Crimson Servant

Chapter 74 Bursting Voices

When the door closed, the noise in the tavern suddenly disappeared. The simple wooden door blocked everything out like a thick rock wall. Karl realized that this room was equipped with a silent barrier. In the guest room of a hotel, room.

Karl spotted her at a glance. Evelin was leaning on a red silk velvet sofa, holding a book in her hand and turning the pages boredly.

A magic lamp was deliberately placed on the wall near the door. It caused Karl's shadow to rapidly expand on the wall of the room, swallowing up most of the light in one step.

Evelin raised her eyebrows and glanced towards the door. She smiled, got off the back of the chair, and threw the book on the stool where her feet had been.

"Welcome, Lord Karl, have you changed your mind?"

This made Karl's voice suddenly stuck in his throat. He didn't know how to ask about borrowing food. He opened his mouth and looked at the girl who was approaching slowly.

Karl's expression made Evelin couldn't help laughing, she covered her lips and tapped her other hand in the air.

"Just kidding, Lord Karl, I believe that the Demiras family are all strong-willed people. You must have something else to do when you come here, right?"

Evelyn folded her hands in front of her chest and kept smiling.

"Speak out, Master Karl. I still can't connect with you and hear your voice in the silence."

"My team currently has no gold coins, Evelin. I would like to borrow some supplies from you, some food that is enough to support the next expedition."

“I’m so sorry, Master Karl,” Evelin turned around and took out the money bag from the cabinet, walked quickly to Karl, and saluted with shame, “I actually forgot about this, I have obviously been to your camp and knew the situation earlier. "

"Please accept these, Lord Karl. Our supplies are jointly supported by the eight major families, and Demiras's share is included in them. Please use them as you wish."

Karl breathed a sigh of relief. The problem was solved more easily than he thought. The Paladin advocated fair trade, but he was not averse to spending his father's money, especially when it was necessary.

"Thank you." Karl stretched out his hand, but the bag filled with gold coins took a step back and stuck to Evelin's arms.

Karl looked into her eyes.

"I have some little confusion that I would like to ask Mr. Karl to answer. I know something about the strength of your team. With your ability, it shouldn't take a few days to explore the dungeon, collect supplies, and raise money quickly. I'm still worried. Mr. Karl will not come to me out of honor, but you came unexpectedly. Therefore, I want to ask you what is the matter that requires you to use the Demiras family's supplies so urgently. You have a new adventure. ?”

So Karl told Evelin the goals of the Sun Team. At first he thought it was harmless, but when he heard words like "Wendigo", "Veltis Cultist", "Rotten Red Disaster" and other words, Evelin's expression became worse and worse. She no longer held the money bag in her hand, Instead, he grabbed the mouth of the bag with his right hand, and the rich gold coins fell naturally and bulged into a round ball.

Karl's eyelids were twitching wildly, always feeling that the beautiful sound of gold coins would kiss his face in the next moment. He finished telling everything nervously, and Evelin was glaring at him viciously, as if she wanted to bite a piece of meat off his body.

"Lord Carl! I warned you to pay attention to your own safety. This is what Count Cadian asked me to supervise you like this!"

"I didn't expect you couldn't even do this! After the red dragon, there are the Wendigo, the cultists, and the Crimson Scourge! Master Carl! Are you the savior! A savior who was deceived by his father. ?!”

"I have learned about many monsters, and I know what a terrifying monster the Wendigo is. Even a Wendigo in a weak state is not something you can easily face!"

Although Carl flinched a little, he still gave corrections.

"It's not weakened. The Wendigo has been strengthened by evil forces. My companions told me that the monster has human-like intelligence and may have overcome the weakness of its heart. It is much stronger than ordinary Wendigos."

Evelin was very angry, and the anger in her chest was about to burst out, as if her clothes were about to burst. Karl averted his gaze at the first sight.

"Are you teasing me! Master Karl!"

The paladin heard the female mage's scream, and the high-pitched voice made Karl shrink his neck. His sincere supplement made Evelin furious. Before that, he had never thought of the female mage's rage. God, she looks like she could kill me easily right now.

"Why do you always put yourself in danger, Lord Karl! Do you really want to be a hero? There is no shortage of brave men in this world, why not let others do it. We have servants, we have knights, we have Followers, our noble blood should be placed in a more important position, we are carrying an entire family, can you please stop being so willful! Lord Karl!"

Looking at the hysterical female mage in front of him, Karl remained silent.

He stretched out his hand, pressed Evelin's shoulders, used his arm strength to hold her in his arms, touched Evelin's head with his palm, and said slowly and firmly: "No one, except us, no one can It can be done. There is nothing more important than this, and if I don't do it, there will be another Joan Crete in the world. This place may be any country, or it may be Orikoa in Ephesa."

"They follow us because they believe we can save them."

"My heroic dream has died in the ashes of dragon fire. I saw my struggling partners, and I know the real blow of casualties. Just because I have carried my family on my back, Evelin, I will never let this happen to our family. superior."

"Although my father criticized my future in every possible way, he never used real power to hinder it. I think although he cursed me, he must understand me."

"I hope you will also become someone who understands me and condones my willfulness."

Evelin had long since lost her words, and there was silence in the room, except for two breathing sounds.

Karl let go of his hand, took a step back, and looked at the panting female mage. Her face was on fire and she showed a forced smile.

"I feel like I'm almost suffocating. Is this the power of the Dragon Slayer? It's really scary."

Did I try too hard? Karl scratched his head in embarrassment. He was so excited just now that he didn't pay attention to this kind of thing at all. However, Evelin seemed to be convinced by me, and the anger in her eyes completely disappeared.

"I seem to have fallen into the same predicament as Lord Cadian. It's true that Lord Karl is completely unable to resist."

Evelin looked solemnly and looked into Karl's eyes seriously.

"Lord Carl, are you sure you can handle those difficulties? Wendigo, magic and disaster."

The paladin stroked the halo on his shield and replied proudly: "Are you questioning the power of the warrior of the sun, the dragon slayer?"

"I will take care of everything, Evelyn, on Demiras's name."

Evelin picked up the money bag that fell on the ground and put it in Karl's hand.

"Then I have nothing to say. Claudius will provide full support to Demiras."

Evelin led Karl out of the room, "Come on, Lord Karl, food for warriors is also very important."

When Evelin appeared in front of the fence on the second floor, the noise on the long table gradually disappeared, and the young adventurer's eyes shifted here, to Evelin, and to Karl standing beside her.

The female mage's eyes scanned the crowd, and finally she looked at a tall young man with an honest face.

"Lil, take Lord Demiras to the kitchen. He needs a lot of food to reward the adventurers who have just returned. You can help him move some there."

"Okay, ma'am." A young man named Lille left the long table and prepared to step forward.

"No, that's enough for me alone." Karl interrupted Evelin's request. It was only a few meals of food, and he was fully capable of completing it on his own. Moreover, the name of Demiras seemed to remind these young nobles of something, and their looks at Karl began to look strange.

"If you insist, then you always need someone to take you there. They can also take you to the alchemy warehouse. Medicine bottles and food are indispensable for adventure, Lord Karl."

Karl noticed the weird eyes below. Their eyes seemed to be getting weirder and weirder. Did he do something wrong in terms of etiquette? Should I say hello to them first?

During this inspection, Karl discovered something strange. A dark hood shrank in the crowd, as if trying to get under the table.

"Lewen?" What is she doing? Carl was confused.

"Lewen?" Evelin heard Karl's whisper, her eyes turned to that side, and she also saw the shrunken figure, and she laughed.

"I'm here, Evelin." The female thief smiled awkwardly, not knowing where to put her hands holding the knife and fork.

"Since Mr. Carl has named you, take him to the warehouse once, Lewen. I will feel more at ease when you are present, who is thoughtful and considerate."

Levan Akela looked like he was about to cry.

"But, Evelin, I'm still a little hungry. I want to eat more. Can someone else lead the way?"

Evelin smiled.

"It doesn't matter, Lewen, it won't take long to take Mr. Karl to the warehouse. You won't stay too long, right?"


"So, I'm a little hungry too. Lewen, could you please bring some food to my room when you come back, thank you."


"Don't keep me waiting too long, dear Lewen."

When Evelin disappeared into the room, the female thief looked as if she was about to die.

She was almost driven by others and quickly took Karl to pack everything. She was indifferent the whole time and stared at Karl with hatred.

"I thought we were friends, Lewen." Karl had no idea how he had offended her.

"Is this how you treat your friends? It must be hard to be your friend." Le Wen was still gritting his teeth.

Karl thought about his teammates in the Sun Team, Jurgen, Lightning, and John, and their stinky faces flashed through his mind one by one.

"No, of course not."

"They trust me."

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