Crimson Servant

Chapter 37 I have no emotions, I am a robot

"You know, John. I have always believed that deception is the action with the highest return rate. Because deception is very simple, your success rate is related to how well you know the target, and it does not take much talent or talent to be familiar with a person. Want to The desire to get close to others is in our blood. Getting close and profiting from it is as simple as breathing..."

Nora Sebas is always by my side telling me about the strange theories that suddenly come to her. This is usually a spur-of-the-moment craze. The weird shape-shifter will come up with a theory that he thinks is correct after thirty minutes of thinking. , and completely overturned the truth she had blindly decided a day ago.

On the day when she proposed the concept of "cheating is breathing", she stole the purse containing twenty-seven silver dragon coins from me, and used her labor income to buy me an eighteenth birthday present, a wrinkled book. The leather book "A Thirty Years of Learning" and a bouquet of hyacinth flowers. She could have gotten these for free, but the druid's old-fashioned bigotry made her value the sanctity of her birthday gift, even though it was bought with my money.

Whenever I wanted to engage in something a little less regimented, I kept thinking of Nora and imagining how this woman would act, only to find that anything bad she did would seem appropriate.

At this time, I will be surprised, surprised that she has really done a lot of things in front of me. She has been with me for a long, long time, so long that the parts of my life that are not happy are filled with her shadow.

The memory of Nora dissipated from his mind as the ceremony ended, and the bright blue magic particles no longer touched John's memory. They deposited downward and gathered toward the palm of his hand.

The feeling of being spied on disappeared in the darkness, and soon after the divine murmur disappeared, the evil breath of the undead leached out of the soil again.

It was clear that the price had been borne by Crenzo, but John's shoulders still felt a little heavy. The insight of the God of Knowledge was really unbearable. Did He really ignore the deception of the sorcerer of Veltis?

Lifting his knees from the ground, John stood up and raised the [Crenzo's Silver Key] in his hand.

"I got the key to the intimidation doll."

The iron house is still surrounded by a net woven by plants, and there is a soft rustling sound of leaves in the darkness. At this time, this sound does not evoke people's dark fantasies, but it is terrifying in its own right.

The metal door opened again as John approached. When he returned to the workshop along the spiral staircase, he thought that this would be the last time Jenny VII voluntarily opened the door.

"Have you taken care of your physiological needs outside, adventurer?" Jenny VII said coldly. The proud automaton noticed that when John came back, the rest of the Sun Team silently approached and formed an encirclement.

"Stand back! This is the last warning!"

John laughed, a slightly sly smile. The paladin stepped aside, and John approached steadily. He raised the silver key in his hand, like a king wearing a crown symbolizing royal power. The gleaming silver key released magical radiance, making Jenny VII, a construct, fearful.

The doll's voice was trembling, like all her gears were clashing against each other.

"What is that? Get it away! Get away from me!"

John smiled even more proudly. He stretched out his left hand, grabbed the steel doll's neck, and put one end of the silver key against Jenny VII's face, allowing the blue light of the silver key to further infect her.

"It seems you feel it, right, doll. It is changing you, and you cannot resist the power of the Silver Key, a gift from Metatalon, the God of Knowledge."

Jenny VII's fear became clearer. She felt the pure magic penetrate into every tooth root of her gears, analyzing every screw of her own. Her own current accepted it helplessly, dialyzing her with the unfamiliar magic. body. She felt that the magic flowed through her core, passing through the surface of the crystal etched with the core code. As long as she applied a little force, it would cause irreparable damage to her intelligence.

Regarding Jenny VII's reaction, John applauded internally, but pretended to be confident on the outside and said: "It seems you have understood. In a few minutes, you will get a new master, the heir to the great Crenzo family. The Archmage John Crenzo, beloved of the God of Knowledge, is me. Kneel down, my servant, and I command you to sacrifice everything."

In fact, this is impossible. Crenzo's silver key is specific to constructs. This magical prop can modify the permissions of any construct once, provided that the construct has no will of its own and still belongs to the category of tools. Because the God of Knowledge does not like to create a dominant class, the God believes that only free souls can create rich knowledge.

John got to know some of the personality of this automatic doll through contact. In her heart, she was proud of Asht's brilliance, and her disdain for adventurers made her never accept John's servitude calmly, so that she could develop as John expected. .

At this time, Jenny VII experienced the horror of falling into the abyss. Her body learned to beg for mercy while trembling. The chaotic recognition system could not distinguish whether this mental influence came from the implantation of the silver key. Jenny VII thought it was her own will.

"The reward I promised will only be given when I am conscious, only takes twenty seconds for me to delete my memory. You can only get a blank metal puppet. I...I can let He used the etching furnace in advance. It is an extremely complicated device to operate, and I am the only one who knows how to operate it!"

John let go, he had gotten what he wanted.

Jenny VII leaned on the instrument table. She watched the Sun Team slowly disperse. She had never felt the sound of the gears turning as sweet as it did now.

Until John ruthlessly interrupted her recollection.

"You have to work for me to win your freedom, Jenny VII," John shook the beautiful silver key, "Your destiny is not yet in your own hands."

Jenny VII's expression was cold. For the first time, she felt that her fixed face was so obstructive. She needed expressions and needed to express her anger to these adventurers with a colder coldness.

"I see."

Jenny VII, who was successfully intimidated, had to accept this humiliation. Just when she got the memory metal ingot to operate the furnace to smelt it, there was an overseer who thought she was fierce standing next to her.

Paladin Carl had a stinky face, staring wordlessly at the busy back of the doll. Whenever Jenny VII glanced at him, the Paladin would raise his fist and slam it on the table to intimidate her.

Carl's behavior is effective, and his silly performance makes it difficult for Jenny VII to concentrate on her work and have no extra mental energy to think about the authenticity of John's danger. In fact, Carl was viewed by the automaton as a form of mental torture that John added to her.

What is truly terrifying is the human spellcaster dressed like a beast. Jenny VII has fallen into the fear of the magician.

John and Jurgen were raiding Jenny VII's herbal warehouse together. Their herbal knowledge confirmed each other's knowledge, looking for potions that would help in the exploration. The actual results were unsatisfactory, and the doll's workshop was in short supply of supplies. This besieged automaton seemed to be just hanging on for a while.

Forced into a shortage of supplies by medicinal materials, this also shows Jenny VII's urgency to destroy the Tree Mother.

There was still some distance before the agreed completion time, so John walked calmly to the huge furnace where Jenny VII worked. The surrounding temperature is not high, but the skin can feel a numb feeling stimulated by electric current. A delicate armor is being formed in the furnace. The lightning visible in the furnace fire is like a delicate mechanical hand grabbing the molten metal piece. Add loops under high-voltage laser etching.

John had a hunch that it would be a powerful magical armor.

His eyes moved and he saw two well-shaped metal ingots next to the puppet's operating table. John frowned slightly and asked Jenny VII who was operating it, "Why are there two more?"

"I took the gorilla's physique into consideration and designed the armor that best suited him. Under the premise of maximizing the armor's armor level and shape, I saved those two pieces of metal. His armor is already perfect enough, and these two pieces Memory metal is supposed to be my reward.”

John's expression was calm.

"Do they work for you?"

Jenny VII nodded.

"Although the weight is insufficient, it can produce some spare parts for me after casting. I really lack this, and it is related to my survival."

Jenny VII retrieved the skills in dealing with humans that she had learned from some social books, looked at John with sincere eyes, and explained the truth to impress him.

John and Jenny looked at each other for a moment.

"Knock these two pieces into armor pieces and weld them to the Paladin's armor."

Jenny VII began to spit out various insulting ancient words in her mouth, and her hands carried out John's orders in an orderly manner.

Finally, Paladin Carl got his new piece of armor that was perfect and exquisitely crafted. The only flaw was that there was an obviously rough and eye-catching cross in the middle of the breastplate, like a hideous scar on a perfect body.

"So ugly," Carl complained to John.

"I thought all paladins liked crosses. I will ask the blacksmith to weld an 'X' next time."

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