At this moment, the huge goldfish suddenly opened its bloody mouth!

The surging sea water rushed into the goldfish's mouth like a dam bursting!

At the same time, the Merry was swept into the goldfish's huge mouth along with the turbulent water without any resistance!

"Ah! We are going to be eaten again!" Seeing this scene, Usopp turned pale with fear and immediately screamed in terror!

However, Luffy was completely unaware of the danger, and instead laughed innocently like a child:

"Hahahaha...! This is so funny, we are going to be swallowed by the big fish again!";

"Xu Haifeng! Hurry up and think of a solution!" Nami also ran to Xu Haifeng in panic, hugged his arms tightly and shouted anxiously!

"Don't be afraid! I'm here, I will solve this problem immediately!" Xu Haifeng patted Nami's hand gently and comforted her softly.

After comforting Nami, Xu Haifeng turned to look at Luffy and Sanji and said seriously:

"Luffy, Sanji, you two watch carefully, I am now going to teach you a more advanced attack method involving Qi!"As soon as Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he walked to the bow with firm and steady steps.

He raised his head slightly, staring ahead, as if he wanted to take in the entire goldfish.

Then, he slowly raised his right palm and pointed it directly in front of the Merry.

Not long after, an amazing scene took place - a dazzling white ball of light quietly appeared above Xu Haifeng's palm!

This ball of light was like a shining pearl, emitting a blazing light, instantly illuminating the entire fish's mouth, and even the surrounding sea water was reflected and sparkled.

"Luffy, Sanji, open your eyes and watch!"

Xu Haifeng's voice revealed a kind of confidence and majesty, as if he was showing them his true strength.

Then, he shouted angrily:"Qigong Cannon!"

Along with this roar, a huge and earth-shaking light wave gushed out from the light ball on Xu Haifeng's palm with an overwhelming force!

This light wave was like a roaring dragon, rushing forward with its fangs and claws bared, and its momentum was so huge that people couldn't help but be shocked.

In the blink of an eye, the huge body of the giant goldfish was actually pierced through by this terrifying light wave, and a huge hole was created!

The light wave continued to rush towards the sky like a broken bamboo, and it didn't gradually dissipate until it disappeared in the distant sky.

When the dazzling light gradually dissipated, the warm sunlight shone through the shocking hole in the goldfish and fell on the faces of the people on the Merry.

They looked at everything in front of them in amazement, and their hearts were full of awe and admiration for Xu Haifeng's powerful strength.

Especially���Luffy, after witnessing this shocking blow, immediately became so excited that his eyes lit up and he kept shouting:

" Si Guoyi! It's amazing, I want to learn it, I want to learn this trick too!"

His eyes were flashing with endless desire and determination, and he seemed to be eager to master this magical skill!

"Wow! Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga! Hahaha, Donli! See? I told you long ago that our friends don't need our help at all!"

Standing on the small island, looking at the Straw Hat Pirates going farther and farther away, Broki grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, and laughed heartily.

"Ah! Ba! Ba! Ba! Ba! Ba! Well... it is true. Maybe I underestimated the strength of our friends before!"

Dongli touched his chin, nodded thoughtfully, and his face was also filled with a happy smile.

"Well, since our friend doesn't need our help for now, let's go back to the island first!"

Brokey waved his hand, turned around and walked towards the island.

Donli once again gazed at the Merry in the distance, then followed Brokey's steps and returned to their island together.


The Merry sailed through the blue ocean, and the Straw Hat Pirates had been away from the mysterious atmosphere of the Ancient Island for almost a day.

At this moment, on the deck, Xu Haifeng was standing in front of everyone, his eyes flashing with a deep understanding of the mysterious energy of"Qi".

"‘Qi'! It is not only an invisible force, but also a magical existence that can change the battle situation."

Xu Haifeng's voice was steady and powerful, and every word seemed to carry weight, hitting the hearts of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"What you have mastered now is only the most basic use of"Qi" - attaching it to attack. But the potential of"Qi" is far more than that."

Xu Haifeng's words aroused everyone's curiosity and expectation.

"So what should we learn next?" Sanji asked impatiently, his eyes flashing with desire for unknown power.

"The next step is to learn how to guide the 'qi' in your body to achieve long-range attacks."

As soon as Xu Haifeng finished speaking, there was a slight commotion on the deck.

Long-range attack? This means that they can launch an attack before the enemy gets close, which will undoubtedly greatly enhance their combat capabilities.

"Just like a swordsman practicing swordsmanship," Xu Haifeng continued.

"Ordinary swordsmen can only attach their own"qi" to the sword, making the sword sharper and tougher.

When a swordsman can cut out the"qi" attached to the sword, he has already entered the realm of a swordsman."

The Straw Hat Pirates listened to Xu Haifeng's explanation, as if they saw a new world opening its door to them.

They knew that this would be an important direction for their future training and the only way for them to become stronger warriors.

"If you can fully master your own vitality, it will be a qualitative leap."

Xu Haifeng's eyes were full of expectation.

"Not only can you attach the Qi to your body to strengthen your body's attack and defense, you can also send out Qigong waves like I did when I attacked the goldfish before."

Everyone's eyes were shining with excitement, as if they had seen the powerful energy blooming in their hands.

"Not only that," Xu Haifeng continued,"you can also condense gas bullets and shoot them at the enemy.

The power of this move is very practical for clearing out soldiers."

Imagining the trajectory of the gas bullets in the air and the explosion effect after hitting the enemy, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates couldn't help but get excited.

Zoro stood on the deck, looking at Xu Haifeng with a sharp gaze. His voice was firm and powerful:"What about me? What should I do next?"

Xu Haifeng turned around and looked at Zoro's persistent eyes, and couldn't help but admire him in his heart. He nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and replied:

"Zoro, your swordsmanship is already quite good, but I think you can try to add some attribute attacks to your sword energy."

He walked up to Zoro, patted him on the shoulder, and continued:

"Adding attribute attacks to your sword energy can not only increase your attack power, but also make your swordsmanship more varied and unpredictable.

You can choose the attributes that suit you according to your own characteristics and preferences, such as fire, ice, thunder, etc."

After hearing this, Sauron's eyes flashed with a gleam, and he nodded, as if he had found his direction.

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