After Xu Haifeng and the other two dealt with the Navy Monka, they returned to the restaurant where they started.

"How many days has he not eaten? Why does he seem to be hungrier than me?" Zoro asked Xu Haifeng with a shocked look on his face as he looked at Luffy showing off the food on the table!

"Uh! Haha... Actually it wasn't long ago, we just ate before we went to rescue you!" Xu Haifeng looked at Sauron's surprised expression and replied with a bit of amusement!

"What..., he just ate? Is he a monster? Isn't he afraid of being stuffed to death?"Zoro said with his eyes wide open!

"Hehe..., that's nothing! You will know how powerful he is in the future!"

Xu Haifeng smiled mysteriously at Zoro. Luffy is a great man who almost caused the annihilation of the pirate group several times because he ate all the food for the whole group!

"I feel like we may have no future! Is it too urgent for me to get off the boat now?"

Looking at Luffy eating like crazy, but his stomach was like a bottomless pit and he couldn't get full. Zoro felt desperate. How could the pirate group afford to support such a captain?

After finishing his meal, Zoro looked at the small wooden boat in front of him with an even more hopeless look on his face, and he was even more certain that it was a wrong decision for him to agree to join Luffy!

""Okay! Just make do with it for now, it won't be long before we have our own pirate ship!" Xu Haifeng looked at Zoro's expression and quickly comforted him!

""Hehehe..., yes, yes, we will definitely have our own pirate ship! Let's use this first! Boys! Let's go!" Luffy echoed heartlessly!

Just like that, with the farewell of Coby, the navy and many townspeople in the town, Xu Haifeng and the other two rowed the boat towards the next island!


""Xu Haifeng! I'm so hungry! Is there anything else to eat?" On the boundless sea, Luffy lay powerlessly on the side of the boat and said to Xu Haifeng!

"What do you think? You know? It's only been half a day! We bought hundreds of thousands of Baileys worth of food when we left!"Looking at Luffy's look, before Xu Haifeng answered, Zoro couldn't help but said madly!

""Forget it, Zoro! Anyway, it’s OK as long as we’re not hungry." Xu Haifeng said indifferently!

In fact, Xu Haifeng can exchange food through the system’s divine power, but Xu Haifeng knows Luffy’s appetite. If he exchanges food for him now, he may become his emergency food depot in the future!

""Ah! I don't care, I don't care. I want to eat meat!" Luffy yelled at him as he saw that he had nothing to eat!

"Bastard! Shut up!"Seeing Luffy cheating, Zoro said angrily!

"You want to eat meat? Then look up in the sky! Maybe there is meat flying in the sky?"Xu Haifeng said jokingly!

"Where...where? Wow! Xu Haifeng, you are so amazing! There is really meat flying in the sky! Look, I will catch it!"


Luffy looked up at the sky immediately after hearing what Xu Haifeng said. At this moment, a huge seabird flew over the heads of the three people. Luffy immediately stretched out his hands to catch the giant bird!

"Ah! Help!……"

As a result, Luffy didn't catch the bird, but his head got stuck in the bird's mouth. In the end, the giant bird took Luffy away, while Zoro and Xu Haifeng on the boat looked at it in confusion! Before they could react, Luffy had disappeared!

""Asshole! This idiot!"

Zoro said madly as he watched all this! He never thought that this captain could be so unreliable!

"Ugh! Hahahaha… I’m dying of laughter!"

Xu Haifeng laughed heartily when he saw the funny scene in the anime appear in front of his own eyes!

"Hey! Stop laughing, let's chase him! Luffy is a Devil Fruit user, it will be over if he falls into the sea!"

Zoro said angrily as he looked at Xu Haifeng who was laughing in front of him! The captain of this ship is unreliable, but I didn't expect that the deputy captain is not that strong! Zoro really regrets getting on this pirate ship now!

"Hehe... It's okay, don't worry! Luffy will be fine. We just need to row forward slowly now! The bird will safely take Luffy to the next island we are going to!" Xu Haifeng said indifferently!

"Humph! I hope you are right!"Although Zoro doubted Xu Haifeng's words, he also knew that it was useless to be anxious now! Just listen to Xu Haifeng!

Zoro and Xu Haifeng still rescued two crew members of the Buggy Pirates on the way to chase Luffy, and then asked the two people to row the boat to the island where the Buggy Pirates were. Because Xu Haifeng knew that Luffy should have arrived at the Buggy Pirates by now!

With the efforts of the two people in the Buggy Pirates, the boat soon arrived in Orange Town! When Xu Haifeng and Zoro came to the Buggy Pirates, they happened to see Nami holding the burning fuse of the cannon with both hands in order to save Luffy!

And there happened to be a few people behind Nami who were going to attack Nami. Seeing this, Xu Haifeng flashed and appeared behind Nami. Xu Haifeng grabbed the knives of the two people with both hands, and with a slight force, the blade immediately shattered to the ground!

"Xu Haifeng, Sauron, you are finally here! Let me out quickly! I want to beat that red nose away"

"Hey! Nami! Are you okay?"Xu Haifeng didn't bother to pay attention to Luffy, but turned around to care about Nami!

"No..., it's okay!" Nami looked at the tall and handsome boy in front of her who suddenly cared about her, and replied a little shyly!

"I'm glad you're okay. Go hide over there for a while. We'll come find you after we've dealt with this place!" After Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he punched the two people in front of him and sent them flying!

"Zoro! Come over here and hold on for a while, I'll go and let Luffy out!" After saying that, Xu Haifeng walked towards the cage where Luffy was locked up!

"Xu Haifeng! Let me out quickly, I want to beat that red-nosed guy up!" Luffy said hurriedly when he saw Xu Haifeng coming over!

""Okay, don't worry. I'll let you out right away!" Xu Haifeng put his hand on the cage and found that it was a very solid iron cage. It would be difficult for ordinary people to open it without the key!

"Hahaha... I see you don't have the key, how can you open the cage!" Bucky immediately mocked when he saw Xu Haifeng looking up and down at the cage! As soon as Bucky finished speaking, Xu Haifeng raised his middle finger and flicked the cage lightly, and the surface of the solid iron cage was immediately covered with cracks. Soon it broke into pieces!

""What...what, how is it possible!"

Bucky looked at the broken iron cage in shock. This was a hard steel cage! Even with a sword, it was difficult to break it. This guy in front of him actually broke the iron cage with just one finger. It was really hard to accept!

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