Crimson Servant

Chapter 48 Last Resort

"Lord Earl Cadian, the young master's knight training has made progress."

"Really? Instructor, have you successfully made my stupid son return from his lost ways?"

"No, sir, it was the young master who convinced me. He is the most talented warrior I have ever seen. His talent for learning martial arts is amazing. There are few young people in the empire who can match him. He is a natural soldier."

"The Demiras family does not lack soldiers, but a qualified heir to the nobility. You have been fired, instructor. I will not give you the agreed reward. The disappointment you have brought to me is far from worth the price. Now please disappear from my sight, no, leave my territory.”

"It should be so. Master Carl has already acquired all my abilities. There is nothing I can teach you. If you can, please tell Master. He has always been my proudest student."

"Get out of here! Now! I swear on the Demiras family crest that I will never give my son a chance to go to war! I will stop him, at any cost. Let me think about it, what else can prevent the family from falling? Fame can make him quit the hard work..."

"Lord Earl Cadian, I bring good news."

"Pastor William, if you come in April, I will entertain you in the most luxurious banquet room, with delicious delicacies and my wife's favorite preserves; if you come in July, I will invite you to share game at my resort estate; If you come in October, I will take you to sit by the fire and share warm tea imported from far away places with you. But if you come now...I am afraid I will have to receive you according to the situation."

"The good news is about Master Carl..."

"Oh, no...please allow me to prepare myself mentally. Okay, tolerant Pastor William, was Carl violated the doctrine and was dismissed? Although it is the third year, it is a little late..."

"No, Master Karl has far exceeded your expectations. You should have more confidence in the young master. He completed the vocational education of the Paladin in only three years. Now he has a holy book, and will be awarded the Holy Emblem by the bishop himself and become the Sun A warrior! My God, this is an honor that ordinary people cannot enjoy even after a lifetime of hard work. I really envy you for having such an outstanding heir."

"...Did I give less to the Glory Church? Or is my wife not prayerful enough to the sun? Why! Things never go as I want! A few years ago, I learned that the boy was as strong as an earth dragon. , now you tell me that he still has a sun in his heart! Oh, my God, if I hadn’t known my wife’s loyalty, I would have suspected that he was a bastard!”

"Oh, Lord Cadian, how could you guess so much? Everyone who sees Master Carl's appearance can easily understand the close blood relationship between your father and son. He and you are almost carved from the same mold. Master Carl Literally a younger and stronger version of you.”

"Oh, I didn't like to dance with swords when I was a child, and I had a harmonious relationship with my father."

"Maybe as long as you change your perspective, you can easily accept Master Carl. A wise nobleman like you should not be difficult to see this. Master Carl is an outstanding young man, and he will be the pride of the Demiras family. I am a little hard to understand. Why would you feel depressed about his glorious career? Parental love is about support, not hindrance."

"The situation in the mainland is turbulent. I will not give my son any reason to lose his life on the battlefield. His strength is exactly his weakness. His excellence will be noticed by those jackals staring at the battlefield, those dirty Eating carrion... An incompetent Demiras is much safer than a strong Demiras, and my physical condition has enough time to raise a grandson suitable for the family, as long as his father lives to give birth to him. "

"That kid needs to stumble a bit. He needs to learn to fail instead of charging like a mindless wild boar."

"Otherwise, he will only fall harder in the future."

Karl gritted his teeth and tried to lift his knees from the ground. He tried once, but the stinging pain in his joints almost made him faint. His eyes were bloodshot and hot, as if he were blind. To his delight, he felt the pain. This means that the blasphemous power of death has been drained from his body and has lost its boost. He can only face the crimson doomsday in front of him with a tenacious will, because his body has been defeated and is not far from the end he envisioned.

He failed, and after a moment of bravery, he fell into this doomsday radiation. The power of the potion was exhausted, and the power activated by the Breaker Armor fell silent. The effect he had was just to advance the failure by ten minutes. John didn't rescue him, but he got in.

Is this the end?

His consciousness began to distort and his vision gradually blurred. In a trance, the Paladin felt a sense of fear towards the world, as if there was something terrible hidden in the air around him. The dark emotion even overshadowed the burning pain in his body, making Karl feel A chill that penetrated deep into the bones.

He saw a huge burning eyeball turn its gaze towards him. That dark pupil is filled with evil and ominous chaos, and even despair will sink in it. The shadows in the vertical pupils expanded towards the surroundings, causing the crazy phantom pain to gradually fade away.

But that profound gaze did not disappear, but sank into a dim starry sky.

Carl saw a burning ring, like a star burned out.

The heavy mental pressure caused Karl to faint.

Others were not affected by the red light because they were further away. Jurgen used the clear ice to block out the light and could barely see clearly what happened, although he was personally a little surprised.

He saw a blurry black figure standing up in the center of the distorted red light. The red light that would cause burn pain quickly fluctuated, and then faded. The light became weaker and weaker, becoming more intense than The original brilliance of the sun became even dimmer.

At this time, Jurgen and others saw the black shadow clearly.

The thin warlock stood in front of the dim crimson sun, looking down at the paladin kneeling before him with an unfamiliar look.

The arcane sun that was close to collapse collapsed inwards, and the residual heat formed a hollow ring. In the center of the ring, the dangerous alien atmosphere was stimulating the nerves of every witness.

John seemed to have ignored the threat, or perhaps his frail body had become stiff and unable to move.

Any sane person can guess to whom the dangerous aura behind the circle belongs.

The Crimson God, the Everlasting Red Mist, the Corruptor.

Wiltis cast his gaze upon this place.

That evil oppression was so close to Paladin Karl that Jurgen couldn't tell who he was afraid of at this time. As for John, he was closer than Karl.

The crimson gaze dissipated quickly. After Jurgen and others felt their fear dissipate, they found that the restraints on their bodies had also disappeared.

Those vines with strong emerald green roots were dead and turned an ugly rust-red color. They could easily break free with a little force. Dust with burnt black particles spewed out from the broken plant sections, which looked like sand that had lost nutrients when pinched.

The Mother Tree lost its vitality due to crimson corruption. It was the first to be infected and the most severely corrupted. Fortunately, he was fine, and everyone understood that the standing warlock must have played a key role.

Saiman fled deeper. His symbiosis ritual shared the vitality of the tree mother and returned to youth. Now the tree mother has withered, and the withering of exhaustion has also fed back to his body. He understands that he has failed. Before the real weakness comes, Can only retreat.

Before leaving the third floor, he looked at the warlock who seemed to be knocked down by the wind for the last time. The red light dissipated, and the image of John standing in front of the sun was deeply engraved in the Druid's mind. He understood something, and there was naked hatred and vague fear in his eyes.

Found you, beloved one.

Saiman disappeared into the shadows of the tree cave that led deeper.

Saiman's escape did not attract much attention from the Sun Team, and the attention of the remaining people was completely focused on John.

Jurgen slowly approached, talking about some boring topic while slowly approaching the unconscious paladin.

Lightning followed him far-fetchedly, and the fingers holding the bow seemed to be welded to his weapon.

They looked at John with strange eyes, and were wary of the warlock's actions.

When John discovered all this, he just rolled his eyes slightly ridiculously and stood quietly, not taking any active action until his companion calmed down.

Jurgen carefully examined Karl's injuries and found that there were only some minor sequelae.

"John, you did that, right?"

Lightning wanted to hear his friend say no, but he knew he would never believe it if he did.

"Extinguish that crimson sun? Yes, that's what I did."

Lightning swallowed and opened his beak a few times, but like a mute made no sound until Jurgen said what he wanted to say.

"How did you do it? Interfering with Crimson's corruption."

The Crimson Ritual is a very dangerous ritual. One of the reasons is that once it is carried out, it cannot be stopped. Only the Wiltis Warlock can undo the Crimson Ritual. If this logic is established, their speculation about John will become a reality.

"No, what are you thinking? I didn't interfere with Crimson's corruption, I just destroyed its corruption target."

"Arcane Sun, just when my body was integrated into the magic network, I discovered that it was a huge energy structure."

"Remember? I have the key."

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