"Congratulations to the host: Zoro has advanced to a swordsman and activated his Observation Haki. I will reward the host with 150 points of divine power!"

"Congratulations to the host: Luffy has successfully mastered Qi and activated his Observation Haki, rewarding the host with 150 points of divine power!"

"Congratulations to the host: Usopp has successfully mastered the Qi and activated the Observation Haki! The host is rewarded with 50 points of divine power!"

"Congratulations to the host: Nami has successfully mastered Qi and activated her Observation Haki, rewarding the host with 50 points of divine power!"

"Host! Current divine power value: 448/900!"

Xu Haifeng was confused by the sudden wave of rewards from the system! It took him a while to recover.

"Thank you! System master, the system is really great!"Xu Haifeng said with surprise!

Looking at his current divine power value, he is only one hundred points away from upgrading to the next god position! Xu Haifeng is excited just thinking about it!

"But! System, did you calculate it wrong? Look, Sauron has also mastered Qi! Why didn't you give him a reward?"

Xu Haifeng carefully recalled the reward he had just received, but after a careful calculation, he felt something was wrong!

"Host, my rewards are mainly based on the improvement of your partner's strength! And the mastery of skills is only a prerequisite for improving strength!"

"And host, why do you think I gave out this reward?" The system asked Xu Haifeng!

"Why? Isn't it because you saw that I have no more power? So you want to help me!"

"Host, you look ugly, but you have beautiful thoughts! Host! Have you forgotten your main quest?"

"Remember! It is to help the Straw Hat Pirates improve their strength... Oh! I see! This is the reward for helping Luffy and the others improve their strength!"

Xu Haifeng immediately replied with a look of sudden enlightenment after hearing the system's reminder!

"Humph! The host is not that stupid!"

"Hehe..., no matter what, this wave of rewards from the system came just in time! Otherwise, the ten points I recover every day would not be enough!"

Xu Haifeng now only has a few dozen points of divine power left, and this wave of rewards has almost recovered all of Xu Haifeng's previous consumption!

Just now, Xu Haifeng was still worried about Nami, but now that he has divine power, it will be easier.

In fact, Xu Haifeng had already thought of a way to help Nami improve, but the divine power was not enough before.

"System! Can you exchange devil fruits here?"Xu Haifeng tried to ask the system!

"Of course! As long as you have enough divine power, I can exchange anything in this world for you!"

"That's great! I want to exchange for an electromagnetic force devil fruit, can I exchange it for it?"Xu Haifeng replied happily!

"So does the host want to redeem the regular version or the deluxe version?"

"Hmm? Is there any difference between the two?"Xu Haifeng asked curiously!

"The difference is huge! First of all, the price. The regular version costs 100 points of divine power each! And the deluxe version costs 200 points of divine power each!"

"The second is the effect! The regular version is a common devil fruit in this world, but the deluxe version is different!"

"The deluxe version not only does not have the side effects of ordinary devil fruits, but also can directly input the first stage of development into the user's brain.

So that the user can master it faster! And I can let the host gain the ability of this fruit at the same time!"

Xu Haifeng listened to the introduction of the system and his eyes lit up immediately. Although this deluxe version is twice as expensive as the ordinary version, it has a direct effect!

"Okay! Then system, you will exchange a deluxe version of the electromagnetic force fruit for me!" Xu Haifeng said with an excited smile!

"OK! Host! Deduct the power value: 200, the current power value is: 248!"

As soon as the system finished speaking, a black fruit covered with strange patterns appeared in Xu Haifeng's hand!

Xu Haifeng carefully looked at the devil fruit in his hand. This was the first devil fruit he had ever seen since he came to this world!

"Nami! Come here! Eat this!"After looking at the fruit, Xu Haifeng called Nami!

"What kind of fruit is this? It looks so weird!"Nami took the devil fruit and looked at it and said!

"This is an electromagnetic force devil fruit. After you eat it, you can master the power of electromagnetic force!"Xu Haifeng explained with a smile!

"Anyway, it is a very powerful ability. If you develop it to a high level, it will be enough to destroy the world! Anyway, you will know after you eat it first."

Xu Haifeng felt that it was difficult to explain the ability of this devil fruit.

It would be better to let Nami eat it herself and directly receive the knowledge transmitted by the system! So as not to waste his breath!


Nami said, without saying anything else, she just ate the whole devil fruit. Anyway, this is also helping her improve her strength!

"Hmm! Doesn't Nami's fruit taste weird?……"

Xu Haifeng felt very strange when he saw Nami finished eating calmly. Isn't it said that devil fruit tastes like shit?

"It's not strange! It's a little sweet!"Hearing Xu Haifeng ask this, Nami had no idea what Xu Haifeng meant!

"Oh! Nothing, as long as it's not strange!"Xu Haifeng thought about it carefully and roughly knew what was going on!

Because the system had just introduced that the side effects of the deluxe version of the devil fruit had been eliminated by the system.

And the side effects mentioned by the system were not only what Xu Haifeng imagined, such as fear of sea water and seastone, but also the taste of the fruit was eliminated as a side effect!

""Okay! Nami! Close your eyes now and feel the power of the devil fruit!" Xu Haifeng reminded!


Nami closed her eyes and concentrated on feeling the abilities she had gained!

"I seem to feel it!" After a while, Nami opened her eyes and said excitedly!

""Have you felt those abilities?" Xu Haifeng asked hurriedly!

In fact, Xu Haifeng probably knew the main abilities of this fruit, otherwise he would not have directly exchanged this devil fruit for Nami!

""I felt three forces in total! One is suction! One is repulsion! And the other is electricity!" Nami introduced seriously!

"Yes! That’s right, both attraction and repulsion are a type of magnetic force!"

"These two powers are very powerful! I know that people in the neighboring world use these two powers very well!"

"Let’s talk about the suction first. People in the neighboring world can directly pull meteorites from outside the world down and hit people!"

"Speaking of repulsion, if you use this ability well, you can defend against most attacks! The repulsion next door can flatten the area within a radius of several kilometers!"

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