"Okay! While I'm free now, I'm going to teach you the basic knowledge of 'Qi'. As long as you can learn it, your strength can be rapidly improved in a short period of time!"

Looking at the few people who had nothing to do on the ship, Xu Haifeng decided to take this opportunity to improve their strength, because Xu Haifeng knew that the next time would be Zoro's battle against Hawkeye, and as the deputy captain, Xu Haifeng didn't want his partners to lose too badly like in the anime!

""Okay! Hurry up! I want to learn!" Luffy ran over excitedly when he heard this!

"Come here and sit cross-legged! I will first tell you how to feel the qi in your body.’,"Xu Haifeng waved to a few people, indicating that they should come to him!

"First, we sit cross-legged! Close your eyes, and then completely relax your body and mind! Don't think about anything in your mind! Empty your mind!"Xu Haifeng sat in front of the four people and began to demonstrate and explain!

"Ah... inhale! Ah... exhale!"

Just when Xu Haifeng was carefully explaining the introductory knowledge of 'qi' to the four people, he suddenly heard a familiar voice in his ears!

Xu Haifeng opened his eyes and looked forward! He saw Luffy on the right hand side in front of him, with his head tilted, snoring, and a big bubble blowing out of his nose! And Zoro and the others looked at Luffy speechlessly!

""Luffy! Get up, you bastard! I asked you to study, not sleep!" Xu Haifeng was so angry when he saw Luffy's look! All what he said was in vain!

"Uh! What...did you eat?" Luffy suddenly stood up, opened his eyes and looked around in confusion!

"You only know how to eat whatever you want to eat. Now I am teaching you how to become stronger. Now you sit down and listen carefully!" Xu Haifeng said helplessly!

"Next, don't close your eyes anymore, just do as I say!"Xu Haifeng was afraid of Luffy, so he decided to let him listen with his eyes open! Otherwise, it would be useless!


Luffy pouted and sat down again reluctantly! Luffy is just like that, he only gets excited after three minutes! He will be like this whenever he feels bored!

"Next, you all take a deep breath, and then sink the qi into your Dantian.……"Xu Haifeng continued to explain!

"Where is the Dantian?" Before Xu Haifeng could finish his words, he was interrupted by Luffy again!

"Oh! I forgot, you don’t know where the Dantian is!"Xu Haifeng saw that Sauron and the others were also looking at him with question marks on their faces, and then he realized that they might not know where the Dantian is!

"Dantian is just below our belly button!" Xu Haifeng explained again!

"Oh! I see, just breathe in and put it in your stomach!" Luffy said with an expression that said,"I already understand!"

"Hmm! That's fine,"Xu Haifeng didn't know how to explain it, so he just let him be. It should feel about the same!

"Okay! Next, sink the Qi into Dantian, and then use your mental strength to carefully feel the Qi in your body!"Xu Haifeng explained seriously!


Xu Haifeng's words were interrupted by a strange sound again!

He looked towards the place where the sound came from again, and saw that his face instantly turned red, veins on his forehead bulged, and his eyes were burning with anger, as if they were about to burst into blazing flames. His teeth were clenched tightly, making a crunching sound, and his hands were clenched into fists, trembling slightly.

""Eh..., Luffy, you are so disgusting!"

Zoro, Nami and Usopp immediately stood up when they heard the voice, covered their mouths and noses and ran to the side, looking at Luffy with disgust!

"I can't stand it anymore!"

Xu Haifeng rushed to Luffy, grabbed him and beat him up crazily!

""Ah..., I'm sorry! I really can't help it!" After a while, Luffy kept apologizing to Xu Haifeng with a swollen face!

Xu Haifeng felt that he really couldn't teach anymore! With Luffy like this, he might never learn how to use Qi in his life! Do I really have to teach Haki like this world?

But Xu Haifeng thought about it and it didn't work! According to this world, if you want to cultivate Haki, you have to constantly accept attacks from different directions, so that learners can slowly feel Haki while constantly dodging and getting hurt! And thus awaken Haki!

Although this method can also achieve the purpose of awakening Haki, this method has a big disadvantage, that is, if you want to awaken Haki through this method, then you need a lot of time to train continuously! And Xu Haifeng and the others don't have that much time now!


Xu Haifeng looked up at Luffy and decided not to continue teaching him. He decided to think of other ways!

Xu Haifeng was afraid that if he continued to teach him, he would really beat Luffy to death. It was really unbearable!

"Is the system here?"There was no other way Xu Haifeng could do but to ask the system to think of a solution!

"Ding! This system is always here! What can I do for the host?"

Xu Haifeng:"Can you help me? Can you teach them how to use their Qi?""

"Humph! You remember me now! You only remember your system when you have something to do. Why haven’t you looked for me for so long? I thought you didn’t have a system!"The system replied arrogantly!

""Ah! I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I ignored you before, I apologize to you here! Please help me!" Xu Haifeng said sincerely!

"Uh! Xu Haifeng, who are you talking to?"

Nami's voice suddenly interrupted Xu Haifeng! Xu Haifeng looked up! He saw four people looking at him strangely!

"System, can you let them know of your existence?"Looking at his puzzled companions, Xu Haifeng asked the system!

"I don’t care. It doesn’t matter to me whether they know or not!"The system replied calmly!

"Then let them hear your voice!" Xu Haifeng heard that it had no impact on the system, so he didn't have to worry too much!

"OK! Host!"

"Xu Haifeng, why do you have two voices on your body?"Nami asked in surprise when she heard another voice appear on Xu Haifeng's body!

"Oh! Let me introduce him to you. He is my system and also my partner! He is the one who helped me travel to your world! Say hello to the system!"

Xu Haifeng answered after hearing Nami's question! Xu Haifeng felt that his system was not like a machine, but more like a person with real feelings! So in his heart, the system is also his partner!

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