Crimson Servant

Chapter 46 Death Knight Karl

John's mind was racing, and he thought of many possibilities in an instant.

Are corpses corrupted by the Crimson Ritual also alive? If they can't be called "skeletons," do they engage in sociosexuality? If all of this is true, will my level in the Crimson system allow them to spontaneously act?

Thoughts were eliminated one by one, and John finally retained only one conclusion.

A conclusion that is almost impossible and closest to reality.

John parted his lips and spoke softly.


Mechanical armor pieces like snake scales extend from the breastplate to the limbs. The living machine fits the body, deforms and joins together, and is fully armed. The hoarfrost condenses, and the dead frozen soil swallows up the surrounding life, leaving pale traces like frostbite. Electricity sputtered from the mechanical armor, and the cold wind picked up snowflakes, gathering into an icy cyclone around him. The original cage had long since been frozen, turning into a fragile ice crystal structure that could break at a touch.

The full armor structure of the Breaker Armor leaves no gaps. What hides the face is a sealed iron helmet with a three-pointed crown on the top of the head.

He broke free from the cage, stepped on the crumbling steps, and walked down the throne of frost.

"Yes, I drank that blasphemous potion."

A cyclone of ice surrounded the body, and the death metal knight's rage turned into ice and spread around. The eerie and deep voice seemed to come from the underworld.

"What choice do I have! Do you want me to watch you die?"

Paladin Carl Demiras drank the bottle of undead potion, and the power of death entering his body resonated with the power of the Holy Light from the same source. The Holy Light fueled death, and under the adaptive adjustment of the Breaker's armor, Paladin Carl Demiras gained the power of death.

The more devout a paladin is, the more powerful he becomes after his fall.

The moment Carl Demiras masters death, he will learn to manipulate the living corpse.

"I will never tolerate my companions falling before my eyes for the second time."

Saiman saw his enemy in a new light.

Those who desecrate nature target those who desecrate death.

The newly reborn Druid was arrogant and arrogant. Saiman maintained his elegance and smiled like a frozen armored man.

"Oh, you don't look too good."

The druid's act of sacrificing his companions made Carl sick, and his cruel deeds were the main culprit in forcing himself to drink the potion. Death would suppress the knight's emotions, but Cal still felt like his anger was like an erupting active volcano.

With heavy, slow steps, gathering momentum, Carl advanced toward his enemy.

"I will take back a little bit of the shame I have endured from you."

The druid raised his eyebrows, and the death knight's determined tone angered him.

"You drink medicine and turn into the body of an undead monster?"

The words that hit the painful point made the death knight pause. He raised the frost-covered family sword, and the magic power of death shot out a dark light at the tip, pointing directly at his enemy.

That eerie moan should only echo in the barren tomb.

"You're dead." Short and heavy.

The corners of Saiman's mouth curled up in a ferocious arc, and he drew out a long stick and rushed towards Karl. He was as fast as a cheetah, exploded like a lion, and struck Karl on the head with a stick that danced out an afterimage. Karl's speed was much slower than Zeman's. The power of his sword swing whipped up a cold storm, condensed an unstoppable momentum, and slashed at Zeman's waist.

The death knight's strange power not only blocked Saiman's attack, but the force was still as strong as if it was going to cut the druid in half. Saiman drew back his waist and abdomen to avoid the horizontal slash. The force coming from his palm made his expression solemn, and Karl's power was completely unable to resist. Fortunately he is bulky enough.


Taking advantage of the opportunity to twist around, Karl dropped the deceptive shield and struck Saiman's unprotected chest with his free left fist. Saiman dodged, but the force of death still hit his shoulder.

Saiman's right shoulder suddenly shattered, and the wound immediately festered and was covered with white frost. The druid's horrified expression was exactly the same as when his apprentice faced the paladin for the first time.

That's the look on a monster.

Saiman dodged several attacks and then jumped away. He touched the wound with his palm and concentrated on healing, barely stopping the injury before Karl entangled him. The power of death is too powerful to restrain the vitality. Small wounds of this degree could have been quickly recovered by Saiman's own self-healing, but the death knight not only easily penetrated his defense, but also infected him with the cold plague. The body prevents the regeneration of life.

The enemy in front of you is a complete natural enemy.

"What a despicable sneak attack. Is this your method? Paladin?"

Karl responded negatively to Seiman's scheming.

"Just maintaining this blasphemous posture is a great shame and humiliation for me. My heart is cut by a knife every moment. It is impossible to remain impartial. Sorry, my mind is now thinking about how to kill quickly. You, end this torture. Can you just stay still and die quickly?"

Transformation into a death knight had a profound impact on Karl's thinking. Under normal circumstances, the paladin Karl would never say such harsh words.

After playing against each other a few more times, Saiman gained a deep understanding of Carl's impression.

A tough nut to crack.

That powerful armor and death knight transformation simultaneously gave Karl terrifying defensive power. His bear-like strength and excellent fighting instincts turned him into a killing machine. His speed was indeed very slow, but Saiman discovered that he was gradually slowing down.

It's those icy cyclones that surround the death knight.

The cold power of death lowers the surrounding temperature, causing the cold body to lose heat, dulling the muscles and nerves, and slowing down the sensory reactions. To make matters worse, the cold also slowed his discovery of his own anomalies.

Saiman was already feeling colder and colder, as if his blood was beginning to clot.

With his body hypothermic, his nerves dull, and his vitality suppressed by death, Saiman felt that he was extremely aggrieved. Why would anyone prepare the power of death against the vitality of plants, and there happened to be a paladin who could maximize its effectiveness.

Jenny Series Automata said it was responsible for this. As gardeners guarding the third-level planting area, they found the magical power of the mother tree after a long maintenance period, and used skillful alchemy to transform it into usable potions.

This is a common victory for the Optittan natives and adventurers.

"Why! Why did you defeat my careful plan that I have been running for many years with just a bottle of medicine! Are my preparations and everything I have endured insignificant?"

The wound was cut open by Karl's long sword again. At the moment of the injury, Karl detonated the freezing plague in Saiman's body, and the terrifying force like an ice explosion exploded a hole in Saiman's waist and abdomen. He covered his shattered wounds and screamed at the collapse of the death knight in front of him.

Karl spoke indifferently.

"Saiman, there is only one reason why you lost to me."

"That's the biggest difference between us. Because, I'm not alone."

Druid's eyes lit up, as if he understood something.

"I understand! It's those living corpses! Despicable death knight! You pretended to fight with me and secretly sent those living corpses to contaminate the vitality-filled parts of the tree mother. No wonder my power has been suppressed, you insidious guy! So you It’s not as simple as it seems!”

"It's you! What I mean is that I have companions worth protecting behind me! It is they who support me in fighting unyieldingly. I am different from you who easily sacrifice my companions! I have faith! Behind me! I want to protect it. All good things! So I defeated you!"

Carl has a very obvious aversion to manipulating corpses. After having to control the living corpse to protect John, he forgot the existence of the living corpse and entered the battle because of his disgust. The living corpses did not fall again because of the loss of command. As long as the death knight existed, they would act according to their instincts. The instinct of disgust towards life makes these brainless zombies spontaneously start to suppress the places with the strongest vitality.

Sayman believes Carr's victory stemmed from meanness.

Carl believed that his victory was due to justice.

Regardless, Carl won.

"Betrayer, blasphemer, evil person! Eat my Holy Slash!"

The sword in his hand erupted with eerie and deadly icy magic, and Karl struck the finishing blow towards Saiman.

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