Crimson Servant

Chapter 41 Going deep into the center

Carl DeMillas eventually took down that door.

He held a stick broken into two parts in his hand, raised his hands high, and stepped on the fallen door panel to demonstrate to his companions. At the edge of the empty gap where the iron-hooped gate was originally located, the wall skin peeled off, cracks appeared on the wall, and powder fell off at this time, as if it had been passed over by a warthog.

Carl excitedly acted like a conqueror, as if he had a world under his feet rather than a broken door.

John passed by the paladin without saying a word. Lightning followed closely behind, tilting his head to face the Paladin's expectant gaze.

Karl put down his hand and said dissatisfied: "You just passed by like this? Without a word of thanks?"

Jurgen looked like he "can't stand you" and applauded him silently, although he slowly seemed to be rhythmic with his footsteps.

The Sun Team entered the botanical garden, which was already occupied by vines and roots. The wall panels that isolated the rooms were torn apart by plants, the load-bearing walls were covered with leaves, and a sultry and humid fragrance filled the darkness.

The Crow Man stuck his head out, straddling the bird's beak in the compartment and sniffing the air. He rolled his black eyes twice and let go of the hand that was blocking his companion.

"Safe, no side effects, it just seems to be a pure scent."

"The scent of plants is enough to explain the problem." He waved his palms to fan the scent in front of him, and John tried to distinguish that this scent was closer to those of flowering plants.

The druid couldn't smell because of his undead transformation, and there was only the freezing cold air in his nose.

"It only has the flavor during the flowering period."

When plants bloom, they release fragrance to attract pollinating insects and other communicators, thereby achieving the purpose of reproduction.

Karl shrugged, and with the nod of his partner, he followed the direction of the roots and went deeper inward, "So, what does this mean? That tree mother is about to bloom? What does she want to attract with these fragrances, us?"

John held the torch and observed the dense branches on the wall to confirm the direction.

"Mage Asht has modified the tree mother. Maybe it doesn't need to reproduce, but its life instinct still retains its original habits. This fragrance may be a signal, indicating that this magical plant has entered a critical period."

"Ahead of us, there are the Veltis cultists and the Tree Mothers, a dangerous combination that can lead to dire consequences."

Lightning took a breath and subconsciously touched the cloth bag containing the potion.

"What dire consequences?"

On the other side where the torch cannot shine, John's looking back is hidden in the shadows.

"That's the scary thing, we don't know anything."

Karl's eyes were focused on the back of the team. The traces of death left by Jurgen were more conspicuous than the torches in the darkness. If the cultists arranged sentries around, they would definitely not miss the traces of the team. There has been no enemy attack yet, and the Paladin still feels lucky, but he will not relax because of this.

Wearing a picked-up cloak on his armor, Karl walked on the edge of the firelight. The once-shiny armor was stained with dust. He was slightly surprised by the non-reflective surface of the Breaker's armor. It didn't look like this before.

All the roots lead to a downward nest, and the dense branches are knotted with each other. It is effortless to carry the tall Karl. They feel the branches and climb down, entering a larger cavity.

Green and pink luminous particles float in the air. It is slightly brighter here than the outer layer, and the fragrance is more pungent. These luminous objects moved away from Jurgen as if they were escaping. The plants under his feet were strong enough and turned into ice harder than stone under the influence of the withered aura.

John grabbed a luminous object in succession, and when he took it in, he found that the object was about the size of a walnut.

"Pollen is magnified in equal proportions, as if it has a constant magnification spell. If you take it outside, you may be able to replace it with a mage tower."

Karl's eyes widened, "Is it valuable? There are... so many here!"

John threw the pollen away. Instead of falling, it floated in the air, riding on the rising scent below.

"If the plant's mage tower is exposed to the sun, it might grow a new one."

The roots spiraling downward stick to the wall of the hollow building, and the light becomes brighter as it goes deeper, but it is not a dazzling light, but a more elegant and soft mana aura. Looking down through the gap in the rhizome, a huge hotel-sized bud comes into view. The huge dark blue sepals wrap the purple-pink petals, all of which are clearly visible. Because the light comes from the center of the bud, it shines through the layers of blocks.

What is preserved in the bud is not the stamen, but the arcane sun. Every ten seconds, there will be an earthquake-like fluctuation from under your feet, like the snoring of a giant beast, swirling up scent and pollen and spurting out from the gaps.

Karl's face was solemn, and he slowly walked in front of a few people, separating the halo from his companions.

"I heard that it was an arcane sun, and I heard that it was a source of mana, but I never heard that it was a bomb that was about to go off, or a super bomb that had already lit the fuse."

John slapped Carl's hand away and continued downward.

"Then you know now, the sun and the mana fountain are super bombs, when they are about to get out of control."

"Nonsense, the sun and magic are both gods."

"Gods also explode sometimes."

The mana tide became more intense in the depths, and several people showed discomfort under such heavy pressure. Karl stared at the bud that was constantly enlarging in front of his eyes, and began to silently recite the name of the God of the Sun.

Traces of crimson magic contamination began to appear in the area the Sun Team passed through, which made several people's hearts sink. Only John looked at the traces vigorously, occasionally nodding and making "aha" sounds.

"Want to hear some good news?"

"Yeah, hopefully it's good news."

"The remaining spell traces are of a single specification, with a small range, probably [Magic Energy Explosion]. This shows that those cultists can only do some magic, and are low-level, simple-minded apprentices. Believe me, the profound Velty The warlocks could certainly wreak more terrible damage if they wanted to."

Carl frowned.

"You mean, those who like to cast a single spell can be judged to be just some low-class magicians?"

"You can understand that."

The paladin eyed John suspiciously.

"If, and I mean if, if explained by the same haven't cast many tricks either, Fireball Warlock."

John wasn't sure if Carl was just being sarcastic or if the paladin's keen intuition was warning him again.

Of course John can cast a wide variety of spells, and they are improved crimson spells. Because of need, there are quite few spell slots left in his brain, and fireball is the most common conventional spell. It does not contain personal characteristics and will not arouse suspicion.

John did not answer, but turned to look at Jurgen.

The dwarf covered his head. He didn't know why he was ashamed like an unqualified educator, but he couldn't help but answer.

"Carl, growing, fast, in every way."

Carl Demiras showed excellent learning talent in the dungeon, so the question arises, who is the instructor with flexible tongue and sarcastic words.

John Kemp raised his index finger.

"First, fireball is not a simple trick. It is not just a simple spark released at the fingertips. The explosion range of fireball needs to be accurately calculated. A seemingly rough cast will test the caster's ability, and a precise cast will It improves the versatility of the spell and allows it to be used in various situations."

John Kemp raised a second finger.

"Second, the traces caused by the fireball technique are similar to the traces caused by ordinary explosions, which are similar to the traces caused by alchemical explosives. Only mages can accurately judge the explosion traces of the fireball technique..."

Carl shrugged.

"I'd rather face a mage than someone blasting goblins with alchemical explosives."


John Kemp retracted his index finger and turned the back of his hand in a half circle toward Karl.

"You're so cute."

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