Crimson Servant

Chapter 5 An ordinary sacrifice

Nora Sebas, the shapeshifter druid, stayed in the form of a ferret and was stuck in the pot. She poked her head like a mouse and let out a charming smile that did not fit her current body shape. As one of the few people close to John Camp, this petite woman living in Dark City has a bad habit of stealing. This addiction-like habit once got Nora into big trouble, but this bad shapeshifter The scars are always healed and the pain is forgotten, and the mistakes continue.

No one can tolerate a companion who covets his own property, because the beginning of this distrust will often bring about the collapse of the adventure team.

John Kemp kept chattering while looking at the ferrets on the ground, and Nora even talked more and more enthusiastically, starting from recent anecdotes to future plans, and finally talked about John's layout of his personal room. Warlocks are not good at words. When communicating, John is better at using his pale appearance to achieve intimidation by assuming an indifferent posture.

But when facing Nora Sebas, John's hard-edged cold face would always collapse unconsciously and he would fall into a helpless state.

"Nora, stop talking nonsense. I'm not too angry. As long as you don't sneak into the secret room on the roof and mess with the things I put in the magic storage box, I can treat it as nothing happened. You haven't offended me. Taboo, invasion of my privacy, right?”

"Of course, my John!" Nora's excited voice was in a line, and she said cheerfully like singing, "I swear to Ms. Conspiracy, I never broke into your sacrificial chamber without permission. From your bottle full of blood and Take anything from the treasure chest of various dangerous magic weapons!"

"..." John's face instantly elongated, with a gloomy expression.

Noila froze on the spot, silent for a moment, and then added without confidence: "I...I guessed it, because I understand you very well, right?... I helped you sort out most of your belongings. As long as you rummage through the boxes, I will If you can guess what’s in that box, use a simple elimination method!”

John knelt down and stretched out his index finger to stroke the ferret's little head.

"Hehe..." Nora rubbed back to please, but she saw that John's waxy fingertips had turned red, and a drop of blood seeped out from her snow-white hair, turning into a small snake on John's fingertips. Of course Nora knew that it was not her blood, but whose blood was it?

"I hid a drop of blood in the lock cylinder of the treasure chest. Anyone who tries to pick the lock will be contaminated by this drop of blood and be noticed by me." John stared at Nora, his eyes like razors layering the druid's lies. Peel off the layers.

"...Haha, I will never do anything to hurt you, John." This was Nora Sebas's last struggle, and her tone was as weak as her current form.

John pinched the ferret's neck with one hand, controlled the anti-theft pot to release the druid, and with a slight force of two fingers, Nora's imminent transformation was restrained. John picked up the ferret by its tail, ran out a few red ribbons from his robe, wrapped them around the ferret, then fell down and rubbed it along the fur. Like squeezing a bottle of ketchup, gleaming gold and silver objects fell out of the ferret's fur and hit the floor with a crisp sound, forming a mountain of treasure.

"Go away." John opened the window and threw the small animal in his hand out of the window.

Of course she won't fall. Nora Sebas's use of transformation is the best among all the people John has ever seen. It is this magical transformation ability that allows her to pass through any gap and steal property. Ignoring the noise outside the house, John Kemp turned his back, looked at the scrolls scattered on the floor in the house, and began to pack them away.

The sound of flapping wings appeared on the window lattice. John heard the sound of the axis rotating and turned around again.

Black leather boots stepped across the window and stepped on the floor. Nora was wearing her brown jacket and dark blue leather pants. Her black wavy hair barely covered her pointed ears. Her smart brown eyes blinked twice, and her delicate facial features were in a The middle state between a girl and a mature woman. Nora Sebas's original appearance was about 1.6 meters tall, and the way she climbed over the window was as light as a child, but the look in her eyes had an uncoordinated maturity, a maturity that John loved but was helpless.

"What are you doing here again?" John lowered his voice, "Just now was the last time I showed mercy to you, Nora."

"The person who was kicked out of the house just now was the thief Sebastian, and now the person who walked into the window is John's good friend Nora!" The woman opened her arms and approached John step by step.

"Back off..."

"You think this is funny?"

"Don't be so childish..."

"Oh no……"

John felt that he must be too tired and out of shape to feel dizzy when he looked directly into Nora's eyes. She hugged John, her head buried in his arms, her nose pressed against the blood-smelling fabric. John arched his back and could just smell the smell in Nora's hair. The grassy smell was mixed with the refreshing mint aroma, a nostalgic smell.

"Welcome home, John."

John never wanted this sentence, but he admitted that the moment he heard it, his body suddenly collapsed, and he felt soft and comfortable. The feeling dissipated as quickly as he had noticed Nora's theft.

"No matter what you are planning, I will never agree to it."

"Just a simple greeting, without any impurities."

John sneered and said: "Francis once told me that it is actually very simple to see through Nora Sebas. Don't believe any of her words."

Nora raised her head and looked up at John with a pure smile.

"Francis is a brainless idiot, don't listen to his nonsense."

"It's hard to say, Francis' status in my heart is similar to yours..."

"I love you, little John."


The warlock's face fell, and he pulled his arms out of Nora's arms and patted his sleeves.

"You always play to your strengths."

"I proved Francis wrong, John."

"...Hard to say." John Kemp lowered his head, "I plan to take a rest, Nora."

After hearing John's eviction order, the considerate Nora walked to the window. This time she left much more calmly than a few minutes ago.

"Nora." When Druid stepped on the window frame, John's voice came from behind.

She looked back.


"When did you convert to the goddess of conspiracy?"

Nora Sebas showed a sly smile, raised her left hand and showed the back of her hand. On that small hand, the ugly ring-shaped scar was like a terrible worm burrowing into the flesh.

"If I lose my asylum, of course I have to find a home for myself."

Nora Sebas transformed into a bat and disappeared into the air, and John closed the window, making the room closed again. Nora's arrival is just a small episode, he still has really important things to accomplish.

Walking up the stairs to the original sixth floor, this place has been transformed into a secret room. The large treasure box placed in the corner is covered with a layer of gray cloth. Opposite the treasure box is an experimental table with alchemy utensils and some study materials on it. Drawings, the bookshelf on the side was half empty due to insect infestation, and many of the books and letters collected on adventures were already in pieces before they were even read.

I was very happy when I first collected it, but I never read it again after I took it home.

After all, the furnishings in this secret room are just disguises.

The same goes for the huge treasure chest, which contains blood bottles that are not new, as well as sundries collected in past adventures that are no longer useful.

The only secret that John Camp cared about was a stone chair placed in the corner, with a twisted pattern smeared on it with blood, like a mysterious religious symbol. It was the closest sacrificial-style furniture in this secret room.

John activated the magic power, and the old blood stains quietly deformed and turned back into a reactivated portal array. The magician sat on it, pulling himself with the magic power, and teleported himself to the real secret room.

When he opened his eyes again, John saw a deep red in the darkness.

The airtight room made entirely of stone bricks was filled with red mist. They pounced on John, giving the warlock dark vision and allowing the true appearance of the secret room to appear in the eyes of its owner.

A circular pool occupies most of the space, and the surrounding stone steps are washed into dark red. The smell of blood is not heavy, and even the stale air in the secret room is somewhat fresh. These tiny anomalies can help people discern the mystery and understand that this place is under great gaze.




The cold pool water gradually became active, and the liquid crawled out of the pool, blurring the boundaries with the air, twisting in John's whisper, and bits of light separated from the deep red, like stars in the night sky.

In John Camp's vision, this pool of blood is not a whole, and the blood does not blend, but many bundles are tangled together in the shape of ribbons, like a school of eels in the pool. Now they are floating in the air, and there is no blurred boundary between them. Following a fixed direction, they start to flow back like shoals of fish, forming a hollow ring.

The bloodline containing rich magic power was pulled by the power in the red mist, and condensed into a door in front of John, a hole connected to the greatness. From the other side, the solemn and terrifying power squeezed into the hole little by little. The crimson particles almost burst the sealed space. Veltis stretched out his "tentacles".

John suffered the familiar feeling of heart palpitations and released the red robe's spell. He instantly became a bloody man, and every trace of the crimson power acted on his skin. The adhering blood on the body surface was torn open by force, and the exposed pale skin seemed to be being burned. The pain hit the nerves. John gritted his teeth and insisted on chanting:

"My master, my god..."

"The ominous red mist, the crimson god, the corrupter, Veltis..."

"Please allow your servant John Kemp to offer a rare sacrifice..."

"The sorcerer blood of Raosahib Krenzo..."

"All pain returns to deep red."

The drawn warlock's blood poked out from John's chest and penetrated into the hole surrounded by countless blood streams. It was like a weak flame lighting a candle, and everything began to glow. In front of John Kemp's eyes, he saw Veltis lighting up the crimson stars, turning everything into a collapsing red mist.

The warlock arched his back and lowered his head towards the symbol of disaster.

"I love you forever, my master."

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