The night of Sky Island is full of moonlight.

"Let's have a party!"

The story of Sky Island is about to end, how can we miss the grand party of traditional arts?

The Straw Hat Adventurers, the people of Sky Island, the Shandians, and even Mr. Yixiao gathered together to drink under the moon.

Luffy raised his glass and drank:

"Everyone! Let's laugh together!"


All kinds of playful sounds were heard.

"The Golden Bell - the Bell of Shandora is at the top of the huge vine. After the party, let's try to bring the Golden Bell back to Arpayard!"

Luffy drank the wine in the glass.

"The Bell of Shandora, it's great to be able to recover it!"

Gan Fowle and Wepper clinked glasses and drank together.

Robin was also a little drunk:

"Well, the historical text below the golden bell records the location of the ancient weapon Sea King. It seems that if all the historical texts are connected together, it will be the real history!"

Nami and Vivi put their arms around Robin's shoulders:

"Who cares! Let's drink while we can!"

Weper toasted the Straw Hat Pirates loudly, and even tears welled up in his eyes:

"Thank you so much! We really can't repay you! The huge golden pillars we dug out are all given to you! If you don't accept them, we will feel guilty!"

Luffy smiled and waved his hand:

"Okay, okay! We'll take it! Men don't cry easily!"

"Hahahahaha!" Some Shandia tribesmen were watching their great warrior make a fool of themselves.

Gan Ful also raised his glass to toast:

"Thank you to all the people who helped this place. Without you, the people of Sky Island and Shandia might never have reconciled!"

"Haha, thank you for your kindness!" Yixiao did not choose to accept this gift.

Aisha: "In my impression, Qinghai people are not good people. It turns out that this is too one-sided!"

The Shandians and Sky Islanders shook hands and made peace, and everyone was happy.

"The history of the Shandians has never been forgotten! The future of the Sky Islanders will be better! The Straw Hat Pirates will never forget this adventure on Sky Island!"

Luffy raised his arms and shouted.

Gan Ful also announced excitedly:

"Everyone! Please listen to me! Now I, an old guy, am no longer suitable to be the king of two countries. From now on, Angel Island and Arpaiado will be indistinguishable from each other!

No one will ascend to the [God's throne] again in Sky Island in the future!

I have discussed with Mr. Yixiao that many powerful Qinghai people will land in this country one after another after this! They have a name in Qinghai - the Revolutionary Army!

They will also live in peace with all of us and jointly protect this beautiful Sky Island! Sky Island will be more prosperous in the not too distant future!

The upcoming Qinghai friends - that is, the Revolutionary Army, will make Sky Island even more powerful!

And, in order to commemorate the day when Angel Island and Arpaiado are indistinguishable and work together, Sky Island will be renamed - Sky City under the recommendation of all races and all people!"

The applause resounded through the sky like thunder, cheers rose, and the people were excited.

Yes, Mr. Yixiao has reached a consensus and agreement with the Sky Islanders and Shandia people. The Revolutionary Army will establish a new headquarters of the Revolutionary Army here - Sky City.

The Revolutionary Army shelters all Sky Island residents, and all Sky Island residents will coexist harmoniously with the Revolutionary Army and benefit each other.

The Revolutionary Army will be transferred here one after another, and transportation will be completely open to the Revolutionary Army and the Straw Hat Pirates. Travel will be helped by various Sky Island specialties - various giant creatures. The problem of inconvenient transportation has also been solved.

In the near future, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army will be transferred from Baldigo to Sky Island, oh no, it should be called Sky City now.

When Dorag learned of the news, he was overjoyed and quickly announced various matters. As the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army, Dorag's orders were executed without deviation, and the relocation of the Revolutionary Army was also carried out in full swing in secret.

Sky City will become the new headquarters of the Revolutionary Army!

After the banquet, the Straw Hat Pirates, who were free from worries, received the best hospitality. They were fully relaxed and had a good dream all night.

It is worth mentioning that, with the joint efforts of the residents of Angel Island and the Shandia clan, the Straw Hat Pirates became the new [Guardians] of the Sky City. They regarded this as a spiritual symbol. Luffy could only accept this.

Pagaya and Conis, father and daughter, made a white flag with a straw hat smiley face, the symbol of the Straw Hat Adventure Group, based on the style of the Qinghai flag. This flag fluttered at the highest point of the Sky City.

The next morning.

The Straw Hat Adventure Group packed up their luggage, and Mr. Yixiao also boarded the Merry to prepare for the return trip.

Everyone boarded the Golden Merry and waved to theThe enthusiastic people said goodbye and prepared to leave.

"Hey, hey, hey! Luffy, you don't want to let the Merry fall straight down, do you?"

Chopper hugged Luffy's trouser legs tightly.

Luffy smiled:

"Of course not! Chopper!"

Luffy turned back and nodded to Conis: "Conis, please!"

Conis smiled quietly and blew the whistle in her mouth. A huge octopus came and wrapped the Golden Merry.

"Well, goodbye! Everyone! See you again if we are lucky, Conis!"

The Straw Hat Pirates waved goodbye to the enthusiastic residents of the Sky City, and the residents of the Sky City also rang the golden bell to thank the Straw Hat Adventure Group.

The huge octopus held the Golden Merry and landed smoothly on the sea of ​​the Grand Line, naturally without any twists and turns.

"Well, I'll say goodbye now! I have to go back to Baldigo to tell you everything that happened this time!"

He returned to his ship with a smile and said goodbye to the Straw Hat Pirates.

In this way, the Straw Hat Pirates' adventure on Sky Island ended here.

And, the next stop, to be continued.

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