Pei Xiu went to the backyard to pull out a few spinach, and the cabbage planned to cook later.

Zhou Cheng and several children did not know where they went.

Pei Xiu first marinated the small intestine. Without other condiments, he added soy sauce, ginger slices, and salt. The smell wafted out of the courtyard, and the wife of Uncle Wang’s house next door was muttering, what kind of meat is cooking so badly, this week, the married family fell and fell stupid, bought a carload of cotton cloth, Also bought meat. The days will not pass.

The eldest daughter-in-law of Uncle Wang's family is lazy and greedy, ''Mother, can we also cook meat tomorrow, how did the family cook this week, how delicious is it? '' And took a deep breath.

Aunt Wang slapped her face and scolded: ''Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, lazy and greedy thief mother-in-law, who does nothing all day, just thinking about eating. Oh, my God, what the hell did I do to have such a daughter-in-law...''

Pei Xiu listened to the noise next door, and ignored them, everyone had their own way of living. In my memory, there was a small disturbance for three days and a big disturbance for five days.

''Mother, we're back, mother, what are you cooking, it's so fragrant, I can smell it from far away. '' Hammer rushed into the kitchen first, and this child was like Zhou Cheng, as strong as a calf. The children chattered around the pot.

' 'All go wash your hands, wait for dinner, go and call your father back for dinner. ''

Taking advantage of this time, Pei Xiu put the small intestines out of the pot. After washing, continue to fry the large intestine, put some pickled vegetables and ginger slices, this tastes salty and fragrant. Cook another spinach and pork liver soup, cut a small piece of fat and stir-fry cabbage, and heat the chicken soup, enough to eat.

After all the food was brought to the table, the children also came back surrounded by Zhou Cheng, and Pei Xiu didn't ask him where he was, but greeted the children to eat. A few children were even more excited than the Chinese New Year. They didn't have any new clothes to wear, and they didn't even have a few bites of meat to eat.

Zhou Shan cautiously only ate porridge and did not dare to take steamed buns with vegetables. He is very happy to have a home and to eat, and he can't eat too much to be annoying.

Pei Xiu brought him a steamed bun and some chopsticks, and said, ''Since I helped bring you back, I will treat you as a family. You can eat whatever we eat, you know what I mean. ''

Zhou Shan couldn't help shedding tears, knelt on the ground and kowtowed, ''Thank you uncle, auntie. '' He secretly swears in his heart that his uncle and aunt are his parents, and he will be filial to them when he grows up.

Today's cabbage also has meat in it. It's oily and very delicious. Several children have eaten it. They walk in the yard with their stomachs. Well, the plates are all wiped clean. He usually doesn't pick up his mouth, just stutters. Today, Pei Xiu's cooking is so delicious. After being married for nine years, today's dishes are the best.

Pei Xiu packed up the tableware and digested in the yard.

''Mother, can we still eat like this tomorrow, the pig's water and the meat are so delicious. ’’ As soon as this meal was over, Hammer was thinking about the next meal. She dared to tell Pei Xiu that if her mother before she got sick would never agree to cook him meat, she would beat him. The mother after her illness is so gentle, she will make clothes and meat for him without hitting anyone. He really likes his current mother.

Mu Tou is an honest child, and the second child in the family is the one who is easily ignored, but he also knows that his mother has become gentle and generous. Looking eagerly at Pei Xiu.

The bench held Pei Xiu's thigh innocently and ignorantly.

Pei Xiu really likes children. Looking at the eyes of several children, her heart softens, ''You get up early tomorrow, practice martial arts with your father, and I will cook meat for you''.

The children cheered, ''Mother, the shrimp didn't boil at night, let's catch some later and cook together tomorrow. ''

''Take Zhou Shan with you, don't get your clothes dirty, if you don't have any clothes to change, you'll be bare buttocks, and you're not allowed to go anywhere. ''

Zhou Cheng stood aside and saw Pei Xiu pursing his lips and looking at the children with a smile, his eyes filled with hope,

The mole under the brow adds to the variety.

The little deer in his heart slammed, and after so many years, he realized that Pei Xiu looked so good when he smiled, his eyebrows and eyes were curved, and he lost the sad expression he used to have, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Pei Xiu felt a burning gaze staring at him, and turned to look, Zhou Cheng's eyes were burning, and he looked at her with piercing eyes.

Pei Xiu was a little flustered for a while, avoided his sight, hid back in the room, and sat quietly for a while.

After calming down and seeing that it was still dark, she thought about continuing to make clothes, and for a moment she forgot where to start when she picked up the needle. Her heart was already in a mess, and she couldn't do it for a while, so she just put it away and didn't do it.

At this time, Zhou Cheng pushed open the door and came in, and Pei Xiu became nervous again, thinking that it was not dark and she was still injured, so he would not be such a beast.

Zhou Cheng took out two pieces of silver from his arms and said: ''This is for game selling today, and it was sold for eight taels of silver. The deer are more valuable, so this time you sell a little more, and you can keep it. ''

Pei Xiu stretched out her hand to take the money, and gave Zhou Cheng extra points in her heart.

Zhou Cheng paused and said, I just went to my mother's place. The news in the village spread very quickly. I went to explain it to my mother in advance, so that she would not be angry when she heard about it. ''

''Oh, I see. '' Pei Xiu silently added points to Zhou Cheng, and would help block her mother-in-law's anger.

Zhou Cheng saw that Pei Xiu lowered his head, revealing a snow-white neck, and was furious. He quickly turned around and went out. He didn't even know what happened to him today. He was no longer a brat and he had been married to Pei Xiu for nine years. The newly married is not like today, it will feel like marrying anyone, and the marriage is very calm, and it has been peaceful for so many years.

Today, I still feel that Pei Xiu is a little wrong. It looks different from before, and now it seems that he is not right.

Zhou Cheng turned around and went out.

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