to old, from energetic to withered, from a head of brown aristocratic hair to a head full of gray hair, in just one hour, Aaron experienced the changes from youth to prime age, from prime age to middle age, and from middle age to old age. .

Eventually, the body completely decayed.

But this is not over. The decaying body is pregnant with new life, just like a giant python shedding its skin, and cracks appear in the thick skin.

Aaron stood up from the pond covered in moonfire, he couldn't help but spread his arms and roared.

Just like a social worker who had worked overtime for a week and finally got three days off at home, he felt like he slept all day and night and had a good meal. Aaron felt that the long-lasting tiredness and weakness finally disappeared.

The new boy stood up from the pond, and he looked even more handsome.

He has handsome eyes and slender eyebrows, a distinguished temperament, flawless angular facial features, and bright and deep sky-blue eyes that are as alluring as gems. The thin lips have a charming luster and outline a seductive lip line, exuding the magic of seducing people.

Aaron's appearance has not changed much, he just looks more relaxed than before. But it is this subtle change that makes people realize that it really only takes a little bit of subtlety for this young man's appearance to go from mediocre to extraordinary. changes.

When he turned around, even the pale Lady Silver Moon was stunned for a moment.


The protagonist’s current attributes (5e):

Strength 14 Constitution 14 Agility 14 Intelligence 14 Perception 14 Charisma 22

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