The capital of Alabasta, Abaluna.

A young man wearing a gentleman's hat and carrying a water pipe on his back walked on the bustling city streets, and he did not forget to disguise himself.

"Hey, Sabo! Mr. Dragon didn't say we can run around!" The young man called Sabo was followed by a little girl.

"Stop talking. Don't you realize that there is something wrong with the atmosphere in this city, no, this country? I have also asked the citizens along the way. They all said that except for the royal city, other cities have not had rain for three years, but the Baroque Works is helping ordinary citizens." Sabo lowered the brim of his hat and whispered.

"But we are just here to meet people. Didn't Mr. Long say not to easily interfere in the affairs of other countries?" The young girl whispered.

"This is no longer a question of whether to interfere or not. This country has been in war for many years, and there is the shadow of the so-called Baroque Works behind it. There is something wrong with this country! Mr. Dragon must be notified immediately!" Sabo said.

"Mr. Long, I have been dormant in Alabasta. According to the investigation over the past few days, Alabasta has a lot of problems. Does it need the Revolutionary Army...?" Sabo found a deserted place and dialed the Den Den Mushi in his hand.

"I know, stay put and continue to observe. Give priority to completing the assigned tasks." A low voice came from the Den Den Mushi.


On the sea, the Golden Merry.

"Wuwuwu, why are you doing this to me?" Mr. 2 woke up slowly and started to play the victim as soon as he woke up.

Hearing this, the Straw Hat Pirates suddenly felt goosebumps all over their bodies, felt a little nauseous, and had goose bumps. However, everyone tacitly did not speak, waiting for Captain Luffy's decision.

"Mr. 2 of Baroque Works, Von Clay, what are you doing here?" Luffy asked with a smile.

"Huh? Do you know my identity? Oh... that person over there is Princess Vivi." Mr. 2 said in a coquettish voice.

"Tell me your purpose. If you are an enemy, I will kill you right now." Zoro said coldly.

"Oh, oh, oh, so scary, but I have no ill intentions. I just capsized on the way to find Mr. 3." Mr. 2 replied.

"Ahhhhh, I really can't stand the way this demon talks. Can I kill him?" Sanji gritted his teeth.

"No matter what he wants to do, he is in our hands now and can't make any waves." Ajin said coldly.

"Wow, what a scary guy. It seems that you are the Straw Hat Adventure Group that has been famous recently. Did you kill all the cadres of Baroque Works?" Mr. 2 said fearfully.

"Don't think about making jokes and getting away with it. Now you answer whatever we ask!" Nami couldn't stand this guy anymore.

"Okay, okay, I really ran into a group of scary people." Mr. 2 had to bow his head.

Luffy heard the conversation and felt that this shemale was getting more and more disgusting. It was an eyesore!

"Tell me, sissy, you said you came out to find Mr. 3, the candle man?" Luffy tied Mr. 2 up.

"Woo, I'm not a sissy! In this world, there are only men and women, but each has its own shortcomings! So I'm not a human anymore. I'm von Clay who believes in the way of shemales! The way of shemales is the strongest!" Mr. 2 said with a lot of backbone.

A man tied up and wearing a ballet costume on the deck of the Merry, it's really unimaginable.

Luffy covered his face and sighed. It seems that he should send this guy to the shemale king Ivakov in the future. That should be very suitable for him.

Luffy then said: "Von Clay, it seems that although you are working for Baroque Works now, you don't seem to know who the boss of Baroque Works is?"

"Huh? BOSS? I don't know." Mr. 2 asked in confusion.

Everyone couldn't help but cover their faces. This shemale didn't even know who his boss was when he was working for someone else.

"The reason why you want to find Mr. 3 is because he knows a lot of secrets of your boss. The boss behind Baroque Works will never allow him to lose contact; and the reason why you want to kill Vivi is because the princess of this kingdom has discovered who the boss behind Baroque Works is and what the purpose of Baroque Works is! Baroque Works can only kill people to silence them!" Luffy said in a deep voice.

"Vivi, tell him the truth about Baroque Works again!"

"Okay! First of all, the boss behind Baroque Works is Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!" Vivi came up and gave Von Clay theA blow to the head.

"What? Crocodile? Wait, wait, wait, let me sort it out first." Von Clay's tone of shock became normal, but he was still confused, "So, what are you talking about!"

"The secret criminal organization "Baroque Works" led by Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, implemented the "Utopia Operation" in Alabasta. The country has not rained for three years except for the capital Arubana. Under the deliberate arrangement of Baroque Works, the people thought that the drought was caused by the king's private use of the rain-inducing agent "Dancing Powder", which led to a civil war with heavy casualties! Crocodile, he wants to steal the power of the kingdom!" Vivi finished speaking in one breath.

Hearing this, Von Clay's brain crashed on the spot: "This... What on earth is going on!"

Crocodile's "Utopia Operation" is not very clever. Although Vivi has the courage to expose it, she has no ability to stop it. However, Crocodile has a deeper purpose besides stealing the power of the kingdom, which is to seize the Hades, one of the ancient weapons.

"Crocodile doesn't regard you as his own people at all. All of you are just chess pieces used up by the chicken! How about it, after hearing the truth, you, want to be our enemy?" Luffy asked with a smile, but his tone was not relaxed at all.

"Wait, wait, wait, what's the point of me being hostile to you? But why are you standing on the side of Princess Vivi?" Von Clay argued anxiously.

Von Clay was also very curious at this time. After all, Crocodile is not a little pirate that can be seen everywhere on the roadside. He is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Just rushing over like this? It's impossible no matter how you think about it!

Von Clay flirted with Luffy: "I wonder what purpose this guy has in intervening in this matter? How sure are you that this matter can be resolved?"

Seeing a shemale flirting with him, Luffy felt a chill all over his body, but he still answered Von Clay's question: "This is my decision, a decision made for my friend. As for the confidence, you will know it by then. We just need you not to help Baroque Works!"

"Wow! Such friendship really touches me, please let me join you!" Von Clay heard it, tears welling up in his eyes, and said excitedly.

"No need!" Luffy hurriedly moved away from the shemale.


"Then, goodbye, little Luffy, I'll wait for good news!" In the end, Von Clay was persuaded by Luffy and the others, and finally jumped on the swan boat, danced the shemale dance, and went away.

"Huh, we finally sent this person away, it was really exhausting!" All the partners were a little exhausted, after all, they were tired.

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