"Now, Admiral Aokiji, do you think we have the confidence?"

Luffy smiled at the astonished Admiral [Aokiji].

Kuzan was shocked:

Are you kidding me? What kind of configuration is this? Three Conqueror Haki, all of them have such amazing Haki? Didn't I hear that they are just emerging? This doesn't make sense.

Moreover, two Parahumans (in the eyes of the Navy, Luffy is a [Paradox·Gum Fruit] user), two Mythical Beasts, and two Naturals! Can this be a supernova? Other supernovas can't even beat any one of them, right?

Luffy asked with a smile:

"Mr. Kuzan, you are also a strong man standing at the top of the sea. What do you think of our strength? Do you think we have the confidence to protect Robin?"

Aokiji was a little dry-mouthed, because he felt that the captain of the Straw Hat Adventure Group, Monkey D. Luffy, really had the strength to threaten him. This domineering power like a deep abyss and a prison was not much less than those old monsters.

The swordsman brother next to him also had the power to severely injure him. The flames of the golden-haired brother who was flaming all over also made Aokiji feel uncomfortable, and had a certain restraint on his natural ability.

In addition, each of these younger generations who had liberated their strength was not simple!

Aokiji was speechless and fell into deep thought. He was thinking about whether he should beat them up. Once he started, if he got angry and got into a deadly battle, then he would die!

Such a group of people already have enough strength to threaten the life and safety of an admiral. If they start fighting, let alone suppressing them, it is a problem whether they can retreat unscathed.

Aokiji clearly felt a sense of powerlessness in a certain sense. The Straw Hat Adventure Group will never fall into a disadvantage even if they face the strongest of the current Seven Warlords of the Sea - the world's number one swordsman [Hawkeye]. It is even very likely that Hawkeye will also fall.

Aokiji thought: No wonder, no wonder Marshal Sengoku tried his best to win them over to become the Seven Warlords of the Sea. If this straw hat boy in front of him takes office, the strongest Seven Warlords of the Sea may change.

"Mr. Kuzan, what do you think?"

Luffy woke up the thoughtful admiral in a deep voice.

In fact, Luffy didn't know what to do. They do have the ability to defeat a navy admiral now, but they may not be able to keep him completely.

The Straw Hat Pirates can't do this now. They can't become mortal enemies with the navy now. If you fight a Marine admiral to death regardless of everything, then all your previous efforts will be wasted.

"Ah, to be honest, I now suddenly understand why Marshal Sengoku is so persistent in inviting Mr. Luffy to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

Aokiji withdrew his pressure, and everyone withdrew their abilities.

Aokiji scratched his head. He didn't want to fight again:

"It's too troublesome. Luffy, I invite you to become the new Shichibukai as the admiral of the navy.

You do have the ability to do everything you said before. This is the appointment letter signed by Marshal Sengoku. You just need to accept it.

Then, I also agreed to the conditions you proposed before in the name of the admiral of the navy. Let's not talk about restraining one of the four emperors. The conditions proposed by the navy to you are-

You can bring your companions into the Impel Downs, no inspection is required, and there is no limit on the number of people.

However, you need to propose a specific entry time to the navy in advance. Once any riot occurs in the Impel Downs, you will be responsible for suppressing it once.

And, when you enter the Impel Downs, you must be accompanied by Mr. Garp and [Momoto Rabbit] Jiyuan, and you are not allowed to refuse. This is also the biggest concession from the above and the decision made after careful discussion."

Luffy looked happy, but immediately regained his calmness, without letting Admiral [Aokiji] notice anything unusual.

"I agree to your terms. The contract is done and cannot be violated."

Luffy took the appointment letter handed over by Admiral Aokiji. From this moment on, he is the new Shichibukai.

Luffy's mouth is about to smile at this moment. Luffy's luck as the son of luck in this world is really not in vain. In this way, when entering Impel Down, there is no need to worry about any problems.

Both of them are "own people". No matter what, they will not suddenly stand on the opposite side of themselves in Impel Down.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing; closing the door to beat the dog is nothing more than this.

Aokiji also stretched lazily after hearing this:

"Very good, this is almost over!

By the way, you wait. I'll call that old guy Sengoku first.

Tomorrow, the news that you have become Shichibukai will be spread through the navy. The news published in the newspaper tomorrow will also be that the captain of the Straw Hat Adventure Group has become Shichibukai."

Aokiji took out a Den Den Mushi.Bulu Bulu Bulu~

Bulu Bulu Bulu~

Bulu Bulu Bulu~

Another magical sound effect of Den Den Mushi.

Sengoku answered:


"Ah la la, this is Kuzan."

"Is that General Aokiji? Has the appointment letter been delivered?"

"Yes, it has been delivered. They agreed to become the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"Great, I will report it right away!"

"Also, Sengoku, I agree to all the conditions proposed by the captain of the Straw Hat Adventure Group. They also agreed to the conditions of the Navy."

"What?! You didn't knock them to get more... cough cough——"

Aokiji directly threw a The bombshell shocked the Navy Headquarters:

"They already have the strength to threaten the life of a Navy admiral."

Zhan Guo screamed on the other side:

"What? Aokiji, can you be responsible for what you said?"

Aokiji was still lazy:

"What is there to be responsible for. Even if that [Hawkeye] faced them, I'm afraid he would be defeated."

Zhan Guo:

"...Okay, I understand. Thank you for your hard work, Aokiji, come back and report the situation quickly."

Zhan Guo hung up the phone.

Aokiji was also relaxed at this moment and was ready to catch up on his sleep:

"Okay, my mission is complete. It's time to go back and catch up on my sleep. I hope that the decision to nominate you as the Seven Warlords of the Sea is correct."

However, Luffy blocked Kuzan's way:

"Wait, Admiral Aokiji."

Aokiji frowned and turned back:

"Anything else? It's so troublesome."

Luffy grinned:

"Admiral Aokiji, after all, you have bullied my crew, you have to give some explanation."

Aokiji held his forehead, at this moment he just wanted to take a break and relax Went:

"How about I apologize to you?"

Luffy chuckled:

"No need to apologize, I've been itching to show off my skills lately, why don't you ask Admiral Aokiji for some advice?

If we don't have a good fight, how do you know how strong our faith is?"

Aokiji's face darkened when he heard that, and he said seriously:

"Do you really have to fight?"

Chopper and Robin were also a little worried:

"Luffy...really want to fight?"

Luffy gave them a reassuring look to comfort them, but the other crew members were not worried at all, but rather looked forward to it.

"Yes, Admiral Aokiji. Let me learn from you."

Luffy was full of fighting spirit.

Aokiji was also a little helpless at this time:

"Ah, you want to fight me? Then come on. Just stop when you are satisfied, and end it quickly!

But before the fight starts, let the innocent refugees leave here first!"

Nami said: "Speaking of which, there are indeed refugees on this island."

As she spoke, several ragged refugees trembled out of the bushes.

Luffy seconded:

"Well, let's solve the refugees' troubles first!"

Aokiji released an extremely cold air, freezing the sea surface, telling them to keep warm, and that they could reach the next inhabited island by walking on the ice road for seven days, and watched the refugees leave before returning.

Aokiji has taken off his eye mask and changed his lazy attitude:

"Then, let's start!"

The battle is about to start!

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