Crimson Servant

Chapter 72 Crazy Plan

"I've had enough!"

Lightning came out of the room, and the dark bird's beak reflected slightly because of the ashes stained with the sacred incense. The flame in his eyes was extinguishing, and the peace brought by prayer slowly disappeared from his body. He gently patted the sand on his hands to express his dissatisfaction to his companions.

"I was trying to create the crow statue, but that guy Carl, he was letting out a psychedelic laugh every few minutes, like he had eaten some terrible mushroom or been taken away by a siren, and I really couldn't stay focused. …”

Jurgen dropped the refined potion on an emerald green seed pod and recited a spell to activate the magic power. It wasn't until the strong natural light was restrained that he let go of his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a smile, and said, "Karl is experiencing the most important part of his life. Be happy for him, little bird, he won't be intoxicated for too long. It’s only been… about thirty minutes.”

Lightning turned his gaze to John, his heart tightened, and he looked at him with a pair of scarlet eyes with cold light.

John was pretty sure Carl told the others about his story, and they tacitly ignored the details of the dragon slaying in their greetings. This gave the warlock a sense of courage. He no longer avoided practicing crimson spells in front of his companions. He now urgently needs to practice to ensure that his new power can accurately kill his enemies. John chose a dark corner in the camp. He kept chanting spells, causing the red lightning to jump under his instructions, messing up the magic in that small area. That area of ​​negative energy can make people feel dull and uncomfortable just by looking at it with the naked eye.

When Lightning walked out of their temporary prayer room, the blood-red eyes caused by the magician's long spells had not dissipated. Their eyes happened to hit each other, and they looked at each other for five seconds before Lightning curled up his neck and looked away. The intimidating force exuded by those fading eyeballs reminded Lightning of that terrifying red dragon.

"He has also become the favored one of the Crow God. Maybe you should let that god take care of him."

"That's the crux of the matter. Loti is going crazy with him. He is dancing in the smoke and drawing heart shapes on the sand." Lightning said helplessly, "If there were no Loti, I would have to let the arrow grow. On Carl’s forehead.”

Thinking of that scene in his mind, John smiled knowingly and looked at Lightning with a troubled expression, "Are you beginning to envy the distance between God and humans now?"

Lightning shook his head, "I have been mentally prepared for this. This is what makes us both love and hate Lottie."

He seemed to have convinced himself not to dwell on the absurdity in the prayer room. The arakkoa walked to the druid and curiously looked at the seeds Jurgen had ripened with magic, watching the dwarf draw fine runes on the tender skin. The ingenious skills amazed the Crow Man again and again, and his heart also calmed down in this exquisite performance.

"Sorry, Lightning, I didn't know I disturbed you." Karl walked out, his previous happiness had been taken over by apologies, although his cheeks were flushed, as if he had endured breath-holding training, "Lotti told me I apologize for your ungrateful prayers and I will adjust my mentality as soon as possible to ensure that this will not happen again."

A sincere apology always leads to understanding. Lightning has stopped being angry for a long time. He turned his head and looked at John, his eyes seemed to be able to speak.

This is what I love and hate.

While everyone put down their work, John expressed his purpose to his companions.

"I'm going to go down to the dungeon again and kill a monster, a Wendigo. That's the only thing I have to accomplish now."

Jurgen understood something from John's firm voice. He tried hard to suppress the sadness on his face and not let negative emotions affect the young man in front of him. Use your rough fingers to pinch the magic seeds on the alchemy table and carefully stuff them into the prepared bottles.

"I'll go with you. I also have a score to settle with Saiman. I will take him back, but first I have to teach that kid a lesson."

Lightning fiddled with the silver arrows enchanted by sunlight and did not answer. His attitude said everything.

Karl was about to speak.

"Karl, you still have a chance to regret it now."

John looked at the blushing Paladin, "This time is very dangerous. No one will blame you for leaving now. We all know that someone is waiting for you. If you stay, as a warrior, you must face that Monster, you will be the most dangerous of us."

John himself didn't know whether he was sincere or more motivated. He needs a strong frontline like Karl to resist the Wendigo. He can tell the whole story about the Wendigo's plan, so that the self-proclaimed righteous Paladin will definitely support his revenge.

But the ridiculous pride was at work, and he gave Karl a chance to choose. Although from the warlock's understanding, this was just a self-comfort that would not affect the overall situation.

Perhaps sensing sincerity, Karl's anger dissipated, his right hand clenched into a fist close to his chest, and the paladin's eyes were extremely firm.

"The Sun Team made an oath. Before you commit an act of betrayal, John. I will help you accomplish anything that does not violate justice."

"It's just a Wendigo, I'm not afraid of any monsters!"

"Your courage deserves encouragement, but don't underestimate the Wendigo." Jurgen said in a steady tone, explaining his experience to the young man.

"It's an ogre with a terrible curse. Be careful with his curse spells and muscle power. The Wendigo is definitely one of the most terrifying monsters."

"The Wendigo's only weakness is its cold heart, which must be burned with high temperature to stop the Wendigo's actions. We must also be careful to prevent the spread of the cannibal curse."

John has bad news.

"What we are facing is a Wendigo who has been highly corrupted by the Crimson God. He is the leader of this group of Veltis fanatics and has extremely profound wisdom. The corruption has raised his danger to a terrifying level. To an extent, it’s hard to say whether the Crimson Power has allowed him to overcome the weakness of his cold heart, so we have to prepare for the worst.”

"That Wendigo holds a crimson holy symbol. He may...definitely master several Veltis spells. I can counterattack, but I still have to be careful."

"In addition, our enemies also possess a large-scale ritual magic. Its power can create a death zone in an area, just like..."

"Like the corrupted plains of Juancrete."

"Rot Red Disaster?!" The expressions of several members of the Sun Team changed drastically. They were shocked that the Wendigo actually mastered such a terrible magic in the rumored forbidden land where no one could survive, which would cause terrible consequences that would devastate the entire land.

"He must be stopped! For everyone's sake!"

"Damn it, are they planning to turn the dungeon into a dead place?"

John shook his head and pointed out the key point, the location where he predicted the Wendigo would appear, the battlefield where they would decide the outcome.

"The Philosopher's Gate."

A large ancient teleportation device, the twisted space can not only transfer people to various parts of the world, but also the disaster of corruption.

Karl looked at John. He knew that the warlock had a strong interest in the teleportation device. Do they have the same thinking as the crimson believers?

"Does that Wendigo also have a way to control the [Philosopher's Gate]?"

John shook his head.

"Unlikely, fanatics don't care about the destination."

"I'm afraid that Wendigo is just using the power of the out-of-control Philosopher's Gate."

"Spread Crimson Corruption wherever you go."

"Anywhere, it's the same to them."

"They just want to create another hell."

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