Crimson Servant

Chapter 68 The Lost Sword

When John arrived at the temple, the sun had just climbed onto the roof, and the rose-colored rubble pressed against the ash wood building, and the color bloomed on the eaves.

The door has been opened a small crack, and a teenage boy wearing simple gray clothes is sweeping in front of the temple with a broom as tall as a person.

He saw John, and the circle he drew naturally moved aside. The boy lowered his head and devoted himself to his work.

John Kemp looked at the slightly opened gap in the door and looked away. He didn't want to cause trouble, and the vestibules of temples often contained sculptures of the Holy Spirits for worshipers to worship. He cannot enter the temple of the god under the eyes of the gods, as a follower of the evil god.

Fortunately, God is tolerant of those who have no faith.

John Kemp walked half a circle around the temple and saw a path leading to the temple courtyard, where the wounded were admitted. The footprints on the trail are messy, and some are still very fresh.

John pushed aside the green leaves hanging from the fence, walked through the corridor and entered the other courtyard. There was an unusual smell of medicine and a musty smell like boiled rags.

There were three or five people lying inside. When John came in, his eyes briefly met the maid who was working, and then came to Jurgen's side.

The dwarf was too conspicuous. There was only one person tied to the bed with a bandage, and the bandage was wrapped around his old waist at least ten times.

As John approached, the lying dwarf tried to turn over, but failed. His closed eyes slowly opened and he saw John standing next to him. Jurgen moved his puffy cheeks from side to side and muttered.

"You have to get me out quickly. I don't want to lie here anymore. When the little girl was changing my dressing, she burst into tears, as if I had bullied her."

The strong smell on Jurgen Mercer's body seemed to have been marinated in medicinal soup for a long time. Parts of his exposed skin were very smooth and tender, and there were ugly burn scars on his arms and chest. These terrible marks would be with him for a long time. for the rest of his life. His mood is very stable, just like the bad-tempered dwarf in his impression. His little eyes were still so calm, like a lush garden.

John suddenly choked up. He suppressed the impulse in his heart and let the revealed emotions disappear in silence.

Jurgen Mercer looked at the silent young man in confusion and smiled slightly.

"Karl told me what happened next. You two are such good boys. I almost forgot the last time I heard the legend about the dragon. Now I can tell some new stories to the young people in the woodland. The story of the dragon-slaying warrior. I’ll add you and Carl to it and brag about how crucial you were in it.”

"They will believe it." John smiled softly, "These scars are enough to convince them."

"Okay, can you take off these bandages? That kid Carl is so careless that I can't rest at all."

"If the priest agrees, Jurgen."

John looked at Druid's wound and felt that it was no longer serious, but he was more willing to follow the doctor's advice.

"Then you go ask that crybaby priest, she's right there." Jurgen pouted behind John, and the smooth-chinned dwarf made this move look ridiculous.

John turned around and found that the only person Jurgen was pointing to was the maid who was comforting the patient. He admitted that he had made a mistake. Her robes were clean and simple, and her movements were a little too cautious, but her operations were skillful and not slow. The female pastor's senses were very keen, and their eyes made contact again. She smiled at John, took care of the work in hand, and then walked towards the two of them.

"I am Timothy, Timothy Mary, Holy Spirit bless you..."

"I want to ask if my friend has recovered and if I can let him go to the ground." John interrupted her.

Jurgen was right, Timothy acted cowardly, John's rude interruption made her take a step back as if frightened, and then she stepped forward with the dignity of a priest and inspected the old dwarf's body.

"There is no problem, but I hope he can stay for a few more days. I am brewing some medicine to reduce scars. It will take a while..."

"No! I want to keep them! Like a medal of honor awarded by a king!"

Jurgen's loud voice made the pastor's body tremble. Her eyes were moist and she was about to burst into tears.

John now understood the reason why Carl would pledge the sword here even if he was reluctant to part with it. The Paladin was naturally at a disadvantage against a girl like this who could easily inspire a desire for protection. Presumably, Karl would not dare to speak harshly when facing her.

"Thank you for the cure, but I think the priest should also respect the patient's opinion." John took off the bandage and the old dwarf stood up on the bed.

Jurgen jumped down and took the priest's palm with both hands to express his gratitude.

"It would be better to be stronger, good girl."

A charming blush appeared on Timothy's face, and she smiled solemnly, like a brave little adult, "God's power comes from empathy. I hope you are still healthy when we meet next time, Mr. Jurgen."

John waited until she and Jurgen finished the conversation, and Timothy looked at him. The pastor's keen intuition knew that John still had something to say.

"Just call me John, Miss Priest. In addition to picking up my friend, I'm here for another friend of mine. He mortgaged his sword here because of temporary financial constraints."

"I understand that the temple will charge fees during the treatment process. Both the loss of herbs and the energy you put in should be compensated. However, that sword is really important to my friend. It was left to him by his father. And the father who left this sword... that is the only thing my friend can use to remember him." John made a sad expression and used his superb acting skills to make Timothy cover his mouth.

"We know that changing the decision is difficult for you, but we will try our best to compensate the gods for their loss in the ways we can. For example, we are willing to do volunteer work..."

"Yes, let that kid Karl do it alone." Jurgen helped. "He likes to do this, and he is very good at it. If he is good at asking other people to help, it will only drag him down."

Timothy Maree wiped the corners of his eyes.

"I'm sorry. If I had known that the paladin's weapon was so important, I would never have accepted this deal. Most of the temple's funds come from charity donations. We actually don't value the cost of treatment. God does. His people value it, no matter the rich or the poor.”

Timothy said with a headache: "We don't need that sword, but after taking over the seriously injured Mr. Jurgen, the tall knight had to force his weapon on us no matter how he tried to persuade him. Why? In addition, he ran to the temple hall and announced to all the believers that the weapon had completed the sacred mission of slaying the dragon. The believers cheered with his encouragement and regarded the sword as a rare treasure. We had no choice but to accept the dragon-slaying sword. , and enshrined it on the altar.”

"Just like the legend, the temple is looking forward to welcoming a hero who can rival the sword... But unfortunately, that sword was spotted by a nobleman yesterday and bought it. It was a noble man. , that adult used some strong words during the discussion...I'm sorry, I really can't refuse her."

Jurgen noticed that John's face turned dark. In fact, after hearing the priest's answer, his face didn't get much better. It turns out that everything was just pretentious Karl asking for trouble, and now he really wants to honor his ancestors.

Demiras's family heirloom sword was spotted by a nobleman. He wanted to get it back from the rich or noble man, but it was much more troublesome than getting it back from the priest. If Karl hadn't mentioned the dragon slaying thing, he might still have a chance.

John's mood was getting darker and darker. Jurgen patted the back of his hand at that moment. John saw the dwarf sigh, "... If you can help me, I will help."

John and Timothy discussed some details of the information about the nobles and left the temple with Jurgen.

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