After a long and exciting day of sailing, the Straw Hat Pirates finally set foot on the legendary ancient island - Little Garden.

The mark of this island on the map seems insignificant, but when it really appears in front of everyone, it is amazing.

"This island... is the small garden?" Luffy stood on the bow and looked into the distance. He saw the lush and green island in front of him, like a huge emerald inlaid on the blue sea. He frowned slightly, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes,"But it doesn't look small at all!"

As the Merry slowly approached the shore, the sea breeze blew, bringing the salty and humid sea water smell, mixed with the unique fragrance of flowers on the island.

Luffy was excited, as if the blood in his body was boiling. He couldn't wait to set foot on this unknown land to explore the legendary adventures.

""Sanji, hurry up and prepare my lunch box, I want to go on an adventure on the island!" Luffy turned and shouted to the busy Sanji.

His voice was full of anticipation and excitement, as if he couldn't wait to set foot on this magical land.

Sanji frowned slightly when he heard this, but he quickly stopped what he was doing and turned to the kitchen.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with Luffy's eagerness, he knew the captain's character very well, so he could only sigh helplessly and began to prepare a lunch box for Luffy.

"I want to go see it together too!"

At this time, Princess Huihui also came over, her voice was soft and firm, and her eyes were shining with curiosity and expectation.

She looked at Luffy's excitement, and she couldn't help but have an urge to explore the unknown.

" Luffy, your lunch box is ready!" Sanji frowned and handed the lunch box to Luffy with an impatient look on his face.

However, when he handed the lunch box to Princess Huihui, he seemed to have changed into a different person and immediately showed a flattering smile:

"Princess Huihui, please accept this lunch box full of love!"

Princess Huihui took the lunch box with a smile and said gratefully:"Thank you, Mr. Sanji"

"You're welcome. It's my greatest honor to serve you!" Sanji responded obsessively with hearts flashing in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zoro on the side couldn't help but rolled his eyes and scolded with disdain:"What a lustful guy! It's simply a lustful pufferfish!"

Hearing Zoro's words, Sanji glared at him, but did not refute.

Zoro shook his head and said to himself:"I'd better go for a walk on the island" After saying this, he jumped off the boat

"Hey! That green-headed guy, the food reserves on the ship are running out! You have to bring me more fresh ingredients when you go ashore this time! Did you hear me?"

Sanji stared at Zoro who was about to land on the island and shouted at the top of his voice

"Tsk~ Got it! Colored pufferfish, I promise to get you some super big, delicious ingredients you've never seen before!"

Zoro waved his hand without turning his head, responding confidently, with a slightly provocative smile on his face.

"Oh? You are so arrogant! Are you trying to compete with me to see who can hunt bigger prey?"

Sanji was immediately displeased when he heard this, and stared at Zoro and asked.

Before he finished speaking, the two of them tacitly ignited their fighting spirit, and a hunting contest between the two of them kicked off.……

""Okay! Now that everyone has gone to the island, let's have a good rest on the boat!" Xu Haifeng said to Nami and Usopp on the boat!

Nami and Usopp looked at each other, smiled and nodded in agreement.

Not long after, when Xu Haifeng and the other three were resting comfortably on the Merry, a series of earth-shaking noises suddenly came from the depths of the dense jungle on the island!

"Xu...Xu Haifeng, what on earth is making this noise? Is there a monster about to escape?"

Usopp looked at the dense forest with horror on his face and asked Xu Haifeng tremblingly.

" Uh! It seems that a monster is about to appear!" Xu Haifeng showed a playful smile on his face and answered slowly

"Can you please stop making such silly jokes? It will scare people to death!" Nami glared at Xu Haifeng with anger on her face and grumbled unhappily.

""Wow! Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga!"

Just as Nami was still scolding Xu Haifeng for making such a joke, suddenly, a deafening laugh came from behind them!

"Ah! A monster has appeared!"Two terrified screams rang out at the same time.

When Nami and Usopp heard the sudden laughter, their bodies trembled involuntarily.

They turned around slowly, and what they saw was a huge and hideous human face!

This face was as tall as a mountain, the eyes were as big as lanterns, and the mouth was wide open with a mouthful of teeth, as if it could swallow everything.

In an instant, fear surged into their hearts like a tide, and Nami and Usopp were so scared that their faces turned pale and their legs went weak.

They stumbled to Xu Haifeng's side, holding on to the corner of his clothes tightly, their bodies trembling constantly, staring at the huge monster that suddenly appeared in horror.

"Uh! Don't panic, I'm the giant Broki. Do you have any good wine on board?"

"I haven't had a drink for a long time. This time I came here just to ask you for some wine to satisfy my craving."

The giant's voice was like a bell, and his tone was quite gentle.

"Don't be afraid! This giant uncle is definitely a kind person!"Xu Haifeng gently patted the back of Nami's hand and whispered to comfort her

"Hello, Mr. Giant! We are a group of pirates adventuring on the sea. We happened to pass by here and took a rest here."

"Do you want to drink? Our ship happens to have some wine in stock. I'll go get it for you right away!"As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Haifeng turned around and walked quickly towards the cabin.

"Wow! Haha! Thank you so much!"The giant burst into laughter as soon as he heard Xu Haifeng's words.

Not long after, Xu Haifeng moved out of the cabin.���Two huge barrels

"Wow! Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga! Thank you for your generosity!"When the giant saw the wine Xu Haifeng took out, he immediately stretched out his big hand excitedly to take it.


However, just when the giant was about to receive the bottle of wine, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his buttocks.

He turned around quickly and was horrified to find that a huge mysterious creature was biting his buttocks tightly!

"Wow! A dinosaur!"Nami and Usopp, who were standing by, saw this scene and screamed in unison.

The sight before them left them both dumbfounded - this huge creature was actually a living dinosaur! Its sharp teeth were deeply embedded in the giant's thick buttocks, as if it was going to tear it apart.

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